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Symptoms of facial chapping. About weathering of the face: we will survive this trouble. Protective cream “Zima”, from Faberlic


A snowy winter always makes children happy. Even after saying goodbye to childhood, we look in admiration at the ice patterns and bizarre icicles, terrifying snowdrifts and incredibly beautiful snow-covered forest landscapes.

Only a snowy, cold winter gives us skis and skates, sleds, snowballs and truly invigorating walks.

All this is good, but low air temperatures and wind often lead to cold weather. Redness, burning, peeling - these are signs of chapped skin. And even if you use a protective moisturizer, you need to do it correctly.

In today's article, the Beauty Pantry will tell you how to protect your face from frost and wind, as well as how to help a chapped face if such a problem has overtaken you.

Weathered face - protection and prevention

The face is the most exposed part of our body. And the skin in this area needs constant protection. In summer we protect our face from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, in winter – from cold temperatures and wind.

When using a protective nourishing cream, you should always keep in mind that you can go outside only after the applied product has been completely absorbed. Otherwise, the risk of chapping and frostbite of the skin only increases, since particles of the cosmetic product remaining in the pores or on the surface freeze much faster than just dry skin. Cosmetologists recommend applying cream 1-1.5 times before going outside in winter.

In addition, in windy, frosty weather, it is worth warming up and “hiding” your chin, mouth, nose and partly your cheeks in a scarf.

When returning home, do not rush to “warm up” by washing your face with warm/hot water and rubbing your skin. This way you will only injure frozen cells, which will certainly lead to their death and chapping of the skin. It’s better to let your chapped face warm up at room temperature, after which you can start removing makeup and washing your skin.

Weathered face. How to help?

If you did not take preventive measures into account, or were simply late in implementing them, the secrets of home beauty and health will help correct the situation.

Masks based on medicinal herbs, vegetable oils, natural honey and egg yolks will help restore the disturbed moisture balance, accelerate the exfoliation of dead cells, eliminate flaking of the skin and redness of the face.

  • Recipe No. 1. Oil compress.

Vegetable oil can quickly eliminate the effects of chapped and flaky skin. You can use olive, almond or. 2-3 tablespoons of the selected oil are heated in a water bath.

A thin layer of cotton wool is generously moistened in warm oil and applied in an even layer to the affected area. To preserve heat, cover the chapped face with a towel for 8-15 minutes.

The compress is removed, and the remaining oil is lightly blotted with a dry cotton pad. The procedure is repeated daily until there is a visible improvement in the condition of the skin (usually 5-8 compresses).

  • Recipe No. 2. Herbal compress.

To prepare a life-saving herbal compress, take 2 tablespoons of mint leaves, rosehip and rose petals, and carefully crush chamomile flowers. The resulting mass is poured with a small amount of hot water (until “covered”) and brought to a boil over low heat.

The cooled broth is filtered after 30-40 minutes, the remaining herbal mass is spread in an even layer on a prepared gauze napkin (with cutouts for the eyes and nose). Cover the herbs with a second layer of gauze so that the herbal mass is inside the napkin. The resulting warm compress is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, a protective nourishing cream is applied to the face.

  • Recipe No. 3. Nourishing mask for dry, chapped skin.

1 teaspoon is heated in a water bath and mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add 1 beaten egg yolk to the resulting mixture. The components of the mask are stirred until smooth.

The mask is applied in an even layer to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinsed off with warm water. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. The mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey. In this case, the Beauty Pantry recommends that you try the following recipe.

  • Recipe No. 4. Nourishing mask for chapped, flaky skin.

To prepare the mask, 3 tablespoons of wheat flakes are crushed and poured with the same amount of warm milk. If the mask turns out to be thick, it can be applied evenly to the skin.

If the prepared mixture is runny, soak a gauze pad in it (similar to a herbal compress). Leave the compress for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. The procedure is repeated daily.

  • Recipe No. 5. Mask for chapped, reddened skin.

In this recipe, 3 tablespoons of hop cones are crushed and poured with 1 liter of purified water. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil. After 30-40 minutes, the warm broth is filtered, and the remaining mass is spread in an even layer on a gauze napkin.

The compress is kept for 5-7 minutes, and finally the chapped skin of the face is lubricated with a rich nourishing cream.

In winter, our skin suffers more from dryness and tightness, frost and chapping than at other times of the year. That is why skin care in winter should be especially careful, and you need to use special care and protection products.

Walking outside in winter is wonderful. However, you can choose the time for walking at will, but you have to go to work every day, and in any weather. Frost and cold wind can damage our skin, causing peeling, rashes, swelling and pain. This is the result of chapping, and the sensations are almost the same as with a burn. Today we will talk about how to protect yourself and avoid chapped skin and what to do if your face is already chapped. Let's get started?

Why does the skin become chapped?

Why does the face become chapped in the cold? The most common cause of facial chapping is the cold winter wind and low humidity. As a result of the influence of these two factors, the skin becomes thinner, losing its fat layer. Moisture disappears from the skin, its outer layer dries out, and inflammation appears. If you often have to be outside in cold, windy and dry weather, then you should protect not only the skin of your face and lips, but also the skin of your hands and neck. Proper care of your face and body skin in winter will also help preserve its natural protective properties.

How to avoid

To avoid chapping and skin damage, cosmetologists and dermatologists suggest following some simple recommendations.

Normal and dry skin should be moisturized with a cream, and oily skin with both cream and lotion. Women with sensitive skin should choose a cream without fragrances.

It is necessary to cleanse any skin, but in winter you should take precautions. In winter, intensive cleansing can cause dry skin, so do not wash too often - once a day with a mild cleanser is enough.

Proper care in winter

How to take care of your face in winter to avoid drying out and chapping of the skin? First of all, use decorative cosmetics that create a protective film. Apply protective cream after your usual daytime cream, and use a thicker cream than in the warm season.

Remember that in winter, moisturizer should not be applied before going outside, but should be done about 1-1.5 hours before. You can also apply the cream after coming from outside.

You cannot wash your face with ice or cold water, as we do in the summer, in the winter. Cleanse your facial skin with warm milk with a few drops of olive oil added, or gentle cleansers, and be sure to use a night cream to provide your skin with the opportunity to intensively nourish and restore.

What do lips need?

Lips are often susceptible to severe chapping in winter. They fade and become rough, so you need to choose a lipstick with a large amount of fatty components and vitamin E. When washing your face in the morning, massage your lips for a few minutes with a soft toothbrush dipped in cool boiled water, and then lubricate them with a nourishing cream. If you massage every day, you can improve the condition of your lips and make them softer and more resistant to frosty wind.

Under no circumstances should you lick your lips on the street, as this will remove the water-fat film. Currently, there are products made on the basis of thermal waters that do not leave a greasy sheen on the lips, but at the same time protect them from chapping. If you have to be outside for a long time, use this product.

It happens that lips dry out due to toothpaste, especially with fluoride. Do not use this paste in winter if you notice that your lips become more dehydrated. You can also use lipstick with sunscreen.

If your lips are already chapped, cracked and bleeding, then you need to help them by making masks of olive oil and honey at night. You can use zinc ointment for healing. Until the cracks on your lips heal completely, you should not use decorative lipstick.

Increased dryness of the lips, their cracking and peeling can have various causes other than chapping. One of the reasons may be a lack of vitamins. Use a cream that contains vitamins A and E. It is better to use not just a face cream, but a cream or lip balm, because they are softer and absorb faster.

Of course, the problem of chapped skin on the face and lips needs to be solved not only with the help of external care products. Review your diet, add more foods with vitamin A to your winter diet. Prepare salads with carrots and bell peppers, liver dishes, eggs, and dairy products more often. Eat orange fruits and berries. Remember that medications can cause excessive accumulation of vitamin A in the body, and this can also cause lips to become chapped, especially in the corners.

Nourishing mask for chapped lips

Nourishing masks are very useful for lips, which help to avoid chapping, and if this happens, they contribute to the speedy healing of cracks and inflammations. The simplest thing is to smear your lips with honey, and after 15 minutes, rinse it off and apply a nourishing cream. It is also easy to wipe your lips with the juice of fresh fruits or berries - then they will be smooth and soft.

How to get rid

What to do if your face and lips are still chapped? If you properly care for damaged skin, then in a few days everything will return to normal.

If your face is already chapped, first of all, stop leaving the house in the cold and wind. If you really can’t arrange this, then limit the time you spend outside to a minimum. The affected areas of the skin must be moisturized at least three times a day. The traditional remedy is Vaseline, although few people like to use it. In any case, to moisturize, it is better to use a product with a sufficient amount of fatty components, without fragrance, so as not to cause irritation.

You can also use hydrocortisone ointment (1%) to treat chapped skin, and on top a layer of eucerin, a moisturizing cream. Today you can buy eucerin with hyaluronic acid in pharmacies. If the pain from chapping is severe, you can take a painkiller.

You should not wash your face before going outside to preserve the natural fat layer of the skin, which provides protection from chapping and damage.

Masks for protection against chapping

If your face is chapped, a mask made of honey, glycerin and egg yolk will help soften the skin of your face and lips. Mix 1 tsp. honey and glycerin, add the yolk, be sure to be fresh. Apply to your face, and when the mask dries, rinse with warm water.

A mask with an apple also protects your face from chapping. Apple masks generally help with many skin problems. Mix apple juice with a tablespoon of cream and the same amount of oatmeal. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, and then wash with warm water. If you use this mask regularly, you will not face chapping.

To use in winter, choose facial skin care products that will nourish, moisturize and protect from chapping. For example, cream for sensitive skin from Matis - Day & Night. This cream has the ability to relieve irritation and redness, protects the skin from aggressive external environments, and at night soothes it and restores energy.

By following all these simple recommendations, you can protect your skin from chapping and keep it youthful and healthy. However, if you cannot cope with the problem on your own, it is better not to risk it and seek help from a dermatologist.

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Strong winds destroy the protective lipid barrier of the skin, which protects it from drying out. Losing moisture, the skin experiences sensations similar to a sunburn.

The first symptoms of chapped skin

If you come home from the cold with flushed cheeks, everything is fine. But if the redness does not go away for more than an hour, most likely the skin has already suffered from chapping. More serious signals are itching, burning and soreness of the skin when touched. Don't waste time: take measures to treat chapped skin!

1. Cancel bath procedures

In winter, we really love to bask in a sauna, steam bath, or just a hot bath, but the heat is harmful to chapped skin. So wash your face with lukewarm water, don’t steam your skin, and be sure to soften it: with facial oils, olive or almond oil, or a gentle cream.

2. Check the composition of face creams

Until the skin recovers, the use of creams with salicylic acid is strictly contraindicated; it dries the skin even more and can aggravate the situation.


3. Avoid scrubbing and peeling

Chapped skin often flakes, but don't be tempted to "scrub" off the flakes. Against the background of dehydration, the skin is especially sensitive, and minimally abrasive products can lead to ulcers, microcracks and inflammation.

4. Apply cream or oil immediately after washing

Don’t let the chapped skin of your hands and face dry out even for a second: the more actively you moisturize it, the faster the lipid barrier on its surface will be restored.

5. Humidify the indoor air

If you don’t have a special humidifier, just lay wet towels on the radiators and place (especially in the bedroom) containers with water.

6. No coffee

Not to mention alcohol. All substances that promote the removal of fluid from the body should be excluded.

7. Drink more tea

Better than green or herbal. And use the dried tea leaves to make compresses on the affected areas.

8. Drink through a straw

The lips are usually the first to take the hit, and any liquid that gets on them dries them out even more. So it will be safer through a straw!

9. Eat nuts and fish

The skin will recover faster if you add foods rich in Omega-3 acids to your diet: sea fish, walnuts, legumes. Another component useful for the skin is vitamin E. In the pharmacy it is sold in capsules that can be pierced and the vitamin applied to damaged areas of the epidermis.

Weathered face? Shtuchka.ru understands that when the weather outside is so harsh, this is inevitable. Now you need to somehow deal with the redness and peeling so that it goes away faster. So? Then read about popular methods today.

Of course, it’s worth immediately dispelling the common myth that chapping of the skin of the face occurs only in cold weather and only outside. Don't confuse chapping with frostbite!

Skin can become chapped in absolutely any season, even in the summer months. Moreover, skin problems can also begin in closed rooms. Of course, frosty street air in winter is one of the most common reasons.

The causes of chapping in summer are frequent temperature changes. If the skin is weathered indoors, then the problem is the start of the heating season or the operation of air conditioners.

What happens to your skin at such moments? It loses moisture, the protective fat layer becomes thinner, and the skin structure is damaged. Externally - redness, cracking, peeling. The skin seems to be tight. And now you are faced with the main question: your face is weathered - what to do?

First measures

First, wash with lukewarm water and use a mild cleanser. Just not soap!

Gently pat your face dry with a towel. Then - a light layer of moisturizer. You can use Vaseline-based products or even Vaseline itself.

What you should never do:

  • rub chapped skin
  • scratch your face.

Even if itching bothers you, don't. The steps described above will be enough if this is a mild form of chapping.

A chapped face is very vulnerable to all sorts of influences - no need to rub it, apply scrubs, etc.

My face is very chapped: what should I do?

If primary aid does not help, stronger means must enter the fight. Soothing compresses and various masks help a lot.

"Ambulance" for your face

A calendula compress is prepared as follows. Take two large spoons of the flowers of this plant, pour boiling water - maybe 1 glass. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain and squeeze out all the liquid from the resulting pulp.

This water should be poured into 2 glasses. Cool the first one, and heat the liquid from the second container. Take some gauze - 2 pieces. Soak in liquids. And alternately apply cold and hot. The first is about a minute and a half, the second is about two. Three or five applications and stop the procedure.

This is only one of the stages, if your face is chapped, what should you do next? Apply moisturizer. So at least there will be more moisture in the skin. And at night, lubricate areas with peeling and redness with sea buckthorn oil. You can remove the excess with a napkin.

Nourishing mask

the site wants to give you another good recipe if your face is chapped: what to do - a nourishing mask! Take the yolk of one egg, a small spoonful of honey and olive oil. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of your face and wait about twenty minutes, maybe just a quarter of an hour. Then wash it off. For this, do not use plain water, but warm milk or herbal infusion.

Compress with oils

To soothe your skin if your face is chapped and you don’t know what to do anymore, the following oils will help:

  • olive,
  • jojoba,
  • almond,
  • sea ​​buckthorn

Heat the oils in a double boiler until they are warm. Then, dipping a cotton pad, saturate it with oil and gently apply to your face. Cover with a towel for eight minutes and lie down. Just 5-7 procedures every day - and everything with your skin will return to normal.

I don’t want my face to become chapped again: what should I do?

Here are just a few tips for you.

  • In winter, do as little facial cleansing procedures and scrubs as possible - this removes the protective layer.
  • Use special creams (you can find them on sale for facial skin in winter), and also apply decorative cosmetics - they are not only for beauty, but also as additional protection for your delicate skin.
  • When there is severe frost, wrap your face (lower part) with a scarf. Moreover, now it is very fashionable again.
  • If your skin is normal or dry, moisturize it with a special cream 2 times a day. Those with oily skin should also choose the right cream and lotion.
  • Do you have sensitive skin? Then choose the product very carefully, the main thing is that the cream does not contain flavorings.
  • In winter, face cream should be more oily than in summer.
  • If you bought yourself a special protective cream, then apply it not instead of your usual daytime cream, but after it.
  • During the winter months, moisturizer should never be applied before going outside. At least an hour or even better, an hour and a half.
  • When you come back from the street, you can apply the cream again.
  • In winter, you should not use cold water to wash your face or wipe your skin with ice cubes.
  • Don't neglect to apply night cream to your skin before going to bed. Let her recover and calm down overnight.

So, now you know that this is far from a death sentence - chapped face: what to do If this happened, and what to do to prevent it from happening again, you found out today!

Eva Raduga - especially for the site Shtuchka.ru!