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How to treat your skin to prevent clogged pores. How to cleanse facial pores at home? Traditional recipes for cleansers for clogged facial pores


Everyone knows that the surface of the skin is covered with holes - pores through which the skin breathes and also secretes sebum and breakdown products. As a rule, pores do not cause any problems as long as they function normally. But the ideal state of the epidermis is extremely rare, so the phenomenon of comedones or clogged pores on the face, which prevent the skin from breathing and being saturated with oxygen, occurs quite often. To solve the problem, you have to regularly cleanse the pores on your face.

Causes of comedones

The question of why the pores on the face become clogged worries many women, and in order to solve it, you need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon and find a method that will help eliminate the problem.

A problem such as clogged pores on the face occurs primarily in adolescents, since during adolescence, hormonal changes in the body occur that can affect the formation of comedones.

People with problematic skin are more likely to suffer from blackheads on the face, as enlarged holes allow dirt and oil to enter them, which clog them, forming comedones or bumps that can become inflamed and form acne.

In people who have long since left adolescence, clogged pores on the face can be caused by hormonal imbalances, so you will first need to consult a doctor who will prescribe hormone tests. It is likely that restoring hormonal levels will help solve the problem.

Those with dry or oily skin may also face the problem of comedones.

Insufficient or improper care, as well as the selection of inappropriate, comedogenic cosmetics can also cause blockage of the holes. In this case, dirt, grease, dust and particles of cosmetics fall into the holes in the dermis and close the pores with plugs, but subcutaneous sebum continues to be produced and, accumulating at the surface, begins to become inflamed.

Lovers of decorative cosmetics, which they are accustomed to applying in several layers, also run the risk of having clogged pores on their faces, since the skin under a thick layer of such “decoration” simply cannot breathe.

Poor diet can also cause clogged openings in the skin as it causes excessive sebum production. Such harmful products include: chips, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, crackers, fatty, spicy and sweet foods, smoked meats and all kinds of sauces.

For those who spend very little time outside and prefer to sit at a computer in a stuffy room, at least clogging of the pores on their face is guaranteed.

How to solve a problem?

Having established the cause of the problem, you should immediately begin to search for a method that can remove comedones and cleanse the face, since if no action is taken, the condition of the epidermis will rapidly worsen.

Symptoms indicating the presence of epidermal contamination may look like this:

  • the face becomes covered with pimples, inflammation and acne;
  • the skin looks unkempt and becomes covered with bumps;
  • blackheads are clearly visible in the forehead, nose and chin;
  • the complexion acquires a reddish-blue tint;
  • the holes on the surface of the dermis expand, creating the impression of untidiness.

The symptoms described above are clearly visible in the photo, depicting the process of the appearance of comedones.

The first step in solving the problem is proper and constant facial cleansing. To do this, you can go to a salon, where professional cosmetologists will offer several options for cleansing the epidermis.

Salon treatments

  • manual cleaning is by far one of the most effective methods, despite the emergence of all kinds of modern devices for this procedure. The disadvantage is that this method is painful and traumatic;
  • Mechanical cleaning is also a popular method, although it has the same disadvantages as manual cleaning (painful, traumatic). The only difference is that the face is cleaned using special tools;
  • cleaning using a vacuum is a hardware procedure. Impurities, dead cells, blackheads, dust and sebum are sucked out with a special nozzle. The advantage of this procedure can be considered its painlessness, but the disadvantage is the shallow depth of cleaning;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most popular and in demand salon procedures today, which is designed to cleanse very heavily contaminated dermis. Using ultrasound, you can even out the relief of the surface of the face, activate blood circulation, which leads to the restoration of the natural color of the epidermis;
  • laser cleaning – makes it possible to deeply cleanse the dermis, and the procedure is absolutely safe and painless.

Facial cleansing at home. Recipes

Unfortunately, the cost of salon services is high, and not everyone can afford such a “pleasure”. In this case, home procedures will come to the rescue, which will cleanse the face using simple, inexpensive and accessible products. To do this, you need to try to choose a method and cleaning recipes that are suitable for a certain skin type and will show a positive result.

The stages into which deep cleansing of facial pores at home can be divided can be presented as follows:

  • washing in the morning and evening for the purpose of cleansing with special products (milk, gel, foam);
  • steam baths with herbs (calendula, chamomile, celandine);
  • treating the epidermis with a scrub after steaming (for sensitive skin it is better to use gommage).

Blocked pores on the face can be removed using a cleansing film mask.

Facial cleansers can be purchased at the pharmacy, but for those who prefer homemade recipes, you can make them yourself from ingredients you have in the kitchen. Before using this or that product, you must check it for an allergic reaction of the body by applying a drop of the mixture to the most sensitive place, for example, on the bend of the elbow.

Mix white cosmetic clay with water until creamy and apply to face. Action time: 20 minutes.

The next clay mask is made like this: clay (blue) - 3 tablespoons, lemon juice - a spoon and cucumber juice - 50 ml. Combine the ingredients and spread the mixture on the surface of the face, wait until it dries completely, rinse with chamomile decoction.

Cottage cheese (low-fat) - 3 tablespoons, combine with honey - a teaspoon. Use the mask for its intended purpose, rinse off after half an hour.

Activated carbon – 2 tablets, combine with milk – 4 teaspoons and add gelatin powder – 2 teaspoons. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, spread the mask on problem areas, and leave for 10 minutes.

Combine coffee grounds and aloe juice (2:1) with salt - a teaspoon and pollen - 30 grams. Apply the prepared mixture to the face, rinse off after 15 minutes with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Combine lemon juice with cardamom powder - a teaspoon, if desired, you can also add turmeric. The result after using this mask will be visible within 2 weeks.

Combine honey – 2 tablespoons and lemon juice into a homogeneous mass and apply to problem areas. This mixture is one of the best remedies in the fight against blackheads.

Combine protein with sugar - 1 spoon and stir until sugar dissolves. Apply some of the prepared mixture to your face and wait until it dries. Then apply the remaining mass on top and, actively patting, drive it into the dermis. The procedure can be considered complete when your hands stop sticking to the skin. After washing, treat your face with moisturizer. It is advisable to do this mask 2-3 times a week.

The next protein-based mask is made like this: protein, aloe and lemon juice - take 2 teaspoons of each, beat and distribute half the mixture to problem areas, let the mixture dry and apply the remaining mixture on top. Action time: 15 minutes.

Combine crushed rice with honey in equal proportions, add a little lemon juice. Use the finished mixture as a scrub.

The following homemade scrub recipe is made from oatmeal: mix crushed flakes and water until mushy and use as intended.

After carrying out cleansing procedures and putting your face in order, you don’t need to think that your problems are over forever. Now the epidermis will have to be cleaned regularly, and to ensure that the result does not disappoint, you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists.

First of all, it’s worth putting things in order among the products that have been used to care for your face until now. This is especially true for oils and creams, which can become a source of pore contamination. Caring cosmetics can be divided into:

  • non-comedogenic (does not pose a threat of contamination);
  • comedogenic (skin polluting).

The first group includes products (oils) that do not pollute or contribute to the appearance of blackheads, for example:

  • rosehip oil;
  • hemp;
  • safflower;
  • Shea Butter;
  • mineral;
  • castor;
  • sunflower;
  • argan;
  • lanolin;
  • wax.

These oils can be safely added to homemade masks.

The group of oils with comedogenic properties includes the following:

  • coconut;
  • cacao butter;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • linen

You also need to take seriously the choice of moisturizing creams that will not create conditions for the appearance of comedones, and then you can carry out procedures with confidence, knowing that they will help and not harm.

It is advisable to make masks no more than 3 times a week, but if in addition to this, peelings or scrubs are used (once a week), then the number of masks should be reduced to one per week.

Regular facial care makes it possible to tidy up even the most problematic skin. To do this, you need not to be lazy, love yourself and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.

Creams with the wrong composition

Most often, this is caused by nourishing creams, which, on the one hand, are very necessary for our skin to saturate it with vitamins, and on the other hand, are often comedogenic. Carefully study the packaging of your cream: if it contains lanolin acetate (Acetylated lanolin alcohol) and butyl stearate (Butyl stearate), there is a high probability that these components will cause clogged pores.

Natural oils

Lack of vitamin B5

Another internal reason why skin rashes and clogged pores may appear is a lack of vitamin B5. In the last paragraph we already told how this problem is solved - you know what to do.

Too active cleansing

Frequent peeling and scrubbing can cause the sebaceous glands to “think” that the skin is too dry and begin to work with a vengeance - they are generally very hardworking comrades. To deceive the sebaceous glands, the skin, on the contrary, needs to be moisturized more, and scrubs should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. The same, by the way, applies to drying lotions containing salicylic acid - instead of clear skin, they can have the opposite effect.


All diseases are caused by nerves, as we know. And clogged pores can also occur as a result of severe stress and a general malfunction of the body. What to do? Calm, just calm.

Pores are an integral part of the skin, which performs the most important functions of softening and moisturizing. But, unfortunately, they become clogged too quickly, creating fertile ground for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, every woman should know how to clean the pores on her face.

Indications and restrictions

Skin requires daily care. Substances that have a drying and astringent effect should be used as a cleanser. Dry skin can be avoided from being exposed to cleansers in the morning. However, in the evening you need to wash off the accumulated dust and pollutants.

Every day you can cleanse your skin with chamomile infusions and diluted lemon juice. Afterwards, apply moisturizer. Depending on your skin type, you need to do a deep cleansing once or twice a week. It can also be done at home. However, the procedure may be contraindicated if there are certain problems:

  • infectious inflammation on the face caused by the herpes virus;
  • overly sensitive or weakened skin;
  • cracks and damage to the skin or pustular inflammation;
  • various types of skin rashes, including acne or allergies;
  • small spider veins appearing on the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to certain ingredients of cosmetics;
  • acne caused by hormonal changes;
  • any skin diseases.

There are also time restrictions for facial cleansing due to reasons such as:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • too young, undeveloped skin before the age of 18;
  • scars that occur during the healing of wounds or cuts - over time they become invisible and do not pose a problem;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • heat;
  • During the warm season, chemical peeling should not be done;
  • You should not cleanse immediately before an important meeting or going out, as after the procedure a slight redness remains on the skin, which will soon go away.


Pore ​​cleaning should be done in stages. Having freed your face from makeup, you need to steam it. This will expand the pores. This procedure can be carried out in different ways.

The simplest and easiest method is a compress. You need to wring out the towel in hot, but not scalding water, apply it to your face and hold it for several minutes, wetting it periodically. For dry skin, steaming time should be reduced by almost half. Instead of water, you can use a hot decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or sage.

You can steam your skin using a facial steam bath - bend over it, covered with a towel. Instead of water, it is also possible to use a herbal decoction, and some add a drop of any essential oil to it. You should not lower your head too low to avoid getting burned.

Purification process

The second stage is to cleanse the face of impurities and dead skin cells using scrubs. To prepare them at home, you do not need to purchase expensive cosmetics or exotic fruits. Simple, affordable products available in the refrigerator are quite suitable. Salt, ground coffee or almonds, sugar and other substances can be used as abrasive particles for scrub. The main thing is to choose the right recipe specifically for this skin type. For dry skin, softer products should be used and vice versa.

  • Deep cleansing of pores can be done using a simple composition. Mix the cream with table salt and apply it onto your face with light movements, protecting your eyes and lips. After waiting a minute, you can wash off the mask with boiled water.
  • Penetrating deep into the pores, a mask made from milk with gelatin effectively cleanses them of plugs, blackheads and other impurities. After mixing them in a ceramic bowl, place the product in the microwave for a few seconds or heat it in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves. The mask should be applied warm for a quarter of an hour until it hardens. The resulting film will collect all unnecessary particles and remove them from the face, making it smooth and clean.
  • A mask with oatmeal has an excellent cleansing and softening effect. They can be diluted in milk or warm water, depending on your skin type.
  • There are also more complex masks that require some effort and patience, but have an excellent cleansing effect. An example of such a remedy is a mixture of fresh egg whites with a crushed tablet of activated carbon. First, the mask is applied to the face, after which small pieces of toilet paper are glued on top of it. A second layer of the mixture is applied to them. After the film formed by several similar layers has dried, it is carefully removed.
  • You can cleanse your pores with a banana mask. The pulp from the overripe fruit should be mixed with honey and two or three drops of any citrus juice as desired. Next, apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water. It not only cleanses, but perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • For dry skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and crushed boiled egg shells is perfect. It will gently cleanse pores without damaging the skin.

Narrowing pores

After cleansing, the pores need to be narrowed so that they do not become clogged quickly. To do this, instead of tonic, you can use home remedies - aloe or lemon juice, a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is useful to simply wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes made from a herbal decoction. Masks for narrowing pores also have a good effect.

  • Egg white has an excellent tightening effect. Therefore, it is invariably present in all recipes for narrowing pores. Whipped protein can be used both in pure form and with other components that will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • A mask made from lemon juice and whipped egg white is especially effective for oily skin. It will not only tighten the pores well, but will also even out the face, give it a matte tint and eliminate the red marks left after acne removal.
  • A paste of honey and flour with protein will perfectly moisturize the skin and tighten enlarged pores. The face will become fresh and wonderfully velvety.
  • If you dilute fresh yeast with lemon juice and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, you can get an effective remedy that tightens pores and at the same time nourishes and moisturizes the skin.


At the final stage of deep cleaning of the pores on the face, deep moisturizing is necessary. It is undesirable to use fatty, highly nutritious products for this procedure, as they can clog the pores. You can simply apply moisturizer to your skin or use special masks.

  • A mixture of honey and olive oil has an excellent soothing and moisturizing effect. A mask preheated in a water bath and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour will eliminate peeling and make the skin soft and velvety.
  • Fresh yeast diluted in sour cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin.
  • If you prepare banana pulp with egg yolk and stir it with olive oil, you will get an excellent mask for nourishing and moisturizing problem skin. After it, your face will glow with purity and freshness.
  • For normal skin, a mask made from mashed potatoes diluted with milk will be useful. Fresh, but pre-mashed strawberries are added to the mixture.


In order to prevent rapid contamination of pores, you need to be more attentive to your daily facial care and follow simple recommendations. So, the rules are as follows:

  • mineral oils in cosmetics provoke blockage and subsequent contamination of pores, so their use should be limited;
  • It is also advisable to abandon fatty creams that clog pores - it is better to replace them with effective moisturizers;
  • It is useful to exclude foundation creams from daily “use”;
  • when the pores quickly become clogged, perhaps the reason lies in some internal pathologies, then it is better to undergo an examination and find out the cause;
  • If your skin is prone to allergic reactions, you can contact a specialist who will tell you how to cleanse your facial pores at home.

With regular use of available home remedies for facial care, you will not need expensive cosmetic gels and creams, and your appearance will always be well-groomed and youthful.

09 03.16

A gray tint to the skin, the presence of inflammation, pimples and blackheads are the consequences of clogged pores with sebaceous secretions, cosmetics and dust from the environment, which is why periodic cleaning of the pores at home or in special salons is required.

Of course, we will mainly talk about home methods.

For this purpose, various masks, scrubs, as well as special tools and entire devices are used.

Basic Rules

To effectively cleanse pores, you must follow certain rules:

  • Any procedures should be carried out on previously cleansed facial skin of makeup and other cosmetics. To do this, just wash your face using gel or foam.
  • Scrubbing the skin allows you to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and surface contaminants of the dermis.
  • Since pores require deep cleaning, you must first steam the skin.
  • After the skin has been prepared, you can proceed to the main procedure.
  • However, before applying the cleanser, it must be pre-tested to avoid possible allergic reactions.
  • Cleaning should be carried out no more than once a week, and after the procedure it is necessary to take measures to narrow the pores.
  • You should not use cosmetics immediately after cleansing, as the skin should rest and the pores should close.


To open pores, salons use special equipment. At home, an effective method is the steaming procedure.

Take a terry towel, moisten it with hot water and apply it to your face for a short time, then remove it. Repeat this procedure about 3 times. During this time, the skin will steam and the pores will open.

Another way is to open the pores over steam. Take medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, and brew it in a small saucepan. While the broth has not cooled down, you need to lean over the steam, covering your head with a towel, and wait for 15 minutes.

Steam allows the pores to open, while at the same time it has a beneficial effect on the dermis.

After steaming, this decoction can be used as a lotion, or frozen in ice cubes.

Cleaning methods

There are a huge number of methods for deep cleaning of pores, both traditional and hardware. The main task is to choose the right method for you.

Mechanical cleaning

After steaming, you can clean the pores mechanically, that is, by squeezing either with simply treated fingers or using a special tool - a metal loop (a more hygienic method, since it can be disinfected and processed after each comedone).

Mechanically cleaned pores must be treated with a disinfectant using a cotton swab.

Gelatin film mask

The film mask has the excellent ability to cleanse the skin of various impurities, smooth out wrinkles, remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and improve complexion.

You can prepare this mask at home using natural ingredients.

In a water bath, it is necessary to bring a tablespoon of gelatin, a tablet of activated charcoal and 2 tablespoons of milk to a homogeneous state. After cooling, apply the mask to the face area and leave until completely dry.

The mask must be applied to a cleansed face, neck and décolleté in an even layer (excluding the eyelid and lip area).

After applying the product, you need to relax all facial muscles.

Remove the film mask carefully from bottom to top, and wash off the remaining residue with warm water.

Masks with gelatin are very effective. This is just one of the options, in fact there are many.

Clay mask

To clean clogged pores, you need to dilute a tablespoon of clay suitable for you with warm water until a creamy consistency is achieved, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer to your face and wait until it dries completely. The mask must be removed with cool water.


Cleaning clogged pores is very simple. To do this, just use a soda scrub. So, we need foam from baby soap and a small amount of baking soda. Apply foam to the face, then take baking soda and massage directly over the foam with light movements, following the massage lines.

We pay special attention to blackheads on the nose. The procedure should last no more than a couple of minutes and do not apply too much pressure or stretch the skin. Avoid the eye area.

Hardware cleaning

Beauty salons use ultrasonic devices for cleaning. A special device creates sound waves that spread through the dermis and free the pores from comedones, while blood and lymph circulation improves, and skin tone also increases.

This device can be purchased and used at home, but it is quite expensive.

Instrumental methods also include vacuum cleaning, the essence of which is to deeply cleanse the pores on the face under the influence of a vacuum created by a special device.


A soft brush, special or toothbrush, allows you to delicately remove various stains. To do this, just use it to apply cleansers and massage lightly. The brush must be soft and clean.

This method is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin. And for oily and problematic skin, such cleaning should be carried out no more than once a month.

After care

After the cleansing has been carried out, the skin must be additionally moisturized, nourished and be sure to carry out a procedure to narrow the pores.

Moisturizing mask

A mask of 2 tablespoons of rolled oats flakes brewed in a glass of boiling water will help restore the water balance. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid and add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice to the oat mixture. Apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes.


As a nourishing mask, you can use a mixture of 5 ml grape oil, 20 ml carrot juice, 30 grams of melted honey and half a chicken yolk.

Honey masks nourish the skin down to the deep layers of the dermis, however, it is worth considering that honey can cause an allergic reaction, so it is worth checking the skin for sensitivity first.

To tighten pores

How to narrow and close enlarged pores after cleansing? You can wipe your face with an ice cube, or you can use a clay mask. It is enough to dilute a little clay with lukewarm water until a creamy consistency is obtained, then apply to the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse with lukewarm water and treat the dermis with lotion.

With proper and regular cleansing, the skin looks healthy and fresh, and age-related changes become less obvious.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Every skin type needs constant care and protection. When starting to take action, you need to clearly understand how to clean the pores on your face correctly in order to achieve the best result and preserve it for as long as possible.

What are pores and why are they needed?

Pores are microscopic holes in the skin that serve as a kind of filter between cells and the external environment.

Pores perform 3 functions:

  • remove decay products that appear during metabolism;
  • saturate skin cells with oxygen;
  • perform an aesthetic function, allowing the epidermis to look tightened and smooth.

When the pores are enlarged, sebum appears on the surface of the skin, covering it with a thin film. This type of skin is classified as oily, prone to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and acne.

The sebaceous gland comes out through the pores of any person, but in different quantities. When the holes are too small, it is difficult for the skin to get rid of unnecessary substances, it becomes tight and unprotected. The hydrolipid mantle is not formed, which leads to dryness and excessive sensitivity.

Why pores become clogged: main reasons

When pores become clogged, a woman should analyze her own lifestyle, habits, and the cosmetics she uses. Sometimes the problem is caused by more than one factor.


The secretion of sebaceous glands is under the control of the body's endocrine system. Hormones play a decisive role in the formation and production of sebaceous glands. An unstable hormonal background can provoke their unstable release. This problem affects teenage children, pregnant girls, and women during menopause.

The male hormone testosterone can increase the production of sebum, which, in the absence of proper care, clogs the pores.

In women, estrogen influences the number of sebaceous glands. The hormone reduces their number, thereby causing dryness and dehydration.

The diet of each person has a strong influence on his health and appearance. The epidermis is no exception. It has not been proven by scientists, but research on this issue has been carried out for a long time.

When you eat unhealthy foods and dishes, intense insulin production occurs, which affects the sebaceous glands and contributes to clogged pores. According to this theory, to maintain a beautiful epidermis, you must first give up fast carbohydrates. You should not eat smoked meats, pickled or spicy foods.

You need to eat homemade food, avoid snacking at fast food establishments, and do not drink soda or alcohol. Chips and crackers are not welcome. Avoiding enlarged pores will help avoiding pastries, cakes, and sweets.

Illiterate skin care

Even with excellent health and a healthy lifestyle, clogged pores on the face can appear if you don’t take good care of it.

Standard cleansing scheme:

  1. Makeup remover, i.e. makeup removal. This is done using special micellar water.
  2. Treatment with special detergents. These can be gels, foams, lotions.
  3. Exfoliation. Clogged pores are cleaned with scrubs 1 or 2 times a week. It is important not to damage the skin, but to clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists advise that cosmetic products be as safe as possible and do not contain comedogenic impurities.

When your face is not cleaned regularly, it accumulates dust, dirt, and makeup particles. All these substances lie in a dense layer, preventing subcutaneous fat from appearing. As a result, inflammatory foci appear.

Why do you need to clean your pores?

Excessive amounts of sweat and waste products on the surface are detrimental. Such dirt can stretch the holes even more, causing new contamination.

Pore ​​cleaning is necessary because:

  1. Epidermal cells need high-quality nutrition, constant saturation with oxygen and moisture. This is impossible without normalizing metabolic processes.
  2. Constant cleaning prevents the pores from expanding more and more. Their narrowing is necessary to be able to effectively rid the skin of dirt and sebum.
  3. Deep cleansing leaves your complexion even and your skin radiant. Such procedures have a good effect on blood circulation.
  4. Constant contamination of pores promotes the proliferation of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. They, in turn, cause rashes and acne.
  5. Thanks to good peeling, collagen and elastane are actively produced, skin fibers are strengthened, and the epidermis becomes more resistant to microbes.

It is important not only to systematically take care of your own health, but also to do it correctly.

Opening of pores

Deep cleaning is only possible with maximum pore opening. This way, the beneficial substances will penetrate deeper, and all excess subcutaneous secretions will be removed.

Hot compresses and steaming the face will help open the sebaceous ducts. Any cleansing, whether in a beauty clinic or at home, begins with removing makeup. Then special products are applied to expand the pores, depending on the type.

For severe oil contamination, cleansing masks and light scrubs with a low acid content are used.

It is necessary to open the pores well so that during the cleaning process the contamination is completely removed, and not just the surface layer.


One of the first stages of cleaning is steaming the pores. This is how they open, the dermis becomes soft, the components of cleansers penetrate deep into the skin and draw out fats and impurities.

The most effective steaming methods are:

  • bath;
  • inhalation;
  • products from the pharmacy;
  • cosmetic products.

The bathhouse in Ancient Rus' helped improve blood circulation, get rid of accumulated impurities and improve color.

Inhalations must be done with natural products. The most common are propolis, mint, essential oil, potatoes.

The most common products from the pharmacy, such as zinc and kaolin, can warm up the skin no worse than steam. In addition to simplicity, this method is characterized by minimal cost.


At this stage, the skin must be deeply cleansed. Dirt and dead cells are removed from the open pores.

To avoid damage to the lipid layer, the procedure can be used no more than 3 times a week.

In this case, the face will lose its natural protection, which will lead to its stretching and excessive sensitivity to external influences.

Exfoliation happens:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

When working with dry skin, products should contain fruit acids. Thanks to them, cleansing will be gentle and painless. Products with AHA acids will help cells recover faster.

Products for cleansing oily skin should contain BHA acids. The most commonly used is salicylic acid. It fights inflammation and acne very well. It has antimicrobial properties and heals minor scratches. The epidermis after using products with BHA acids is clean and less susceptible to skin rashes.

When using store-bought cosmetics for sensitive skin, it is important to always perform an allergy test. Peels should be natural, hypoallergenic, and without glycolic acid.


Cleansing pores is an important step in facial care. Products from the store or prepared independently can cope with the task.

A clay mask will help to deeply cleanse and get rid of bacteria in the pores. This natural material not only actively draws out excess metabolic products, but also dries out the skin.

If you leave a clay mask on your face for a long time, it will dry out, become unpleasantly tight on the skin and deprive it of moisture.

Features of a clay mask:

  1. The mixture should not be stirred in metal containers. Clay can change its chemical properties when it reacts with metal. This procedure may not be useful.
  2. It is advisable to cleanse pores while lying down. If you apply the mask in a thick layer, when it dries it will become weighty, which is why it can pull your facial skin down in a vertical position.
  3. Clay works best on pre-expanded pores.
  4. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 7 minutes for dry skin, 10 minutes for normal skin, and 15 minutes for oily skin.
  5. You should remove the mask only after moistening it with water.

When the pores on your face are very dirty, you can choose a radical cleanser - activated charcoal. For maxi, crush 2 tablets, mix them with warm milk and add gelatin. Mix the mixture vigorously and quickly, after which apply the composition with a brush to the face.

You should wait for the mask to dry completely in a horizontal position. After removing, wipe with an ice cube and use a moisturizer. You can use 1 spoon of PVA glue instead of water with gelatin.

Rolled oats, aspirin, protein and coffee will help remove sebaceous glands and dead skin remnants. So, brew a spoonful of oatmeal with kefir and leave for 20 minutes. Keep it on your face for half an hour.

Every other day, you can use an aspirin-based mask; for this, 4 tablets are mixed with 2 tablespoons of oil and false water.

If you use protein as a pore cleanser, it must first be well beaten. After the procedure, it is important to moisturize the skin.

Narrowing pores

Peels are best suited for this. At home, you can use a scrub with baking soda. It will whiten any skin type well without damaging it. To prepare, you will need soda and oil in a 1:1 ratio, half a spoon of salt. It is important to apply the mass using massage movements. Use no more than once a week.

Alcohol and clay will help narrow the pores after cleansing. When using them, it is important not to dry out the epidermis. Otherwise, sebum will begin to be released with double force.

For oily skin, it is best to use white clay. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, and fights unhealthy shine. The clay must first be diluted with warm water to obtain a creamy mass. If the epidermis suffers from excess oil, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

You can keep the product on your face for about 20 minutes. As a result, the skin will become tight, clean, and thanks to the lemon juice, whitened.

Cleansing and tightening products should be rinsed off with cool water. Finally, rub the pores well with an ice cube.

A solution of green tea, aloe and lemon juice will help close the pores after cleansing.


The most important need of any type is hydration. This is the only way a face can look healthy and well-groomed.

Main components of moisturizers:

  1. Vitamin E. Keeps skin young, protects against free radicals.
  2. Provitamin B5. Moisturizes and nourishes.
  3. Hyaluronic acid is the best moisturizer available today. Thanks to the thin film that it synthesizes on the surface, moisture remains in the cells. Natural ingredients can effectively moisturize and nourish the skin: jojoba, almond, and peanut oils.
  4. Allantoin in moisturizers works well to tighten pores and treat problematic rashes.
  5. Dimethyl ketone does not contain fat and is good for oily skin.
  6. Thalaspheres have a strong moisturizing effect.
  7. Liposomes can penetrate deep into cells. Thanks to them, smoothness and strength appear.
  8. Glycerin takes moisture from oxygen and then locks it into skin cells.

During the day it is useful to spray your face with mineral water. It is important to eat well and drink a lot.


Since even with the most gentle cleansing of pores, each skin can react differently, there are some situations and diseases in which this should not be done.

Pore ​​cleansing: contraindications:

  • viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • excessive sensitivity;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin diseases, dermatitis;
  • severe hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • demodicosis;
  • rosacea;
  • scar tissue, etc.

Before cleansing pores in the salon or at home, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications for this.

Dry cleaning is prohibited for women who have problems with the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas, or stomach ulcers.

Steaming the skin

During the cleansing process, it is important to remove all greasy glands. Each pore has a wide part, which lies near the surface, and a narrow part, located in depth. You can get all the accumulated particles out of here only after a good steaming. Only in this case will cleaning the pores of the face be as effective as possible.

Hot compresses

Experienced cosmetologists know the best ways to clean pores on the face. Before you clean your skin, be sure to steam it in the salon using a hot compress.

The procedure can also be performed at home. Simply select a piece of natural fabric, such as cotton, and moisten it with hot water. Flannel or flannel will do. The water temperature should be slightly above 40 degrees.

The face is thoroughly cleansed of dirt with thermal water or ordinary soap. The compress should not cool down; it must be applied quickly. Lie down with the cloth and wait 15 minutes, then repeat the procedure.

In order for the pores to become cleansed and the skin to acquire a well-groomed appearance, it is important to use peeling and a mask. The procedure must be repeated regularly.

Every person's skin needs daily care. This is especially true for women, they have decorative cosmetics on their faces, often sensitive epidermis, and everyone wants to look good.

Cleanse your skin correctly

Sebum and other impurities that accumulate in pores throughout the day are almost impossible to remove with tap water. As a result, the skin ducts become clogged, injured, and stretched. This is how irregularities appear, which can become the beginning of problems with the epidermis. Clearing clogged pores on your face is much more difficult than taking care of your facial skin every day.

It is necessary to cleanse with special means, depending on the type of epidermis. If there is a high probability of fat appearing, foam and gel are used. Dry skin is well cleaned by products containing special oils. For example, mousse and cream for washing, two-phase liquids.

Every modern girl should know how to properly remove makeup from her face.

Remove makeup thoroughly

Decorative cosmetics can do a bad job, especially if they are poorly removed from the surface.

Your cosmetic bag must have the most suitable product for thoroughly removing makeup, which a woman uses every day. In most cases, pores are clogged due to makeup residue on the skin.

Only special cosmetic milk, micellar water, or oil can completely remove makeup. After getting rid of decorative cosmetics, it is good to use a cleanser. Gel or foam will remove not only dirt, but also excesses of the previous cosmetic product.

After cleansing, use a toner or toning lotion.

It is important to tone skin cleansed of makeup. It should be protected from drying out and feeling of tightness. For this it is good to use tonics or lotions.

Such products will even out the surface of the skin, making it uniform and smooth. Her condition will improve significantly, and not a trace will remain of clogged pores.

This stage of pore cleansing is mandatory, since it actively accelerates the renewal of the cellular layer.

Use retinol and acids in your daily care

One of the most important conditions for high-quality cleansing of pores clogged with sebum is the presence of retinol and acids in the composition of the cosmetic product. Thanks to ratinols, the formation of sebum plugs can be avoided, since its release will be controlled.

The stratum corneum of the epidermis can be removed by acids in cosmetic products. They can be fruity if the skin does not have a lot of rashes. The problematic surface needs a stronger product. This is salicylic acid. Suitable for inflamed areas and redness.

Exfoliate regularly

It is necessary to remove the superficial stratum corneum from the skin regularly. With the help of peelings and scrubs you can significantly improve blood circulation in the skin and smooth out its texture.

Even if the epidermis is dry, it is important to use scrubs periodically. In this case, you just need to make sure that the cosmetic product contains glycolic acid. Its delicate cleansing allows you to remove salt plugs without damaging the epidermis.

If your skin is oily, you should look for retinoic acid in the composition. It will effectively tighten pores and also reduce sebum production.

Enzyme peels are the most gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. Enzyme-based products are good at cleansing the epidermis of dead cells.
When the pores are heavily clogged with sebum, it is best to do several peelings in the salon. You can maintain the results obtained at home using fruit acids.

Go to a beauty salon for a cleaning

When the face is covered with many blackheads, the pores are completely clogged, mechanical or hardware cleaning will help.

Mechanical cleaning in the cabin takes place in several stages:

  • skin cleaning;
  • applying a mask to open pores;
  • removal of sebaceous plugs mechanically (by hand or with a special Uno spatula);
  • applying an anti-inflammatory mask.

Hardware cleaning, in particular ultrasonic, is more gentle. It is not capable of affecting depth, but it is painless. In the process, impurities are removed from the surface of the skin, microparticles of impurities are removed, and the relief is evened out.

Choose cleansing cosmetic products

Masks with activated carbon perfectly destroy excess fat from the surface of the skin; with kaolin you don’t have to worry about inflammation. It is a natural absorbent that is suitable for all skin types.

Women with oily skin types know how to cleanse their face using a clay mask. Products with volcanic ash are good for this purpose.

One of the simplest and cheapest methods of cleaning pores is special strips from the pharmacy. They cope well with minor stains, but are ineffective in the presence of deeply clogged pores.

Avoid comedogenic cosmetics

In the fight for purity, every cosmetic product a girl uses is important.

Cosmetologists advise avoiding highly comedogenic products. These are products that contain lanolin, petroleum products, and oils (cocoa and coconut).

If the problem of clogged pores is established, it is important to abandon decorative bases and any cosmetics with silicone during the period of cleaning them.

Watch your diet

Nutritional rules for keeping pores clean:

  1. Avoid fatty, sweet, processed foods. These products provoke active secretion of the sebaceous glands, contributing to the appearance of acne and inflammation.
  2. If necessary, take vitamin complexes (if you don’t get enough fruits and vegetables into your body).
  3. Love foods high in fiber.
  4. Drink yoghurts and fermented milk products that can improve intestinal microflora.

If you follow these simple rules every day, the question of how to get rid of clogged pores will not arise.

Don't touch your face too much

The habit of touching the face with hands is rarely formed in an adult. It most often comes from childhood.

It is not always possible to wash your hands frequently. Many microbes and bacteria live on them, which, upon contact with the skin of the face, will certainly move there.

The less a person touches his face, the fewer painful rashes, inflammations and acne there are.

It is important to wash your hands correctly. Soap must be used, and dirt under the nails must be removed and washed off thoroughly.

Top 5 salon methods

Modern salons offer many ways to clean pores, depending on the level of pollution and individual characteristics.

Manual cleaning

A specialist removes dirt manually or using special devices. The face is cleansed with lotion, the pores are opened, after which the specialist works separately with each problematic pore. In the end, the skin will definitely be soothed.

Manual cleaning takes a long time and is painful but effective. It can be done regularly, especially for oily skin.

During the cleaning process, almost all comedones and fat plugs are effectively removed. However, you must contact a trusted clinic, since if hygiene requirements are not followed, the cosmetologist can cause an infection.

Dry cleaning

Chemical peeling is carried out with special preparations such as retinol, acids and enzymes. They are selected individually depending on the general condition of the skin.

Chemical peels must be performed by a professional because there is a risk of burns. If a woman does not have strong sebaceous plugs, the effect after the procedure will be visible immediately. Acne and unevenness will disappear, your face will acquire a pleasant color.

It is important that after the procedure you must follow the rules. For example, use sunscreen.


Today, the effect of high-frequency ultrasonic waves on epidermal cells is popular. They are able to pull out fat plugs, makeup residues and other impurities.

The session is completely painless, after which you can immediately go outside. Ultrasonic cleansing is the best option for normal skin types.

Ultrasound waves can reach any part of the face, such as the wings of the nose and forehead. The advantage of this method is its accessibility. The method is good to combine with others. Not suitable for heavily clogged pores and oily skin.

To close the pores after cleansing, use special masks.


The laser method can rejuvenate the skin; it can affect not only the surface of the skin, but also its middle layers. Dead cells are completely removed, comedones, age spots, acne and inflammation go away.

The laser method is painful and not suitable for sensitive skin. The results obtained last for 2 weeks.

During the procedure, a small massage occurs, which helps speed up the metabolism. The laser beam penetrates well into hard-to-reach places. Finally, a special soothing mask is applied.


A hardware method that fights complex sebaceous plugs in pores. Thanks to small attachments, a vacuum space is created on the surface of the skin. Dirt particles are drawn into it even from the depths of the epidermis.

The procedure has other advantages, such as tightening the skin, giving it elasticity, and filling cells with oxygen.

The vacuum method is contraindicated only for those who have dry and thin skin, as well as rosacea. The procedure does not injure the skin, and there is no risk of infection.

Top 5 purchased facial cleansers

Deep cleansing of facial pores at home is possible; all you need to do is purchase good cosmetics.

It is good to use in winter, when the epidermis especially needs moisture. Gently cleanses pores, covers them with a film, which causes them to clog the pores a little. Suitable for dry and normal skin.

The milk is suitable for sensitive skin. It dissolves lipids and draws out impurities. Promotes cell regeneration during sleep.

It is necessary to apply to the skin until completely absorbed, remove excess with a napkin. After milk, it is good to use tonic or lotion.

Cleansing gels

They dry well, refresh the face, and are not suitable for dry skin types. Gels disinfect and nourish tired skin.

The gel is perfect for problem skin because it does not disrupt the hydrolipid barrier. The substances included in its composition can shrink pores and dry them out a little. Most often these are detergent surfactants.

Thanks to alcohol and parabens, gels prevent inflammation and reduce existing problems.


The products are designed to reduce the skin's vulnerability to external influences, remove impurities, and soften the epidermis. Can be used for any skin type.

Tonics are used morning and evening. They tighten pores, moisturize the skin, and give it a radiant appearance.

Must be applied to cleansed skin before applying the main cream. There are many types depending on skin type. Alcohol products are excellent at fighting fat, and milk tonics effectively moisturize the skin.

Micellar water

Rarely causes irritation and is suitable for sensitive skin. Can be used instead of milk, gel and tonic.

This is a cleanser that can dissolve not only makeup, but also skin impurities. It does not need to be washed off with water.

The most active component of a skin care product is micelles. They are obtained by special concentration of surfactants in water. Micelles soothe irritations and remove any size particles of fat.

Micellar water is good to use daily, but it cannot remove deep stains.

Mousse or foam

Suitable for any skin type. Gently cleanse the skin and soothe it.

The product does not contain oils or silicones and is suitable for daily use. Envelops the skin and prevents moisture loss.

5 popular folk remedies

Cleaning pores at home is possible using folk remedies.

Suitable for oily skin. The yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. lemon juice until smooth. Apply to the skin using a cotton pad and wash off after 5 minutes.

Pharmaceutical chamomile and linden blossom

The components are brewed in boiling water and cooled until warm. Add lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to the solution. The composition can be frozen and wiped with ice. An effective cleanser and tightener of pores. Use 2 times a day.

Spoiled milk

Sour milk can get rid of freckles and make the skin velvety and soft.

The mask can be made from sour cream or kefir. If the skin is dry, it is good to wipe it with sour milk. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied.

This is a gentle way of cleansing. Spread a spoonful of bran, pre-soaked in warm water, evenly over your face. Rinse with water when sensations change. The procedure is repeated daily.

Cosmetic clay

It is important to choose the type of clay depending on your skin type. Clay powder is diluted with a small amount of water and left on the face for 15 minutes. The effect can be observed immediately. The face is toned and healthy.

How to save the result

On the day when the pores have been cleaned, you should not use aggressive products. It is advisable to purchase milk or foam.

Do not injure your skin with scrubs. Touching your face with your hands is highly undesirable; it is better to use nourishing masks. They will restore and moisturize the skin. It is good to use antiseptic solutions, wipe your face with a decoction of sage and calendula.

After cleansing, blood circulation improves and metabolic processes are activated. This is the most favorable time for skin care.

Masks made from olive oil with protein, parsley juice and sour cream will have a positive effect. You are allowed to put potatoes, melon, watermelon, and cucumber on your face.

Prevention of pore pollution

If the pores on your face often become clogged, it is best to take preventive measures.