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Second trimester of pregnancy: size and weight of the fetus, condition of the pregnant woman, necessary tests. Condition of a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy 2nd trimester sensations


The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when the formation of the placenta is completed and active growth of the fetus continues. During this period, the expectant mother should especially carefully monitor her diet. Proper nutrition is the key to the harmonious development of the child and the successful course of pregnancy from conception to childbirth.

Basic Rules

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks. During this period, the following significant events occur:

  • the formation of the placenta and the formation of the blood-placental barrier are completed;
  • there is an intensive growth of all formed internal organs;
  • the functioning of the endocrine glands begins;
  • active development of the nervous system occurs.
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, the load on a woman’s body increases. The need for oxygen, vitamins and microelements increases. If in the first trimester the lack of nutrients was compensated by the resources of the mother’s body, then after 12-14 weeks this situation can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. It is no coincidence that it is in the second trimester that it is recommended to start taking multivitamins designed specifically for expectant mothers.

    The goal of the second trimester diet is to provide the body of the woman and fetus with all the necessary nutrients. A lack of vitamins and microelements during this period can lead to delayed fetal development and serious health problems in the future.

    Basic principles of the diet of expectant mothers in the second trimester:

  1. Rational distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day.
  2. Increasing the proportion of protein in the diet.
  3. Increased calorie content of food (compared to the first trimester).
  4. Providing the woman’s body with all the necessary vitamins and mineral compounds.
  5. Optimal drinking regime.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman's appetite usually increases. Toxicosis goes away, general well-being improves, and the desire to live an active life appears. The need for essential nutrients increases, the size of portions and the total amount of food consumed increases. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing a diet for the expectant mother from 12 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

An increase in appetite in the second trimester is not always beneficial. Frequent snacking, addiction to flour, fried, fatty foods - all this leads to rapid weight gain. Normal weight gain ranges from 300 to 500 g per week. Rapid weight gain can trigger the development of arterial hypertension and other serious complications during pregnancy.

  1. Frequent split meals (6 times a day in small portions).
  2. Refusal of fried, hot and spicy foods. Priority is given to steamed or oven-cooked food.
  3. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Limit salt to 5 g per day.
  5. The volume of fluid is up to 1.5-2 liters per day (with normal kidney function).
  6. Refusal of processed foods and fast food in favor of homemade food.

In the second trimester, a woman is recommended to stick to her usual diet. You should not suddenly switch to unusual and exotic dishes, or suddenly change your eating habits. If necessary, changing the diet should occur gradually, without drastic restrictions. Strict diets, including for the purpose of weight correction, are prohibited during pregnancy.

Nutrient balance

The distribution of the main elements of food in the second trimester is as follows:

  • proteins – 100-130 g per day;
  • fats – 50-70 g;
  • carbohydrates – up to 300 g.

The emphasis in the diet of the second trimester is on proteins - the same as in the early stages. Compared to the first trimester, the amount of protein increases to 1.5 g per kilogram of a woman’s body weight. At the beginning of the second trimester, the formation and differentiation of the main tissues of the fetus continues. It is very important that at this stage the baby receives protein - the main building material of cells - in full.

The proportion of fat in the second trimester decreases to 60 g per day. Pregnant women who are prone to rapid weight gain should limit their fat intake to 50 g.

The volume of carbohydrates in the second trimester of pregnancy decreases to 300 g per day. Complex carbohydrates should predominate in the expectant mother's diet. Fast, easily digestible sugars provoke excess weight gain, which leads to the development of serious complications during pregnancy.

The total calorie content of food in the second trimester is 2000-2200 kcal. When assessing the calorie content of food, you should focus on weekly weight gain, as well as the physical activity of the expectant mother. If a woman often walks, does yoga or gymnastics, or leads an active lifestyle, the calorie content of food can be increased to 2500 kcal per day.

It is important to remember that in the second trimester of pregnancy, manifestations of toxicosis often persist. Nausea and vomiting can plague the expectant mother for up to 14-16 weeks. There will be no noticeable weight gain during this period. An increase in body weight is observed only after all symptoms of toxicosis have subsided and a return to the usual diet.

The following products should be present on the table of a pregnant woman every day in the second trimester:

Meat and fish

Among meat products, priority is given to lean varieties of beef and veal. Red meat is considered a valuable source of iron, which is so necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. All meat dishes are steamed or baked in the oven. After the symptoms of toxicosis have subsided, you can occasionally treat yourself to fried meat (if it is well tolerated and there are no problems with the digestive tract).

During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume local vegetables and fruits. Exotic fruits can lead to the development of allergies and digestive disorders. Any fruit unusual for a particular region should be eaten with great caution, starting with small portions. If well tolerated, exotic fruits can be included in the daily diet of the expectant mother.

In the second trimester, after the symptoms of toxicosis subside, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Any salads (preferably without adding mayonnaise), desserts, and drinks will be beneficial. Stewed and baked vegetables can be an excellent side dish for meat, poultry and fish. You can make candied fruits, jam and preserves from fruits.

Fermented milk drinks

In the second trimester of pregnancy, priority is given to low-fat kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. These can be either homemade products or purchased in stores (with or without fruit additives). Whole milk should be consumed with great caution - individual intolerance is possible.

Fermented milk products are a valuable source of calcium and phosphorus. In the second trimester of pregnancy, these elements go towards the development of the fetal musculoskeletal system and tooth enamel. Calcium also helps keep a pregnant woman's skin, hair and nails in good condition.


In the second trimester of pregnancy, emphasis is placed on the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – activates the immune system, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. Source: fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) – ensures normal skeletal development, increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Source: liver, sea fish, sour cream, butter.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – creates conditions for normal hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia. Source: beef, pork, lamb, sea fish, chicken eggs, cheese.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) – supports adequate functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Source: sea fish, turkey, goose, rabbit, nuts, legumes, wheat.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to take multivitamins designed specifically for expectant mothers. Complex vitamins are prescribed daily from 12 weeks until birth. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to continue taking vitamins according to the same regimen.

Mineral elements

Important compounds affecting the course of the second trimester:

  • Calcium and phosphorus - ensure normal development of the skeleton, as well as tooth enamel. Source: fermented milk products, green vegetables, cheese, legumes.
  • Iron – participates in the formation of hemoglobin, provides the body of the woman and the fetus with oxygen. Lack of iron leads to the development of anemia. Source: red meat, spinach, nuts, legumes, corn, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Potassium – regulates blood pressure, ensures complete impulse transmission along nerve fibers.

At the 14th week, the baby’s height approaches 10 cm, the baby trains to inhale and exhale, swallowing amniotic fluid.

14 weeks

By the end of the 15th week, the child can already suck his thumb, which means that his sucking reflex is fully formed. The first hairs on the head appear this week.

By the 16th week, the fetus has fully developed tactile (response to mechanical stimuli), gustatory and vestibular systems. The baby improves the coordination of his arms and legs by moving them in his mother's tummy. Height reaches 12 cm.

16 weeks

The 17th week is reserved for polishing and working out already formed organs and systems. The baby grows very quickly, weighs about 150 g. The child perfectly hears the sounds of heartbeat, blood circulation, and peristalsis occurring in the mother’s body.

By the 18th week, the baby is able to hear sounds coming from outside: music, dad’s voice, the noise of household appliances.

At the 19th week, the child recovers to 300 g and grows to 20 cm. The formation of the fingers is almost complete, and an individual grid of lines appears on them.

The height increases by another 5 cm (25 cm), and now the baby weighs 340 g. The child practices grasping objects, endlessly clenching and unclenching his fists, fiddling with the umbilical cord and, as if shyly, covering his face.

The end of the 22nd week sums up the formation of the baby’s brain as an integral system. Now movements, like mood, crumbs directly depend on commands coming from the hypothalamus. Through the umbilical cord, the child receives hormones that the mother’s body produces depending on the emotions experienced, so the child experiences exactly the same feelings as his mother. Depending on this, he responds to what is happening with active somersaults and pushes. Weight is 400 g.

By the 23rd week, the nails are fully formed and the genitals are clearly visible.

Over the course of 24-25 weeks, the baby’s weight increases significantly and reaches 800 g, the weight is approaching 33 cm. He has already learned to express his feelings and emotions through pushes, and a sleep-wake pattern has developed.

24 weeks

What happens to mom in the 2nd trimester

The body got used to the new state, hormonal storms were left behind, but with full awareness of its “deep” pregnancy came mild memory loss. This is natural, because the body is forced to use all reserves in order to ensure the survival of the baby, and some everyday little things, like turning off the light, calling the supplier or buying milk, are trifles in comparison with what happens in the tummy. This condition goes away after childbirth, you just need to come to terms with it.

At this time, a brown stripe may appear on the rounded tummy, barely noticeable at first, but clearly visible towards the end of pregnancy. Sometimes age spots also appear on the face, especially on the cheeks, which is a consequence of the body's production of melanin. 2-3 months after the birth of the child, the hormonal background changes again, so that both the spots and the brown line simply evaporate.

It is in the 2nd trimester that you can “hear” your baby for the first time. This long-awaited event occurs at 18-20 weeks for first-time mothers and at 16-18 for women who have previously given birth. The sensations are similar to the fluttering of a butterfly, the splashing of a fish - these trembling moments simply cannot be missed or confused with something.

Due to the fact that the baby's need for oxygen and nutrients increases, the mother's body is forced to increase the volume of circulating blood, which can cause high blood pressure and increased sweating. The activity of the endocrine glands also increases, so the amount of secretions increases significantly. Breasts swell and nipples become hard, which means you need to wear special underwear.

Maternity underwear should be loose, versatile and made from natural materials or microfiber. In order for the expectant mother to feel comfortable all day long, it is advisable to purchase a bralette made of cotton. You need to buy seamless panties for pregnant women - this will prevent compression in the tummy and hips. From the 20th week, it is recommended to wear a bandage designed to relieve excess stress on the spine and make it easier to carry out daily activities.

Comfortable underwear for pregnant women

At 22-23 weeks, you can feel weak uterine contractions for the first time, but if they pass quickly and are not too painful, then these are training contractions caused by the fact that the body is already preparing for a significant date - meeting the baby.

The child grows, he needs more and more space, and therefore the mother’s tummy increases more and more, the skin stretches and becomes very sensitive to the slightest irritants. In those places where the elastic capacity of the skin has been exhausted, stretch marks form. To combat dry skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can use special creams daily (always marked “for pregnant women”), nourishing baby cream or olive oil.

Problems of the 2nd trimester

The problems of the 2nd trimester are associated with a growing belly and the fact that the pregnant mother’s body is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. In this regard, the following troubles arise:

  • constipation, because the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the intestines;
  • shortness of breath is due to the fact that the uterus, as the fetus grows, puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which in turn “squeeze” the diaphragm upward, disrupting the free movement of the lungs;
  • heartburn - the uterus displaces the stomach, and as a result, some of the contents may enter the esophagus;
  • frequent urination, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, the tone of which is already reduced under the influence of progesterone. Sometimes this can cause urinary stagnation, which significantly increases the possibility of infection in the bladder. That is why it is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of protein and the number of leukocytes in the urine.
  • insomnia, because it is not easy to find a comfortable body position with a large tummy;
  • anemia due to the fact that blood volume has increased significantly;
  • excessive weight gain;
  • cramps and swelling;
  • candidiasis, the main manifestations of which are copious curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor. A pregnant woman's immunity is weakened, which creates excellent conditions for the growth and reproduction of fungi that cause the disease.

The period between the 18th and 22nd weeks is considered a particularly dangerous period for a possible late miscarriage, since at this time the child’s own systems are launched. If the errors are critical, then the schedule of development and maturation of functions in the fetus is disrupted, which leads to hypoxia or malnutrition of the fetus, dystrophic changes, and in severe cases, termination of pregnancy occurs.

2nd trimester tests

In the 2nd trimester, the pregnant woman visits the doctor once a month, and indicators of weight gain, blood pressure, fetal heartbeat and tummy size are monitored. A general blood and urine test is performed monthly.

At week 16, it is recommended to donate blood from a vein to determine the levels of AFT (Alpha Fetoprotein), HCG (Chorionic Gonadotropin) and NE (unconjugated estriol). This is the so-called first screening, carried out to exclude pathologies of fetal development and genetic diseases.

The 2nd trimester may be remembered as the most wonderful time if:

  • follow a diet and consume sufficient, but not excessive, amounts of food;
  • Do light exercises every day - this will gently and gradually prepare the body for childbirth;
  • eat beef and liver, buckwheat porridge and apples to maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. And if anemia is detected, take medications recommended by your doctor;
  • do not overeat, exclude fatty foods, eat food often and in small portions - this will prevent the occurrence of heartburn, and to relieve discomfort, you can occasionally take heartburn medications;
  • walk several times a day to enrich the blood with oxygen;
  • monitor your daily bowel movements and avoid constipation by consuming vegetables and fruits, especially leaning on beets, prunes and dried apricots;
  • enjoy sexual relations, because right now, when there is no such a big belly yet, the expectant mother has become especially feminine and sensual;
  • It is imperative to treat candidiasis in pregnant women, since the mucous membrane eaten away by yeast fungi becomes thinner, which can provoke multiple ruptures during natural childbirth;
  • take prenatal vitamins and calcium;
  • visit the dentist on time to treat caries, because carious cavities are breeding grounds for infection;
  • enjoy every day and start choosing “your” doctor for childbirth.

How to choose the right doctor

Pregnancy is associated with uncertainty and anxiety. To prevent panic from overshadowing the joyful anticipation, it is advisable to decide in advance on the choice of a doctor. You can look for reviews of relevant specialists on the city forum, you can consult a gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy, but it is best to find out the opinion of mothers you know who gave birth in the maternity hospital you need.

When choosing a doctor, it is advisable to take into account the following criteria:

  • he must have the appropriate qualifications;
  • must adhere to those methods of obstetric care that appeal to you;
  • He is a practitioner and has encountered many situations during the birth process.

Having decided on a couple of candidates, it is advisable to meet with them and discuss your preferences and concerns in a personal conversation. During the consultation, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the pregnant woman, express his opinion regarding obstetric care and his vision of possible cooperation. After such a conversation, the expectant mother will be able to intuitively and realistically decide on the choice of a specialist to whom she will entrust the most precious thing - her and her child’s health.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be called the prime of pregnancy, because it is at this time that the expectant mother is full of strength and energy, and waiting does not yet bring significant inconvenience and anxiety.

Flying in the second trimester

Some women who are expecting a baby are interested in whether it is possible to fly during the second trimester?

They can be reassured, since this period is the most optimal time for travel.

The fact is that the expectant mother now does not get tired so quickly, remains mobile and the painful toxicosis is already behind her. It is at this time that you no longer have to be afraid that there will be any unforeseen complications (as, for example, in the third trimester).

However, complicated pregnancy deserves a separate discussion. If it is, then it is better to avoid any flights. In cases where you cannot do without a trip, you should first consult a gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy.

Smoking and alcohol, sauna and bathroom

At this time you need to forget about all bad habits.

Doctor's supervision and examination are mandatory

No alcoholic drinks or smoking. Such harmful addictions of the expectant mother can provoke the appearance of pathologies in the baby, as well as cause a miscarriage.

Smoking contributes to disruption of the formation of organs and systems in the fetus. In addition, under the influence of cigarettes it changes.

Separately, I would like to find out whether it is possible to visit the bathhouse at this time.

This issue is quite controversial. But most doctors claim that this particular period is optimal for taking a bath or going to the sauna.

However, they advise not to forget the following rules during such procedures:

  1. To prevent an increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman, you need to monitor the heart area. It must be above the water level.
  2. The temperature should be between 30 and 36 degrees.
  3. The duration of water procedures should not be more than a quarter of an hour.

As for, in the second trimester it is best to give preference to the Russian steam room. The Finnish sauna is not recommended for expectant mothers due to the fairly high temperature and dry air.

Massage and hair coloring

Every woman should pay attention to herself, no matter what condition she is in. For example, sign up for a massage course.

This type of relaxation procedure perfectly relieves stress.

Before you sign up for a massage, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. The massage therapist can only work on the arms, neck, legs and shoulder girdle.
  2. The chiropractor should perform the procedure without pressure or force. Only soft and light movements are allowed.
  3. Before starting the session, you must consult a doctor who is managing your pregnancy.

The question: is it possible to dye hair raises many questions?

rumors and prejudices. If you approach this procedure correctly, then you don’t have to worry that hair coloring could somehow harm your unborn child.

Just choose a paint with a gentle composition. In addition, you can use natural dyes, such as basma or henna. They will not cause an allergic reaction in the expectant mother.

Here are some more tips to help you get through this time better:

  1. Constantly take all the tests that are prescribed for you and visit your doctor. Don't forget about ultrasound. The second trimester of pregnancy involves visiting a specialist once every six months. In this case, a day before the visit, you must submit your urine for analysis. If you take responsibility for your health, you can promptly detect various diseases and pathologies and begin the necessary treatment on time.
  2. If even slight deviations from the norm are detected, the doctor will prescribe the necessary procedures. In no case should you engage in amateur activities and treat yourself. Such an irresponsible approach is fraught with health problems for both mother and baby.

The most important advice to all expectant mothers is simple: enjoy your interesting position, while receiving pleasure and joy from the upcoming motherhood. And in this case, the baby will certainly be born strong and healthy!

Watch the educational video:

  • Every person should have a properly formulated diet...

The second trimester is the calmest and most wonderful time of pregnancy: the belly is not yet large, not tight, not heavy, the appetite returns, and a very good appetite, with which it is so easy to gain extra pounds.

From the 12th to the 18th week, apart from an increase in appetite, no special changes in nutrition occur, and starting from the 19th week, the child begins to grow faster, the woman’s figure becomes noticeably rounder, and the female body’s needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals increase. Therefore, from the 19th–20th week of pregnancy, it is worth increasing the calorie content of food by 300 kcal (total 2300–2800 kcal/day). This increase is satisfied by protein: fish or meat, which can be eaten up to 200 g/day, cottage cheese up to 200 g per day, fermented milk products – up to 500 ml. It is useful to reduce the amount by reducing the consumption of bread, flour products and sugar. Steam, stew or boil vegetables. Meat and fruit can be baked in the oven, but it’s better not to think about frying with butter in a frying pan in the near future.

On a note! For residents of the northern regions, the total calorie content can be increased by 15% by increasing the fat content. But for residents of the southern regions, daily caloric intake can be reduced by 10% at the expense of fats or by replacing fats with carbohydrates.

Recommended daily set of products that will fully meet the nutritional and energy needs of a pregnant woman:

  • Bread – 100 g,
  • Flour – 15 g,
  • Cereals – 60 g,
  • Potatoes – 200 g,
  • Vegetables – 500 g,
  • Fresh fruits – 300 g,
  • Dried fruits – 20 g,
  • Sugar (including in confectionery) – 60 g,
  • Juices – 200 ml,
  • Meat – 170–230 g (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey, lean pork),
  • Fish – 70 g,
  • Milk, fermented milk products (2.5% fat) – 500 ml,
  • Cottage cheese (low fat) – 50–200 g,
  • Sour cream 10% fat – 15 g,
  • Butter – 25 g,
  • Vegetable oil – 15 g,
  • Egg 1/2 pcs./day or 1 pc. in one day,
  • Cheese – 15 g,
  • Tea – 1 g,

For sauces you can use milk-fruit ones, for spices - parsley, onion, dill, bay leaf, cloves.

Sample menu in the second trimester:

  • Breakfast:
  1. Porridge – 200 g with butter/1 egg omelette,
  2. Fruit,
  3. Half a glass of milk or warm drink.
  • 2nd breakfast:
  1. Boiled egg/cottage cheese – 150 g,
  2. Fruit/vegetable/dried fruit – 100 g.
  • Dinner:
  1. 1/2 of the previous portion of soup,
  2. Meat or fish – 150 g,
  3. 1/2 serving of side dish,
  4. Salad – 200–250 g.
  • Afternoon snack:
  1. Cottage cheese with dried fruits – 200 g/glass of kefir and fruit/marshmallows, marmalade with tea.
  • Dinner:
  1. Fish or meat – 50 g,
  2. Vegetable salad,
  3. Warm drink.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or milk.

Recommended norms of physiological needs from the 20th week of pregnancy

You can use fresh, dried or frozen herbs as spices for a pregnant woman.

Nutrients and energy valueNeed during pregnancyIn products
Energy, kcal2550
Protein, g100 (of which 60 are animals)Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, legumes
Fats, g85 (of which 60 are animals)Animal fats, vegetable oils
Carbohydrates, g350 Cereals, cereals, potatoes, fruits, berries, vegetables
Calcium, mg1100 Milk, dairy products, broccoli
Phosphorus, mg1650 Mineral water, sea fish, cottage cheese
Magnesium, mg450 Nuts, legumes, millet, buckwheat
Iron, mg38 Meat, spinach, buckwheat, lentils
Zinc, mg20 Meat, dairy products, fish
Iodine, mg0,18 Fish,
Vitamin C, mg90 Sauerkraut, black currant
A, µg1000 Carrot,
E, mg10 Vegetable oils
D, mcg12,5 Fish, egg yolk
B1, mg1,5 Meat, potatoes
B2, mg1,5 Meat, dairy products
B6, mg2,1 Nuts (more in pine nuts), legumes, sea fish, sweet peppers
Folic acid, mcg400 Greens, beans, nuts
B12, mcg4 Seafood, meat, dairy products

Limit or exclude:

  • Fats. Avoid lard, fried foods, and any fast food.
  • Salt – maximum 10 g/day, this also includes pickles, sausages and smoked meats; salt puts additional stress on the kidneys and promotes water retention in the body, which leads to edema.
  • Liquid. Some restrictions must be placed on liquids; it is advisable to drink no more than 1.5–1.8 l/day. It is healthier to drink mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, but avoid soda and bottled drinks with dyes and other chemical additives. Green and herbal tea is suitable, we replace coffee with coffee drinks.
  • . Do not get carried away with citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits (mango, papaya). How to choose the right fresh fruits.
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee and chocolate - no more than once a week, they interfere with calcium absorption.
  • Refuse white bread, replace it with black bread made from wholemeal flour.
  • Among sweets, give preference to marmalade, marshmallows, halva, etc.
  • Limit the consumption of meat and fish broths, garlic, and onions.
  • You should not eat foods that cause fermentation processes - grapes, confectionery, sugar.
  • Reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol (cholesterol promotes weight gain and impairs liver function).

On a note! Foods high in cholesterol:

  1. Egg yolks;
  2. Processed meat (sausages, ham, sausages);
  3. Kidneys, liver (especially beef);
  4. Butter, full-fat sour cream and cheese;
  5. Salo;
  6. Flour sweets (breads, pastries, cakes).
  • Alcohol. Of course, alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited, with the only exception being a couple of sips of natural homemade red wine.
  • Medications. In very extreme cases, with a headache or toothache, you can take a paracetamol tablet, No-shpa, but it is better to consult with your gynecologist about this.
  • But! If a pregnant woman really, really wants to eat something from the prohibited list, her mood deteriorates, she begins to get nervous about it or not, then even the most harmful chips with ketchup and Coca-Cola 1-2 times during the entire pregnancy will not do any harm.

    List of food supplements for pregnant women with nutritional pathologies:

    Pathology Supplements
    Poor nutrition, insufficient intake of protein foods, vitamins and mineralsDry milk formulas for pregnant and lactating women, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals
    Hypovitaminosis, overweight, obesityDry milk mixtures enriched with vitamins; multivitamin preparations; low-fat vitamin-fortified formulas
    AnemiaMixtures and fruit juices fortified with vitamins and iron; iron supplements
    OsteoporosisMixtures enriched with vitamins and minerals; fruit juices fortified with calcium; specialized yoghurts and milk for pregnant women, fortified

    Special products for pregnant and lactating women

    Currently, there is a variety of dry milk products created for additional nutrition for pregnant and lactating women. They contain easily digestible protein, a small amount of fat, carbohydrates in the form of milk sugar, and polyunsaturated fatty acids; enriched with vitamins and microelements (calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium), bifidobacteria. They can be used as an additive in hot drinks (tea, coffee drink, cocoa), cereals, or drunk instead of milk.

    Weight gain

    From 12 to 20 weeks, the weight gain per week is 300–350 g, and from 20 to 30 – 400 g. As a rule, at 20 weeks the total weight gain should be 4–6 kg, i.e. 40 % of the total increase for the entire pregnancy.

    How to avoid food allergies in your unborn child

    To reduce the risk of developing allergies in a child, a pregnant woman should limit the consumption of allergenic foods.

    In Russia, about 20% of children in the first year of life suffer. The reasons are heredity (more often develops in children whose parents themselves suffer from allergies), maternal smoking during pregnancy, frequent viral infections and poor nutrition (excessive consumption of allergenic foods during pregnancy or a strict hypoallergenic diet).
    List of allergenic foods that you should eat less or less often from the second trimester:

    • Milk - no more than 300 ml/day (if it is very difficult to refuse, it is better to drink goat milk), since most often children under one year old develop a food allergy to cow's milk protein.
    • Red fish, crabs and shrimp – no more than once a week.
    • Chicken eggs – 1 pc. 2-3 times a week, it is better to eat yolks without proteins, because they are an allergen, avoid chicken meat.
    • Nuts (walnuts are more useful, peanuts and hazelnuts are more allergenic), it is better to eat them dried, since vitamins are lost during frying, you can only 100 g and no more than 1-2 times a week.
    • Eat cocoa and chocolate no more than once a week.
    • Fruits, berries and vegetables with a “bad” reputation - strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes.
    • It is better to exclude honey completely, or eat 1 spoon for a cold or insomnia.
    • Packaged food containing preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers, color, taste and aroma enhancers can be completely excluded.

    Colds during pregnancy: what to eat to avoid getting sick and how to treat them

    • During the cold season, eat more fresh fruits.
    • When the first symptoms of the disease appear (runny nose, sore throat), eat raw onions (red ones are sweeter and tastier), garlic, horseradish. Place finely chopped ones around the apartment (change fresh ones every day).
    • You can increase the volume of liquid you drink with cranberry, blackcurrant, lingonberry juice, a decoction of, you can sweeten it with a spoon of honey.
    • If you have not taken vitamins before, then it is time to start taking a complex vitamin preparation for pregnant women.
    • If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with a slightly salted solution of sea salt and drip carrot, beet, aloe, and kalanchoe juice into your nose. At night, pour mustard powder into warm socks or place a heating pad at your feet.
    • For sore throat, decoctions of chamomile and sage, soda solution, furatsilin solution help well - rinse 4 times a day, lozenges can be dissolved during the day.
    • When coughing, you can inhale through a nebulizer with saline solution, breathe over the steam of chamomile infusion with the addition of soda.
    • Avoid medications and alcohol tinctures.

    Proper nutrition will help avoid gestosis, premature birth, delayed child development and infectious diseases. Try to eat simple, ordinary food, the kind that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers ate, because this is what our genes were grown on.

    The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you more about healthy foods for pregnant women:

    Hello, expectant mothers! Have you noticeably become rounder, felt your baby’s movements for the first time and your mood has stabilized a little? Hurray, the second trimester of pregnancy has begun - the most comfortable time for you. Today we will talk about the nuances of gestation during this period.

    A few words about the trimester itself

    First of all, let's answer the two most common questions:

    • From what week to what week does the second trimester last?
    • How many weeks is the second trimester?

    The beginning of the trimester is the 13th gestational week and ends at the 26th week. This period, unlike the first and third trimesters, lasts 12 weeks, while nature allocates 14 weeks for the beginning and end of gestation.

    This time is considered the most fertile for the expectant mother, despite the fact that all systems are working under overload, you feel better than at the beginning of pregnancy: calmer, more peaceful. This is explained by:

    1. That the hormonal peak is over, your hormones no longer dominate your psyche so much.
    2. You feel the movements of your child, this fills you with calm joy, confidence that life inside you is actively developing. A positive emotional charge has a positive effect on mood, helping to cope with depression in the first trimester.
    3. During this period, spontaneous abortion is less common than at the beginning of pregnancy, which expectant mothers are usually informed about. And this allows them to feel a little calmer and more confident.

    During this period, the main organs and systems of your baby are already formed, but the fetus itself is still relatively small. This means that the size of your belly, although increasing, is quite moderate. And it is not as difficult for you to breathe, move and eat as at the end of pregnancy.

    If you have entered the second trimester of gestation, enjoy the relative respite; the third trimester is coming, more difficult for mothers.

    Changes in mother's body

    What happens to the mother’s body during this period? Your belly expands due to the growth of the pregnant uterus, and at 20 weeks its fundus is higher than your navel.

    Gut condition

    This means that the internal organs rise to the diaphragm and you may feel slight heartburn, intestinal problems, constipation, and hemorrhoids may appear. Vegetables, fruits and cereals help solve the problem of constipation. Prunes, beets and dried fruit compote have proven themselves to be the best.

    Uterine tone

    By mid-trimester, you may feel your first Braxton Hicks contractions. These are training movements of the myometrium preparing for childbirth. How to behave when the uterus becomes toned? Rest. Take a horizontal position and breathe calmly. If everything is normal, your uterus will soon “calm down” and relax. If the contractions intensify, the pain intensifies, it makes sense to call a gynecologist.


    What else do you need to know about the changes during this period? What should you pay attention to? Be calm about the abundance of tests during pregnancy. They are designed to monitor your condition and help the doctor correct it.

    For example, when the active improvement of the fetal systems and its growth begins (from about 21 weeks), it needs an increased supply of beneficial nutrients and oxygen. It is during this time that your hemoglobin levels drop. Sometimes the body copes and maintains the indicators at the lower limit of normal, in other cases anemia develops.

    A mild degree of iron deficiency in the body can be corrected by adding buckwheat porridge, apples, and pomegranate to the diet. If it is not possible to maintain hemoglobin at the required level, the obstetrician prescribes medication. But you cannot choose and prescribe medications for yourself.


    During this period, some women experience increased pigmentation in the abdomen and chest, and sometimes dark spots appear on the face. Don't be alarmed by this phenomenon. There is no need to do anything. After childbirth, the hyperpigmentation will go away.


    If you notice more discharge in your panties, don't panic by exclaiming, "What's going on?" If the discharge is transparent with a slight whitish tint, does not have an unpleasant odor (normally it is sour), and is not accompanied by discomfort in the vaginal area, nothing bad happens. An increase in vaginal secretions is a normal phenomenon during the second trimester.

    The reason for an unscheduled visit to the gynecologist may be leucorrhoea (discharge):

    • yellow, yellow-green, bloody (with an admixture of scarlet blood or brown), gray, green;
    • with an unpleasant pungent odor of fish, a strong sour odor.

    If secretions are accompanied by discomfort in the external genital area, most likely we are talking about an infectious disease. If the secretion contains blood, your lower back hurts, your legs become wobbly, and you feel dizzy - this may be a sign of a complication of the gestational process.

    Toxicosis or gestosis?

    By this time, the dreary sensation of any intense smell, morning sickness and vomiting should leave you. But sometimes, after 16 weeks of gestation, expectant mothers cannot part with the phenomenon of toxicosis. If the symptoms can be easily eliminated with acidified water or a cracker, nothing bad will happen.

    If you are concerned:

    • frequent or severe vomiting;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • swelling;
    • feeling disgusting.

    You have suddenly gained weight, this is probably gestosis. If you have such symptoms, hurry up and see a gynecologist.


    Pain in the hip joint and lower back is quite possible. This is due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on surrounding tissues. Your stomach shouldn't hurt. If you experience cramping pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor. If you notice bloody discharge, seek help immediately.

    In case of fatigue and pain in the neck, spine, and pelvic bones in the second trimester, expectant mothers are allowed massage, of course, if there are no contraindications:

    • manual from a specialist;
    • lymphatic drainage

    All actions of a specialist must be careful and accurate.

    Visiting a medical facility in the second trimester

    At this stage of pregnancy, you will have to visit the doctor every 14 days. After the milestone of 16 weeks, the obstetrician will regularly measure at what height the fundus of the pregnant woman’s uterus is located. You will need to take blood tests:

    • UAC (general);
    • for antibodies, if you are Rh negative, and the future dad is positive;
    • on the content of hormones (estriol, gonadotropin and α-fetoprotein).

    You also need to take urine samples regularly. In addition, you will need to undergo a fetal ultrasound as part of the second screening examination.

    If you have symptoms of gestosis, cardiac dysfunction, or other indications, your doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination of your kidneys, heart, and other tests. In addition, in the second trimester you should undergo examination by specialists.