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Women over forty who look absolutely divine! Movement is life



What should a mature, self-sufficient and self-confident woman, who is a little over 45, not do?

Female beauty is an inner feeling of one's worth and attractiveness. This is what Mother Nature intended: women should please the eye, warm the soul and make men’s hearts tremble. However, you need to constantly take care of yourself and emphasize your beauty! Never miss an opportunity to improve! And to do this, don’t make the mistakes that many women make after 45.

1. Save on yourself

We understand that you have a husband, children, a dog and a house, and most of your salary goes to your family. You have to save, and first of all on yourself. Of course, your family and friends are your everything, and you don’t feel sorry for any money for them.

But! Dear ladies, you cannot live only for the sake of others, sometimes you need to please yourself. Every month, give yourself one small gift: cool shoes, a blouse, a skirt, or a trip to a beauty salon. We are sure that your family also wants to see their mother, wife, sister beautiful, stylish and happy.

2. Have short haircuts

The main problem of Russian women! Who said that short hair makes you look younger? Okay, maybe it makes some people look younger, but on the contrary, it harms others. Now is the time to experiment with hairstyles: try a bob, then grow your hair longer, dye it red or get American highlights. Hair is the main decoration of a woman at absolutely any age, so why cut it right away?

In addition, do not forget about hair treatments: use thermal protection and leave-in treatments, make nourishing masks and regularly go to the hairdresser. With proper care, your hair will be your calling card for at least another 20 years.

3. Choose “old lady” things

Some women suddenly decide: “That’s it, youth is over, stop wearing skinny jeans and beautiful tops, it’s time to buy a shapeless gray coat (no, not a fashionable oversize coat), a dark floor-length skirt and a synthetic blouse with some unrealistically strange floral print. Now fashion is not for us, but only for young girls.”

We sincerely hope that you do not have such thoughts, but if you suddenly feel the urge to buy an absolutely absurd and clearly “pensioner” thing, immediately tell yourself: “Stop!” Remember how they say about a woman who has turned 45?

4. Choose things that are too youthful

The opposite situation also happens: start dressing as if you have recently turned twenty-something. T-shirts with silly slogans, miniskirts, short sundresses, midriff-baring tops, leggings - these things will never make you look younger. On the contrary, they will highlight the discrepancy between your age and style.

Teenage clothing is a thing of the past: this needs to be realized and accepted. Believe me, you will look a hundred times better if you switch to more discreet (and this does not mean “boring”) and elegant outfits. You can follow all (or almost all) fashion trends and still remain a luxurious mature woman.

5. Don't follow trends

By the way, about trends. Another common mistake women make after 45 is not following fashion at all. It’s clear that you have virtually no time to read fashion portals and magazines (although you’re reading this post, right?), but despite this, try to at least occasionally flip through glossies or visit sites about fashion and style.

In addition, most trends have no “age restrictions”. For example, is this season's fashionable denim skirt suitable for any woman? Yes, only in your case it is better to choose a length to the knee or slightly lower. What about a long vest? Of course, it can and should be worn both at 15 and at 80. Shoes with fringes? Why not. Of course, you don't have to experiment with crop tops and thick-soled slip-ons, but let's say it again: fashion is for everyone.

6. Hide shortcomings, but do not emphasize advantages

Forget about shapeless and baggy clothes. If you think: “I’ll put on a robe and no one will notice my belly or large thighs,” then you are very mistaken. Shapeless clothes make you look like a bun or a large rectangle. You should be able to not only hide figure flaws, but also emphasize your strengths.

Hide your hips under full midi skirts, highlight your waist with a thick or thin belt, wear fitted jackets and blouses with V-necks. Create beautiful silhouettes and show off sexy curves. When you stop wearing bags, people around you will definitely notice how attractive and charming you are.

7. Don't wear heels

If 5 years ago you were running in 10-centimeter heels from home to work, from work to kindergarten, from kindergarten to the supermarket, from the supermarket to home, and now you decided that heels are inconvenient, impractical and, in general, sneakers a hundred times better, then it’s bad. We agree, there’s no need to wear heels every day: fortunately, there are cool loafers, brogues, ballet shoes, flat boots, but still, your wardrobe should have several cool pairs of heels. And it is advisable to wear them not only on major holidays. Choose shoes with stable heels made of genuine leather and wear them at least once a week (or better yet, more often).

8. Buy cheap underwear

It seems to us that any mature woman can afford 3-5 sets of good underwear. Yes, let there be not 10, not 20, but much fewer, but they will be ideal. The right underwear models and tightens your figure. And if you don’t have spare funds for a Victoria’s Secret bra, check out the stores of more affordable, but no less high-quality brands (Bustier, Intimissimi).

9. Not studying age-related makeup techniques

Unfortunately, after 40 years, our skin changes: wrinkles appear, age spots appear, it becomes too dry or too oily. It’s great if you regularly visit a cosmetologist and fight the signs of aging using modern methods, for example, taking mesotherapy or photorejuvenation courses. But procedures cannot instantly turn you into a 20-year-old beauty, which means you need to mask age-related changes with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Consult a professional makeup artist: he will tell you what cosmetics to use at your age, how to apply them, what to add to your makeup bag, and what to remove forever. Learn to do the right makeup and you will look 10 years younger.

10. Launch your body

Let's imagine a typical case: a woman gave birth to three children, stopped taking care of her body, and not a trace remained of her slender figure. Now sports for her are only on TV. Guard! If you recognize yourself in this description, then it's time to think about it.

We are not encouraging you to go on a strict diet, drink only water and sign up for CrossFit classes. But neglecting your body and completely forgetting about sports is a crime against yourself. Fitness is movement, health, good mood. Find what you like: swimming pool, water aerobics, Nordic walking, yoga, zumba - whatever! Just two workouts a week - and your lazy girlfriends will envy your toned figure, and your body will have such energy that you can move mountains.

11. Forget about health

In continuation of the previous point. To be beautiful and healthy, a woman needs not only to exercise, but also to visit a doctor on time. Work, children, saving on yourself - you put off going to the hospital until the last minute, and hidden diseases that you do not treat will age you faster than poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.

Get tested, visit a therapist, dentist, gynecologist at least once a year and remember once and for all: a beautiful woman is a healthy woman. Good luck to everyone!

Source http://spb.yapokupayu.ru/

Each age has its own beauty, its own “zest”. Youth “takes” with naivety and freshness, the period 30+ – with self-confidence, the ability to build relationships, knowledge of the pros and cons of one’s character and appearance and the ability to present them in a favorable light. Why is age 40–45+ called the third time of beauty?

We will remind you that many women, unfortunately, forget. Firstly, society’s standards have changed: today’s role models are not young starlets, but mature “goddesses” who have achieved a lot, are successful in their careers and raising children and still break the hearts of men. The names of Madonna, Monica Bellucci, Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Claudia Schiffer are on everyone's lips!

Secondly, by forty-five, a representative of the fair sex, who takes care of herself and has not lost interest in life, reaches the peak of her form: sexual, professional, etc. And if we add to this the accumulated experience and invaluable female wisdom, the ability to make compromises, then who can resist Her Royal Highness? Neither husband and children, nor fans, nor nephews, nor friends and colleagues!

Taking care of yourself at an elegant age has, of course, its own characteristics. How to stay attractive after 45? Take note of these simple tips!

Berry again: change your self-care routine

At 40–45+, skin metabolism decreases and its nutrition deteriorates. Subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, and the sebaceous glands secrete significantly less sebum, so the elasticity of the skin decreases - it sags and becomes flabby. Cosmetologists advise: at this age, it is necessary to focus on deeply active preparations for the skin and hair - various serums, oils, ampoules, creams with biocomponents and hormones.

In addition, it is very advisable to combine home facial and body care with salon care, visiting a cosmetologist at least once a month.

Experts also advise avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun—tanning, as is known, contributes to photoaging of the skin—and mastering self-massage or face-forming. The first is applying the cream along the massage lines of the face every morning and night; the second is special exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, which help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and slow down age-related changes in appearance.

Berry again: get enough sleep

The fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty has its own reason: proper sleep is one of the main secrets of unfading female beauty. During the recommended 7–9 hours of rest, our body does difficult work: at night, toxins are more actively eliminated, strength is restored, and the skin is regenerated.

Good sleep also improves memory, strengthens the health of the cardiovascular system, increases resistance to stress and can burn up to 200 grams of excess weight!

To ensure yourself a healing sleep, go to bed correctly: no later than 22-23 pm, 3-4 hours after a light dinner and an evening walk, after airing the bedroom. Do not consume sweets, coffee, alcoholic beverages, or heavy foods before bedtime. Herbal tea with honey or a glass of unsweetened yogurt, kefir, or warm milk will help you fall asleep without feeling hungry.

The third age of beauty: how to stay attractive after 45?

Berry again: take care of women's health

Women experiencing menopause often experience mood swings, excessive sweating, insomnia, hot flashes, palpitations, pressure surges, headaches and other uncomfortable symptoms. Remens, a homeopathic herbal remedy produced in Austria according to European quality standards, will help maintain the usual quality of life during the “transition” period.

The third age of beauty: how to stay attractive after 45?

The product contains five natural active ingredients: Cimicifuga, Sanguinaria, Jaborandi, Sepia and Lachesis. Their gentle and gentle effect on a woman’s body helps restore her emotional state, reduce irritability and anxiety, and normalize sleep.

And most importantly, Remens evens out the hormonal balance, normalizing the functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries and activating the production of its own estrogens. There is no need to attract “foreign” hormones from the outside, so there are no adverse reactions.

The product is not addictive and does not contribute to weight gain. It can be used for a long time without any risk to health. As a result of the therapy, sweating decreases, blood pressure and pulse return to normal, hot flashes and headaches “disappear.”

The third age of beauty: how to stay attractive after 45?

The recommendations in this paragraph are known to everyone. Giving up bad habits, regular exposure to the fresh air and physical activity, as well as a balanced diet help to prolong youth and maintain high vitality for a long time.

As for the diet, instead of questionable experiments with diets, it is better to monitor the amount of food eaten, avoiding overeating. It is worth limiting the amount of carbohydrates and animal fats, but foods rich in calcium: hard cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, dried figs, almonds, sesame and poppy seeds, tofu - must be consumed daily.

Prevention of calcium loss, which is inherent in the female body before and after menopause, also means preventing the development of osteoporosis, which makes bones brittle. If we talk about fitness, then the ideal type of exercise for those 40–45+ and older are long, at least an hour of walking, cycling, swimming, yoga and stretching, home morning exercises, dancing, breathing exercises.

Berry again: become your own stylist

The third age of beauty: how to stay attractive after 45?

Magazines and Internet sites are full of makeup and wardrobe recommendations that are age-appropriate and at the same time “mask” it, making its owner younger and more attractive. Let us remind you of some of these tips regarding hairstyles, makeup, colors and styles of clothing.

The key word for accurately getting into the image is femininity. Avoid dramatic contrasts in your wardrobe and makeup, dilute the dark palette with bright and delicate pastel accents, and a classic cut with clear lines that emphasize the silhouette - original, but not pretentious finishing details. Replace decorative products with a matte texture and thick tone with light, silky ones with reflective particles that give the skin a naturally fresh look.

About hairstyles. Short or medium-length curly hair will make the look softer and more youthful, while overuse of styling products, sleek buns and ponytails, updos and permed curls will have the opposite effect. It is better to choose a hair color that will make you visually several years younger, focusing on your own color type and the recommendations of your hair stylist.

Travel, engage in fashionable hobbies, constantly learn new things in your profession and beyond, don’t forget about good books, plays, films, arrange holidays for yourself, friends and family, with or without any reason, thinking through your own entertainment program...

We are sure that you are ready to agree with the words of the heroine Vera Alentova in the legendary film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”: after forty, life is just beginning!

It is impossible not to agree with the statement that a woman is always young, at any age. A woman does not age, and this is a fact - how many songs and various films, poems, sayings exist about the eternal and unfading youth of women. But this requires a little work! First, read this article and find out what you absolutely cannot do.

What should a mature, self-sufficient and self-confident woman, who is a little over 45, not do?

1. Save on yourself

We understand that you have a husband, children, a dog and a house, and most of your salary goes to your family. You have to save, and first of all on yourself. Of course, your family and friends are your everything, and you don’t feel sorry for any money for them.

But! Dear ladies, you cannot live only for the sake of others, sometimes you need to please yourself. Every month, give yourself one small gift: cool shoes, a blouse, a skirt, or a trip to a beauty salon. We are sure that your family also wants to see their mother, wife, sister beautiful, stylish and happy.

2. Have short haircuts

The main problem of Russian women! Who said that short hair makes you look younger? Okay, maybe it makes some people look younger, but on the contrary, it harms others. Now is the time to experiment with hairstyles: try a bob, then grow your hair longer, dye it red or get American highlights. Hair is the main decoration of a woman at absolutely any age, so why cut it right away?

In addition, do not forget about hair treatments: use thermal protection and leave-in treatments, make nourishing masks and regularly go to the hairdresser. With proper care, your hair will be your calling card for at least another 20 years.

3. Choose “old lady” things

Some women suddenly decide: “That’s it, youth is over, stop wearing skinny jeans and beautiful tops, it’s time to buy a shapeless gray coat (no, not a fashionable oversize coat), a dark floor-length skirt and a synthetic blouse with some unrealistically strange floral print. Now fashion is not for us, but only for young girls.”

We sincerely hope that you do not have such thoughts, but if you suddenly feel the urge to buy an absolutely absurd and clearly “pensioner” thing, immediately tell yourself: “Stop!” Remember how they say about a woman who has turned 45?

4. Choose things that are too youthful

The opposite situation also happens: start dressing as if you have recently turned twenty-something. T-shirts with silly slogans, miniskirts, short sundresses, midriff-baring tops, leggings - these things will never make you look younger. On the contrary, they will highlight the discrepancy between your age and style.

Teenage clothing is a thing of the past: this needs to be realized and accepted. Believe me, you will look a hundred times better if you switch to more discreet (and this does not mean “boring”) and elegant outfits. You can follow all (or almost all) fashion trends and still remain a luxurious mature woman.

5. Don't follow trends

By the way, about trends. Another common mistake women make after 45 is not following fashion at all. It’s clear that you have virtually no time to read fashion portals and magazines (although you’re reading this post, right?), but despite this, try to at least occasionally flip through glossies or visit sites about fashion and style.

In addition, most trends have no “age restrictions”. For example, is this season's fashionable denim skirt suitable for any woman? Yes, only in your case it is better to choose a length to the knee or slightly lower. What about a long vest? Of course, it can and should be worn both at 15 and at 80. Shoes with fringes? Why not. Of course, you don't have to experiment with crop tops and thick-soled slip-ons, but let's say it again: fashion is for everyone.

6. Hide shortcomings, but do not emphasize advantages

Forget about shapeless and baggy clothes. If you think: “I’ll put on a robe and no one will notice my belly or large thighs,” then you are very mistaken. Shapeless clothes make you look like a bun or a large rectangle. You should be able to not only hide figure flaws, but also emphasize your strengths.

Hide your hips under full midi skirts, highlight your waist with a thick or thin belt, wear fitted jackets and blouses with V-necks. Create beautiful silhouettes and show off sexy curves. When you stop wearing bags, people around you will definitely notice how attractive and charming you are.

7. Don't wear heels

If 5 years ago you were running in 10-centimeter heels from home to work, from work to kindergarten, from kindergarten to the supermarket, from the supermarket to home, and now you have decided that heels are inconvenient, impractical and, in general, sneakers a hundred times better, then things are bad.

We agree, wearing heels every day is not worth it: fortunately, there are cool loafers, brogues, ballet flats, flat boots, but you should still have several cool pairs of heels in your wardrobe. And it is advisable to wear them not only on major holidays. Choose shoes with stable heels made of genuine leather and wear them at least once a week (or better yet, more often).

8. Buy cheap underwear

It seems to us that any mature woman can afford 3-5 sets of good underwear. Yes, let there be not 10, not 20, but much fewer, but they will be ideal. The right underwear models and tightens your figure. And if you don’t have spare funds for a Victoria’s Secret bra, check out the stores of more affordable, but no less high-quality brands (Bustier, Intimissimi).

9. Not studying age-related makeup techniques

Unfortunately, after 40 years, our skin changes: wrinkles appear, age spots appear, it becomes too dry or too oily. It’s great if you regularly visit a cosmetologist and fight the signs of aging using modern methods, for example, taking mesotherapy or photorejuvenation courses. But procedures cannot instantly turn you into a 20-year-old beauty, which means you need to mask age-related changes with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Consult a professional makeup artist: he will tell you what cosmetics to use at your age, how to apply them, what to add to your makeup bag, and what to remove forever. Learn to do the right makeup and you will look 10 years younger.

10. Launch your body

Let's imagine a typical case: a woman gave birth to three children, stopped taking care of her body, and not a trace remained of her slender figure. Now sports for her are only on TV. Guard! If you recognize yourself in this description, then it's time to think about it.

We are not encouraging you to go on a strict diet, drink only water and sign up for CrossFit classes. But neglecting your body and completely forgetting about sports is a crime against yourself. Fitness is movement, health, good mood. Find what you like: swimming pool, water aerobics, Nordic walking, yoga, zumba - whatever! Just two workouts a week - and your lazy girlfriends will envy your toned figure, and your body will have such energy that you can move mountains.

11. Forget about health

In continuation of the previous point. To be beautiful and healthy, a woman needs not only to exercise, but also to visit a doctor on time. Work, children, saving on yourself - you put off going to the hospital until the last minute, and hidden diseases that you do not treat will age you faster than poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.

Get tested, visit a therapist, dentist, gynecologist at least once a year and remember once and for all: a beautiful woman is a healthy woman.

They say that wisdom comes with age... but alas, that's not all. Together with life experience, the years bring us fatigue and take away our health and beauty. And I really want to look young and lovely longer! Well, modern cosmetology knows ways to prolong women's youth. Anti-aging creams, peelings, mesotherapy – there are many ways to maintain smooth skin today. How about calculating the figure? Diets, yoga, fitness... But that's not all. I want to dedicate this article to something that many women, in search of eternal youth, undeservedly forget. Signs of aging appear not only on the face - they are in everything, from clothing to habits. By getting rid of the “inner old lady” in yourself, you will give your “inner girl” a second chance.

How to look younger after 45? Live like you're 35!

Cloth. Afraid of being branded a “young old woman,” many middle-aged ladies tend to dress strictly, choose a classic style, and avoid bright colors in clothes and flashy accessories. And you dare to allow yourself a little extravagance! Forty-five is not a reason to dress in the gray and shapeless. An orange or scarlet scarf will refresh your look and give your face a hint of blush. Spacious colorful tunics made from natural fabrics will hide all figure imperfections and lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day. Wear trousers, midi skirts, comfortable and stylish lace-up boots with small heels - this is universal clothing for women of any age who prefer relaxedness and comfort. Don't give up jewelry - but gold and diamonds are best left for special occasions. Turquoise, amethysts, corals, and even costume jewelry, if it is chosen with taste, surprisingly suit youthful forty-five-year-old women.

Hairstyle. Short hair is practical. No one will argue with this statement. They do not require any complex care or styling... but such a haircut immediately shows age. Here you can see the hairstyles of Hollywood stars - your peers. Ten completely different images... but they have something in common: a slight carelessness characteristic of an eternally young soul. Fashionable hairstyles for women over 40 are all about naturalness and a bit of coquetry!

Posture. Slouching does not suit anyone - but for middle-aged women it is simply destructive. Go to the mirror, straighten your shoulders, lift your chin a little... Look how beautiful your neck is! It will become even more beautiful if you apply vitamin masks made from cream and fruit puree to your skin every day. How to look younger at 45? If there are no visible signs of aging on your neck, no one will give you more than thirty-five.

A tan. Mature ladies should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. This is harmful to both health and appearance. You should also avoid solariums. Have you noticed that white-skinned women always look a little younger than their dark-skinned peers?.. On the beach, use sunscreen, from May to August, wear dark glasses and hats that shade your face.

Hands. After a period of five years, signs of age become noticeable on the hands - but with due diligence, all of them can be eliminated. How to get rid of age spots on hands? Wipe them with lemon juice twice a day - this simple folk remedy effectively whitens the skin and eliminates all kinds of minor imperfections. Don't forget about hydration. If you need to wash or wash dishes by hand, use rubber gloves. In winter, be sure to wear warm mittens: frost ages the skin no less than household chemicals. Another tip concerns manicure. Ladies over forty do not suit long nails. Here the classics are definitely the best choice: a neat jacket in soft pink natural shades emphasizes the advantages of women’s hands and does not focus attention on their shortcomings.

Smile! The advice is extremely banal, and yet. Stress is one of the factors of premature aging. This means don’t let depression, anxiety, and bad mood become the norm. Middle-aged women rarely smile, older women even less often... perhaps they simply don’t have enough reasons to be happy? Or is it just a habit to look at the world gloomily?.. Your age is wonderful! You have already matured as a person, you know and can do so much - and it’s not too late to learn something new. Your children are already adults and do not require hourly maternal care - so devote more time to yourself, your hobbies, relaxation and entertainment. And then you will have a reason to smile every day. And a smile, as we know, transforms everyone.

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A mature woman chooses whether to be beautiful and happy at this age, and nothing ages a woman more if she has decided to put a big cross on her appearance, her destiny and herself. Often women at this age pretend to be scary and embalmed creatures, they do it unconsciously, but when a woman stops taking care of herself, she sinks and quickly ages. He ceases to please men and himself, as well as his own husband, who will tolerate this state of affairs for the time being.

What ages an older woman most of all is the desire to look younger and look like a girl. It’s unpleasant to watch from the outside when a woman puts flashy war paint on her face, dresses in a youth top and a provocative mini, and stands on high stilettos.

To avoid aging yourself ahead of time, remember these simple rules:
1) You need to dress in accordance with classic fashion, and not copy youth fashion trends. If a woman at 45 wants to extend her biological age, she should be quite elegant and restrained, dressed so as not to look pitiful and ridiculous in the eyes of people. Mature ladies should have a subtle taste in clothing and be the height of grace and style.

If a woman has a great figure and shape, and her face looks young, it makes sense to wear tight tops. But if a woman’s face is wrinkled, then even on a great figure, a short skirt and T-shirt will look pathetic, and disharmony will be felt.

If there is cellulite on your butt and your breasts are sagging, then there is no point in disgracing yourself and exposing yourself to chickens. Stylish suits and classic elegant dresses will help you.

2) A mature woman's shoes should be comfortable; classic shoes, sandals or boots are considered shoes with low heels from 2 to 6 centimeters, this is what you need.

3) For an older woman, in order to look young, it is better not to paint her nails with provocative, bright colors, both on her feet and on her hands. Normal men are generally put off by overly tacky colors and long nails on women of any age. A classic pedicure and manicure with clear varnish or purple or brown varnish will not scare off men, but will demonstrate the neatness and well-groomed nature of a woman.

4) Bold, catchy, bright makeup will not be forgiven for a mature lady over 45 years old. Follow the rule, do classic makeup that is in harmony with your face type, try to be attractive, but so that all this does not catch your eye.

5) Many women over 45 are aged and disfigured by improperly done hairstyles. There is no such forgotten art of hairdressing, when the hairstyle was selected to suit the client’s face type and heaven was created from three hairs. An older woman is aged by the desire to look younger. A very short boyish haircut and flowing long hair do not give a woman youthful charm, but turn her into an embalmed mummy. A classic hairstyle with hair that is not too long and not too short will look good; the hair color should be close to the natural color that women have. But purple hair on the head of a 45-year-old woman will look funny.

Feminine beauty for older women is an individual concept, and there is no need to lump everyone into the same category; what suits one woman may simply look disgusting on the head of another. Hair of dark tones, ashen hair, blue-black hair will age you. Everything must be individual, you need to analyze, feel, watch, try and try again, even if the first attempt was not successful.

A hairstyle that sticks out in a crew-cut makes a woman look very old; men often view such women as persons of indeterminate gender. They are classified as “mature women.” Use henna less, it makes your hair feel unpleasant and hard to the touch. A woman's hairstyle, as well as shoes, makeup, and clothes should make a woman feminine.

6) Complaints about ungrateful children, a bad husband, complaints about life make a woman old in a matter of years. Often such women like to suffer for show. Modern psychotherapy has found its explanation for this phenomenon. On a subconscious level, when a woman flaunts her suffering, she receives inexplicable pleasure from it, and by manipulating them, she tries to bargain for some kind of convenience for herself. But whether a woman can do this depends on her acting skills, but in general terms the mechanism of suffering is as follows.

When a 45-year-old woman complains that she is an old woman, her words literally turn her into an old woman in just a couple of years. After all, words and thoughts are material, and if you repeat them often, they will take root at the subconscious level and grow into a person’s consciousness.

Older women should refuse to suffer in public, because you must be strong, for the sake of the people who love you, the well-being of your loved ones and relatives, for the sake of your happiness and yourself. There is no need to moan or complain, but work with your sleeves rolled up. Love life, be active, live, laugh, smile. After all, the fact that you are alive is a great gift. You need to wisely and carefully manage a valuable gift - time, it flows elusively, occupy it with socially useful or personal work.

7) Flabby arms, drooping corners of the lips, folds on the neck, bags under the eyes, wrinkles near the ears, on the cheeks - betray age. Therefore, you need to resort to masks, mud baths or contact a plastic surgeon. But it makes no sense to undergo an operation if it will have to be redone in 5 years, and then there will be no trace of it.

8) Nothing makes a woman look younger at the age of 45; if there is a beloved man nearby, nothing can disturb her mental balance, because she is loved and loves. Her gait becomes flying, her skin smoothes out.

9) Excess weight ages a woman at any age. Therefore, you need to do exercises every day in the gym or at home, then a woman will look cheerful and fresh even at 70 years old. And in order to declare a fight against excess carbohydrates, you need to lean on cereals, fish, vegetables, eat less meat, fatty and sweet foods, and walk more.

As popular wisdom says, at 20 years old God created her this way, at 30 years old she looks the way she wants, and at 40 years old she looks the way she deserves.

In the end, let’s add how a 45-year-old woman can look young, the conclusion is quite simple - goodwill, optimism and a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain an excellent appearance, regardless of calendar age.