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Between two fires: why Fyodor Bondarchuk has not yet divorced his wife. Fyodor Bondarchuk divorced his wife because of the star of “Method” Sergei Bondarchuk divorced his wife

Published 03/19/16 18:24

48-year-old director Fyodor Bondarchuk and 47-year-old actress and editor-in-chief of Hello! Svetlana Bondarchuk, after 25 years of marriage, announced their divorce.

Bondarchuk: divorce will come after 25 years of marriage

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The divorce of one of the strongest couples in Russian show business - Fyodor and Svetalana Bondarchuk, on March 19 was like a bolt from the blue.

The fact that these are not just rumors and gossip became clear after the Bondarchuk couple made an official statement in the popular magazine “Hello!”, of which Svetlana has been the editor for several years.

"With love and gratitude to each other for intkbbach Having lived together for years, still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for our families, we, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, announce: we have decided to divorce,” the couple said in an official statement.

According to the Bondarchuks, there were and are no conflicts or contradictions between them.

“The time we spent together was wonderful, but today we went our separate ways (...) We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends,” their joint statement said.

The couple have been married for 25 years.

Bondarchuk divorced his wife: the reasons are still unclear, but rumors have been circulating since October 2015

People first started talking about the couple's discord back in October 2015, when Svetlana Bondarchuk suddenly changed her husband's surname to her maiden name - but not in her passport, but on the Internet.

On Instagram, the editor of a fashion glossy magazine renamed herself Svetlana Rudskaya, without saying what caused this decision. Numerous fans of the famous couple already began to talk about a possible divorce, after which Svetlana returned to her old surname.

However, the wife of the famous director herself explained this by saying that all Bondarchuk’s Instagram nicknames were already taken.

Svetalana and Fyodor Bondarchuk: divorce amid a complicated love story

The future spouses met when Fedor was only 19 years old, and Svetlana was still in school, reports Lady.Mail.ru. However, close relationships between the young people arose only after Fedor was hospitalized while serving in the army.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk. PHOTO

Then Bondarchuk’s classmate brought Svetlana to him in the hospital, whom he could never forget. This was their second meeting, and since then they have not parted.

A year after they met, the couple began to live together, moving to the apartment of director Tigran Keosyan, where their first child, son Sergei, was soon born. By the way, Svetlana and Fedor were not yet married at that time.

Bondarchuk's parents, actress Irina Skobtseva and director Sergei Bondarchuk, did not approve of his relationship with Svetlana, and Fedor had to go against them. At this difficult moment, the grandson was supported by his beloved grandmother, who suggested that he legalize his relationship with his common-law wife.

After this, Fyodor and Svetlana signed, although they did this to resolve the housing issue. They did not organize a celebration, they simply visited the registry office, and in the evening they modestly celebrated with loved ones.

Only after the wedding did the hearts of Fyodor’s famous parents thaw and they finally accepted Svetlana and little Seryozha.

When Fedor began filming and acting in films, Svetlana successfully completed her studies, worked in the modeling business and tried herself in journalism.

It was a difficult time; in one of the interviews, Fedor admitted that he made many mistakes during that period, and yet they managed to save their marriage.

Eight years after the birth of Sergei, the couple became parents for the second time. They had a daughter, Varvara.

In the photo: Svetlana Bondarchuk with her daughter Varvara

For a long time, Fedor and Svetlana hid their daughter from the public, and only many years later Bondarchuk revealed that the girl was born prematurely and began to have developmental problems. Doctors diagnosed her with Down syndrome.

Varvara lives abroad almost all the time; there are the necessary conditions for her treatment and education. As Svetlana admitted, difficulties with her daughter only brought her and Fedor closer together.

A few years ago, Svetlana and Fedor celebrated the wedding of their son, who married Tatiana Mamiashvili, and soon became grandparents.

Bondarchuk family. PHOTO

Now they are raising two granddaughters, four-year-old Margarita and one-and-a-half-year-old Vera.

After Fyodor Bondarchuk announced his divorce from his wife Svetlana, and was then seen by media representatives going out with actress Paulina Andreeva, the public’s opinion became stronger that Fyodor broke up with his wife precisely because of this attractive brunette.


Apparently, Bondarchuk was so tired of the gossip surrounding his personal life that he decided to clarify the situation. In particular, the actor said that he divorced his wife not because of Paulina. But I am grateful to my ex-wife. “I value the fact that Svetlana and I survived this difficult period of life with dignity, with respect for each other. This is valuable,” admitted Bondarchuk.

Fedor called everything that journalists wrote immediately after he separated from his wife “absolute lies.” “One period just ended and another began,” the actor explained.

Bondarchuk told HELLO magazine about his current relationship with Paulina! : “I was free when I met Paulina, and I was free not for a month or a week, but for several years. And I think it’s right when people, first of all, who respect themselves, can not lie to themselves and say directly that they need to be ready for change. Each of us has had our own life for a long time, we just didn’t consider it necessary to advertise it.”

In conclusion, the actor stated: “The fact that all the changes occurred because of someone in particular is not true. The fact that another person appeared in my life, completely independent of all circumstances, yes, this happened. And the fact that I’m happy today, that’s also a fact.”

Let us remind you that Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk separated in March after 25 years of marriage. The couple filed for divorce, “still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for their family.” Svetlana and Fedor preferred to remain silent about the reasons for the separation, getting off with general phrases like “tired of each other”, “they had to break up so as not to lose themselves.”

It cannot be said that the separation of the once strongest couple in Russian show business was easy for them. But even though little time has passed since the divorce, everyone lives their own lives: , eh. But the other day, Svetlana Bondarchuk gave fans a reason to discuss her divorce again.

Recently, ex-wife, Svetlana Bondarchuk, hinted at the reason for separating from her husband. The socialite posted a controversial picture on social media.

Naturally, fans immediately assumed that she was talking about the divorce situation. Some agreed: “Yes, knowledge multiplies sorrows,” “It’s better to part than to live in an illusion,” Svetlana’s fans wrote on Instagram. They voiced the idea that, having learned about Bondarchuk’s infidelities, Svetlana decided not to succumb to illusions further and not waste her time. This is how the decision to divorce came about. In any case, the couple separated on good terms (although some media write that). In one of her interviews, she admitted that they managed to maintain a normal relationship.

So Fedya called. I needed his help, he said: “Sveta, I will solve everything, don’t worry.” He is not the kind of person who quits. Very decent. I would like to hope that, even if tomorrow everything changes dramatically for him - he gets married or something else, I will remain an important part of his life.

We hope this will happen. Meanwhile, Fyodor Bondarchuk gifts his beloved Paulina Andreeva

Twice-grandfather Fyodor Bondarchuk, who recently posted touching photos of a family vacation with Svetlana and his granddaughters, has been dating actress Paulina Andreeva, the former lover of Vladimir Mashkov, since the fall of 2015.

The Bondarchuk family had problems before. Their Rublev neighbors complained about the couple’s constant and loud scandals. Fyodor also did not deny himself hobbies for the female sex. But for 25 years he still played the role of a family man as best he could. The only girl for whom he decided to leave his family was the actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, leading role in the series "Method" Paulina Andreeva.

“No Paulina is special - she’s gorgeous, that’s all! I first saw her at “Number 13D” (a performance at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater). I was simply blown away because some absolute beauty performed in a conservative theater. Stunning! Wow! It was a strong impression,” Bondarchuk said after his interview with Paulina in the “Cinema in Details” program.

According to correspondents of the magazine "7 Days", Bondarchuk and Andreeva are actively preparing for the wedding, which will take place in the near future.

And this is a new reflection by Larisa Rubalskaya on just the right topic: “Why do people get divorced after a long marriage,” although the reason for this reflection was the history of a family completely different from the Bondarchuk family. Probably, any abandoned women experience the same thing - poor and rich, famous and not... Those who lived in a happy marriage find it even more difficult to survive a divorce. For example, Vladimir Pozner left his wife, with whom he lived for more than 30 years, and married again. The former wife could not survive this. She was seriously ill for several years and died last year. The presenter, who loves to talk about good and evil, did not find time to come to the funeral.

So, what does Larisa Alekseevna think about this:

“I received the following letter: “Dear Larisa Alekseevna, I need your advice! My husband and I have lived together for 30 years, we have a son and a 3-year-old granddaughter. We were considered an ideal couple. Without false modesty, I will say that I am a wonderful housewife - the house is always clean and comfortable. Mutual friends, no quarrels. And suddenly he leaves for another woman. She is worse in appearance, a bad housewife, she has a child from another man, her husband’s friends did not accept her, and she does not want to communicate with them. a real blow. I won’t be able to calm down until I understand why my husband doesn’t answer my questions, he keeps repeating one thing: “It’s not about you, you’re the best. except for my family. I lived for the sake of my husband, my son... And now no one needs me.”
Let's talk about why families break up, which, it would seem, have gone through all the crisis years of family life. Why do family members who are connected by so many things break up?
Well, firstly, I have never heard of a woman initiating the divorce in such cases. It seems to me that in 99 cases out of 100 these are still men. We will not discuss exceptions.
Men are generally structured differently; they do not reflect, they are not tormented by memories. They can cut off the past as if it never happened. But the decision to leave a family after 25-30 years of marriage is not easy for them. I think there is always a reason and a trigger. The deep reason, in my opinion, is something like a male “menopause”. Men go through their transition to aging very painfully. They want to renew their lives to prolong their youth. Usually those who have been married for more than 15 years are still attached to their wife and family. While children are growing up, common problems are being solved, men do not even think about divorce, even if they have relationships on the side. And then the children grow up, start their own families, and the men enter a crisis period, some bright hobby arises, and they are ready to “weigh anchor” to set off on a new voyage, which promises renewal, revitalization of emotions, feelings, and, therefore, , and rejuvenation. As a rule, they wait for the right moment (they need a so-called “trigger”). In the family of one of my friends, such a hook was the departure of my son to study abroad. Another friend’s husband left after her daughter’s family moved to a separate apartment. Yesterday we sat at the common table, celebrated, the guests said toasts in honor of the parents, the daughter promised to be equal to them, the husband admired his wife... And when she woke up in the morning, the wife saw her husband’s bags packed. It turned out that his affair had been going on for a year. He still couldn’t decide, suffered, thought... And then, once and for all, it was done.
It’s good if a man in such a situation is able to behave nobly. And then there are cases when the feeling of guilt is replaced by the desire to take away the last thing from the ex-wife in order to provide for his new family. And it’s completely incomprehensible to me when successful and very wealthy men leave their former wife without a livelihood.
The fact remains that men quickly forget their past life. Therefore, it is better for you not to count on their decency, so that there are no severe disappointments later.
Develop yourself! You can be a good wife, housewife, mother, but at the same time do not forget about yourself. You must have a favorite thing, creativity. Down with the phrase “I lived only with my family.” I understand that it is painful, scary, unfair. But sit at home and torment yourself for months with questions - Why? For what? What did I do wrong? Or maybe he will return? - it is not right. Maybe he'll come back. And your right is to forgive betrayal or not to forgive. But we must be able to live on without him. Don't try to find answers to questions that don't make sense to answer. He decided that he would be better off in his new life. You too can have a new life. Remember how in my song? “A strange woman, strange, similar to a wounded bird, sad, folded her wings, having forgotten the joy of flight...” This should not be about you! Even if your husband has left, you can still have a flight and joy from it. There may be a new marriage - and at any age. Recently, one of my friends got married. She is 59, her husband is 60. She says that she is happy for the first time in her life. Do you know where they met? You'll never believe it. She decided to learn how to skydive. And he was an instructor.
Kindle the fire of life within yourself! You may not have a new marriage. But it is in your power to make sure that you can live an interesting and rich life. Cutting off the past is difficult, but living in it is futile. Here are lines from another letter: “I went on a social network, saw a photo of my husband, bought a car, went on vacation with a friend. I burst into tears, I can’t come to my senses.” Don't try to find out anything about your ex's life. May everything be good or bad for him. This doesn't concern you anymore. Remember: when something ends, something must begin. And what kind of “something” it will be depends only on you.”

Your Larisa Rubalskaya

P.S. If you want to get advice from Larisa Alekseevna, you can write to her in a personal message on this blog.

// Photo: Andrey Kalmykov / Woman.ru

The lovers are in no hurry to go to the registry office. As it turned out, there are good reasons for this; the couple’s friends revealed their secrets to StarHit.


Bondarchuk is still married! Fedor did not file a divorce from Svetlana - according to rumors, they cannot divide their jointly acquired property. “They own a spacious apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street,” they told StarHit, surrounded by a broken family. – Plus, he inherited from his father a house on Rublevskoye Shosse, where his son Sergei now lives with his wife and two daughters. Svetlana prefers not to visit the place where she used to be the owner; she chooses neutral territory to meet her granddaughters. After the breakup, she moved from the suburbs to a “spare” apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds, the area of ​​which is about three hundred square meters. She also owns thirty percent of one of Fedi’s restaurants in the capital.” Moreover, last summer Sveta opened the Beryozka bistro on Patriarch’s Ponds, and in April 2018 she established the Fanny fitness studio.

“If it can be proven that the spouses do not run a joint household and new projects were also opened independently, then they are not jointly acquired property,” the lawyer commented to StarHit. “But usually the courts don’t bother and proceed from the assumption that since the marriage is not dissolved, everything will have to be divided.”

Despite the separation and economic issues, Svetlana and Fedor remained on friendly terms. Both devote time to their youngest daughter Varvara, the girl lives abroad - she has health problems, her son Sergei, and they rejoice at the success of their granddaughters.

Cut pearl

But it seems that nothing can affect the relationship between Fyodor and Paulina. Friends admit that this is an ideal union from which there is a lot to learn.

“There hasn’t been a more harmonious couple in my circle for a very long time,” film producer Ilya Bachurin, who is dating Comedy Woman participant Nadezhda Sysoeva, tells StarHit. – Now many people lack mutual understanding and compromise, but they have enough of that. Fedya, as a wise man, does not focus on the little things, which often cause discord.”

// Photo: Anatoliy Lomohov / Legion-Media

“At the beginning of love stories, it’s usually like,” Bachurin continues, “we met for six months, everything is fine, and then we got tired of it, give us new sensations... This is not the case with guys - for them trust comes first, they are above any jealousy. Usually at parties there are only artificial, plastic smiles, but light actually emanates from them! Paulina is a star, a pearl, Fedya is a wonderful frame, always nearby and supportive. I’m sure their union will last a very long time!”

Relatives note that Bondarchuk has changed a lot in two years with Paulina. “For me, Fedor has become younger, more energetic, and is taking on bold projects,” actor Ignat Akrachkov shares with StarHit. – He has a sincere desire to be everything for her! It’s not for nothing that they say that wise girls make real men out of guys. Paulina has a strong character, you can’t take that away. But she is smart and does not suppress her beloved. How can you not please such a woman? I would like to be in Fedya’s place.” They say that Andreeva recently completed the script for which Bondarchuk will direct the film.

“These two are crazy, perfectionists. What they have in common in their work is to get to the bottom of things, to the end,” Akrachkov continues. – Usually, artists relax, realizing that they are in demand. But Paulina is used to working hard! And it does not encourage cronyism. For example, her younger brother Igor decided to connect his life with acting. Andreeva will not help, because she believes that everything needs to be achieved on her own. Everything has already worked out for Paulina and Fedya: things are going well in their careers, in love too... May they live happily ever after! Together they will create more than one picture, and maybe even children. I believe in them as a couple."

Around the world

Bondarchuk loves to give his beloved luxurious gifts: he comes to performances with huge bouquets of roses, pampers him with trips abroad. Over the past year they have visited several cities in Europe, and recently returned from a tasting tour of Tuscany, during which they met the hereditary princess Natalia Strozzi. The three-day trip to the wineries of Italy cost the director about 200 thousand rubles. “Their journey began with a visit to the medieval city of San Gimignano, from where the couple went to the family princely estate,” one of the trip organizers told StarHit. – The owners of the villa are the Strozzi sisters, by the way, they have Russian roots. Natalya met Fedor and Paulina, told them the history of the wine their family made, and offered snacks of her own production - cheeses, olives, vegetables. Afterwards, the couple went on excursions to several more Tuscan wineries. They promised to return."