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What kind of eyebrows make a round face? Eyebrows for different face types - round, oval and square. Rising lines for a round face


There are different eyebrow shapes that you can transform your natural eyebrows into. But still, the choice should be approached with complete seriousness and responsibility in order to emphasize the elegance or expressiveness of the face. As a rule, eyebrow shapes also follow the rules of fashion trends, which change every season. But the difference between these innovations is that changing clothes is much easier than changing the shape of eyebrows. Moreover, all these changes concern the face and its expression.

Round face

If you are interested in knowing which one is suitable for a photo, the below will help you. I would like to talk about this type. What can you say about a round face? This type has an upper (forehead) and lower part (chin) that are almost identical in width.

The best and worst option

Which shape is not suitable? Photos of girls with rounded eyebrows are not pleasing to the eye. Because this shape emphasizes the width of the face. Therefore, round ones should be avoided. Which one is for a round face? Her photo is presented below.

If you describe the correct shape in a nutshell, it is broken, raised eyebrows. There must be a downward tail. Such eyebrows visually lengthen the face. They focus on the vertical rather than the horizontal.

Some women and girls achieve the desired results by introducing innovations so that they have the ideal eyebrow shape for a round face (photo). Tattooing has become one of the most common methods. Of course, in order to use such a technique, you must first consult with a specialist who can suggest the correct method and whether it can be applied to the applicant.

What is the ideal eyebrow shape for a round face now? Photos of girls and models allow us to conclude that currently the natural form is the standard. She somewhat elongates the face and gives it special expressiveness.

Creative option

There are also creative eyebrow shapes (photo) for a round face, which represent an alternating thickness. What are these types? For example, the base of the eyebrow may be thickened, but the tip is barely visible. But this variety is not for everyone. Here everything will depend on the shape of the eyes, the size of the cheeks and cheekbones. When choosing an eyebrow shape (photo) for a round face, you should also take into account the length of the hair. When choosing a suitable option, be sure to ensure that it matches your face. Remove hairs one at a time so as not to spoil the image at the moment.


What eyebrow shapes (photo) are suitable for a round face? For example, straighter ones create a stricter look, while smoothed ones with soft curves give a kind and gentle look.

  • One of the best options are winged ones. Graceful, like wings, they elongate the shape of the face. But it is necessary to be vigilant so that the face does not acquire a tragic expression.
  • The second option for eyebrow shape is without corners. A brave step for those who decide to undertake such an experiment. It resembles the shape of a crescent and is quite specific. Before deciding on it, it is better to consult with a specialist who can choose the right angle.
  • Straight eyebrows are an equally risky option. Because before you begin the transformation, you must remember to maintain the appropriate proportions so as not to expand your already round face.
    Nowadays, it is fashionable to choose eyebrow shapes that famous actresses have. But before you follow your favorite idol and make the same uniform, you first need to “try on” it on yourself.


As for nowadays, it has become fashionable to grow them and even leave some areas literally overgrown. This gives the eyebrows a more natural look. Since fashion trends are screaming about, many girls completely stop making corrections or changing their shape. But there must be a limit to everything. After all, if you completely stop taking care of your eyebrows, then you can allow sloppiness in your image, which obviously does not decorate a woman’s face. Therefore, those girls who have already tried to change the shape of their eyebrows at least once and corrected it should monitor their growth and the areas in which they begin to grow in width.

Plucking is a must to maintain a neat look. After all, many female representatives have eyebrows that grow differently.

Choosing eyebrow shapes (photo) for a round face and getting a tattoo

For those who do decide to try eyebrow tattooing, you first need to choose a suitable shape to imprint on your face. After which it should be corrected by plucking out unnecessary areas. This job is quite responsible. Therefore, it is better to thoroughly look for a specialist in whom you can be confident.

Once the form is ready and in perfect condition, you can begin tattooing. You must first make sure that the skin is able to withstand this procedure and that allergies will not occur. If the skin specifically reacts to any external influence, then it is better to first contact a dermatologist, who will advise what to do in this situation.

If you don’t want to go to the doctor at all, then a specialized cosmetologist can also help with this difficult problem.


Now you know what eyebrow shapes there are (photo). Not all types are suitable for a round face. Therefore, you need to carefully select the form. And before carrying out any operations related to the face, it is necessary to study different options in photographs many times, consult with a doctor, so that not a single experiment has a negative impact on beauty and health.

Not every girl has been blessed by nature with an ideal oval face shape. But we want to bring our appearance closer to perfection in order to please ourselves and others. Using the secrets of makeup artists on how to properly brighten up the oval face with cosmetics, you should not neglect the information on what shape eyebrows should be for a round face. After all, it depends on them how harmonious the appearance features will be.

What eyebrow shapes are suitable for a round face?

Eyebrows that look most flattering and natural on a round face are:

  • "winged";
  • ascending;
  • round;
  • house.

As for horizontal eyebrows, they will visually expand the face even more. In addition, with this shape your look will become gloomy and dissatisfied.

To make your eyebrows look beautiful and natural, follow these simple tips:

  1. The shape will suffer greatly if you start plucking hairs along the top edge. They will lose their naturalness, and the bend will not be so impressive.
  2. Don't make the outer tip too sharp. Maintain the most natural shape and width that nature has given you.
  3. Many girls make a big mistake by plucking their eyebrows without comparing them with each other. You can often see that one line is higher than the other.
  4. Shorten hair that is too long or maintain its shape by styling it with gel or wax.
  5. If the eyebrows are too light or very sparse, you need to fill them in with a pencil or shadows.
  6. Remember that the eyebrow color should be 1-2 shades darker than the hair color.

“Winged” eyebrow shape on a round face

The graceful break is ideal for any face type. It gives the eyes an expression of confidence and playfulness. Moreover, this form can take several years off its owner. In addition, curved eyebrows for a round face can be easily corrected at home. That's why women prefer them.

Creating an intriguing curve is not difficult. To begin, take a pencil or brush and place one end to the wing of the nose, and point the other to the pupil, as shown by the line in the photo. There should be a curve where the pencil crosses the eyebrow.

Rising lines for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face, the ends of which are directed upward, narrows the upper part and lengthens the lower part. But here you need to know one little secret. In order for the rising lines to create the effect of an oval face on a round one, they need to be given a slight bend.

If by nature your shape differs from the desired one, then you should turn to professionals for correction or decide on a tattoo procedure. But if you're lucky, plucking with a thread will help you get straight lines.

Round eyebrows and round face

This shape is also called arcuate. If you like the effect of rounded lines, then remember that the perfect arch emphasizes the round shape of the face. To avoid this mistake, move the rise closer to the outside corner.

Round eyebrows give the look softness and mystery. With such a curve, you will become a mystery woman from whom no man can take his eyes off.

House-shaped eyebrows for a round face

This form is chosen by many Hollywood actresses. Among them are Eva Longoria, Christina Ricci, Olivia Wilde, Courteney Cox, just look at their photos. Such eyebrows for a round face make your look open and a little naive, as if you are constantly surprised by something.

If this form is not given to you at birth, then try to create it artificially. When plucking, do not make the bend angle too sharp and the inner edge low - this will give your face an angry expression. In addition, if the eyebrows for a round face are thin, then you will look like an actress from the 50s, which will not beautify your face.

A training video will help you avoid mistakes in eyebrow correction, which is worth watching even for those who know how to do it:

With the right makeup, you can highlight attractive facial features, distracting from imperfections. The eyebrow line also plays an important role here. Depending on the type of appearance, you should choose it correctly, and then you will be able to see a magnificent transformation. As for chubby girls, when choosing the shape of their eyebrows, they should strive to visually stretch it vertically. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to invent something new, because today there are already options that look like a win-win in this case. If you doubt your own abilities, then just turn to an experienced master. And after that, you can start learning how to correct your eyebrows at home, according to the intended shape. In addition, no special skills or devices are required for this. A few simple tips below will help you in this matter.

The most suitable eyebrow shapes for a round face

The shape of the eyebrows for a round face should be such that the proportions are visually close to ideal. In this case, other components are also important - makeup and hairstyle. If you follow all the rules, you can achieve excellent results.

But the first thing you need to determine is your face shape. Take a close look in the mirror and evaluate your reflection. A round face shape is characterized by approximately the same height and width combined with rounded corners. At the same time, chubby girls are characterized by wide cheekbones and a wide angle of the chin. A snub nose often complements features.

For this type of appearance, three options for eyebrow shaping are most suitable:

  • Smoothly ascending from the middle to the edge and ending with a slight rounding in the area just above the temple;
  • In the “gull wing” shape, when on the inside the line moves upward, and in the last third it makes a bend and rounds down;
  • Triangular eyebrows with a slight bend in the central part closer to the outer edge.

These rules are not reference rules - they only indicate the direction. Much depends on the natural shape of the eyebrows and other appearance features. If you have doubts and are afraid of ruining your appearance, you should first consult with a specialist and make the first correction in the salon. This service is available to everyone, and at the same time you will gradually understand what suits you best. If you manage to find an experienced specialist, you will also receive a number of useful tips that suit your individual case.

Jennifer Morrison

Selena Gomez

Michelle Williams

Mila Kunis

Kelly Clarkson

Katie Holmes

Rules for shaping eyebrows

The eyebrow shape for a round face is quite simple. In most cases, it is not difficult to create it yourself at home. To make the process as comfortable as possible, and to please you with the result, you should arm yourself with all the necessary knowledge and tools.

Choosing a correction method

First of all, decide how you will remove hairs. When correcting eyebrows, shaving or plucking is most often used. Professionals sometimes use thread, but this requires experience. For home correction, it is best to choose plucking with tweezers. This method allows you to remove hairs for a long time, and your eyebrows will look very neat.

Eyebrow shaping process

Eyebrows that comply with a certain rule regarding proportions are considered ideal. It is as follows. It is necessary to pick up a knitting needle and apply it to the wing of the nose to determine the points of the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow line. First of all, draw a straight line from the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow - this is the beginning. Look straight ahead and position the needle so that it extends from the wing of the nose through the pupil - this is the middle of the eyebrow where it is best to make a bend. And the edge of the eyebrow is on a line running from the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

When shaping your eyebrows, try to touch only the lower part. It is here that the hairs are thinner and lighter, while in the upper part they grow thick and dark - it is with their help that you can create a clear, expressive shape. If they are constantly removed, as a result they will become softer and more inconspicuous, and over time they may stop growing altogether. The fact is that each hair on the human body has its own resource - it can grow back only a limited number of times. Therefore, if you constantly correct your eyebrows in the same shape, over time you will have to spend less and less effort on it. It is for this reason that lines that are too thin should be avoided.

After you have plucked all the hairs, look at the result and evaluate how satisfied you are with the density. If necessary, you can apply a few short strokes with a pencil diagonally along the eyebrow line. This will give a volume effect.

Preparing for home eyebrow correction

Before starting the procedure, you should prepare all the necessary tools - tweezers, a clean, comfortable mirror, antibacterial lotion for wiping the eyebrows before plucking, and alcohol to disinfect the tweezers. In addition, make sure that there is enough quality light, preferably natural.

First, you should wash your face with soap and wipe your eyebrows with antibacterial lotion. To remove hairs easily and painlessly, apply a warm, damp compress.

Cameron Diaz

Mandy Moore

Kelly Osbourne

Lily Cole

Emma Watson

Drew Barrymore

thick dark eyebrows with a soft bend to match the blond hair

Kirsten Dunst

The correct eyebrow shape for a round face can make your appearance more harmonious. Remember that the secret of beauty lies in attention to detail. Take every detail of your appearance seriously and you will quickly notice changes for the better.

High-class make-up artists unanimously insist that the shape of a woman’s eyebrows can completely change her face, both for the better and for the worse. And today, to make your eyebrows perfect, there is no need to visit a cosmetologist! If you don’t have enough time in your schedule for a full make-up, first of all, pay attention to your eyebrows, because they are the ones who will give your face a special style. But how can you choose the right shape? In this material we will tell you what shape of eyebrows is best to use for chubby young ladies.

A round face has almost the same width in both the upper part of the face (forehead) and the lower part (chin). Chubby ladies have a softened jawline, while the width of the face is almost equal to its length. Because of this, representatives of the fair sex try to ensure that their face acquires the desired oval. The shape of the eyebrows, successfully matched to the oval of the face, can help in such a difficult task.

The main task for women with a round face is to visually lengthen its shape, bringing it as close to oval as possible. For such ladies, eyebrows with a visible break are suitable - 2, slightly raised - 3, with a thin end - 4 and a slightly widened beginning - 1. However, here you need to not overdo it and not draw a comma instead of a neat eyebrow. At the same time, makeup artists categorically do not recommend making round eyebrows that follow the shape of the face.

Taking into account solely photos or diagrams on the Internet, you are unlikely to be able to choose the right eyebrow shape 100% correctly. To do this, follow these steps: Buy special eyebrow stencils at the store or make them yourself. Then stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room, move your hair away from your face and open your neckline. Apply the stencils one at a time, carefully studying the shape of your face.

Once you've found the shape that suits you best, draw it directly onto your eyebrows with a pencil. If your face looks attractive, you can safely pluck and paint your eyebrows. This will be your ideal shape!

A beautiful eyebrow line helps to visually brighten up facial imperfections and make it as proportional as possible. What eyebrow shapes suit chubby girls? What methods can be used for correction?

The correct proportions of the face, the standard of female beauty, is considered an oval, but in nature this shape is rare. Chubby girls need to know how to visually hide flaws in their appearance.

Signs of a round face:

  • all parts are approximately equal in width;
  • no corners;
  • cheekbones are wider than they are long;
  • The jawline is soft, the forehead is convex and wide.

An ideal eyebrow shape, haircut and makeup will help make the image harmonious and get as close as possible to classic proportions.

How to correct a round face shape?

Stylists have many different tricks that will help visually correct a round oval.

What haircuts suit chubby girls:

  • long bob, the strands should end just below the jawline;
  • cascades and ladders up to the cheekbones with oblique bangs;
  • a medium length bob, with the front ends being perfectly straight;
  • long strands with soft waves;
  • short stepped haircuts with side bangs, it should cover half of the forehead.

1. When painting, you should give preference to paint in dark tones, which will visually narrow the face. Blondes with a round oval face need to make the front strands several shades darker. Soft bangs with highlighted ends are good for chubby girls.

2. When creating a hairstyle, the hair rises up, you can comb it smoothly back. Ideal for chubby girls is a clear parting in the middle, deep diagonal, zigzag.

3. You should not have thick bangs. Long straight strands and very voluminous hairstyles widen the face. Chubby girls are not suitable for fine perms or very short haircuts that follow the shape of the head.

4. Powder or foundation in dark shades will help to correct the round oval of the face - you need to darken the lower jaw, cheekbones, sides of the nose and outer parts of the cheeks. Blush is applied diagonally from the middle of the cheekbone to the temple area, and on the middle part of the forehead to the hairline.

5. In makeup, it is better for chubby girls to make their eyes more expressive. The arrows should rise slightly, the lower eyelid should be lined with pencil and shadows, and shaded well.

6. The lips are not outlined with a pencil - straight lines emphasize the width. It is better to add additional volume with the help of a light gloss - it should be applied to the middle part of the lower lip.

What eyebrow shape suits a round face?

Eyebrows for a round face should be arched, with a slight arch and a high rise. This will help create a vertical accent and visually elongate the face.

Ideal eyebrow shape for chubby girls:

  • a gull wing or house-shaped edge;
  • ascending - in this case the tip should be located slightly above the temporal zone;
  • crescent - a smooth curve located close to the outer corner of the eye.

Which eyebrow shape is not suitable? Chubby girls should avoid clear straight lines and arches - they add even more volume, emphasizing width and disproportion.

During correction, excess hairs are removed, this is done using tweezers. The procedure is unpleasant; to reduce the pain, you must first steam the skin well. And after plucking, wipe the dermis with a piece of ice. To make sparse and light eyebrows look perfect, they are first painted with henna, basma, or special paint - they must be the same color, deviation by 1-2 tones is allowed. After this, you need to adjust the line and bend. The hairs that are located along the bottom edge should be removed. The upper ones can only be removed at a bend or those that stick out strongly.

How to make a clear eyebrow line at home?

To achieve an ideal shape, preliminary marking is necessary - it is very difficult to correct mistakes after incorrect correction. It is enough to fix 3 main points that you need to focus on during the procedure - the correct eyebrow line should have ideal proportions.

How to create the perfect line:

  1. The starting point is located on a segment that runs from the wing of the nose to the forehead through the outer corner of the eye. This place should be the widest part of the eyebrows. If the hairs extend further onto the bridge of the nose, then the whole image becomes gloomy and gloomy, the eyes lose expressiveness.
  2. The bend should be on a line that runs from the wing of the nose through the outer membrane of the pupil. This is the highest point, it is the one that creates the ideal shape.
  3. The end point is located on the segment that goes from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

To choose the shape and correct your eyebrows at home correctly, you need to take before and after photos - this will help you see changes in your appearance and avoid mistakes in the future. Specialized stores have ready-made stencils that make it much easier to correct the bend at home.

It is important to choose the right not only the line and bend of the edges, but also their thickness. Wide eyebrows are ideal for a round face shape; they only need to be thinned out and smoothed with a special gel - this shape has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons now. Thin eyebrows are strictly not recommended for girls with a round face - it will look even wider. From a distance, such strings will not be visible, which will make the image look doll-like and ridiculous.

Eyebrow shape and eye shape

When choosing the line and curve of the eyebrows, you should take into account not only the oval of the face, but also the shape of the eyes. Correct correction will help make the look open and expressive, correct the shape and minor imperfections.

1. Close-set eyes need widely spaced eyebrows; the interval between the bridge of the nose and the first hairs should be maximum. With wide-set eyes, you can leave the distance small, but the hairs should not converge on the bridge of the nose.

2. Highly arched, carefully smoothed eyebrows will help make deep eyes expressive. The round shape will be corrected by wide and thick eyebrows with a thin tip. An almond-shaped cut is considered ideal; it is enough to give the hairs a beautiful line with an angular bend.

3. Drooping eyelids make your eyes look heavier. You can cope with the problem if you give your eyebrows an angular bend and draw arrows correctly - the line should rise smoothly upward from the outer corner to the temple. The inner corner should be covered with matte or pearlescent shadows in very light shades, white is ideal.

Correctly chosen shape and arch of the eyebrows is the easiest way to create the perfect image. For chubby girls, bangs, appropriate makeup and a haircut will help hide imperfections in their appearance.