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Will there be an increase in pensions for military pensioners? Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces Will military pensions be increased?


The Russian President announced the indexation of military pensions in January 2019 based on inflation. Money from the federal budget was allocated in 2019.

Rumors about an extension of the moratorium no longer have any basis. According to economists, the financial situation in the country allows funds to be allocated to increase pensions for military personnel.

Who gets

There are 3 main types of pensions, depending on which the conditions for receiving payments differ:

  1. For years of service.
  2. Due to disability.
  3. For the loss of a breadwinner.

In order for a former military member to begin receiving a long-service pension, he must meet the following requirements:

  • have at least 20 years of military experience;
  • if a pensioner has a mixed length of service (both military service and civilian work), then the length of service must be at least 25 years, of which at least half in law enforcement agencies.

Since military service is associated with certain risks, the state provides a disability pension if:

  • the illness occurred while performing military duties, or 3 months after dismissal;
  • disability resulted from an illness that appeared during service.

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If the fulfillment of a duty led to the death of a citizen, some close relatives have the right to receive a survivor’s pension:

  • children under 18 years of age or students of Russian educational institutions under 23 years of age (full-time only);
  • elderly incapacitated parents;
  • disabled parents;
  • spouse of the deceased who has no other income and is caring for a child under 14 years of age.

How to apply

To apply for a military pension, a citizen must:

  • register with the local commissariat;
  • apply for one of the types of pensions by submitting the necessary documents.

The procedure for obtaining a military pension is no different from other payments. Funds can be received in the following ways:

  1. Russian Post. The money is either delivered to the department at the citizen’s place of registration or received at his home address.
  2. Through the bank. A citizen can either receive a transfer at any nearest bank branch, or apply for a MIR card and withdraw funds from it at any Sberbank ATM. No commission is charged.
  3. If a citizen is not able to receive money himself, he can have a power of attorney certified by a notary and give a third party the right to dispose of the funds. Then the authorized person comes for payments with a passport, a copy of the recipient’s passport, a power of attorney and details (if any).

Required documents

In order for local authorities to accept the application, the citizen must prove the existence of grounds for receiving a pension. The list of documents may vary depending on the type of pension, the most common are:

  • internal passport;
  • military ID or any other document that gave the citizen the right to perform military service;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of another pension (if there is one, a certificate of the legality of this payment and its amount);
  • any documents that confirm work experience, including work books, employment contracts, extracts from archives, witness statements, etc.;
  • if the papers are given by family members for a survivor's pension, the citizen's death certificate;
  • if the pension is calculated due to disability, a certificate of group assignment issued by the medical commission, as well as the conclusion of a special military commission.

Employees have 10 days to review the papers and make a decision. If there are not enough documents, the applicant will be sent a letter asking them to submit them, then the process will extend for 3 months.

How much will military pensions be indexed from January 1, 2019?

The size of the military pension is calculated based on the monetary allowance that was accrued to the citizen before dismissal. If the length of service is minimal, 50% of the total value is taken.

If a citizen serves longer than the minimum term (9 years in 2019), then an increase is made in accordance with regional coefficients. As a result, the final pension depends on this number.

When calculating a military pension, a reduction factor is used, which in 2019 is equal to 72.23%. When introducing the percentage, the Government assured that it would gradually become 100%. However, the ratio did not change in 2019 and 2019.

The legislation provides for an annual increase of 2%, but so far no statements have been made in this regard.

From February 1: latest news

Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova gave an interview in which she spoke about the latest news regarding the indexation of salary allowances for former military personnel. The government has already set a plan for increasing payments until 2020.

According to her, the salary will be indexed on January 1, 2019, in October 2019 and in October 2020. The indexation percentage will remain unchanged, the additional payment will be 4%.

In 2019, the budget deferred expenses for military pensions in the amount of 18 billion rubles. In 2019, the amount of funds will increase to 22.6 billion rubles. and in 2020 will reach a record 41.2 billion rubles.

For example, the average military pension of a lieutenant in 2019 is 66.1 thousand rubles, which is almost 3 thousand rubles more than last year.

At the same time, lieutenant colonels will receive an increase of 3.4 thousand rubles, their average pension is 88.7 thousand rubles. (compared to 85.3 thousand rubles in 2019).

The minimum pension increase for officers will be:

947 rub. in 2019
RUB 2,956 in 2019-2020

What to do if you received it without recalculation

In 2019, 43 million pensioners live in the Russian Federation. About a third of them are officially employed, but indexation of their pensions is not provided. In 2014, it was canceled along with the freezing of the funded part. Working pensioners receive only an increase with increasing length of service and some benefits.

According to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, in the near future they will receive a pension without indexation. The employer continues to pay contributions for working retirees, which turn into points over time. IN

In 2018, one point is equal to 81.49 rubles. The higher the salary and the more experience, the more points. In 2019, you can score a maximum of 3 points, that is, the increase in pension will be 245 rubles. This is slightly less than the increase after indexation.

According to economists, such measures will relieve the federal budget by 551.3 billion rubles. These funds are withdrawn monthly from citizens' savings accounts to provide pensions for older people. The pension system will not be changed until at least 2020.

On the one hand, these measures are aimed at strengthening the economic situation, relieving the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from unnecessary burden.

However, representatives of the Association of Non-State Funds believe that the country's economy will lose about 6 trillion by 2020. rubles due to the lack of indexation and freezing of savings. In their opinion, this has a detrimental effect on the level of wages and interest on loans.

A special benefit is provided for working military pensioners. They can take a well-deserved rest at any time and receive a pension with an increased coefficient.

The remaining pensioners will receive a pension, taking into account indexation and within the time limits established by law.

Video: Indexation of pensions for military pensioners from January 1, 2019

Appeared on October 25th. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to review the deadlines for increasing payments and move them to January 1 simultaneously with an increase in military salaries and insurance pensions. The necessary changes to the country's budget must be made in the near future; the Ministry of Finance assured the President that there are funds in the state treasury for these expenses.

  • Military through your department;
  • Civil (insurance) if you have the length of service and pension points necessary for its assignment and calculation.

The second pension is due indexing also. The indexing level has already been announced - it will be 3,7% , that is, it will cover the expected inflation threshold of 2017.

In accordance with this, the main units of account used when calculating the pension amount will increase:

  • will increase from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles;
  • by pension will rise from 4805.11 to 4,982.9 rubles. Let us remind you that recipients of two pensions (in particular, military) do not receive a bonus.

Indexation of pensions from April 1

Indexation of military salaries

Whether military pensions will increase in 2018 depends on decisions regarding indexation of pay for military personnel. According to the plan, it should occur on January 1 based on the percentage of inflation over the past year.

According to experts, during the period of freezing increases in military personnel’s earnings, the value of military personnel depreciated by approximately 40%, which is fraught with a number of dangerous trends for the country’s defense capability. Attracting highly qualified personnel, which the modern and largely automated Russian army needs today, is becoming increasingly difficult under these conditions.

At the Government meeting on October 25, the President instructed increase allowance and at the same time pensions for military personnel and persons equivalent to them. Since pension benefits are paid a month earlier, the increased amounts should be available as early as December 2017.

Example on indexation of military pensions

Ivan Kruglov is a military pensioner since 2006. The payment was assigned to the man through the Ministry of Defense in connection with his length of service. After leaving the armed forces, the man worked in a private security company and earned the required points and experience to apply for an insurance pension, which he began to receive according to his age in August 2017.

The current payment amounts are as follows:

  • Military – 15963 rubles(with a salary in the service of 44200);
  • Civil – 5600 rubles.

Let's assume that salaries from January 1, both payments will increase by 3.2%. Let's calculate how much the increase will be:

44200*3.2%*50% (for length of service) * 72.23% (reduction factor) = 16474 rubles(increase of 511 rubles);

It should be noted that Ivan continues to work. It means that his labor pension will not be indexed. The reason for this lies in the fact that the freeze on the indexation of payments for workers continues to apply.

The most popular question and answer regarding military pensions

Question: After the death of my son in military service, my daughter-in-law and I receive military service. The other day I heard that pensions will be increased starting in the new year. Will this increase affect us too?

Answer: Good afternoon! Pension assigned in accordance with Federal Law 4468-1 disabled family members of a deceased serviceman, calculated on the basis of social benefits. This means that its increase will take place as part of the indexation of social payments, that is, from April 1:

  • upon death from injury - 10481 ruble;
  • upon death from disease - 7861 ruble.

From 2018, insurance payments and pensions received based on length of service will increase.

According to experts, the average monthly pension benefit in 2016 was about 23,000 rubles. Based on inflation in 2018, the government applied an adjustment factor for pension calculations. The adjustments made it possible to increase pension payments in 2018 by 4%. According to experts, next year, 2018, the indexation of insurance pension benefits will be close to that applied this year, and the burden on the budget will change as predicted.

When will pensions for military pensioners be increased?

The question will be of interest to people who will receive their military pensions in 2018. The government claims that there are funds available to increase cash benefits for retired military personnel and persons equivalent to them. The comments note that the military pension in January 2018 is higher than that of civilians. The amount has been increased because military personnel in service endure great psychological and physical stress, and the military is entrusted with the obligation to constantly be ready to perform the task after taking the oath.

Increase in military pensions in 2018

The required length of service in the army of the Russian Federation to receive pay is determined by position and characteristics of the service. The main factor is the position, and then the rest are taken into account - such as titles, length of service and others. Pensions for military pensioners in 2018 are provided to retirees who served and are leaving the ranks of the troops of the Russian Federation.

An increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018 is being actively discussed, both types:

  • upon reaching the age at which military personnel become eligible for payments;
  • for health reasons (disability).


Indexation of military pensions will begin in 2018 in accordance with decisions made in 2017. The budget has already allocated 2.26 billion rubles for these purposes. All military pensions in Russia will be increased in 2018, but the new pension norm proposed in the same bill with an increase in allowance by 2% is frozen until 2018. The amount will also be indexed for working pensioners. A number of additives and benefits are provided by the Ministry of Defense, federal or regional entities.

At a meeting together with the government, the President of the Russian Federation demanded to establish interaction with all government agencies and use responsible government bodies for the timely payment of salaries and pension benefits. At the meeting, the government was instructed to index military pensions. This must be done simultaneously with the pension payments of other Russians - from January 1, 2018.

As before, it is planned to index the increase in pensions for both defenders of the homeland and persons equivalent to them, taking into account the salaries of military personnel. The allocation of money is planned for this year. The law contains additional information about people who will also notice an increase in pensions in 2018 - police officers and guardsmen. According to the president, budget revenues will allow the increase in pensions this year.

Cancellation of military pension

Nothing has been said about the abolition of military pensions and insurance pensions, but the slowdown in inflation has already been taken into account, because annual increase (indexation) is planned at up to 4% of the total amount. The government intends to increase service life, which will lead to a reduction in “pension” costs. They plan to develop and implement new standards - they believe that citizens will face reform and recalculation of pensions in 2018, which will affect the accrual of funds to pensioners. Following the example of civil servants, this reform will propose to increase the standard length of service required when calculating military pensions in 2018

The essence of potential reforms is to reduce government spending. This will reduce costs, reduce the burden on the budget, and avoid budget deficits. According to representatives of the Ministry of Finance, all changes will depend on the indicators and capabilities of the country’s current budget. The increase in military pensions in 2018 will affect citizens of the Russian Federation who served in the armed forces and internal affairs bodies, and other citizens authorized to receive such payments in accordance with the law.


Now that Putin has signed a law freezing the reduction coefficient for calculating military pensions, we can say exactly the size of its increase in 2018

President Putin, who is also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, signed a bill, which, accordingly, after signing, received the status of a law “On the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, State Fire Service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" in connection with the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period 2019 and 2020."

Now that the issue with the size of the reduction coefficient has already been resolved, we can speak with complete confidence about the size of the increase in military pensions in 2018.

The law determines that the reduction coefficient for calculating military pensions remains in 2018 at the level of 2017 and has a value of 72.23%. Accordingly, the base part of the military pension for each military pension will be multiplied by this coefficient. The military pension will be cut by this percentage in 2018.

What about the basic part of the military pension? The basic part of the military pension in 2018 will increase by 4% due to an increase in the monetary allowance of active military personnel - their salaries for military positions and military ranks. In the corresponding telegram from Deputy Defense Minister Shevtsova, such an increase was not even called an increase, but a “revision”:

The size of salaries for tariff categories, for military positions and for military ranks is already known, in accordance with which military pensions will be “revised”:

We calculated how much military pensions in rubles will increase in 2018 for various positions, tariff categories and military ranks if the salaries of active military personnel are indexed by 4%. It didn’t turn out very well...

Calculation of a military pension for a sergeant, squad commander, 5th tariff category, who served for 20 years in preferential and calendar terms:

Old pension (15000+6500+(15000+6500)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 10094.14 rubles

(15600+6760+(15600+6760) x 0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 10497.90 rubles


Calculation of a military pension for a captain, company commander, 14th tariff category, who served for 20 years in preferential and calendar terms:

Old pension (22000+11000+(22000+11000)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 15493.33 rubles

New pension - salaries for military positions and military ranks are increased by 4%:

(22880+11440+(22880+11440) x 0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 16113.07 rubles


Calculation of a military pension for a lieutenant colonel, deputy brigade commander, 24th tariff category, who served in calendar terms for 24 years, in preferential terms - 25 years exactly:

Old pension (27000+12000+(27000+12000)x0.3) x 0.65 x 0.7223 = 23803.40 rubles

New pension - salaries for military positions and military ranks are increased by 4%:

(28080+12480+(27080+12480) x 0.3) x 0.65 x 0.7223 = 24755.53 rubles


The change of seasons of the year, as a rule, is marked by a change in something in our society: April - an increase in utilities, therefore, an increase in prices for goods and services in other areas; September – a slight decrease in prices for food products and a more significant decrease in the weight of the consumer basket.

In October, military pensions were supposed to increase based on changes in the salaries of former employees of various military departments, which was expected with hope - this is not even yesterday’s news.

It is known that the size of the increase will be affected by military experience, the position held at that time, tariffs/qualifications, the assigned rank and, of course, the salary received. In addition, the size of the pension is adjusted by a reduction factor, the value of which is established by the government of the Russian Federation.

The recalculation of military benefits is based on RF Law 4468-1 of 1993, which explains:

  1. For twenty years of service, the pension will be 50 percent of earnings, and each subsequent year will bring a three percent increase.
  2. If the experience is mixed, according to other sources of information, it is already more than 20 years, i.e. 25 required, and the service itself took half of these 25, the benefit will be half of the earnings, and the extra-term year brings one percent of fifty percent of the amount previously received.
  3. The benefit for military disabled people of groups I and II (there must be documentary evidence of military injury) will be 85 percent of earnings.
  4. A disabled person of the third group claims to receive a pension of 50 percent of earnings. And the presence of the first and second groups of disability, received as a result of an illness, and not a military injury, is the basis for determining a benefit amounting to 75 percent of military earnings; benefits for the third disability group (illness) are equivalent to 40% of the earnings received. Such a pension is accrued even when the disability is established much later than the fact, but a specific cause of the disease is required - a military wound, military concussion.
  5. State support paid by the Russian Pension Fund is assigned to cosmonauts; flight personnel; conscripts who became disabled during service; participants of the Great Patriotic War or the siege of Leningrad.
  6. Disabled family members of military personnel who died or were killed during service may qualify for financial assistance in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

In this case, several conditions must be met:

  • register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and ensure the receipt of insurance contributions from the enterprise where the retiree got a job;
  • reach the age generally accepted in the civilian world ();
  • have a minimum insurance period that was not taken into account when applying for a military pension;
  • have a certain amount.

The required insurance period and pension points are determined every year, and their value increases periodically - also once a year.

The PFR pension is calculated by multiplying the total number of points by their value in the year the benefit was issued.

In September of this year, pensioners from other departments who continue to work were paid an increase, albeit an insignificant one - 1-3 points. Funds for this, diverted from the budget, amounted to a significant amount and are grounds for doubt about the implementation of other indexations, in particular the October military pension, which has long been promised to be 2 percent larger in the fall.

This year, the indexation of military pensions was carried out twice, taking into account inflation in 2016 - there was an increase of almost five and a half percent at the end of winter and in April. In addition, in January, like everyone else, military pensioners were transferred. This seems like a plus. But…

The introduction of a government amendment on the retirement age also threatens reality. The Russian president gave the order to prepare a draft document on increasing the period of military service from twenty to twenty-five years. The issue of indexing was not raised at all at that time.

The government plans to increase it to two minimum wages (subsistence minimum) (work is underway on the bill), and in the future, increase the military pension to 2.5 minimum wages. The amount of benefits for military pensioners with disabilities currently reaches 16 thousand rubles (this is approximately two average civil pensions).

The indexation of the military pension, like any other, was planned to be carried out annually, depending on the degree of inflation; military benefits also have their own 2 percent increase. But for the second year (since 2015) indexation processes have been suspended for the above reasons (country budget deficit).

Last year, military benefits rose to four percent, thanks to the reduction factor adjustment process.

The October increase in military benefits could occur through a change in the salary of military specialists, which last took place 5 years ago, and was indexed at the federal level before the budget was adopted.

At the moment, there is no talk of increasing military salaries; no legislative amendments have been adopted yet.

The hope of change for the better does not leave us, and therefore questions remain. Here is the most repeated one.

– How will military pensioners who continue to work feel about the possible indexation?

A serviceman who, after demobilization, works at a civilian enterprise performing duties in a non-military specialty will not find a change in the amount of his military pension, since the procedure for recalculation during indexation includes among the categories of participants non-working retirees, as well as those who continue to work in military departments. But a citizen who has reached the age of 60, as mentioned above, can count on the Pension Fund.

The Government of the Russian Federation does not leave the problems that have arisen unattended, according to the latest news from the State Duma: ministries and departments are looking for new possible ways to reform the pension program and save the pension budget.

Now there is a process of implementing the changed one, through which the government plans to replenish the Pension Fund budget by increasing the time limits for retirement and increasing the length of length of service. At the moment, as already mentioned, it is planned to consider the possibility of increasing the level of pensions for military personnel to two and even two and a half subsistence minimums.

The excitement around Russians' pensions is, of course, a matter of concern for the government. In difficult times of crisis, the authorities are doing everything possible to show support for pensioners, but economic planning does not allow reckless jumping ahead and optimistic forecasts that are not confirmed by strict calculations. Therefore, the cautious promises fall very little short of satisfying the growing segments of the military and civilian retirement population.