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About the child's hair and its problems. Child's hair grows slowly: reasons and what to do? Baby's hair doesn't grow


We teach proper communication.

When you discuss with your child how to consider another person's feelings, teach them empathy and fairness. This will help him not only find true friends, but also be friends for a long time. Children can learn compassion as early as 3-4 years old.

You can often hear complaints from mothers that their child’s hair is not growing well. Why is this happening? Is it correct to think that thin and sparse hair is not an indicator of poor health, and you just need to come to terms with it?

Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies

Hair growth in both children and adults largely depends on providing the hair follicles with nutrients.

Accordingly, if there are not enough of these same substances in the body, it is quite natural that hair will slow down in growth rate and fall out more often than desired. At the same time, “starving” hair follicles do not die, but, let’s say, go into hibernation, but they can be awakened. When a child is still very young, breast milk or an adapted formula provides him with the necessary vitamins and nutrients. But an older child can strengthen his hair only with a balanced diet and vitamin-mineral complexes.

The daily children's menu must include the necessary doses of vitamins B, A, E, D, PP, calcium and phosphorus, since they are involved in the process of hair growth. This means that the baby should equally constantly eat vegetables, cereals, and meat. By the way, excessive consumption of sweets and flour products does not have the best effect on the appearance of hair, since white sugar deprives the body of B vitamins.

Genetic predisposition and stress

There is also a hypothesis that in children exposed to anxiety and stress, hair often falls out and hair grows more slowly. This opinion has not yet received strong medical confirmation. However, if you notice emotional instability in your child, you should not put off visiting a neurologist.

In addition, we cannot write off diseases that can also affect the hair. For example, with anemia - due to lack of iron and poor blood supply to the scalp. Think about it: perhaps hair loss and poor hair growth should be considered not as a problem, but as a symptom of some illness in the baby. If you have any such suspicions, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Ways to speed up hair growth

In order not to guess what is the reason for the unsatisfactory appearance of children's hair, it is best to make an appointment with a trichologist - a medical specialist who deals specifically with hair.

True, the big disadvantage is that his office cannot be found in the district clinic, and the services of a trichologist are exclusively paid.

But regardless of whether you see a specialist or not, you should analyze and review your diet.

The first hair that a baby is born with completely falls out in the fourth month. New hair grows differently for everyone. The speed of hair regrowth is extremely individual. Full hair formation occurs only by the age of 11.

It also happens when a child’s hair does not grow for a long time or grows very slowly. In principle, there is no reason for special concern, but it is quite possible that some disturbances have occurred in the small body or it is due to improper care.

We identify the causes and bring hair back to normal

There are several reasons for poor hair growth in a baby:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Metabolic disease.
  4. Stress.
  5. Rickets.
  6. Heredity.

Having determined the reason why a child’s hair grows slowly, it is necessary to eliminate it:

  • balance the diet of the baby or mother if the child is not weaned. Be sure to include foods containing protein, phosphorus and calcium in your diet - fermented milk products, egg yolk, fish, cabbage, spinach, nuts. ()
  • To improve the quality of hair, take vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, C, B6, B12, E and PP.
  • If you detect poor metabolism, consult an endocrinologist.
  • protect your baby from bad emotions, and if you are very nervous, contact a pediatric neurologist.
  • at the first signs of rickets - excessive sweating, decreased muscle tone, bone deformation - start treatment as quickly as possible, and for prevention, give the child a vitamin D solution (See article about);
  • There is nothing you can do about genetic predisposition; the only way out is to strengthen and stimulate hair growth.

Sometimes the cause of hair growth disorders is the incorrect selection of cosmetic products for washing your hair. In this case, you need to choose another product and strengthen the baby’s hair:

  • a light head massage stimulates blood circulation in the hair follicles and hair growth;
  • change shampoo to baby soap;
  • wash the child’s hair with kefir or egg yolk once a week;
  • make a mask from burdock oil, it stimulates hair growth at any age;
  • Rinse hair with infusion of nettle, string, burdock or chamomile.

Partial or complete absence of hair

In girls, when braiding tight braids early or using elastic bands, bald patches may form at the temples. The hair breaks from being pulled, falls out, and subsequently hair growth in this area slows down or stops altogether. Therefore, it is better for little beauties under three years old to get a haircut.

What to do if the hairline does not appear, and the bald patches only expand and the hair falls out more and more.

Alopecia (baldness) does not occur as an independent disease in children. The causes are nervous disorders, skin diseases and malfunctions of internal organs.

  1. Basically, alopecia in children occurs due to the following diseases:
  2. Trichotillomania is a neurosis that manifests itself in a child's hair twisting and pulling. At the same time, the hair shafts become thinner, which leads to hair loss.
  3. Injury to the hair shaft - manifests itself when braids are tightly braided.
  4. Fungal diseases - for example, ringworm.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. The hair follicles are attacked by the body's immune system and die.

After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

If a child’s hair grows very poorly, and sometimes is completely absent after three years, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by specialists. First of all, contact a pediatrician, who can then refer you to specialized specialists: a dermatologist, neurologist or trichologist. Self-medication and “folk methods” can harm the baby so much that he will be left without hair for the rest of his life.

Proper care is the key to beautiful hair

  1. Babies' hair is very delicate and thin. External aggressive factors have a stronger effect on them than on the hair of an adult. Proper care will prevent hair loss and will be the starting point for beautiful hair in the future.
  2. To wash your hair, use a special children's shampoo with a neutral environment (pH 6).
  3. Wash your hair using cosmetics no more than once every 7-10 days. Any high-quality product dries out the scalp if used frequently.
  4. Use warm, settled water to wash your hair.
  5. Rinse hair thoroughly to remove any remaining shampoo.
  6. After washing, you should not dry your hair, but pat it dry with a soft towel.
  7. Comb only dry hair.
  8. Comb your hair daily with a personal comb with natural soft bristles; for older children, use a natural wood comb with wide teeth and blunt ends.
  9. Parting should be done in a new place each time.

Avoid using tight elastic bands and hairpins. It is best to choose small plastic hairpins with a smooth surface.

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will talk about the situation when a child’s hair grows poorly. You will learn about possible reasons affecting this phenomenon. Find out what the consequences might be. You will become aware of what needs to be done to counteract slow growth. Please read the safety precautions.


All children are individual, some already have hair at birth, some have a little fluff, and some don’t even have it. Moreover, already in the first months of life the situation can change dramatically. And already at one year old, it is possible for a baby who was born bald to have long hair, but for someone who was born with hair, the situation may not change much over the course of a whole year. What can influence this, why does this happen? Let's look at the main reasons for slow hair growth.

  1. Individual characteristics of the body. Parents should not sound the alarm if their child’s hair grows poorly before the age of three, since during this period children’s hair, in principle, is not characterized by intensive growth.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. If the child’s parents have sparse hair, then the toddler’s lack of good hair is understandable. If the father or mother had poor hair growth in childhood or now, then the baby may also experience this phenomenon.
  3. Rickets. If there is a lack of vitamin D, children may develop this disease, one of the symptoms of which is slow hair growth.
  4. The result of nervous tension. Some parents are convinced that stress is a problem for adults, however, children can also have their own nervous experiences. If your baby is often capricious and sheds tears, then you should not be surprised that he does not have rapid hair growth. With this problem, if changes occur in the family atmosphere, the baby may regain its normal growth rate.
  5. Insufficient or improper nutrition. If you do not receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements, hair growth may be inhibited.
  6. Early introduction of complementary foods can lead to digestive failure, which will subsequently cause deviations in metabolic processes, which will lead to a slowdown in hair growth.
  7. Seborrheic dermatitis. In infants, crusts may appear on the head, which will fit tightly to the hairs, thereby slowing down their growth.
  8. Same sleeping position. If a child sleeps all the time, for example, on his back, then curls will begin to roll down on the back of the head, and there will be a partial lack of hair. Also, if a child is put on a tight hat or bonnet, “bare areas” will appear in the elastic area.
  9. Lack of proper care when washing your hair. If you wash your hair too often or use low-quality baby cosmetics or use alkaline shampoo, you can damage your hair and affect its growth.
  10. Consequences of uncontrolled medication use.
  11. The result of pathological processes in the body:
  • hormonal imbalance - endocrine disorders can affect hair growth;
  • presence of an autoimmune disease;
  • problems with metabolic processes in the body may be congenital.

Possible consequences

If a child’s hair does not grow or grows, but not quickly enough, then parents should take some action in time, at least go for a consultation with a pediatrician. If you do nothing at all, especially in a situation where other suspicious symptoms are present, you can expect negative consequences:

  • if rickets occurs, in the absence of proper treatment, changes in the bones will begin, which will cause a number of health problems in the future and the child will be deprived of the opportunity to live a normal life;
  • if the baby has nervous overstrain and the situation in the family only worsens, neuroses and phobias will form, many things will frighten him, over time serious headaches will appear, and it will not be long before the development of a mental disorder;
  • if the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals are not received sufficiently, the whole body will suffer, diseases will follow one after another, the child will become weak;
  • early complementary feeding will lead to serious pathologies of the digestive system, in particular;
  • If there is an endocrine pathology, the baby’s condition may worsen, and over time other abnormalities will appear, including, possibly, developmental ones.

And this is only a small fraction of the possible consequences, so sometimes it’s better to be on the safe side than to miss the moment.

How to be

Sometimes just changing your hair care product is enough

Based on what caused the problem with hair growth, by identifying this cause, you can correct the situation, returning normal growth rate and good hair.

  1. First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician who will examine the child and be able to tell you what to do next, take tests or go to a specialist, or change your diet. Also, the doctor can simply reassure parents by pointing out that their case is a variant of the norm.
  2. If your baby has an incorrect diet, correct this by filling it with all the necessary biologically active substances. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins B6, A, B12, E, ascorbic acid, PP, as well as vitamin D.
  3. If problems in metabolic processes are to blame, then you should consult an endocrinologist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
  4. If you notice that your baby is excessively capricious, cries a lot, it is possible that his emotional state is unstable, perhaps he is under stress, then you should think about what kind of atmosphere reigns in your family. Sometimes you can’t do without the help of a qualified psychologist who can work with both the parents and the toddler. At times, if you experience increased nervousness, it’s time to consult a neurologist.
  5. If a baby has rickets, this may be indicated by additional signs such as decreased muscle tone, excessive sweating, bone deformation, then emergency treatment and specialist supervision is necessary, otherwise serious consequences cannot be avoided.
  6. If the wrong choice of cosmetic product is to blame, then you need to change the shampoo, perform a light head massage, and sometimes you can wash the baby’s hair with kefir.
  7. If genetic predisposition is your case, then there is nothing you can do except gradually strengthen your hair, stimulating its growth using special products.
  8. Your doctor may prescribe omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on hair growth.

Precautionary measures

Walking in the fresh air and under the sun's rays has a beneficial effect on hair growth

In order for your baby’s hair to grow fully, proper care and compliance with a number of recommendations is necessary.

  1. Wash your child's hair with special hair care products that have a neutral pH. You should not use baby soap, as it has an alkaline base and can dry out the hair follicles.
  2. Don't wash your baby's hair more than twice a week.
  3. If crusts form on the scalp, remove them promptly. First, lubricate the skin with vegetable oil, put on a hat or cap for about half an hour until the scales become softer. After this, carefully comb the little one’s head with a soft brush, combing out the crusts. All that remains is to wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.
  4. When drying your child's head after taking water procedures, be gentle, do not rub sensitive skin, gently pat the hair dry with a towel.
  5. You can gently massage your scalp to stimulate blood circulation and hair growth.
  6. Give preference to breastfeeding, as this type of nutrition allows you to fill the child’s body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
  7. Try to be outdoors as often as possible.
  8. It is important that your toddler’s diet includes foods containing protein, as it also affects hair growth.
  9. If you suspect any pathology, consult a doctor immediately. With timely treatment, many consequences for the body can be avoided.

Now you know what to do if your baby’s hair grows slowly or stops growing altogether. As you can see, there are several factors that can influence this phenomenon. In order to take any action, it is necessary to identify the exact cause and solve it.

Since the arrival of a cute little one in the family, parents' close attention has been focused on his health. And one of the indicators of the latter is hair growth. Therefore, if a child's hair does not grow or its length grows very slowly, mom and dad may feel worried about this.

But the thing is that this process is very individual. In addition, in a child born with a large amount of vellus hair, which completely rolls out by four months, further hair growth may not be as fast. And vice versa, a baby who was born almost bald is able to gain thick curls by the age of one year.

Identifying causes

The reasons why a baby’s hair does not grow well can be different:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Various stresses;
  • Metabolic disorders or other diseases.


Most often, parents have no reason for serious concern, since the speed of hair regrowth depends on the characteristics of the individual child’s body. If curls grow poorly, this does not mean that there are health problems. Parents should remember how their own hair grew at the same age. If it is slow, the reason is most likely heredity. And you don’t need to do anything special here.

Unless, to ensure proper care of the child’s hair:

  • To wash your hair, use baby shampoo with a neutral PH level.
  • Use warm water for this.
  • Wash your child's hair with shampoo no more than once a week to avoid drying out the scalp.
  • Rinse your hair very thoroughly.
  • After washing, do not wipe them, but blot them with a soft towel.
  • Do not comb wet hair.
  • Do not use tight elastic bands or hairpins with sharp edges, which harm the scalp and hair.
  • Use combs with natural bristles or wooden combs with teeth and blunt tips.

Nutrition for hair growth

If hair grows poorly, you should pay attention to the balance of the child’s diet. All foods containing protein and rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E have a stimulating effect on hair growth.

Therefore, be sure to include in your baby’s diet:

  • milk and meat;
  • legumes and nuts;
  • chicken eggs;
  • carrots, melon, pumpkin, other vegetables and fruits;
  • sea ​​fish and fish oil.

Impact of stress and illness

If you suspect that hair is not growing well due to stress, protect your baby from any negative emotions. And if you have a serious problem, such as increased nervousness, you should contact a neurologist. Poor metabolism is also required to visit specialists. It can also cause curls to grow slowly. The child's head slowly becomes covered with hair even with rickets. But parents, of course, know about the presence of such a disease, and appropriate treatment is carried out.

Preventive measures

And it happens that there are no particular difficulties, but the baby’s curls grow more slowly than those of other children. At the same time, you can take some actions that are designed not only to accelerate the growth of hair, but to make it healthy. After all, this is more important than length.

So, what helps hair to be normal:

  1. Using natural herbs for care. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, and nettle promote the growth of curls. You can rinse your hair with them after washing or use them on days when you do not use shampoo.
  2. Regular head massage. It will accelerate hair growth and have a calming effect on the baby.
  3. Burdock oil mask. It will improve the hair structure. All you have to do is gently rub the oil into your scalp an hour before washing and cover it with a scarf. Then use shampoo.

To summarize, we can say that the rate of hair growth of a child is individual. And if this process happens slowly, there is no need to panic. In the absence of any diseases, this is simply a feature of the body. The most important thing is to provide your little one with a proper, balanced diet, the absence of anxiety and stress, and proper, competent hair care.

A child's hair follicles are born in the womb. The baby can be born either with thick hair or completely bald.

There are several reasons why a child’s hair does not grow well, and each has its own characteristics.

Causes of poor hair growth


It is one of the most common reasons why a child’s hair does not grow well. The bulbs are laid in the 6th month of pregnancy and are often formed until birth.

The genetic factor in the formation of the baby’s body is one of the main. Rare hair from a father or mother can be inherited by a child.

Moreover, if both parents suffer from slowed hair growth, then the child’s chance of the same result increases as much as possible. If the parents have thick hair, the child may inherit the gene for weak hair from their grandparents.

Genetic factor is the determining factor in human hair growth

Features of the body

Forming in the womb, the child receives not only a genetically determined body structure, but also develops individual characteristics. They may be the answer to the question of why a child’s hair does not grow well.

The structure of the hair follicles, the skin, and the absorption of vitamins are some of the main reasons that influence the thickness and intensity of hair growth.

Hormonal background

This factor is responsible for all aspects of the human body. It is unstable and can change more than once in a lifetime. Babies can change their eye and hair color several times due to hormonal emissions.

The growth rate and number of reproductive bulbs are also influenced by hormones. Hormonal levels become stable by the age of 11. From this age, its effect on the hairline decreases significantly.

Hormones influence the development of hair follicles

Hair care

Another reason why a child’s hair does not grow well may be the wrong choice of shampoo.

Another example is that girls tend to use braids, ponytails, or other hairstyles that are too tight. A hard, poor-quality comb can damage hair follicles.

State of the nervous system

Stress, anxiety, and mental disorders slow down the manifestation of many aspects of the human body, including the intensity of hair growth.

Stress and anxiety negatively affect not only the child’s psyche, but also the growth of his hair.


Problems associated with skin lesions, especially the scalp, are often the reason why a child’s hair does not grow well.

Diseases of the nervous and immune systems stop the reproductive abilities of the hair follicles, thereby slowing down growth and reducing the thickness of the scalp.

Lack of vitamins

Calcium and vitamin D are one of the most important factors promoting the growth of all body tissues.

Their absence in the required quantity leads to fragility of the hair shafts, lack of stimulus for the production of sebaceous glands and the functioning of hair follicles.

How to speed up hair growth

There are several possible options to solve the problem. First, you need to find out why the child’s hair grows poorly or not at all during this period.

Having determined the cause, it is necessary to choose the best course of action individually. Let's consider each of the possible points in more detail.

Folk remedies to help

Natural auxiliary methods for eliminating problems of poor hair growth for some reason remain relevant at any time. Easy to prepare at home and does not contain chemicals. Eliminates the unpleasant features of slow hair growth in both adults and children.

Several recipes to speed up hair growth in a child are rinse decoctions. After washing your hair 2-3 times a week, rinse with a decoction of onion peels, nettles or coltsfoot.

A decoction of onion peels helps strengthen hair follicles and accelerate hair growth

  • Husk. 4 tbsp is enough. l. Bring crushed onion peel to a boil in 1 liter of water. After boiling, leave for about an hour and strain. The decoction is ready for rinsing a child’s hair.
  • Nettle. Nettle infusion stimulates the activity of the bulbs, thus, if hair grows poorly, it can improve the results in both a child and an adult. To prepare, take 6 tbsp. l. dry leaves and brew in 1 liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and you can rinse your hair.
  • Coltsfoot. An infusion made from 3 tbsp is excellent for promoting growth. l. dry herbs in a liter of boiling water. The container with the broth should be tightly closed with a lid for an hour. Strain before use.

Oils to accelerate hair growth

This product helps eliminate the problem that is causing your child’s hair to grow poorly.

It is more effective in combination with the first option - rinsing. Oils are rubbed into the scalp several hours before washing your hair.

Here are some recipes to solve the problem of slow growth of children's hair:

1. Based on burdock oil.

It needs to be slightly heated in a water bath and rubbed into the roots. Wrapping your head in a towel, creating warm conditions for the reaction, leave the product for 40-60 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hair as usual.

Burdock oil can be replaced with castor oil, the effect will remain the same.

Castor and burdock oil are used to rub into the hair roots

2. Based on nicotinic acid in an oil solution.

The product can be purchased at a pharmacy. It improves blood circulation in the scalp, thereby stimulating the intensity of the bulbs.

Mix the pharmaceutical product with aloe juice in the proportions - 0.5 tbsp for 1 ampoule. l. aloe. Rub into the roots once a week and rinse as usual after 2 hours.

Hair masks made from natural ingredients

Simple masks based on kefir or chicken eggs promote hair growth and strengthen its structure.

Kefir hair mask has nourishing and restorative properties

1. Kefir.

Fermented milk product has a beneficial effect on poorly growing or stopped growing hair in children. It is enough to apply it to the scalp with massage movements and rinse after 15 minutes.

Kefir should not be cold; it can be replaced with sour milk.

Egg yolk helps strengthen, nourish and grow hair

2. Egg. The effectiveness of the beneficial effects of egg yolk can be increased with the help of auxiliary means.

Mix together 1 yolk with 1 teaspoon of melted honey and add 2 tablespoons to the mixture. cabbage and peach juice. Distribute the entire mixture over the scalp and wrap with a towel. After an hour, wash off with shampoo.

Baby scalp massage

It increases blood flow to the scalp and promotes the secretion of sebaceous glands. They, in turn, reduce hair damage and are a natural defense produced by the body.

To prevent your child from having problems with poor hair growth, you can use a special comb with natural bristles or do the procedure with your hands.

1. Massage with a brush.

Perform normal combing movements, but with light pressure. Perform manipulations throughout the head from the back of the head to the forehead and in the opposite direction.

Duration 10-15 minutes in the morning or before bed every day.

2. Hand massage.

Place your hands on both sides of your head. Bend your fingers slightly and spread over your entire head. Using circular movements, massage the skin with light pressure. Perform the manipulation first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Carry out the procedure daily.

Proper cosmetic care

One of the main problems of poor hair growth in a child, and why it may fall out, may be the wrong shampoo or its use.

Your baby should choose a shampoo without aggressive additives. Older children need products that match their hair type.

Hair washing rules:

Shampoo needs to be rinsed off well

  • The hair cleaning procedure should be carried out with warm and settled water.
  • Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, pouring water several times.
  • Do not wipe your head, but simply pat dry with a soft towel and let your hair dry naturally.
  • Comb only dry hair. For children under two years old, use brushes with natural bristles, and after that, use a wooden comb.
  • When combing, change the location of the parting more often.
  • Girls should not wear hairstyles that require a tight tie.

other methods

These include various external factors that affect hair growth, some of which are presented below.

1. Sunbathing.

With a child whose hair grows poorly, it is necessary to walk in sunny weather. This helps to naturally warm the bulbs and saturate the body with vitamin D.

Walking with your child in sunny weather saturates the child's body with vitamin D

2. Sea water.

Salt is famous for its healing properties for hair. It is present in large quantities in sea water. Untreated salt retains its properties in full.

3. Trimming the ends.

Split hair occurs due to external and internal factors. The body spends its resources on their restoration. Trimming the affected ends deprives the body of the need to repair them and allows you to direct all the beneficial substances to healthier hair.

Split ends of hair need to be cut

4. Saturation with vitamins.

Eat more meat, which contains the bulk of protein, and dairy products rich in calcium. Providing sufficient amounts of these substances allows the body to distribute them to maximum benefit.

Is poor hair growth a cause for concern?

The answer to this question, which worries many parents, depends on the reason why hair grows poorly, and whether the child has serious pathologies due to this.

This problem in itself does not have serious consequences for the baby., but it can often signal serious illnesses.

Diseases of the intestines and stomach, vitamin deficiency, rickets, anemia are some of the most common. They cause serious harm to health, which, in advanced cases, can lead to irreversible consequences.

To establish the causes of hair problems, the child first needs to be shown to a pediatrician

If your child has poor hair growth or does not grow at all, you should contact your pediatrician. It will help to find out why this happens and whether there is a place for the disease to exist.

If the baby’s body is working properly, then there is no need to worry. Proper hair care will help increase the volume of hair on a child's head.

Health to you and your children!

Watch the video in which E. Komarovsky talks about the causes of trichological problems in children:

Is it possible to speed up hair growth - a trichologist will tell you:

What you need to eat to keep your hair healthy and growing quickly - you will learn from this video:

Externally, the hair of a child in the first year of life is similar to the hair of an adult, but it has some structural nuances. The hair shaft is thinner, the cuticle consists of fewer layers, and the follicles are located close to the surface of the scalp. A weakened structure poorly protects newborn hair from loss, external influences, fragility and splitting.

The hair of a child of the first year of life is very delicate and thin. Peculiarities of hair growth and color in newborns.

Hair growth begins in children in the womb, at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. This type of hair is called “lanugo”. They grow throughout the baby’s body, sparing only the palms and feet. Closer to the birth of the child, the lanugo disappears, falling into the amniotic fluid. Hair in a newborn remains only on the head (it can remain on the shoulders and back). Children born prematurely do not have time to part with lanugo and it remains on the face, arms, legs, ears and body. The remaining hair indicates the immaturity of the fetus. The birth fuzz does not grow and falls out completely within 1 month.

Most newborns are born with original hairstyles that delight their parents. The original color and structure change dramatically with the age of the child, so you cannot judge by the hair of a newborn whether he was born a brunette or a blond. For example, blonde parents give birth to a dark-haired baby. Suspicions of treason are inappropriate here, since the newborn’s hair will change more than once.

It is possible to accurately determine the color of a child’s hairstyle only by the age of 2 years. Changes in hair color in a newborn are associated with changing hormonal levels. The amount of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the hair, stabilizes gradually, which is why the true color takes so long to appear.

Parents should not worry about fine hair, because the shade and structure of the strands are genetically inherent in the child. If you can accurately decide on the color by the age of 2, then the strands acquire an adult structure by the age of 5.

The “hairstyles” of some children are very original, but with age, the color and structure of the hair changes greatly. How to comb a child’s hair?

No matter how many hairs decorate a newborn, they should be combed every day. The procedure is pleasant for the baby if done correctly. Purchase a soft brush made of natural bristles for these purposes. Comb your strands with light, neat and smooth movements. The thickness of your hair will tell you how often you should comb. Obviously, thick hair needs to be combed longer, but combing sparse hair is enough to go through 3-4 times.

Causes of hair loss in children

Parents' concerns about hair loss in children are worth taking a closer look at the reasons. It is important to note that the severity of the problem depends on the age of the child. The study of the negative factor and detailed research allowed specialists to provide reasoned explanations of what was happening. Let's consider the problem according to age criteria.

Hair loss in newborns is a consequence of hormonal changes. Experts attribute it to a physiological process that does not cause alarm. Each child's hair falls out differently: in one, it disappears imperceptibly over the entire surface, in another, baldness occurs on the top of the head, on the occipital and temporal part of the head, in some children it leaves the entire head. There is no need to resort to strengthening agents during this period, since by six months the hair begins to grow again.

If after 6 months the hair does not grow well, you should consult a doctor. The cause may be a hormonal imbalance or a lack of vitamins in the baby. Bald patches on the back of the head and temples appear as a result of turning the head. The baby's weak hairs rub against the fabric and leave the head. Among the signs of rickets, baldness of the back of the head is indicated, but the diagnosis requires confirmation. Rickets is characterized by the following symptoms: severe sweating, pale skin, marbled skin tone, decreased muscle tone, and increased temperature.

After six months of age, hair begins to grow more intensively and evenly at 3-4 years

Having crossed the three-year mark, the baby’s body begins to actively form the correct hormonal background. As you know, hormones are responsible for the condition of human skin and hair. Hormonal changes lead to intense hair loss by the age of 5 years. Hormonal imbalance weakens the hair follicles, the root system cannot withstand it and hair loss occurs.

If we compare two periods of hormonal fluctuations - childhood and adolescence, then in five-year-olds it passes less violently, however, in some children, manifestations of increased excitability, mood swings, and causeless irritability have been noticed. Contact a specialist, perhaps he will help your treasure with medication, calming his raging nervous system.

Not all children of five years old can boast of thick locks - on the contrary, increased hair loss is observed during this period From 6 to 8 years

The reason for thinning hair in first-graders is stress due to a change in their usual routine. The first steps of 7-8 year olds along the school corridors, getting used to discipline, responsibility to parents and teachers give them great anxiety. The child is under daily stress, trying to cope with a new social situation, increased mental stress, and an expanded environment.

Stressful experiences affect the hair follicles, weakening them, which leads to hair loss. Parents can stop and prevent this process by properly preparing their child for school - be sure to talk to your son or daughter, support them, and give them positive emotions. If hair has fallen out, the child may not have enough vitamins, iodine, iron, or other minerals.

Pathological loss: types and causes

Experts, trying to find out why hair falls out at such an early age, have established the causes and divided baldness into types. Let's consider the types and causes of loss:

  • Ringworm. Appears on the skin in the form of round spots. The strands localized on these spots look short-cropped. The causative agent of lichen is a special fungus. Treatment is carried out by a dermatologist using various antifungal agents.
  • Alopecia or alopecia areata. Hair falls out in clumps, leaving smooth, nest-like patches on the skin. Caused by a dysfunction of the immune system, leading to the death of the follicles. The reason is the destabilization of the thyroid gland caused by stress and other psychological trauma. The disease requires constant monitoring.
  • Total baldness. The scalp disappears completely. A species with a complex set of causes. It is treated professionally, using a complex of drugs.
  • Telogen effluvium. Growth stops, the hair shaft does not develop, the strands fall out, but the follicles remain under the skin. Identified causes indicate an overdose of drugs or vitamins, head injuries, or operations performed. Treatment is aimed at eliminating negative factors.

If a child begins to go bald, you should definitely visit a doctor and find out the cause of the phenomenon. Why is hair thin or growing poorly?

If a child's hair grows poorly during the first year, parents are rightfully worried. This is most common in fair-haired babies. However, moms and dads need to know that the thickness of hair depends on heredity. Take a look at photos of yourself as a child and compare your hairstyle with your baby's hairstyle: if everything looks the same, there is no need to worry unnecessarily.

It is worth remembering the individual characteristics of children. There are cases when hair begins to actively increase in growth and thickness closer to 2 years of age. Such slowness does not mean that with age the baby will not develop a voluminous hairstyle. Wanting to improve their offspring’s hair, parents resort to folk remedies. The solution is quite risky, since some compounds can lead to allergies.

Experts advise reconsidering your baby’s diet. Balance it so that the child consumes vitamins A, B, C, D, E in sufficient quantities, so that his diet includes foods that supply calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc. It is important that the mother’s diet during breastfeeding contains useful elements such as omega-3 and omega-6 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and animal proteins.

Synthetic vitamins that help hair growth

You should not rely only on a balanced diet. Experts, in particular Dr. Komarovsky, point to the effectiveness of complex vitamin preparations that can bring the amount of necessary elements to normal. The products contain a full range of vitamins A, B, C and E. Special complexes with a complex working formula are also produced, which are indicated for children over 12 years of age and adults. Children should be given children's medications.


They are made in the form of gummy bears that are attractive to kids. Allowed for children from 3 years old. The products are presented with a different set of active substances that improve memory and immunity, strengthen hair and nails, normalize gastrointestinal functions and improve vision. Marmalade plates do not contain artificial preservatives or synthetic colors and are made from natural fruit and vegetable extracts. Each type works for hair growth and strength.

The Alphabet vitamin complex has a universal effect, including for hair growth. The active components of the product are folic acid, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the development and formation of the hair shaft. The structure and root system are strengthened, elasticity improves and volume increases. “Alphabet” is not given to infants, but for children from 1 year old you can buy a special hypoallergenic variety of the vitamin complex.

Alphabet vitamins are perfect for enriching a child’s body with a set of essential substances Supradin

The best representative of vitamin complexes for young children. The working formula is developed taking into account the characteristics and needs of a small person. The number of useful elements is chosen perfectly. Each type contains the main active element, which may be responsible for improving brain activity, normalizing the nervous system, and accelerating hair growth.

When turning to synthetic vitamins for help, do so only after consulting a specialist. An overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous than any other medicine - they can lead to allergies or disturbances in the functioning of the baby’s internal organs. Remember also about the vulnerability of children's digestion. If you have doubts about vitamin supplements, ensure your intake of nutrients through a balanced diet.

How to care for a child's hair?

Proper care for hair is the key to its beauty and health, every mother knows about this. A one-month-old baby's hair needs to be washed every day, but without using detergents. By washing the head, you remove excess fat and dead epithelial cells from the skin, which interfere with the free breathing of the skin. Shampoo can be used no more than 1-2 times a week. Any detergent used to wash a baby's hair must be without an alkaline base, so adult shampoos and soaps are not suitable.

Use hypoallergenic baby shampoos. Their pH value is 5.5. When starting the procedure, do not apply shampoo to the baby’s head, pour it into your palm, dilute with a small amount of water, and massage the head with your palm. Caution is also required when wiping your head: do not rub vigorously, just blot the surface to remove moisture. Massage as a separate procedure improves blood supply and nutrition to hair follicles.

The individuality of each child is manifested in everything, even in hair growth. So, some children have beautiful, chic curls almost from birth, while others have hair that grows poorly or does not grow at all. All the reasons for poor hair growth, ways to solve this problem, as well as the opinions of experts on this topic are collected in the article.

Why does a child’s hair not grow: all the reasons for slow hair growth in children 1-2 years old

Various factors influence the rate at which a child's hair grows:

  • Individual characteristics of the body may manifest itself in poor hair growth. It should also be borne in mind that until the age of three, hair change and growth occurs quite slowly, so you should not worry too much about this.
  • Hormonal background. It affects the color, growth rate and volume of hair. Hormone levels change throughout life more than once. So, in children born with hair, it soon falls out, the hair that grows later is also not the main one, it soon also changes, and the color of the hair may also change. The main hair grows by 10-11 years.
  • Heredity. If there is a genetic predisposition to thin, slow-growing hair, then no amount of manipulation will change the situation.
  • Nutrition. The condition of your hair directly depends on the health of the body as a whole. Unbalanced and poor nutrition can cause slow hair growth, brittleness and even hair loss. This also includes diseases of the digestive system, since if the digestive system does not function properly, the body does not receive a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Care. Incorrectly selected shampoo, jewelry and hair accessories, incorrect comb and tight weaving injure the curls and can lead to their poor growth.
  • Stress. If a child is subject to stress, anxiety, hysterics, then his hair grows worse than that of stress-resistant children.
  • Diseases. Young children quite often suffer from a disease such as rickets. The cause of its occurrence is a lack of vitamin D. Most often, this deficiency occurs as a result of a lack of sunlight. The result of this disease is hair problems. Hair problems are also associated with diseases such as ringworm, alopecia, fungal diseases and injury to hair follicles, etc.

A child’s hair does not grow well: what to do?

There is an opinion that shaving your head promotes better hair growth in children. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is a myth. Shaving is not necessary and may even cause problems with baby's hair growth.

Chmelenko Galina Anatolyevna, trichologist:

“During shaving, the top layer of skin (and not the hair follicles) is injured, so after this procedure the hair does not grow for a long time or grows unevenly. However, after a certain time, the dermis will recover and hair growth will return to normal.”

Examination and treatment of a child with poor hair growth by specialists

Examination of the child by the following specialists will help determine the true cause of poor hair growth in a baby:

  • First you need to visit pediatrician. He will check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and find out how the baby’s digestive system functions. If this is the reason, then the doctor will help adjust the baby’s diet and prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • If necessary, he will provide directions to endocrinologist In order to determine the level of hormones, the specialist will prescribe the necessary medications if deviations from the norm are detected.
  • Trichologist can determine whether this problem is caused by improper care of the baby's hair.
  • If your pediatrician determines that slow hair growth is caused by stress factors, you will need to contact neurologist for help.

Balanced nutrition to stimulate hair growth in babies

Nutrition tips for children with slow hair growth:

  • Diversify your child's diet, enriching it with vegetables and fruits. Include foods containing vitamins A, D, C, B, and calcium in your child’s diet, as these substances stimulate hair growth.
  • Eliminate carbonated drinks and fast food and other harmful products for children.
  • To prevent vitamin D deficiency in a child it is necessary to regularly spend time in the fresh air and eat leafy vegetables: sorrel, cabbage, spinach.
  • Include red-orange vegetables and fruits in your baby's diet, which contain a lot of vitamin A and beta-carotene. For example, pumpkin, carrots.
  • Consuming omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on hair growth, so prepare meals for your baby with foods containing large amounts of these acids (linseed oil, salmon, walnuts).
  • Since hair consists of 70% proteins, It is important to include meat, milk, eggs, legumes and nuts in your child's diet.

Folk remedies for hair growth in children

There are effective folk remedies to improve hair growth. They can be used to treat children only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Herbal decoctions to stimulate hair growth

Rinsing hair with decoctions of burdock, birch or chamomile has long been used to stimulate hair growth. However, these products can be used by children over 2 years old. It is first necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction in a child to the plants used to prepare decoctions.

To prepare herbal decoctions 2 tbsp. l of dry herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then it is filtered and used warm to rinse hair.

Mask with sour milk/kefir

Apply sour milk or kefir to the baby's head, put a light cap or scarf on his head. Leave for 15 minutes and wash your hair.

Mask with castor or burdock oil

Before going to bed, apply castor or burdock oil to your baby's head. Put a cap on your head and put your child to bed. Wash your baby's hair in the morning. Do the procedures every day for 7 days.

Shampoo for hair growth

Mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons carrot juice, 1 raw yolk, 20 g vegetable oil, 20 g lemon juice. Use the resulting composition instead of shampoo.

Proper hair care for babies

  1. To wash your baby's hair, use baby shampoo with pH 6 (neutral medium) without aggressive additives.
  2. Wash your child's hair with settled, warm water.
  3. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly from your baby's hair.
  4. Blot your hair with a soft towel rather than drying it.
  5. Use a comb with soft bristles made of natural material to comb the hair of a small child, and for children over 2 years old, use a wooden comb with wide teeth and blunt ends.
  6. Comb dry hair.
  7. Part your hair in a new place each time.
  8. Do not use tight hair clips or elastic bands.

Doctors' opinions

Pediatrician O.V. Butuzova about the causes of poor hair growth in children 2-3 years old:

Hair is primarily genetics. Do your parents have thick hair? At your grandparents? The second point is anemia and iron deficiency. The third point is protein. Does your child eat meat, cottage cheese, cheese every day? Any digestive problems? The fourth point is the lack of certain microelements, zinc, for example. The reason I’m writing all this is that the problem with hair comes from the inside, so no hair oil will solve it. Masks and treatments are all great, however, if there is an internal problem and it is not solved, they will not help. In this situation, the most ideal option is to visit a hair specialist trichologist, who will prescribe a full examination to find the internal causes of poor hair growth. I don’t really believe in oil for rubbing into the head; you can try herbs, just watch the condition of the scalp when doing so. Sometimes they cause dryness, which is not good.

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A one year old child's hair requires no less careful care than the skin and mucous membranes. Although they do not differ in structure from adult hair, there are many features that need to be taken into account. Some parents are concerned that their child's hair is very thin and sparse and does not grow well. According to experts, this state of affairs can be corrected without the use of dangerous means and dubious products. The first haircut is also a subject of constant debate, based on superstitions and medical indicators. Carrying it out - both in the salon and at home - can become a real stress for children and a test of the patience of parents.

Features of hair in children under one year of age

The first hair in children (lanugo) appears during the period of intrauterine development and covers the entire body of the fetus, except for the palms and feet. By the time of birth, they fall out, remaining only on the head. The presence of lanugo hair on other parts of the body (after birth) may indicate immaturity of the child and is typical for premature babies. Within a month after giving birth, this fluff completely falls out. The hair shafts on the baby's head are extremely thin, the cuticle has fewer layers than normal, and the follicles are located almost on the surface of the skin. These factors lead to the fact that the hair of babies under one year of age reacts violently to environmental influences and is prone to loss and brittleness.

Whatever the color of a newborn’s hair, there is a high probability that it will change dramatically (sometimes this happens several times). You can say with confidence about the final shade no earlier than the second year of the child’s life. Until this time, due to unstable hormonal levels, the distribution of melanin will be uneven and temporary. Parents should not worry if their baby's hair grows poorly or is sparsely spaced under one year of age. There is no point in cutting them, thus trying to cause a thickening of the shaft. Only by the age of 5 will the hair structure be sufficiently close to adult levels, which will allow one to partially judge the fullness of future hair.

Often, by the third or fourth month of life, children experience noticeable hair thinning and even complete loss. There is no need to worry about this, much less take any active action. This phenomenon is physiological and is associated with changes in hormonal levels. After 6 months, the situation will normalize on its own and the hair will gradually begin to grow back. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor (vitaminosis or mineral deficiency is possible). Don’t be afraid of receding hairlines on the child’s temples or back of the head (these areas most often suffer from constant friction). This does not indicate the development of rickets without the presence of accompanying symptoms (low muscle tone, increased sweating, “marbled” skin, anxiety).

What to do if the child is already a year old and his hair is not growing well?

A rare “hairstyle” in children who are one year old worries most mothers. Most often this is observed in future blondes. In this case, parents can find their children's photographs during this period and compare them with the condition of the baby's hair. If the indicators are identical, do not worry - in 99% of cases, hair thickness is inherited. According to statistics, if hairs grow poorly up to 2 years of age, then the “dormant” follicles are activated and babies begin to catch up and even surpass their peers without such a “problem.”

Experts categorically prohibit stimulating hair growth using traditional medicine or modern professional medications. Children do not tolerate such experiments well. They will only cause severe allergic reactions in the child and damage superficial follicles. With this approach, you can achieve the opposite of the desired result. There is no point in cutting hairs - contrary to popular belief, it will not have a positive effect on the quality of the hair shafts.

If hair does not grow at all or is prone to intense hair loss (after 6 months), this may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Some of them are poorly absorbed without a sufficient amount of fatty acids in the diet. In this case, it is worth thinking about the diet of the baby and mother; on the recommendation of a specialist, you can take a multivitamin complex.

Equally important is proper hair care for children under one year old.

  • You need to wash your hair daily, but without using detergents. The purpose of the procedure is to remove excess fat, dirt, fallen hairs and exfoliated epithelium. Shampoo can be used no more than once a week. The product must be specialized, with a neutral pH level. Soap or adult products are prohibited. The shampoo is diluted in the palm of your hand until foam appears, and this is what is applied to the surface of the head. Use your fingertips to gently massage and remove foam.
  • There is no need to dry your hair, just pat it dry with a warm towel. A hairdryer should not be used to dry the hair of children under one year of age!
  • If hairs are not growing well, it is recommended to perform a light scalp massage daily. This will increase blood flow and improve nutrition of the follicles.
  • You need to comb your child every day, despite the fullness of his hair. For manipulation, special brushes with natural, soft bristles are used. Movements should be smooth so as not to damage the baby's delicate skin.

If your hair grows rapidly, you should not use elastic bands and hairpins: they tighten the skin, creating a feeling of discomfort. The best solution would be a neat haircut.

Should my child's hair be cut a year?

Some parents are full of superstitions and fears about when they can cut their child's hair for the first time. Many argue that if hairs are cut before a year, it will have a bad effect on the baby’s health. In fact, this belief has no scientific basis. Experts believe that it is foolish to delay cutting a haircut and wait until the baby is a year old if the hair gets into the baby’s eyes and causes profuse sweating and itching.

Other parents prefer to cut their children's hair when they turn one, thinking that this will provide them with voluminous hair in the future. In fact, such a procedure does not affect the quality and quantity of hair. The rods grow the way it is genetically determined. In this way, only a slight increase in their rigidity can be achieved. This increases the risk of damage to the superficial follicles and skin of the baby.

It’s also not worth waiting 4-5 years before your first haircut. A significant length of hair disrupts the process of its nutrition, the rods are constantly tangled and damaged, and begin to fall out rapidly. For this reason, a neat short haircut is considered the optimal hairstyle for young children of preschool age.

Children's first haircut of the year: how to do it right?

If your baby’s hair is growing rapidly and it’s time for the first haircut, it’s better to entrust the process to professionals and go to a hairdresser. Toys, cartoons and friendly specialists will distract the child from a new incomprehensible procedure, and the session will go quickly and without whims.

If the baby is suspicious of adults or is not yet a year old, it is better to cut his hair on his own, at home.

  1. It is better to sit the child on the lap of someone close and dear.
  2. It is better to prepare the baby in advance by offering him a new “hair salon” game a few days before the manipulation.
  3. Before the procedure, the hair should be combed and lightly moistened with a spray.
  4. Scissors should be safe, with round tips.
  5. You need to cut carefully, but quickly. Children under one year old quickly get tired of playing, so you need to cope in a few minutes. If the baby begins to act up, you can stop there and continue a little later.
  6. You need to start cutting hair in the most inaccessible places; some mothers finish the work at the moment when the baby falls asleep. Even after this approach, the hair grows evenly, the main thing is that it does not interfere with the child.

The process of hair care should be not just a hygienic procedure, but a joint event that brings pleasure to mother and baby. There are many special receptors on the scalp, the correct stimulation of which will relax the child, lull him to sleep and give him a good mood.