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An employee of Channel One was scolded for marrying Shurygina. Diana Shurygina: biography, personal life Daria Shurygina's wedding


As soon as they learned that Diana Shurygina was going to marry Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin, media representatives immediately rushed to look for the man on social networks. The especially lucky ones discovered that the chosen one of the 18-year-old beauty, judging by numerous photographs, leads an active lifestyle: he travels a lot, and not to the cheapest resorts, and also easily communicates with domestic celebrities.


This is evidenced by published photographs in which Shurygina’s lover is captured with abandoned football player Andrei Arshavin, mother of three children, TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya and showman Andrei Malakhov, artist Alexander Revva and actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

And Shlyagin is not without a certain amount of adventurism. The young man more than once published photographs on his page on the popular social network VKontakte, where he was captured riding a cool motorcycle. Judging by the number of pictures, Andrey spends a lot of time on the “iron horse”.

However, Shlyagin does not only use it to move around. Andrey is a frequent airplane passenger. An employee of Channel One travels around Russia, but does not forget to visit Europe. He has already visited Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland and other countries. Andrey has time not only to work there, but also to relax. His colleagues keep him company. But Shlyagin prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life.

Meanwhile, the public reacted extremely negatively to the information about the imminent wedding of an employee of Channel One and the scandalous famous heroine of “Let Them Talk” Diana Shurygina. Apparently, the public cannot forget her ugly behavior on talk shows, screaming and swearing.

“Is it really impossible to find a normal girl? Do you have to marry a sh***? I don’t understand,” This was to be expected, she urgently needs to gain a foothold in Moscow, for this she needs a mug, preferably with a residence permit. Serves him right, since he has no brains,” “The guy needs to be more careful with her! Otherwise he will later say that he got her drunk and raped her!” “Let at least one person plug her hollow so that others don’t get hurt,” Internet users sharply expressed their opinion.

Let us remind you that Diana Shurygina and Andrei Shlyagin met in the spring, and the other day they already submitted an application to the registry office. The wedding is scheduled for October 5th. After registration, the newly-made spouses will celebrate the event in a restaurant, where only their closest relatives will be invited.

Diana has known her future husband for about six months. 29-year-old Andrei Shlyagin filmed her several times for one of his television projects and at some point realized that he was in love.

Diana introduced Andrei to us as her boyfriend on my birthday,” Natalya Shurygina, Diana’s mother, told me about Diana Shurygina’s wedding.

- And how did he seem to you?

Cheerful, kind, cheerful. We quickly started talking and communicated very casually.

- 29 years old guy. Haven't you been married before?

“I wasn’t married,” Natalya laughs, “and I don’t have children either.”

- Tell us about their relationship.

Diana is in love! She looks at him and glows with happiness. He also loves her very much. He has such a look at her that it is impossible to forget - affectionate and fatherly at the same time. Looking at them, I see that my daughter is under reliable protection. He is like a stone wall to her. And she understands and feels it too. But life often brings surprises, so you don’t want to make any plans for the future.

- Diana and Andrey have known each other for only six months. And suddenly you decided to get married?

My father and I persuaded them to wait, but Dianka wants the wedding to take place at the peak of emotions. When there is no habit of each other yet.

- How did Andrei propose to her?

This happened during breakfast. They have been living together recently. And one day at breakfast, looking at Diana, Andrei suddenly said that he would like to always have breakfast with her. Diana, of course, was very surprised and delighted.

- When is the wedding?

October 5. Among the guests there will be only close people and no journalists. So write about it.

- How does Andrei feel about the scandalous story that happened with Diana?

Andrey is one of those rare people who did not delve into the essence of the hype associated with our family. Seeing Diana for the first time, he did not know the details that the whole country was discussing with gusto. But before meeting his parents, he watched all the episodes of “Let Them Talk” and concluded that Diana was, in fact, a victim of a scandal. And he told me personally that I fought for her as best I could.

- Natasha, I sincerely wish happiness to Diana and your entire family.

Thank you!


Investigation of Natalia Varsegova - part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.

Mother of Diana Shurygina: “We are ready to move to a place where we will not be humiliated and beaten”

Natalya Shurygina stated that the persecution of their family continues. A 33-year-old woman published a kind of confession on her official page on a social network about how hard life is for their family after the whole story became public.

Diana Shurygina about Ulyanovsk: “Bydlo is a city where people are scumbags”

In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, Diana calls herself a provincial, because she is accustomed to a measured and calm rhythm of life. Moscow for her is a noisy big city, where the girl is unusual. However, Ulyanovsk is for the star of the show « Let them talk » - also not a city of dreams

Diana Shurygina is welcome at college, but due to absenteeism, she will have to re-learn her second year

Yesterday, May 3, Diana Shurygina announced: she overcame depression, got rid of insomnia, and is now returning home to Ulyanovsk in a good mood! Let us remind you that a 16-year-old girl from the outback became known to Russia after she announced to the whole country that she had been raped at a party. She accused 21-year-old Sergei Semenov, who is now in prison. ()

The chosen one of the scandalous girl was 29-year-old cameraman Andrei Shlyagin. The guys met in the spring while filming the reality show “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina” for Andrei Malakhov’s YouTube channel. And last week the couple submitted an application to one of the capital’s registry offices. Marriage registration will take place on October 5.

“I liked Andrey for his cheerful and kind character and manner of communication,” 18-year-old Diana shared with StarHit. – He supported me morally, because I am still plagued by haters. With him I felt like I was behind a stone wall. We've been dating for three months and haven't been apart for a minute.

I moved in with Andrey, he has a separate apartment from his parents. The other day we were having breakfast, and he said: “Dianka, marry me!” I love you so much". I almost choked on my coffee in surprise and agreed. We decided to choose the ring together so we could guess the size and design right away.”

Andrey works as a cameraman on Channel One and also films various events. According to friends, the young man is in demand in his profession and earns well. Diana herself was forced to leave her position as a barista in one of the establishments in Moscow. In the future, the girl plans to take specialized courses and get a new job. While all Diana's thoughts are occupied with the upcoming wedding. Shlyagin has already introduced her to her parents.

// Photo: Still from the program “Let Them Talk”

“Andrey’s mom and dad received me well,” continues Shurygina. – We regularly relax together at their dacha. True, they believe that it is too early to sign. My parents are of the same opinion, although they are incredibly happy for us. On the other hand, why wait? While passions are running high, you need to get married.”

After the registry office, the newlyweds will celebrate the joyful event in a restaurant, where they will invite their loved ones. Shurygina’s friend, TV presenter Diana Bicharova, will act as a wedding planner; she helps the future newlyweds choose outfits and a place for the celebration.


18-year-old Diana Shurygina announced that she was getting married. Her chosen one was 29-year-old Channel One cameraman Andrei Shlyagin.

The couple met during the filming of the reality show “Shura-mury with Diana Shurygina.”

The girl said that she had recently moved in with a young man in his apartment. One day during breakfast, Shlyagin made a marriage proposal to Shurygina, which the girl gladly accepted.

The groom has already introduced his future wife to his parents, who approved of their son’s choice. The young couple is not going to have a magnificent celebration, but after the registry office they plan to celebrate the event only with close and dear people.

Diana Shurygina became famous after participating in the program “Let Them Talk” in the episode dated January 31, 2017. Now the girl accuses Andrei Malakhov of changing her worldview, but thanks that, thanks to him, she met her future husband.

Almost all Russians already know the story of a girl from Ulyanovsk who was raped twice. On April 1, 2016, she was raped in a country house. On January 31, 2017, she took part in “Let Them Talk” with host Andrei Malakhov. After this, Shurygina became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. In her latest interview with the NTV channel, Diana said that she considers all people to be “sheep.” At the same time, changes in Shurygina’s worldview occurred after participating in “Let Them Talk.”

Experts noted that Diana Shurygina, even without such measures, can influence the fate of a young man. In the case of a request for approval of parole, the court is obliged to contact the injured party. In her own appeal, the girl’s 33-year-old mother states that her daughter’s abuser is “cheerful, happy,” and also feels like a television star. In addition, she focused on his participation in the show “Let Them Talk” during his stay on the territory of IK-3.

“Girls from all over Russia send him parcels, photographs, make dates, and he twice expressed the idea that he intends to forgive my daughter, the victim of his own crime. He intends to, but allegedly hasn’t forgiven yet. At the same time, helpful fans give him ideas about physical violence. In one of the TV shows, a voice-over was heard suggesting that the deadline for filing an application for parole would arrive in the fall of 2017, while the relatives of the criminal have no doubts about granting the corresponding application,” notes Natalya Shurygina.

Diana Shurygina, who gained fame due to the story of her rape, continues to enjoy her dubious fame and “delight” fans with frank statements.

So, the girl announced the day before that she was going to have her breasts enlarged. Probably in order to further attract the attention of the opposite sex to their “modest and defenseless” nature. The girl posted a video where she showed her fans a new look: she cut her hair, dyed it blonde and noted that now “for a complete set” she only had to change the size of her breasts. In addition, 18-year-old Shurygina added that she is afraid to undergo facial plastic surgery because she does not want unpleasant consequences. Users of social networks reproached the girl for being weak-minded and criticized the idea of ​​surgical intervention...

For several months, the name of Diana Shurygina was in the top news. A seventeen-year-old girl became famous thanks to a scandalous story. A year ago, Diana was raped at a friend’s birthday party in Ulyanovsk. The court initially sentenced the rapist, 21-year-old Sergei Semenov, to eight years in prison, but later commuted the sentence to three years.

After several broadcasts on the country's leading television channels, Shurygina's nerves could not stand it. The girl ended up in a psychiatric clinic, where she is now.

But, surprisingly, in the hospital the girl is already in a new status - a bride!

Photo: @shurygina_diana555, @denis.bayguzhin

At least, that’s what her fiancé Denis Baiguzhin says, who is also the wedding king and the leader of trainings on how to marry an oligarch.

The man met the girl thanks to her notoriety. How the romance started between them is anyone's guess.

Moreover, Baiguzhin does not hide the fact that he does not feel ardent passion for the bride.

"Appetite comes with eating! Let's live and definitely fall in love. I will make a real woman out of Diana,” said the wedding king of “MK”.

Now Denis is discussing the details of the ceremony with his future wife. He offered her a choice of three cities: Miami, Ulyanovsk and London. He himself is inclined towards a royal wedding in the UK, but suspects that Diana will choose the USA. The groom promises not to skimp on the celebration, to celebrate on a grand scale, especially since Andrei Malakhov, Timati and Grigory Leps are planned among the guests.

Well, we'll wait and see.

What do you think, should there be a wedding or is it all PR?

    Of course it's true! He told the whole country about it!

    Hard to believe…

    Don't even know. I don't follow them

    My question is: are they really dating?