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Parents' meeting "Sow kindness in children's souls" (preparatory group). Scenario for a parent meeting in a preparatory group, non-traditional form Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in a preparatory group


reveal to parents the role of the family in the social and moral education of the child;
provide psychological and pedagogical support to parents in the form of practical proposals for establishing correct relationships with children;
develop tactics for cooperation with parents to establish common coordinated actions on the part of the family and kindergarten.

Form: The way we work with parents is constantly changing. Traditional forms of work, in which the main place was given to messages and reports, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. New, active forms of work with parents are increasingly being used, allowing parents to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child.

Traditionally, interaction between parents and teachers at parent-teacher meetings takes place mainly in verbal form - one speaks, the rest listen. The use of interactive methods allows you to expand the range of interaction methods within a meeting.

Word "interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", Where "inter"- this is mutual, "act- act.

Interactive- means the ability to interact or is in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person). At the parent meeting, you can use various interactive methods: work in mini-groups, discussions, business, role-playing, simulation games, etc.

Parents sat at tables, split into two teams. The teacher acts as a jury. Statements by V.A. are posted on the board. Sukhomlinsky: “The main purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother”; “A child is a mirror of the family, just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in children.”

Family is a source of inspiration
Where adults and children are nearby,
In the family there is salvation from all adversity,
Here everyone is responsible for each other.

Good evening, dear parents. I am glad to welcome you to our meeting, I hope that we will have a useful and fun time. Today we will talk about social and moral education. Moral education is the process of developing positive qualities in the character of a human personality that determine its moral character. From the first days, a child is connected with the people around him, in communication with whom the first sympathy for them arises.

Later he tries to figure out what is good and what is bad. Children look closely at the actions of their comrades and adults. Gradually, moral motives for behavior are created in their minds. Moral feelings develop in children in the process of relationships with adults and peers, but the family still plays the main role in this.

Our meeting with you will take place in the form of a game. The game is called "Understand me".
Dear parents, you have already been divided into two teams. In one minute you need to name your team and choose a captain to represent your team.

The name of the team should express your attitude towards education in general. The name may be in a humorous form. (There are 2 tablets on the tables on which the captains write down the names of the teams)
The captains have bells with which they signal to the presenter that they are ready to answer the question.
Each team receives a brick or cube in each round for quickly completing tasks, for activity and originality.

1st round
Warm-up “Wise Thoughts”

Explain the meaning of proverbs. (Finish the proverb, wise saying)
The essence of the task is to quickly and as accurately as possible convey the meaning of proverbs.
o It is not the father - the mother who gave birth, but the one... (who gave him drink, fed him, and taught him goodness)
o A person without upbringing - ... (body without soul)
o Dityatko - like dough: ...(as he kneaded, so it grew)
o Punish children with shame..., (not with a whip)
o It is not the one who is rich who has a lot, but the one...(who gives a lot)
o It’s better to cry in childhood...(than in old age)
o A good example is better... (one hundred words)
o Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child... (while he listens)
o From a young one, like from wax:...(you can sculpt what you want)
o What is the treasure for, if... (there is harmony in the family)
o A family is strong when... (one roof over it)
o Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child... (while he listens)

2 round
The world of our hobbies

There is a sheet of paper in front of you. Each team member draws on paper a symbol of a family hobby or favorite activity. This could be a book if you like to read with your child, etc. (Running time 2 min.)
The captain chooses the most interesting symbols and shows them to the members of the other team, who must guess what is depicted. (3-4 characters from each team).

3 round

So, all you need to do is hear the task and try to write down the first images associated with it that come to your mind. The captain selects the person who will record the associations. The whole team helps. Originality of thinking is assessed.
- If a family is a building, then it...
- If family is color, then it...
— If family is music, then it...
— If a family is a geometric figure, then it...
— If family is the name of the film, then it...
- If family is a mood, then it...
-If a family is a country, then it is called
-If family is a fruit, then it is...
-If a family is a famous literary character, then this is...
-If family is an animal, then it is...

Educator: During this exercise, we saw that everyone has their own associations associated with such a concept as Family! Everyone has their own vision and idea of ​​the family. This suggests that we are all different and unique in our associations and perceptions. And this is healthy and quite natural.

4th round
Carousel of problems

Solving pedagogical problem situations. Parents are invited to play out possible problem situations and find optimal ways to resolve them. The facilitator offers one pedagogical situation to each team. Discussion time 2 minutes.
The first snow fell. The children came home happy, but in dirty and wet clothes. The mother assigns them to wash the floors as punishment. Is she right? What would you do?
(Correct answer: punishment by labor results in a negative attitude towards work. The children have not committed any offense. Even adults, when it’s dirty outside, come in with dirty shoes and can get their clothes dirty. What do adults do in this case? They clean their clothes, wash their shoes. Therefore, we can offer the child to clean the clothes together, thereby the child will understand how difficult it is to put things in order. Next time the child will try to be more careful).

For all academic successes, adults give gifts to the child as a token of gratitude. When the girl won a prize in the Olympiad, her grandmother bought her a book about Pushkin and candy as a gift as a reward. And Nadya, unwrapping the gift, made a grimace and announced publicly: “We have books, but we don’t need such cheap candies!” And she turned away.
What mistakes were made in education? What would you do?
(Correct answer: of course, it is very important to interest the child in studying. You can praise and encourage a responsible attitude, but material encouragement should not be included in the system. It is important that spiritual values ​​are higher than material ones. The child should perceive your smile, praise, approval as encouragement)

5th round
Resolving the conflict

What does it mean, in your opinion, to be tolerant? (For the correct answer, the team can also earn a die).

Tolerance– this is the ability to peacefully resolve a problem, the ability to take another person’s place and understand him, tolerance for other people’s opinions, loyalty, open-mindedness.

I propose to resolve the conflict to the first team:
Mom says to her son: “Misha, play more quietly! Why are your toys scattered around again? And yesterday you broke your new car and stained the table with a felt-tip pen. I will punish you!

How would you solve the problem from a position of tolerance? 1 minute for discussion.

(Correct answer: “Misha, don’t make noise, please, it’s late, all your toys are tired and want to sleep. Put each one in its place and wish them good night. And you and I will take pencils and draw magical dreams for your toys.” Result : the mother is satisfied. The conflict disappeared before it even appeared. The cause of the conflict is the mother’s behavior. There is no need to make several claims at one time; a child is a person, and she requires respect and understanding.)

The following problem situation for the second command:
Roma: “Dad, let’s go to the skating rink! Look, Vanya and dad are already there. You promised me yesterday.
Dad: “So what, what did you promise? I have no time now. There is very important work to be completed.
Roma: “Well, please...
Dad: “Get busy!

What mistake did dad make? (I didn’t keep my promise, I pushed my child away from me) How to solve this problem?

(Correct answer: It’s not so important for Roma to go to the skating rink, he could go alone, but it’s very important for him that his dad goes with him, because children, and especially boys, strive to be like their fathers in everything, to be proud and admire advice to dad: leave the problem at the door, go to the skating rink with your son, which will help take your mind off the problem for a while. Thus, you will not aggravate the situation and create another conflict).

Round 6

I suggest you relax and play for a while. I suggest moms and dads go to the store to buy a toy for their child. From each team, select one person who will go shopping, and he must justify his choice from the point of view of the development of the child’s psyche. It takes 1 minute to complete the task.

Participants go shopping. At the end of time, the team representative justifies his choice. If desired, one more person from the team can go to the store.

Leading: All children develop differently. Play accompanies a preschooler throughout the entire path of growth and development; the rudiments of educational activity are formed in it. Toys are the subject of play and are also important for mental development. That is why its choice must be approached responsibly. A toy can evoke a variety of feelings in a child: joy, sadness, fear, aggression, etc. The older the child gets, the more obvious the type of toy and the requirements placed on it change. Moms and dads understand this and try to buy games according to the age of their children and what they want to develop in their child. But most often, children play these games themselves, with older brothers or sisters; parents consider their duty fulfilled, and, as a rule, do not take part in the games.

There are many toys and games. Some develop children’s thinking and horizons (games for mental development), others develop agility and strength (outdoor games, relay games), others develop design skills, etc. Let's remember that a toy for children is not just fun, a pastime, but a cultural tool with the help of which he masters a huge, complex world, comprehends the laws of human relationships and eternal truths.


Educator: Now let's turn on all our imagination, plunge into the world of childhood and get ready to fly... to Mars! Let's imagine for a second that we may never be able to return to Earth. You can take with you to Mars only the most expensive things you have. But only three things: one animate object, one inanimate object, and one memento. (Those who wish from each team express their thoughts).

And here we are on Mars! You took all the most important things with you, all that remains is to build a house. From the bricks that you earned today, you can build yourself a house where you will be comfortable and warm, it will be your fortress, family hearth and protection. Teams compete to build a house. The presenter sums up the results and names the team that collected the most cubes/bricks, determines whose house turned out to be taller and adds in conclusion:

But still, it doesn’t matter whose house was higher, because the most important thing is that a house is a family, and a family is a home, and like any house it can deteriorate over time and need repair and renovation. Remember to check from time to time to see if your family home needs any updating or renovation. Every family has problems and this is inevitable, but it is important not to turn a blind eye to them, but to solve them. Seeing a problem is taking a step towards solving it.

I wish you success in the difficult and noble task of raising your child as a family, may your child bring you joy and happiness!

List of used literature.

1. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children. - M., 2004
2. Petrova V.I. T.D. Chair. Moral education in kindergarten. - M., Mozaika-Sintez, 2008
3. Shishova T.P. How to raise obedience in a child? - M., 2010
4. Shishova T.P. How to teach responsibility in a child? -M., 2010. Bure R.S. Improving the process of moral education of preschool children. // Preschool teacher. - 2008. - No. 2
5. Shuvalova T.P. Yurina A.N. Social adaptation of the child. // Preschool teacher. — 2008. — No. 5 and get a certificate for certification?

Parent meeting “Unconventional drawing technique - drawing with semolina”

Target: Introduce parents to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with semolina.
1. Learn to create an image using cereal.
2. Encourage the use of non-traditional drawing techniques to develop children's creativity.
3. Contribute to the development of interest in artistic and aesthetic activities.
4. Strengthen cooperation between parents and teachers.
5. Form positive emotions and the mood for further work.
Form – conduction: Master Class.

Participants: parents, teacher.

Preliminary work:
1. Organize an exhibition of children's works.
2. Study scientific and methodological literature on the topic.

Event plan:
Introductory part
1. Game - greeting “My name”
2. Teacher’s speech
Main part.

3. Practical part - drawing
Final part

4. Business game “Collect the word”
1. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraks, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M., Mosaic-synthesis, 2010.
2. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. I give my heart to children. Birth of a citizen. Letters to my son. -TO. : Glad. shk" 1985.
3. N. Abramov. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. 2006

Progress of the event:

I. Introductory part
Educator: Hello, dear parents. In order for you and me to get in the mood for work and recharge ourselves with positivity, let’s organize a small social circle.

1. Game – greeting “My name”.
Parents and teachers place chairs in the shape of a circle. Those present pass the ball to each other, say hello, say their name and tell everyone the story of their name.

II. Main part

2. Speech by the teacher on the topic of the meeting.
Educator: The topic of today’s meeting is “Unconventional drawing technique - drawing with semolina.” The term “non-traditional” (from the Latin traditio - habitual) implies the use of materials, tools, and drawing methods that are not generally accepted. An unconventional drawing technique is drawing with unusual materials, in an unusual way. There are a lot of methods and techniques of unconventional drawing. For example, palm painting, cotton swab painting, finger painting, monotype, poke painting, splash painting, plasticineography, etc. Each of these techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression.

The child lives in his own world. This world is colorful, emotional, interesting. The child strives to learn something new. As said:

V. A. Sukhomlinsky:
“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”
The origins of children's abilities and gifts at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

Daily hand massage, finger exercises, and games to develop fine motor skills accelerate speech development. Motor activity of the hand increases the vocabulary, promotes their meaningful use, forms grammatically correct speech, develops memory, contributes to the automation of sounds and prepares the hand for writing.

The use of new forms and methods of organizing the educational and educational process allows us to make work with children diverse, emotional and information-rich. The availability of material to work with, its high quality, and a variety of drawing methods will help the child see and convey on paper what is much more difficult to do using conventional methods. And most importantly, the unconventional drawing technique gives the child the opportunity to be surprised and enjoy the world. Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates positive motivation and evokes a joyful mood.

At today's meeting we want to introduce you to the technique of drawing with semolina. Drawing with cereals is not only interesting, but also useful, since using cereals as a tool helps:
- development of children's creativity and imagination;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands;
- development of a sense of texture and volume;
- cultivating perseverance, the desire to complete the work started.

3. Practical work - drawing.
Educator: Now we will conduct a short drawing workshop. We invite you to dream a little. For work we will need: colored cardboard, semolina, PVA glue, a brush, a simple pencil. First we draw a picture with a pencil. Then carefully cover with PVA glue that part of the surface of the pattern on which the cereal will be poured. Sprinkle semolina over the image. Gently shake off the remaining cereal onto a plate.

Parents do the work.

4. Business game “Collect the word.”
Parents are encouraged to warm up. Letters are written on sheets of A-4 paper. Each person is given one sheet. Within a certain time, you need to find your place in the row so that a word is formed. The parents suggested the word “understanding.”

III. Final part

Educator: Our meeting has now come to an end. To summarize, we would like to give you a few recommendations:
1. Place drawing materials in your baby’s field of vision to encourage the desire to create.
2. Praise your child, help, trust him. After all, your child is individual.

We hope that our master class was not in vain and now, together with your children, you can create wonderful original works using semolina. Thank you for your active participation and creative work.

After the master class, an exhibition of drawings made by parents was organized.

Tatyana Zuikina

Target: creating conditions for inclusion parents future first-graders in the process preparing a child for school.


Let down results of the group's work for the year;

Introduce parents with criteria for children's readiness for school.

Progress of the meeting.

First teacher.

Expensive parents, we are very glad to see you. Let's start our meeting. Preschool childhood is a short but important unique period of a person’s life. Soon our children will go to school. And each of you would like his child to be as good as possible prepared for this event. A child’s entry into first grade is always a turning point in his life. The child’s place in the system of social relations changes.

What do children say when they you ask: “What did you do in kindergarten?” (Answer options: painted, sculpted, sang, counted, danced, played).

Play is the main activity of preschoolers. In play, a child acquires new knowledge and refines existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, and moral values. quality: will, courage, endurance, ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him. In the pedagogical process, play is in close interaction with other types of children's activities. If in junior groups game is the main form of learning, then in preparatory group, the role of the learning process itself in the classroom increases significantly. The prospect of going to school becomes desirable for children. They want to become schoolchildren.

However, the game does not lose its attractiveness for them; only its content and character change. Children are interested in more complex games that require intellectual activity. They are also attracted to sports games that contain an element of competition.

During this school year, while playing, we learned: independently monitor your appearance, neatness, follow hygiene procedures and healthy lifestyle rules. Strive for communication with peers, for respect and positive evaluation from a communication partner. We developed fine motor skills (mosaics, rubber bands, puzzles, construction sets, the children began to draw better, cut out using different techniques. The children learned to negotiate with each other, a friendly team was formed. Mathematical concepts come down to familiarizing themselves with a number series up to 20 or more, they learned to distinguish between different geometric figures, shapes, measure the length of objects; can divide words into syllables, have an idea of ​​the parts of the day.

Show lesson.

Second teacher.

Many parents are concerned about issues associated with a preschooler’s enrollment in school. Starting school is a new stage in a child’s life (and parents too, of course, requiring a certain level of readiness for this qualitatively new stage in life and a completely new type of activity - educational. Often, readiness to learn only means a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities of a child, which of course is also important. The most important thing when moving to a qualitatively new level is psychological readiness for educational activities. And, first of all, the formation of desire is learned (motivational readiness). But that's not all. There is a huge gap between "I want to go to school" And “we must learn to work” without realizing it "necessary" a child will not be able to study well, even if before school he can read, write, count well, and so on. Preparing your child for school, it is necessary to teach him to listen, see, observe, remember, and process the information received.

It should be noted that, perhaps, there is no other moment in a child’s life when his life changes so dramatically and radically as when he enters school. There is a gigantic gap between preschool childhood and the beginning of school life, and it cannot be overcome in an instant, even if the child attended kindergarten, training courses. The beginning of school life is a serious test for children, as it is associated with a sharp change in the child’s entire lifestyle. He must get used to: to a new teacher; to a new team; to new requirements; to daily duties.

Children really need support, encouragement, and praise from adults; they strive to be independent. Seemingly harmless stereotypes can lead to school neuroses parental behavior.

There is no need to force your child to study, scold him for poorly done work, but rather find a well-done fragment in his work, even the smallest one, and praise him for the completed task. It is important that the child gradually gets involved in intellectual activity and the learning process itself becomes a need for him.

Wake your child calmly, when he wakes up, he should see your smile.

Not hurry up in the morning, don't worry about trifles.

Wish your child good luck, encourage him - he has a difficult day ahead.

After school, don’t bombard your child with a thousand questions, let him relax.

After listening to the teacher’s comments, do not rush to give your child a beating. It is always a good idea to listen to “both sides” and not rush to conclusions.

After school, do not rush to sit down for homework, you need two to three hours of rest (and in first class it would be nice to sleep for an hour and a half) to restore strength.

Don’t force students to do all their homework in one sitting; after 15-20 minutes of studying, 10-15 minute “breaks” are necessary; it’s better if they are active.

While preparing homework, give your child the opportunity to work on his own.

Develop a unified tactic for communication between all adults in the family and the child. If something doesn’t work out, consult the teacher.

Be attentive to your child's complaints.

Help your child master information that will allow him not to get confused in society.

Teach your child to keep his things in order.

Do not frighten your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Teach your child to react correctly to failures.

Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.

Teach your child to be independent.

Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.

Strive to make every moment of communication with your child useful.

Don't forget, dear parents that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Give yourself enough time to play, improve your children’s health, and spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.

Parents must remember one simple thing the truth: education can make a child smart, but only spiritual communication with loved ones - family - makes him happy. Parents can create an environment that not only will prepare child to successful studies, but will also allow him to take a worthy place among first-graders and feel confident at school.

We invite you to find out how we lived this year from the photographs.

View photos:

Game corner.

For vaccination.

Board games.

Development of fine motor skills.

Musical children's orchestra.


Awakening gymnastics.

Elena Sidorova
Summary of the parent meeting in a non-traditional form “Learning by playing” (preparatory group)


1. Consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge;

2. Practice isolating the first and last sound in words;

3. Enrich children's vocabulary;

4. Learn to come up with words - antonyms;

5. Bring joy to children from joint activities with parents.

Preliminary work: writing notes, preparing attributes.

Individual work: encourage inactive children to engage in active speech activity.

Vocabulary work: vowel sound, consonant sound, syllable, captains, score, jury.

Progress of the lesson

Parents take their seats. Children enter group, greet the guests, go to their places.

Educator: Guys, please tell me which one the group you go to? (preparatory group) . So, soon you will become schoolchildren! Therefore, today we will show our guests how we playing, getting ready for school. And we ask our guests - yours parents take part in our games.

So we have two teams: 1 team (children, together with their parents) : "Stars", captain teams: Polina, 2 team: "Suns" captain teams: Igor.

I want to introduce you to our jury This: Irina Vladimirovna and Svetlana Vladimirovna. For each correctly completed task, the team receives 1 point. Whoever gets the most points wins. You are ready? (Yes)

1 Task: There are subject pictures on the flannelgraph.

Educator: In the pictures you need to find objects whose names contain the sound [k] - at the beginning of the word (for children) and in the middle of a word (for parents, and the second command will find words with the sound [s] - which lives at the beginning of the word (for children) and in the middle of a word (For parents) .

Words: doll, candy, cabbage, pencil, cactus, potato, pyramid.

Garlic, clock, paints, chandelier, chair, table, samovar, airplane.

Children and parents take turns answering.

Educator: Well done, now let’s listen to the jury’s assessments.

2 Task: A game"Which word is hidden".

There are 4 envelopes on the table.

Educator: This is a task for captains and their parents. Please come to me.

The teacher distributes envelopes.

So, captains, in front of you are envelopes containing the first syllables of words. The task is this: using these syllables you need to come up with words. We are in no hurry to answer.

Syllables for team captain "Stars" (Polina):


Syllables for her mom:


Syllables for team captain "Suns" (Igor):


Syllables for his dad:


Educator: Smart girls and smart guys! How quickly did you complete the task?

We listen to the jury's assessments.

3. Task: A game"Say a word".

Educator: And now, we let's play a game"Say a word".

The teacher asks a riddle, and the participants guess it. In a word - the answer is called the first sound.

1. The team responds "Stars".

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus.

He's famous, famous

This is the doctor. (Aibolit).

Educator (from sound [a]). (The teacher displays a picture of Doctor Aibolit).

2. The team responds "Suns",

On a ray, on a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It just asks to be held in your hands,

What is this… (Eskimo)

Educator: What sound does this word begin with? (with sound [e]). (The teacher displays a picture of a popsicle).

3. The team responds "Stars".

He's floating on the sheet

Like a boat on the wave.

He is a good friend to housewives -

Electric… (iron).

Educator: What sound does this word begin with? (from the sound [u]). (The teacher displays a subject picture with an image of an iron).

4. The team responds "Suns".

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty,

Well done, guess what our name is? (Cucumbers)

Educator: What sound does this word begin with? (with sound [o]). (The teacher displays a subject picture with a picture of a cucumber).

Educator: And now, team members, look at the pictures and please name what sounds all these words began with? Name them.

(A, E, U, O – vowel sounds).

Educator: Okay, let's listen to the jury.

Educator: Well, we’ve stayed too long, friends! Get up, it's time for us to stretch!

Physical education minute:

Educator: Stand up please. Now, I name the word, the children must sit down as many times as there are syllables in the word, and parents- clap your hands as many times as there are syllables in the word.

(Perform one by one). "Stars" (children together with parents) : car, cheese, fox, goat.

"Suns" (children together with parents) : vacation, computer, rocket, a separate word for parents - electricity.

4. Task: A game“Choose your words – in reverse”.

"Stars": "Suns":

Clean - dirty Wet - dry

Sour - sweet Write - erase

Fun - sad Hello - goodbye

Heavy - light Increase - decrease

Low – high. Bright - pale.

The jury evaluates.

5 Task: A game"Chain of Words"

Educator: It's time for the most difficult task.

We let's play a game"Chain of Words"

The essence of it is that you need to come up with a word based on the last sound of a given word, for example, I call it poppy. What's the last sound? [k], which means what could be the next word in the chain? Igor. - book. What is the last sound [a]. I start, the child continues, the mother finishes.

Educator: So, friends, it’s time to sum up our game. I ask the jury members to announce the results.

(the jury reports the results).

Educator: Thank you guys, you did well today. Shown parents how to prepare for school.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the parent meeting (second junior group) Selection of the chairman and secretary of the parent meeting. Teacher 1. Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today.

Summary of a parent meeting in an early age group Topic: “We communicate while playing.” Prepared and conducted by: E. M. Golubeva, I. V. Galasheva, Bilich.

Summary of the parent meeting in the form of game training “Interaction with a hyperactive child” Game-training lesson with parents “Interaction with a hyperactive child” 1. Exercise-greeting “Tram” Hello, dear ones.

Summary of the parent meeting in the form of a business game “Under the protection of the law” Goal: introducing a model of a legal education system in kindergarten, based on a partnership between preschool educational institutions and parents and increasing the level of legal education.