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Material well-being; prosperity. What does a person’s well-being depend on? Burn without dying, violet flame


Well-being is considered to be a calm and happy state of a person. Indeed, we call people happy if they are satisfied with themselves and the world that surrounds them. The most difficult question is how to achieve such a state, and scientists and philosophers have been arguing over it from ancient times to this day.

Many people believe that the path to prosperity is a large amount of money in their wallet. Often people with limited means believe that wealth will open the door to a happy life. However, this is not always the case, and money can only make a person happier for a while. According to numerous studies by scientists, there is no direct correlation between wealth and well-being, and often residents of poor countries such as Cuba or India feel happier than much wealthier citizens of Japan or Norway.

Many people believe that the main component of well-being is health. But this issue also remains controversial. Indeed, there are many completely healthy people around who cannot self-realize, find themselves and feel their lives are meaningless. At the same time, there are many examples of disabled people living full lives, being creative, raising children and enjoying their fate.

American psychologists have summarized existing knowledge about the factors of human well-being. They presented them in the form of a pie, each piece of which is a certain group of factors. So, the first piece is external. This is the state where a person lives, his social environment and natural conditions, the degree of financial well-being of the individual. The second piece is the psychological traits of the individual, such as temperament, character, heredity. The third piece is the results of a person’s choice: the goals he sets for himself, his occupation and lifestyle. The first group of factors has the least weight in the result - only 10%, while the second and third are very significant (50 and 40%, respectively).

Thus, our happiness is at least half dependent on ourselves. Of course, it is difficult to change what is set by genetics, but everyone can change jobs, take up their hobbies, or move to another city. But even such significant steps are not always required. Sometimes it is enough to look at your life from a different angle. For example, if you broke up with your loved one, it means that you will soon meet someone with whom you will have a happy relationship. At the most important moment, the computer freezes - which means you need to rest, take a short walk. They didn’t give you a vacation at work, which means it’s not time, and your best rest is ahead.

Different people look at the same life situations differently. There is no stability in the country, there is no professional and material growth at work, and no one gets married? You can be sad and cry over this, or you can try to change something: your job, your country of residence, the way you behave as men, etc. After all, our well-being is, first of all, in our hands.

How to achieve material well-being and be happy?

Material well-being

Probably every person dreams of being happy, and many people call material well-being one of the important factors of happiness. And, indeed, in modern society, money gives a certain freedom: the opportunity to travel, choose a place of residence and quality of housing, purchase beautiful high-quality things, etc. To achieve such material well-being, it is necessary to follow the rules of handling money that have been developed over thousands of years and have proven their effectiveness.

Fulfilling your purpose.

Every person on this earth has his own mission, and it is our duty to follow this mission, realizing the talents given from above. A job we love brings us joy and satisfaction, and then attracts money into our lives. After all, if you do something with your soul, it attracts the attention of others, and they want to use your services or products. It happens that a person, doing something he doesn’t like, earns a lot of money (sometimes even through deception), but this money does not bring him happiness. Then what's the point of having millions? After all, we consider financial well-being as one of the components of human happiness.

Overcoming envy and greed.

Learn to be happy for those who have beautiful cars, luxurious houses, who can afford to go on vacation anywhere in the world. If at the same time you are sincerely grateful to Fate for the little that you have, your well-being will grow steadily. Envy takes away the energy of creation from a person, blocks the channels of cash flow, thereby worsening the financial situation. Respect wealthy people, because if you are convinced that wealth can only be acquired through dishonest means, then you will never be able to get rich yourself. Greed pushes a person onto the path of deception and betrayal, destroying inner harmony. Those who work in a job they don't like just to earn more money may end up with nothing. After all, such work exhausts one’s energy, and money is spent on somehow restoring one’s health. It is important to realize that your work brings joy to you and benefit to others, only then will you be prosperous, i.e. receive benefits from the Universe.

Learn to accept money with gratitude.

There is no need to be embarrassed to name the price of a product or service, because any work should be rewarded. Knowing that you do your work with soul, you will not be ashamed of it. This means that you should not underestimate its value in monetary terms. Be confident in what you do and always accept money with gratitude. People will appreciate this and will contact you more often.

Set goals.

To get somewhere, you need to know the route. The same applies to achieving financial well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to set goals, both long-term and short-term. Write down on paper what you would like to have in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, and then make a plan for months, weeks, days to achieve these goals. It is better to write goals expressed in something specific, rather than in money. After all, money is just a means to achieve certain benefits. In addition, money tends to depreciate. So for purposes it is better to indicate your true desire, for example, a villa on the Cote d'Azur. And how much it will cost at the time of its acquisition is not so important, the main thing is that the goal has been achieved. And also, never stop: having achieved one goal, immediately set another, otherwise it will decrease.

Treat money with respect.

Regularly calculate your income and expenses. Spend your money wisely: your expenses should be less than your income, otherwise, even with super profits, you may go broke. Respect for money should also be reflected in how you name it and where you store it. Never use bad words in relation to money. And to store money for current expenses, use a beautiful and convenient wallet in which you carefully place bills. A frivolous attitude towards money: denoting it with disparaging words or the habit of carrying crumpled banknotes right in your pocket discourages the desire for money to settle with you seriously and for a long time. But you shouldn’t make a cult out of money either, otherwise you will become its slave, not its master.


Start donating 10% of your income to those in need every month. Charity breaks down barriers to financial well-being. By helping the poor and sick, participating in the financing of interesting projects, after some time you will notice that the Universe is increasing your

Hello readers of my site, I am with you again, Oksana Manoilo. Today we’ll talk about material well-being and prosperity. Is this point important on the path to yourself? Without a doubt!

Recently, cases of so-called “financial collapses” have become especially common among many people. That is, despite all the efforts, trainings, meditations and other “dancing with tambourines”, the level of well-being and material wealth is offensively low. Life throws up “surprises” over and over again in the form of loss of a source of income, sudden damage to expensive property, debt that has fallen out of nowhere, or even out of the blue people become victims of scammers.

One way or another, any manifestation of financial instability and lack of tendencies is perceived by a person following the path of self-improvement as a kind of “punch in the gut”, they say, how can this be?! I see how I myself am changing, how my views on life are changing, but why doesn’t this in any way affect my material well-being and prosperity?! Am I doing something wrong??

Reasons for instability of financial wealth

In fact, financial instability can have many causes. These are deeply written into programs, and a lack of trust in the Universe, and experiences of abuse of wealth in a past life, and simply a rejection of oneself as a treasure that is in fact worthy.

And now more about the above and what to do with all this.

Indeed, often a financial minimum is simply necessary in order to clearly show a person his own worth. Absolute and unconditional value, without distracting garbage in the form of status, prestige, and cash candy wrappers. Thus, our Soul gives us a check, do we really put OURSELVES first, or is all this superficial stuff much more important to us than the jewel that we are?

It often happens that, carried away by the pursuit of “toys and candy wrappers,” a person exhausts himself so much that he forgets that money can buy medicine, but not good health, buy luxury jewelry, but not buy love, buy a bed, but not buy a sweet dream on it, buy expensive food, but not buy a healthy appetite.

The situation of losing money is precisely designed to “drag” a person’s attention from the “external, superficial” into the depths in order to make it clear that everything true comes without money, and money “candy wrappers” are just toys and should remain so.

By the way, among large businessmen there are quite a lot of people who approach their financial wealth precisely according to this principle; they play. They play professionally, skillfully, bewitchingly, but, nevertheless, they do not forget that this is just a game - nothing more, and completely different things are truly significant for them. As a rule, they are distinguished by excellent health, good physical shape, a thirst for life and a sparkle in their eyes.

Sometimes financial poverty is a consequence of one’s own conviction that only everything spiritual is true, and material things are corruptible and generally despicable. Well, faith is rewarded, so what can we say...

The other extreme is the belief that “without money and material well-being, I am a loser, not what I should be.”

But here a question arises. What would happen if a person with such an outlook on life suddenly got what he passionately desires? He would simply begin to experience a sense of superiority over other people, whose level of income, in his opinion, “does not reach” the acceptable level. Now for him they would be “losers and not as they should be.”

So it turns out that the situation was created in order to remove pride and understand that a person is valuable not by external attributes in the eyes of other people, but by who he is in this life.

How to open cash flow?

Therefore, in essence, all the facts of material failures can be generalized according to the principle of their calling to return a person to his own Soul, to his original aspirations.

And only one thing will open the material flow.

You need to forget about everything external and often imposed and concentrate on your inner self, forget about external results and “badges-medals” and accept your Soul.

You need to love yourself as “unprestigious, insignificant”, learn to experience joy from the very fact of life, more often being in a state of “here and now”.

You need to be grateful to God and Space for what you already have. Realizing at the same time that it is actually normal to have minimal income for now, the absence of something, because you are rebuilding your life according to completely different principles. But right now you already value yourself, learn to live in harmony with your real self, live in a qualitatively different way than before.

“Financial roles” of a person

When comfort or life opportunities are measured by the amount of money or material wealth, “role escape” automatically occurs.

Their variety is great and everyone chooses the one they like. For some, this is the role of a worthless person who does not know how to earn money, for others, the role of a kind of “lady in melancholy”, when the rank order is pineapples, partridges, truffles, but in fact there is only borscht and kozinaki for dessert.

Someone plays the role of a person who does not allow himself the best, who saves on himself in everything and cuts himself off in everything. But some people like the role of such an unassuming person, content with little and precisely for this, as he thinks, he is revered by other people.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, however, these are only roles, guises, masks. And yes, they had a significant meaning in the past, when it was necessary to survive, but now they can only pull back, creating torment and difficulties. Therefore, we say loudly and clearly:

“I’ve already played enough! Thanks a lot!"

, and we leave.

And by this departure from the theater stage, you seem to confirm that from now on the source of your nutrition and prosperity is not external active actions based on the strength of will, but internal harmony and agreement, crystal honesty with yourself and a feeling of endless gratitude for what has already there right now.

The paradox is that a person receives the greatest discomfort precisely not from the lack of a certain amount of money or material things, benefits, but precisely from loss of social status, a certain position in society. And the loss of this is sometimes so strong that a person is ready to exchange his entire life for maintaining this status.

This is again a survival position, yes. And when the Soul understands that this torment cannot be endured any longer, the person suddenly, to his own considerable shock, “escapes from prison”, or is “kicked out” of it by circumstances.

For many in such a situation, a panicking mind throws up a new “idea” - which means stop working for someone else, you now need to work for yourself, open your own business, and so on. And a new round of self-deception and torment of the mind is now on this topic.

Attracting financial wealth and well-being

But the truth is that without the internal, the external does not work!

There will be no stability outside at this stage of development; there is still a noticeable storm there, be it the nuances of politics, power, or various crises from financial to personal.

But we lose ground under our feet precisely in order to learn to swim. And that same “lifebuoy”, it is inside and its presence does not depend on anything external - only on our desire to concentrate on ourselves.

And here’s another interesting pattern. As soon as you begin to clearly understand that you are an eternal, bright being, you are an adored child of God and you receive all the benefits here simply by JOYING!

I specifically emphasize this point

That is, all benefits are a proportional consequence of your pointless joy in life, your wild mind with its intrigues, written scenarios and much more that can greatly reduce the pleasantness of life, calms down.

And then your ability to love this world expands day by day, you love yourself and this life even more, your Soul is increasingly present in your consciousness and all this gives such a powerful blissful ray-glow, under which all role-playing fears of survival and rejection by society melt away and so on, that programs (including generic ones) associated with money, even the most powerful ones, lose power over you and over your life.

And such a positioning of oneself in relation to life, when the role of an “achiever” is discarded, when the desire to be in slavery for the sake of money disappears, and on the contrary, a desire appears to enjoy every moment of life, whatever it may be, to have less, but to feel more comfortable, to feel your unconditional value, to protect your peace of mind, will soon certainly bear fruit in the form of regaining the same, and possibly better, level of comfort, opening up new opportunities, new horizons that you had not even suspected before.

But as soon as all this is rebuilt by you, it will be on a completely different principle, it will change to a fundamentally new way of interacting with the material manifested world, and this is worth a lot... Literally and figuratively!

In the “Esoterics Online” course, the entire first stage is devoted to how to attract material well-being and prosperity specifically for you, we will work out all your contracts with yourself, and get rid of roles. Let's consider how much money you can hold and increase your cash flow. This is an important step on the path to yourself! Without material wealth and well-being, financial stability, a person cannot be harmoniously developed.

I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

Material well-being as a creation of the human spirit

Keys to spiritual and material well-being

Elizabeth Claire Prophet

Creating Abundance

Material well-being is more than just having enough money. It is a flow of energy that descends on us from some common life-giving source of the Universe in the form of spiritual and material prosperity. Material well-being is love and wisdom, the presence of talents and other virtues, money and material values ​​- the presence of everything that is necessary to fulfill our life's purpose.

Energy must flow and pass through us unhindered in order to be realized in our lives in the form of any material values. If we do not see the arrival of material well-being, we should ask ourselves why this is happening.

What is going on in ourselves or in our environment that is preventing prosperity from emerging?

What is the barrier to the flow of divine energy to us?

This book can help you find the answers to these questions. It contains the keys necessary to attract into your life the spiritual and material well-being that is so necessary for you. This information is gleaned from studying the fundamental works of Saint Germain, who was engaged in research in this area, and the teachings of my husband, Mark, which I have been preaching for the past forty years.

Saint Germain, who studied the phenomenon of spiritual and material transformations, better known as alchemy, wrote:

“How long will you waste your energy in a vain struggle for a miserable existence, being ignorant that the well-being available in nature is sufficient to give people everything they need. You just need to master and subjugate the action of the universal laws of the universe, the justice of which Jesus and other great mentors confirmed by the example of their entire lives.

When you and God are with you (at the same time), everything is possible.”

The possibilities for recreating plans for material well-being in real life are endless. I support you in your desire to study methods, using even the simplest techniques, to create your own theory of the transition of energy into real forms of material well-being. And please let me know about your successes - I will be glad to hear about your victories!

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Forgive yourself

The ability to forgive yourself is a great calling.

... The nature of this quality stems from our desire to accept ourselves without judging ourselves as we are, with our external shortcomings and internal virtues.

Robin (Casarian)

Every now and then I meet people who say: “I just can’t forgive myself for this terrible act.” They will even say, “I know God has forgiven me, but I can’t forgive myself.”

If you feel that you have committed an unforgivable act or have used other people's money unwisely, do not hesitate to seek God's forgiveness and do everything to make things right.

If we feel unable to ask for forgiveness or not accept it, it really means one thing: we are too proud to accept this gift from God. We want to cope with all this only through our own efforts. But, in essence, we all need God's help.

Perhaps you did things out of selfish motives or out of a desire to have material values ​​that you really don’t need, all this doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t live with guilt and thoughts: “I’m in debt. Woe is me, I have acquired things I do not need. I invested money unwisely and wasted the money God gave me. What have I turned my own life into?

No matter what financial miscalculations and mistakes you may have, accept God’s forgiveness, acknowledge to yourself the power of the Almighty, and be convinced that you are the likeness of the Lord.


In the name of the fact that I AM, I declare the greatness of the Lord God and that I AM the complete reflection of the image of the Lord!

Remember that you are created in the image and likeness of God. Your soul should be like a giant mirror, capable of reflecting all the greatness of the image of the Almighty. Keep the mirror of your soul clean and clear. Look in this mirror to see God's smile for you, and give him a smile in return.

Every time something threatens to cloud the mirror of your soul: it may come from a sense of injustice happening to you, or when you are irritated, or when something unexpectedly arises from the captivity of your subconscious, erase it. And continue to keep your mirror clean so that you can see in it a fuller, more perfect reflection of the Lord in yourself.

Converse with any of the forces that are tormenting, oppressing or trying to suppress you, be it any external force or a force living within your soul, saying the following words:

“My Lord has forgiven me. I accept this forgiveness and now forgive myself. I am deeply grateful to the Almighty for giving me another opportunity to forgive anyone for all the bad things they have done or will ever do to me!”


I AM the forgiveness of the Lord himself, happening here on earth.

Endowed with the power of the all-conquering divine principle,

I expel any doubts and fears from people’s souls

And I free them forever from their sins.

Every hour of this day, by the power given to me from above,

I call for forgiveness to all those living on earth;

And I fill every corner of the earth with the light of God’s mercy,

The flow of mercy and forgiveness of our Lord.

Get rid of anxiety

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; Complain less, breathe more; talk less, talk more; hate less, love more; then all good things will be with you.

- Swedish proverb

Fears must go away. They must be replaced by faith and unshakable conviction in the possibility of realizing divine plans.

-Saint Germain

Saint Germain assures us that anxiety is the main inhibitor that prevents us from accelerating the implementation of our plans, or the materialization of what we need. We cannot serve as a free channel for the unhindered flow of spiritual and material well-being into our lives until we get rid of anxiety.

I firmly believe that we can always count on receiving as a gift from God what the Lord himself owns. For as Jesus said: “Fear not, my children, for it is the good will of our Father to give you the kingdom of heaven.” When we are gripped by doubt or fear, we cannot receive the Kingdom of Heaven (that is, accept the consciousness of God) or receive the gifts from its abundance.

Saint Germain argues that it would be a mistake to think that in the future we will have access to what we cannot have today. “Life is full of abundance: here, now, and it is endless, limitless. Wherever you are, the only thing you need to do is get it and start using it,” he says.

In the notes of Helena Roerich, based on the works of great thinkers of the past, we read that: “among the types of destructive energies, there is one that must mark and respond to vibrations caused by a feeling of fear, since the feeling of fear is destructive and is capable of destroying any vibrations of the creative, positive energy... The manifestation of fear is a barrier to any endeavor.”

How many vibrations of creative energy do we experience every day? Millions, because every drop of energy that descends to us from God has a positive charge. These endless streams of light create the flow of cosmic intelligence. They form the potential for creative activity.

Fear destroys these innumerable opportunities for creation, because no matter where we are, if we experience a feeling of fear, we thereby avert the power of creative vibrations directed towards us.

Instead of allowing these vibrations to flow freely through us and form the positive structures created for us by the Lord God himself, anxiety forces this energy to use completely different structures drawn from our fear and anxiety. As Job said, “What I feared so unspeakably happens to me, and what I feared comes to me.”

When you think about your fears, worry actually makes you doubt that the Creator has the power to give you what you need. And, nevertheless, we know that the Lord God has an infinite source of energy, and it is available to us. The representative of Chinese philosophy Tao Chang Tsu taught: “A wise man knows the way to what the ancients called the Heavenly Treasury. It can be replenished endlessly without overflowing, and one can draw from it incessantly, without fear that it will become scarce.”

Have you ever met a scholar-philosopher who is tormented by anxiety? The great thinkers of East and West have found this amazing key to making the transition of material well-being from mental representation to real embodiment: sometimes we just need to step aside to allow the Lord to enter. “God expects only one thing from you: that you open your heart to him and constantly feel his divine presence in it,” said the supporter of mystical Christianity Meister Eckhart.

You can use very simple guidelines to help yourself free yourself from doubts and fears that hinder the process of realizing material well-being. As you say these affirmations, mentally imagine that you are holding in your outstretched hands what you are asking God for: it could be your new job, wisdom, or money for college.

In your mind's eye, imagine violet and green tongues of divine flame flaring up all around you. The violet flame, which by its nature is high-frequency energy of divine origin, is a flame that arises during the process of transmutation (transformation), which is capable of destroying the causes that hide behind our fears. The green flame is a flame that carries the energy of well-being.

You can also mentally see a sparkling white flame with a hint of green, known as the flame of fearlessness, courage. Watch how it penetrates inside, permeates your feeling of fear, doubt, despondency, fear of death. As you say the following guidelines out loud, watch the ghosts of fear and doubt leave your aura as the flames quickly grow around you.


I AM a creature of the violet flame!

I AM the embodiment of the purity of God's plans!

I'm free from fears and doubts

I threw away misfortune and want.

And now I know that prosperity is from the Kingdom of Heaven

Always finds a way to those who believe in it.

I AM that highest power that controls divine providence,

She who sheds upon the earth treasures of divine light,

Having received the gift of the abundance of the Kingdom of Heaven,

To give it to all living things on earth.

(repeat three times or

three times more)

Ignite faith in your soul

Fear knocked on the door. Vera opened it.

There was no one outside the door.

Sign above the Hinds' Head Hotel, England

Faith is the antidote to fear. Faith is a matrix, a structure of what we will bring to appear in reality. That's why it's so important. If we lose our faith or give up on a dream, the very foundation of our constructive, creative aspirations collapses.

Believe that no matter what task you set before God regarding the plan for your personal transformation to gain material well-being, during its implementation this plan will undergo positive changes and improvements until it is completely perfected. You just have to wait.

For many, just waiting for a promise to be fulfilled is a great challenge. And often they become discouraged and retreat just when the Lord is ready to answer their prayers.

The Apostle James teaches us that patience and faith go hand in hand. He's writing:

“Give patience the opportunity to complete its work - to make you a more perfect, whole person, without flaws.

If someone lacks wisdom, let him ask God for it, for the Lord never reproaches, but generously bestows it on everyone, and it will be given to him too.”

In other words, if we are patient, we will become “perfect” - healthy, rich, all our desires will be satisfied, we will not need anything. The Lord gives us generously and is not angry at our requests for the abundant gifts of his love for us. But be prudent and ask, having carefully considered your request, remember that talent and spiritual wealth are the highest gifts one can ask for. Further, the Apostle James continues:

“Let him ask with firm faith in his soul, without any hesitation, for when he hesitates, he is like a sea wave, which the wind sometimes throws up and then throws down.

Such a person should not hope to receive anything from God.

He who hesitates is unstable in everything.”

Does it ever happen to you that one moment you are full of faith, and the next minute you are already experiencing doubts? This is hesitation. There is always a possibility that it could ruin the structure of your plans. Here are some attitudes that you can use in moments of doubt to strengthen your faith that the Lord will give you everything you need.


Protect me, Lord, for I entrust myself to you! (Ps. 16:1)

Lord, you are an inexhaustible source of my prosperity!

Oh, Archangel Michael, holy bearer of faith,

You are my shield, the guardian of my whole life;

Make my faith grow stronger every day,

And every day of my life was lived with the name of the Lord in my heart.

Several years ago, Mark Prophet suggested and taught us to pronounce a call for material well-being, which must be repeated out loud three times a day for five minutes without interruption: “I AM! I AM! I AM! Revival and life to my money!” Following this, repeat three times: “”

“While you pronounce this installation,” he said, “mentally imagine the prosperity you desire or the amount of money that you would like to have lying in your hands. Continue to perform this action with full faith in the divine light that will never fade until you see results.”

“You must be convinced that you are leaving it to God to decide whether to fulfill your request, that your only motive is to serve and bless all life on earth, and that you also want to work to accelerate the flow of material resources through your own efforts.” "



Revival and life of my income!

(repeat three times)

Now they have appeared in my hands and today they have found their use!

I AM! I AM! I AM! Revival and life of my personal income and the economy of my country!

(repeat three times)

Now they have appeared in my hands and today they have found their use!


Attention is the key: where a person's attention is directed,

his energy is also directed there, and the person can only follow

in this direction.

Saint Germain

We should always begin to try to create well-being on a real level by recreating a visual image, and then repeating the mental vision of the whole picture of what we would like to happen in our lives over and over again. “Visualization is an important process. Without the ability to mentally create a visual image of what you want, its materialization is impossible.”

“If you want to feel more energetic, you must mentally recreate this feeling of a surge of vitality: feel how divine energy pulsates in your muscles, how actively your brain works, how your whole being trembles with thoughts overwhelming it, a sense of life, light and love. You should feel, experience how streams of heavenly energy flow through your body, rushing through the tips of your fingers and toes, emitting a radiance into the surrounding space, spreading a general state of well-being and a sense of calm,” writes Saint Germain.

“As you continue to practice visualization, without any additional effort on your part, those around you will also experience its beneficial, healing effects. But be prudent: do not seek gratitude from people for your involuntary help; otherwise, as the Book of Life says: “...you will not receive the reward from our Father, which is in heaven.” I have discovered that we can enhance the effects of prayer and meditation by calling upon the full power of our inner vision. My prayers always include pictures of what I am praying for.

In your daily prayers and meditation sessions, mentally recreate, like in a film, what you ask for in your prayers. Observe everything that is happening in your mind's eye that you need to accomplish in various areas of your life, including your professional career, education, family, home, health, your relationships with people, spiritual development.

Mentally review solutions to get out of difficult situations. If you are conducting sessions under the guidance of a particular mentor or turning to a particular angel in your prayers, mentally observe how he or she will carry out their assistance in your favor. Watch as the violet flame consumes all obstacles to your spiritual and material well-being, no matter what form these obstacles take - a returned check from the bank, relationship problems or disappointment.

Be as precise and specific as possible in your inner vision and try to enjoy it. The more focused and creative you are in this process, the better your results will be.

Guide your life

Perfect concepts

Everything that we are -

is a consequence of the work of our thinking.

Gautama Buddha

A true journey of discovery

It is not about looking for new landscapes,

And in gaining a new view of the world.

Marcel Proust

Another key to creative well-being lies in the ability to maintain impeccably perfect concepts in your life. A perfect concept is the most complete and accurate concept or idea of ​​the hidden possibilities of one’s spiritual potential. To hold perfect concepts means to keep in your mind a clear idea, a vision of the highest good for yourself and others.

Mother Mary taught me that the ability to live in accordance with these impeccable concepts is based on the mental vision of an absolute, perfect idea, which, like a magnet, attracts all types of creative energy of the Supreme Spirit to a person to realize his plans. Mother Mary teaches that if we manage to maintain the image of our thoughts in close connection, in accordance with the image of our higher spiritual self, then it is able to throw away everything that opposes the manifestation of our true essence. What is your self-image? Give yourself time to think about and answer this question in writing. Be honest with yourself, because only you are destined to see these confessions.

If your list contains a large number of qualities that can be defined as “not entirely positive”, you must realize that, like a magnet, you are attracting this generally “not entirely positive image” to your self. Every day of your life you create yourself as a person: the way you mentally see yourself is the way you will become later.

Do you see only your flaws and weaknesses, or do you also see the beauty of your soul?

Do you see yourself the way you think others see you? Or do you believe that you have hidden soul powers and enormous spiritual potential?

We are not always aware of whether we are well understood, so people's response to our actions is very important. As the Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote: “Oh, grant us the ability to see ourselves as others see us!” Indeed, it is a talent to be able to see oneself through the eyes of other people. However, we would do ourselves a disservice if we looked at ourselves solely from the outside, through someone else's eyes.

There is a certain golden mean: it lies in the ability to see how the images of your inner Christ and Buddha are reflected in your soul. It is very important that you have before you a visual image of your own “I”, not the way you see yourself in ordinary life, but see the divine nature of your “I” - perceive it as a reflection of the image of the Lord.

Jesus commands: “Be ye perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.” In the depths of our souls, we feel and recognize the divine essence of our “I” and believe in the possibility of gradual spiritual improvement. But also in our “I” there is a corner where a child still lives, who has been hurt, suffering, and mentally traumatized many times. This part of our “I” tends to give low self-esteem and belittle the importance of the divine flame that burns in our soul.

As you try to understand, heal and protect this vulnerable child living in the depths of your consciousness, you need to declare to yourself the enormous potential of your beautiful soul. You can do this with the following self-installations, or perhaps ones you create yourself.


God! I am as perfect as our heavenly Father!

I AM, I AM the one who asked and received the gift

With my mind's eye I can see everything that happens in my soul;

Awaken, lift and free me,

Let me see your divine image in my soul.

I AM mind, soul and body

The embodiment of the perfection of the Lord our God:

I AM the very will of our Creator, his command,

Aimed at healing my soul!

I AM the perfect image of our God,

My entire human being is filled with his love;

Let all fears, shadows and ghosts disappear

from a soul blessed by the Holy Spirit himself!

The ability to be guided by perfect concepts in relation to yourself and to others is the mastery of techniques for turning to the spiritual principle, which can transform not only your life, but also change your relationships with others. Its true meaning lies in protecting and caring for one's neighbor.

“How could we help each other if each of us were guided by perfect concepts in relation to the plans of other people,” said Saint Germain. - “Let us treat our neighbors with care, let us respect other people’s aspirations and allow the possibility of the existence of all the best not only for ourselves, but also for others.”

El Morya, our spiritual mentor, wrote the following prayer to help us, to maintain perfect concepts in our consciousness in relation to ourselves and others. Every time you say the words “I AM” in this prayer, you turn to your divine “I” and thus affirm, inspire yourself: “God in me is...”


In the name of my own beloved I AM Presence, I declare (command):

I AM the Eye of God in my soul,

Help me see the way you see

So that I may consider your perfect plans,

Called by the power of their power to free everyone on earth.

No false targets will stop me

Clearly see your path to the truth.

I AM the one to whom it is given to contemplate the light,

From which Christ reveals his image.

I AM the very Eye of God,

To whom all sacred plans are open;

Here on earth I myself have chosen this path of serving the Lord,

I accepted and made his perfect concepts my own.

O our beloved Christ, living divine Light,

I AM the embodiment of your righteous laws,

And my duty is to see everything as you see.

Clear your subconscious

There is no room for God in a soul that is filled

Only one person: yourself.

Hasidic saying

Some people diligently try to apply the keys to well-being in their lives, and yet do not get the desired results. They try so hard to be righteous, they climb until they hit the ceiling, they hit some barrier. Why? Because they did not cleanse their subconscious, did not free it, did not call on the Lord God to be with them in their endeavors.

Let's say you decide to start working on self-hypnosis with the help of an affirmative attitude: “I AM a successful ________ - you filled the empty space with what you want. But if you have been telling yourself for twenty years, or perhaps for an eternity, that you are a failure, there is every reason to believe that your subconscious mind is absorbing these assurances, and it may well happen that your positive attitude will be responded to : "I do not believe you".

Our subconscious is like a recording device. It records the impressions we have received throughout our entire this and past lives: everything, both bad and good. To our deep regret, the subconscious brings into memory all the bad things that we have heard or believed about ourselves.

Whenever you think badly about yourself, when someone blames, condemns or intimidates you, it is recorded in your subconscious.

At times we do not realize how strongly we are influenced by the judgments and statements, thoughts and words of other people, especially if it is someone from your immediate family or someone whose opinion you respect. All this negativity can mislead an unlucky person and can fundamentally undermine his well-being.

For example, too often we ourselves put our consciousness into a certain framework, assessing ourselves for the living conditions and circumstances in which we currently find ourselves. Our job, our income, our level of education, our IQ - all of this influences what we think about ourselves and our capabilities to achieve excellence. We tell ourselves, “My income is such and such, I have enough Social Security savings. My job pays well. So, in ten years, I can certainly be in a pretty high position.”

We have stamped ourselves so clearly, pasted labels and put them into appropriate boxes that we have thereby destroyed in our soul the feeling of all the greatness of our soul. From the point of view of the highest possibilities of the Spirit, the possibilities of the human soul are limitless. And the desire to free yourself from oppression caused by the negative programming of our subconscious is always alive in her. The subconscious mind not only records negative life impressions in memory, but also, similar to a sound recording device, also automatically replays impressions recorded in the past. And it takes a lot of work to “erase” these “records.” We may need the guidance of an experienced psychologist who can help us heal the emotional wounds of the offended child living in the corners of our subconscious.

It may also be that there is a need to reprogram our subconscious mind with positive messages. This is what all positive attitudes represent - they carry a mood of affirmation, awareness of the innate beauty and positive potential of one’s soul.

Whatever direction we choose in our actions, we can speed up the healing process if it is accompanied by work on our spirituality. I received the best results in cleansing my subconscious of negative memories using prayers (Buddhist mantras) and attitudes based on self-hypnosis of seeing a violet flame.

Ask your Higher Self to direct the violet flame to the center of the very thoughts, actions and words that create negative records in the subconscious. Observe in your mind how the violet flame literally devours these records one after another.

Another key to working with your subconscious is that you ask your divine self to take control of all four parts of consciousness: the subconscious, self-conscious, unconscious and superconscious sections.

By doing this, we thereby restrain the manifestations of the subconscious and unconscious so that they do not become, in the literal sense, “tyrants” of our soul. We also entrust our divine self with the task of generating positive energies and impulses at the subconscious and unconscious levels.

What are these four components of our consciousness? Superconsciousness is the level of a certain limitless mind contained in our consciousness, widely known under the expression “Higher (Divine) Mind”, the conductor of which is our divine “I”. The level of self-awareness is rational thinking.

From the point of view of spiritual theories, the subconscious level obeys our desires, which is why the subconscious has such power over us. This is a powerful source of energy that controls the process of realizing a person’s desires, whatever they may be.

A polluted subconscious can cause us incalculable harm. When the subconscious is cleansed and functioning normally, it, like a tight spring, can instantly set into motion the realization of our highest aspirations.

The level of the unconscious is the deepest level of our consciousness, and is capable of having a huge impact on us, although we are not always aware of it. Freud said that the unconscious level contains our primitive desires and inner motivations, as well as deep layers of memory, physiological needs that have long been uncontrolled by our consciousness, but which can influence our thoughts and actions in the most detrimental way. The subconscious contains Absolute Good and Absolute Evil.

It is possible to block certain areas of consciousness by addressing them with the inspiring attitude of “I AM” to take control of the unconscious and superconscious levels, and command your Sacred Christ Essence to reign and rule over your subconscious and ordinary levels of consciousness.

The “I AM” attitude is that part of your spiritual Self that is the expression of the absolute perfection of your divine essence. It means the personal presence of the Supreme Spirit abiding with you. Your Christ Essence mediates between you and your “I AM Presence.” Your Christ Self, also known as your Higher Self, is your spiritual guide living within you and the voice of conscience.

If we bring all levels of our consciousness under the control of our I AM Presence and Christ Self, and if we simultaneously do the necessary spiritual and psychological work on ourselves, these active parts of our being will create only good.


O mighty I AM Presence (O great Lord living in my soul) immediately enter, take possession, take control of my superconsciousness and that part of the mind that is not subject to its will!

Oh, holy Christ Essence, immediately enter, take possession, take control of my consciousness and superconsciousness!

Once you have said this prayer (preferably once a day), you can read your own guidelines for spiritual and material well-being. It would be a good idea to use settings for each section of your consciousness, as seen in the following example.


In the name of my I AM Presence and Holy Christ Essence, I AM absolute material well-being in my subconscious!

In the name of my I AM Presence and Holy Christ Essence, I AM absolute material well-being in my self-consciousness!

In the name of my I AM Presence and Holy Christ Essence, I AM absolute material well-being in my subconscious!

In the name of my I AM presence and Holy Christ Essence, I AM absolute material well-being in that part of my soul where the unconscious is located.

When you begin to actively work with your own subconscious, you should not be surprised or upset if you suddenly notice that negative phenomena begin to appear more and more often and more intensely. The more faith, determination and enthusiasm you work with, the stronger will be the spiritual light that you call into existence. With this bright light, all those obstacles that hinder your spiritual growth, those illnesses of the spirit that must go away, will become clearly visible.

If you are consistent in your work, read aloud the prayers and self-attitudes I have proposed in this book, turning mentally to the violet flame, you should receive positive results. Staying in faith and maintaining a state of conviction in the success of our spiritual improvement despite all disasters and misfortunes is what can make our soul whole and healthy.

The Art of Composition

"Value Cards"

Fate is not a coincidence, but

It's a matter of your choice.

-William Jennings Bryan

“Map (program) of values” is a prayer accompanied by visual images, an image. You can use it if you want to better see, “consider” your most desired dreams, give them the outlines of real, clearly visible goals in order to more successfully implement them in reality.

In other words, a “value map” is a project of your spiritual and material well-being that you want to bring to life. Like all good maps, it provides directions to get to your destination and guidance to help you stay focused on reaching your end goal.

This section of the book offers several basic rules that you can use for the project of creating a powerful, effective map of your priority values. You can use all of these rules or combine some of them in separate combinations, depending on time availability.

For best results, use your value map in conjunction with the other rules in this book, paying particular attention to the topics “Nine Steps to Acceleration” and “Cloud-Building Meditation” that appear after this chapter.

If you still haven't created a complete mission statement for achieving your life goals, I suggest you give it some serious thought. All parts of your value map should be influenced by this overarching dream.

Planning of main directions

your dreams

The world makes way for

Who knows where he's going.

Ralph Wilde Emerson

Before you create a value map, first create an outline. First, make a wish list that you would like to see realized at each specific stage of your life. Your list can cover different aspects of your life: career, financial status, family affairs, children, your home, aspects of your education, health, relationships with others, your spiritual life, travel and hobbies.

You can also create a shared map with people with whom you are currently working on any joint project. It could involve members of your work team, your family, or your group of friends or colleagues. In this case, your personal bucket list would complement your team's agenda.

The Values ​​Map is the focus of your highest aspirations. Therefore, when working on drawing up a program, do not interfere with the flight of your imagination: not you, but the universal cosmic source will satisfy all your needs for material well-being.

Allow the Lord God to inspire and encourage, guide and guide you.“The true alchemist,” advised Saint-Germain, “begins his experiments by communicating with himself and with God within himself, in order to feel the inspiration emanating from the ideas of the radiant mind of the Creator.”

Before you mark your goals on the value map, ask God for an indication of which of the goals you have set are desired by Him. You must be sure that you are going to spend your best reserve of energy on a goal worthy of the effort and energy of the Lord God himself.

Put first things first. It happens that people use their value map to achieve success in financial matters, while remaining spiritually bankrupt. The most important thing that you first need to be sure of is that there are spiritual intentions and tasks in the map. As the representative of the Chinese philosophical school of Tao, the sage Lao Tsu, said: “Money or happiness: what is of greater value to you?...If your happiness depends on money, you will never feel like a truly happy person.”

And I think that there should always be a justification for why certain things were included in our “value map”. Ask only for what you truly need to fulfill your purpose in life. Remember that when you use the keys to well-being, you are dealing with the laws of energy. Living in our world, we, as Saint Germain says: “are always and fully responsible for the use or abuse of energy.”

In fact, you yourself are capable of creating bad karma if you use the energy at your disposal to achieve something that you do not need at all.

I have come to understand the truth that whatever we desire will come to us sooner or later. We attract what we want to ourselves. Therefore, take care to choose the right course as you set sail towards your dream. Spend some time figuring out your motivations and evaluating your requests. If the Lord provides you with more resources or opportunities than you asked for, it means that He wants you to voluntarily share your abundance with those who need it more than you.

As you work to improve your plans, consult with God and your Higher Self. In his work, Nine Steps to Acceleration, Saint Germain advises us to allow our Higher Mind to help us develop and improve our projects.

Take time to connect with God and your Higher Self. Listen to the voice of God within yourself, and watch for the signs that the Lord may give you. Once you are confident that you know what you need, you are ready to create your value map.

Even when you've already drawn up your map, don't be bothered if you need to amend it a day or a week later. Your “value map” is supposed to be constantly being improved

Mark it on paper

What you dream about

A goal is a dream that has a set deadline.

Leo B. Helsel

Your “value map” can be broad or short. You can hang it on the wall as a poster or draw it in a notebook.

If you decide to place it on a wall or door, use a stand so that you can easily glue or attach pictures to it. Choose the color you like for your stand. Since you'll be looking at this stand at least twice a day, thinking and thinking about your plans, you'll definitely want it to look as attractive as possible.

You can describe several tasks on one map, or you can create several maps intended for different purposes. As for some people, they prefer to use a notebook with clippings from newspapers and magazines, in which case they have the opportunity to devote each page to something new.

I learned about the possibility of using such a notebook as a “value map” from my last husband and mentor, Mark Prophet. When I was sorting through Mark's things after Mark's death, I discovered a notebook that he had never shown me. Its pages were yellowed with age, and it looked as if it had not been looked at for many years. I think he made it while he was in the Air Force, many years before we met.

Mark cut out pictures from magazines from the forties and placed them in his notebook. It contained a picture of his dream home: it was a house surrounded by a white picket fence. He posted a picture of this house in Colorado Springs, where he was stationed in the Air Force at the time. His dream came true a few years later when our organization moved to a beautiful estate in Colorado Springs.

In the same notebook, Mark placed a picture of his ideal woman, whom he would like to marry. What really touched my heart was that this woman in the picture cut out of the magazine looked exactly like me. Therefore, if such a card worked for Mark, it will work for you.

Divide your map or scrapbook into separate sections for each aspect of your life. Then select those pictures and statements that will accurately reflect the goals you would like to achieve in this area.

Your descriptions of what you want should always reflect something better than what is present in your life now. A person should always strive to achieve something more.

Choose images and statements for your card carefully. Clearly and accurately describe and depict everything you would like, including size, general parameters, color and location, and the final deadline for completing your plan.

For example, when describing the desired state of your financial affairs, put money on the card, an image of gold coins, or an invoice specially issued for this purpose for exactly the amount that you need. If you want a new car or house, describe all the required features and, if possible, include an accurate picture of the item you want. In the section dedicated to your professional career, you could place a picture of a person doing the job you would like for yourself.

Do not forget to indicate the desired deadline for completing the task, and indicate exactly the place where, according to your desire, your dream should come true.

In 1961, in search of a site for the center of our organization, Summit Lighthouse, Mark and I traveled throughout the city of Washington. We then continued our search in Maryland and Virginia, but did not find what we were looking for. We prayed about this for some time, and finally we asked God in prayer why we could not find the place we needed. The answer came immediately: we need to be more specific in our desires, to know exactly what we want.

Since our ideas about what we wanted were still unclear, we continued to mark time in one place, until one day we sat down and decided for ourselves what exactly we want, where it should be, by what time it should be realized and how much money we will need for this purchase. Vague sketches turned into a solid, clear picture.

Use color drawings and images on your map. The imagination reacts positively to a color image.

There is one effective way to draw up a "Value Map" - in accordance with the "Bagua", a symbol taken from Ai Ching, which is used in the oriental art of Feng Shui. “Bagua” is the original symbol of changes occurring in the Universe and in a specific person. It has the shape of an octagon and symbolizes the movement of energy through eight zones of living space.

Feng Shui is the art of organizing and arranging your entire external environment in order to create harmony and balance in your life. In ancient times, people who used Feng Shui methods knew that our external environment reflects our living conditions, life circumstances and vice versa. Based on this, they argued that by bringing our external environment into conformity with the natural laws of the universe, we can achieve happiness and prosperity. This is how the laws of “bagua” come into play.

Our entire living space - our home and every room in it, a work office with a desk, our yard and car - are a continuation and reflection of ourselves. And if this is so, you can try to use the “bagua” formula to analyze the state of affairs and everything that happens in our living space. And by concentrating separately on each of the 8 sections of this space, we are able to influence everything that happens in each of the corresponding sections of our life.

Bagua map used in Feng Shui

When using the “bagua” formula to create our “value map,” we put it on top of the map, placing an image of our goals in the drawings in the corresponding sections.

To properly apply this diagram to the “value map”, you need to align the bottom edge of your map with the bottom edge of the “bagua” diagram.

The Feng Shui manual says that the chaos surrounding a person interferes with the flow of energy. If chaos and confusion reign in some part of your living space, energy will stagnate there, and then obstacles may arise that will appear in that part of life that corresponds to this place in space. Conversely, when we expand and make a specific place more attractive, we thereby improve the flow of energy to the area of ​​​​our life corresponding to that place.

Take a moment to evaluate what is happening in the eight aspects of your life reflected in the bagua formula diagram. Analyze whether there is a blockage of energy somewhere, or whether there is stagnation in business.

Then take a look at your surroundings: your home, your rooms, your workspace, and even your garage. Is there an opportunity for free circulation of energy, or is it stagnant due to the existing clutter in the house?

Sometimes all it takes is a good cleaning of a contaminated area to restore the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels of our lives. Of course, the teachings of Feng Shui contain much more significant details, details, subtleties and nuances, but by knowing even these basic principles, we can help begin the influx of spiritual and material well-being into our lives.

We can also apply the concept of clearing space to our “Value Map”. If we create our map according to the principle of the Bagua formula, clean, ordered, if we clearly indicate in each section what we want, energy will flow more freely to recreate the formula of our desires.

Now let's talk about what to place in the center of the map. According to some Feng Shui systems, “Tai Chi” is placed in the center - a Chinese sign symbolizing the harmonious interaction and unification into a single whole of “Yin” and “Yang” - the feminine and masculine principles in the Universe.

The center of the Bagua formula and your Value Map symbolizes the idea of ​​unity. This is the fundamental part, the center that connects all other parts of the map into a single whole. It is also a place where we can replenish our energy reserves, recharging ourselves in the interim before our efforts begin to bear fruit. This point symbolizes rest, restoration of strength for the next round in your development.

What should you put in the center of your map? It depends on what the card is for. If the card contains one priority task, you can place a picture of the desired one in the center of the card. If the most important thing for you is the deadline for completing a task, then you should place the date of completion of this task in the center of the map. Perhaps you prefer to place in the middle of the card something that reflects something that is most important, a priority for you: perhaps this is the statement of your life mission, or a sign of your spiritual source, or a symbol - an expression of your spiritual essence. You just need to give free rein to your imagination and show your creativity!

To help improve the flow of energy to realize your future aspirations, you can hang your card in the part of the house or room that, according to the bagua card, best reflects where you are currently focusing your attention and effort.

When superimposing a bagua diagram on a house or room plan, make sure that the location of the front door of the house or the door in the room coincides with the bottom of the map. In other words, the place of the door should coincide with the bottom of the diagram, where knowledge, career and true friends are indicated.

This is what it should look like. For example, if your efforts are focused on solving financial problems, you could place your card dedicated to the financial task in the back left corner of the house or room, in a place that, according to the card, correlates with this task, being the part responsible for achieving material well-being. A card for improving relationships with partners can be placed in that part of the house or room that corresponds to the area of ​​​​cooperation on the card (back right corner).

Place images of one or more Ascended Masters on your card. The Ascended Masters are the saints and great thinkers of the East and West who have left us and reunited with God. They support us in our attempts to achieve what we want, helping and assisting us beyond our lives. Pictures of your favorite mentors will remind you that they are involved and helping you achieve your goals.

If you're ready to move to a higher level of consideration in your map, it's worth saying that you can include the following details. Place a photo of yourself on the card showing you at a time in your life when you successfully achieved your goal. You can create a kind of time diagram reflecting the sequence of tasks. In it you can indicate what you want to accomplish in the near future, and what you would like to achieve in subsequent periods of your life.

Accompany images, figurative representations of your ideas and plans with statements and affirmative attitudes that reflect your wishes. I would suggest that you write down your goals in the form of a statement, prefacing them with your prayer to your “I AM Presence” and your “Christ Self” so that you can set yourself up to accomplish your goals through the power of God’s Spirit living within you.

For example, you might say the following: “In the name of my I AM Presence and my Christ Self, I am full of compassion,” or “In the name of my I AM Presence and my Christ Self, I am achieving success in ____,” or “I am completing my degree.” master's degree in ___.”

Visualize or create a statement of what you are willing to offer to the Lord in gratitude for the favor you are asking Him for. After all, in fact, we don’t get anything for “this way.” Every particle of energy given to us by the Lord is “worth” something.

This divine law is clear and simple: by giving something to life, we receive something in return from it. Stop giving, sacrificing anything, and you will stop receiving. I realized that according to the law of the Universe, it is assumed that we must give more than what we ask for.

In addition to the card, you may want to write a letter of sorts to the Lord God. In this appeal, you need to confirm in writing your willingness to do something in response to the divine assistance provided to you. These must be some specific actions (you must indicate them), such as, for example, voluntary assistance to victims or the elderly, caring for the sick, or adopting a child deprived of parents. And we say at the same time: “Lord, help me in achieving my goal, and in your name I will do this.” But remain realistic in your assurances, do not promise more than you are able to deliver. Once you have written this letter, make a copy for yourself to keep as a reminder of your promise, and then burn the original letter.

Don't overload your map with too many pictures and settings. Make multiple cards if you find that everything you need to place is too much for one card.

Except when you create a "Value Map" for collective purposes, in all

In other cases, keep your card secret and leave it closed to others. Place it in a place where there is positive, uplifting energy. Therefore, for example, it should not be stored in a part of your home where strangers often visit, and, especially important, do not place it where it can be seen by an immoral person who is unable to respect your spiritual aspirations.

Translation into Life

Your Dream

If you can dream about it,

you are capable of doing this.

Walt Disney

Once you have completed your card and hung it in the designated place, begin meditating on it at least twice a day, perhaps in the morning and before going to bed. During a meditation session over the card, say your settings out loud. To enhance their impact, you must experience elation, a surge of faith that you have already achieved your goals. If you have a collective card or a card compiled for the whole family, you should repeat the settings together with your like-minded people.

Repetition of settings is very important for influencing your subconscious level of consciousness. This gives new, greater power to your good wishes. Whenever you repeat an affirmative attitude, you can imagine a mental image of how, at that very moment, your self-conscious mind is planting seeds, and your subconscious mind is watering those seeds.

Address your request to God consciously, with full understanding of what you need, and when asking for the fulfillment of what you want, remember that everything must be fulfilled in accordance with His will.

Do not forget that it is our Lord who is the true fulfiller of our desires, giving us the opportunity to be an instrument in his hands. For as Moses said to the Israelites: “Do not say to yourself, ‘The strength and might of my own hands have given me this wealth,’ but remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you this power to obtain your wealth.”

Have an ongoing dialogue with God. Amidst the hustle and bustle of today, take time to talk to God. And remember that prayer is a two-way street: don't forget to listen to His answers to you. Interaction with divine forces lies the key to creative well-being.

Do not think about what will happen after you make a request to God, and do not try to predict how your desire will be fulfilled. Let God decide that.

A person who is limited or fixated on one idea narrows his options for choice. When we focus too much on something or worry too much, we are closed to unexpected joys and new happy opportunities that may be right under our noses. The Lord sometimes finds a better way to accomplish what we have planned than we could have foreseen.

Put your whole soul into making your dreams come true. Even picking up a rolling ball requires several steps. We all get what we want from this life, as long as we really want it, we simply have to do it.

Accompany your meditations on the card with reading self-installations with contemplation of the image of the violet flame and reciting a prayer (spell) for the transmutation of bad karma that prevents the materialization of your dreams.

Our karma is that unknown driving force that we encounter when trying to achieve spiritual and material well-being. It happens that we have outlined an exact, definite path for ourselves, but our karma leads us to some side path, which seems to be located away from the beaten, sure road leading to our goal.

However, the question of our attitude towards our karma is a matter of paramount importance. Every day, the bad karma that we ourselves created in the past through our actions brings to our doorstep a new pile of problems that require immediate solutions from us. It is possible that we will feel this karma in the form of a breakdown of our car, or perhaps it will manifest itself in a severance of relationships with loved ones. It will just seem like everything is not going as it should.

The violet flame acts like lubricating oil acts on a machine: it makes everything work smoothly, smoothly, without problems. In addition to the fact that this flame serves God and the fulfillment of God's plans, it can help us change the negative nature of our karma so that it does not interfere with the fulfillment of our tasks on earth.

I remember well the time when the only thing I knew about my life's purpose was that I had to accomplish something in the name of the Lord God and I needed to find out what my service to him was. Until the moment I came to understand my purpose in life, realizing it became my task. All the time while I was growing up, every day I was constantly thinking, looking for something that, as it seemed to me, could bring me closer to understanding what my life mission was.

When I finally discovered my purpose, my greatest desire was to free myself from the obstacles that were preventing me from fulfilling it. I realized that these obstacles were bad karma and some features of my personal psychology.

I realized that if I was serious about fulfilling my life purpose, I would have to work on changing my karma through invoking the violet flame and addressing my psychological issues. I also realized that I needed to work on self-improvement so that I could cope with the demands and challenges of my mission. This is exactly what we need to work hard on if we really want to fully use the capabilities of the spirit given to us to realize material well-being.

Remember that you are making a promise to God. Give what you promised to God. You don't have to wait until you get what you want to give it what you promised. Start fulfilling your part of the agreement immediately.

Update your Value Map as needed. If you need a new card, that's a good sign! This means you are making progress. You have either already completed the first stage of your work, or you have a clearer understanding of where you intend to go next and how you want to achieve it.

If you need to make a new map, burn the old one first, prepare a new map stand, and return to page 55.

Nine Steps to Speed ​​Up

According to Saint Germain

Who can set limits to human capabilities?.. Man has access to the Absolute Mind of the Creator, for he himself is the creator, we limit it only to the limit of his life.

-Ralph Wildo Emerson

Alchemy is a teaching about the supernatural, and the art of mastering it is the strength of a person who, in the course of scientific research, has realized his abilities, realized his unity with God and wants to remain so.

-Saint Germain

1. Light is the key word in alchemy! The words “Let there be light” are the first command of the Creator and the first step for the correct implementation of acceleration.


Let there be light!

Let there be light where I AM WHO I AM!

2. Mentally recreate a visual image of the object of your desire. It should contain not only the exact parameters and proportions of the desired object, but it would also be good to see what substance it consists of, its density, color and quality, in a word, it should be a very clear visual image.

Let each student of alchemy determine for himself whether he is a bearer of the Higher Mind, whether he is capable of storing in his visual memory an infinite number of structures with a countless number of dimensions. This inner own Supreme Consciousness works independently of the laws of universal external consciousness and does not know any limitations inherent in the human mind.

Let it become a rule for you to intentionally and consciously hold your God-blessed Higher Mind or your Christ Self responsible for developing and improving the still immature ideas and projects of your future creation. Because the discovery and mastery of many structures and formulas of alchemy, which at first glance looked like the fruit of persistent scientific research by alchemists, in fact often stemmed to a large extent from their awareness of their Christ Essence.

Remember that every hour your Higher Mind is actively working in the field of expanded dimensions. This Holy Spirit, unknown to you and unknown to you in real life, is a helper waiting to be called to action, and he will begin to act, free from any ordinary restrictions of time and space. Make your Higher Mind work both as your student and as a teacher; because the Holy Spirit, who moves everything in the world, is able to lead you to absolute truth!


I AM a life given to the will of God,

Light the light of your truth in my mind.

Embody in me all the perfection of God,

Free me from mental torment.

In the justice of your thoughts.

I AM the presence of the Perfection of God,

Controlling the entire course of my life.

(repeat three times)

3. Determine where you would like to see what you want.

4. If you know the substance this object is made of, remember its formula. If you do not know this, contact your Higher Mind Information Center to obtain structure data from the (universal) cosmic information source of the Universe and enter this data into the main section of your memory and consciousness.

5. Starting to work on the formula you have, cause the appearance of light, concentrate, connecting in your consciousness with the formula, and then mentally “compact” it, bringing it to a state of clear form.

6. Mentally cause this atomic structure to be multiplied repeatedly until the molecules fill all the empty space where you would like to see the object appear.

7. When the general outlines are filled with the substance in the form of a four-dimensional vibrating image of the desired object, ask to reduce it to a three-dimensional form and bring the formula of this substance into accordance with the matrix stored in your consciousness.

8. When the process of visualization, mental observation of an object by consciousness is completed, immediately “close” the image. Do not think that by closing your plan, you are closing the door to the possibility of improving it. It can be improved in its subsequent versions. Thus the word: "Finished!" is the second order in the process of reconstruction after the order “Let there be light!”

The words of the call of our beloved Jesus in the hour of greatest testing, “yet not mine, but your will, will be done,” spoken at the moment when you seal the matrix, will help ensure that the forces governing energy, wisdom and love will make the necessary adjustments to acceleration formula so that in the future more perfect plans of the Creator can be realized.

Man thus receives the added advantage of being assisted by the Almighty as he creates and formulates his destiny in accordance with the purposes of the universal creation.

By special actions and methods of meditation, take precautions to protect your experiment. Visualizing blue light surrounding you and watching your formula appear will help increase the level of protection you desire.


It's all over!

And yet your will, and not my will, will be fulfilled.

I AM the manifestation of the omnipresent will of God,

I AM the will of God, which knows no comparison in its perfection.

I AM the beautiful and just will of God.

I AM the infinite bounty of God's command.

9a. Now that you have recreated the matrix containing your intention and closed it from the intrusion and interference of the stream of someone else's consciousness, protect what you have created and, as Jesus said: “Go and tell no man.” This law of acceleration will allow you to destroy the influence of structures containing a directed, concentrated clot of other people's thoughts and feelings, which can become the most destructive principle when conducting an experiment in alchemy.

In addition, try to avoid energy leakage that occurs due to the negative impact of a large number of intellectual carriers. The exception is when two or more people are working together on a specific acceleration program.

9b. Wait for the results. Don't be nervous if you don't get results right away, or if they don't appear even after enough time has passed. Despair destroys the very foundation of faith on which your entire experiment is built. You must try to hold on to your faith just as you hold in your mind the visual image created by him, woven from the lightest matter.

If you have been in the grip of strong feelings for a number of years, these records of experiences must be destroyed by the violet flame created by the alchemical process to give way to other, more elevated thoughts and images that you will then recreate.


Violet flame, embodiment of divine love

Flash a bright fire in my heart!

Your mercy is eternal and true,

Give me the opportunity to forever be in harmony with you.

(repeat three times)

I AM the Light, the reflection of Christ in my soul,

Free my mind forever.

Burn without fading, violet flame,

In the very depths of my consciousness.

Lord, how you support me with my daily bread,

Keep my spirit burning with the violet flame,

Light up from your divine fire

Sparkle in my consciousness, fill it with the light of your truth.

(repeat three times)

I AM the will of our creator.

Continuously active and victorious.

To see the reflection of the face of God in the pure mirror of your soul -

Greatest happiness and satisfaction.

Beloved radiant I AM Presence,

Enclose me in a pillar of light

From the sacred flame of the Ascended Masters,

We ourselves have been called by God.

May the temple of my soul remain pure

From enmity, contradictions, everything heavy.

I AM calling upon the violet flame

Flare up and transform all desires,

Burn ceaselessly, giving transformation,

While my whole being merges with him in his flame.

And I accept this phenomenon, phenomenon, phenomenon with full faith and awareness! (three times) right here and now, with all the fullness of power, energy, constantly continuing, lasting continuously, living and operating in full force, constantly expanding and covering the whole world, until everything around rises up, to light and freedom! Blessed be the I AM! Blessed be the I AM! Blessed be the I AM!

9th century New ideas need to be given your time and energy.

About how important it is to correctly perform the ritual of creating a prayer. Prayer opens the door to God in our lives and makes it possible to influence human affairs. Prayer is the road that connects us with the Ascended Masters and the messengers of the world Mind, who, wanting to serve our planet, can provide us with special assistance, because they have been asked for help. There is a supreme command that the heavenly messengers, before they are allowed to intercede with God on behalf of the people, must be prayed to by the people themselves, who must ask them to take part in their affairs.

Alchemists believe that the meaning of prayer is diverse. To what was said earlier about the benefits of prayer, we can add the additional argument that it can give greater significance to your goal and help accelerate its progress during the period of transition from the matrix stored in the consciousness to its material embodiment.

Remember that the creation of prayer is the highest, holy act. This is participation at one with God in the process of re-creation, and, being such, it is most beneficial for those whose goals coincide with God’s providence. Thus, when the will of man and the will of the Lord are united together, by the power of the Divine Light this doubly desired is fulfilled at the due time, in the due place, in due measure.

For you, who believe in the existence of holy fire - the sacred formula of the cosmos:

Theos = God

Rule = Law

You = Living Creation

Theos + Rule + You = The Law of God, operating as the basic principle of existence of your human essence. (Try).

Meditation to mentally recreate the Cloud

According to Saint Germain.

With God in the soul, everything is possible!

If God's consciousness lives in you,

Everything really becomes immediately achievable for you.

If this does not happen immediately,

This means that you lack awareness of God's presence in your soul.

This cloud is a manifestation and proof of possibilities

your creative energy, the fire of your Spirit,

will bring true consciousness into your life

the Lord God himself.

-Saint Germain

One of the most powerful ways to create change is through what I call “Creating a Cloud.” I am talking about a cloud of infinite energy that exists all around us, but remains invisible until it is called and put into action.

Throughout all this action, your consciousness must remain pure, filled with love and awareness of how limitless the possibilities of the cosmic mind are - the consciousness of the Lord himself, you must identify your consciousness with all the creative driving forces. Remember that perfect execution is achieved through practice, that your motives can change the plan, and beauty can shake the soul.

1. Stand before your altar, honoring the living Lord and his command “Take power!” Now you are ready to begin, and the first thing you will create will be a cloud - created from the vast reserves of divine energy that reign in the space around us and are waiting to be called upon.

2. First, we mentally recreate the glow of milky whiteness. We see this glow as the result of electronic vibrations of living, in motion, incredibly beautiful light. The high concentration gives it that milky white hue.

3. Mentally recreating this vision of a bright, translucent cloud, we we allow it to envelop our body and take over our force field. For a moment we are lost in the thick of the cloud, and then you get the feeling that it has always been this way. The atmosphere of the cloud seems familiar and pleasant.

4. Initially mentally keep the diameter of this light and shining cloud within nine feet around you. Later we may be able to increase its diameter to ninety feet, then to nine hundred feet and beyond.

During our first meditation sessions, we should concentrate on strengthening the action of white light in our consciousness.

Once we learn to feel the cloud enveloping us, we begin to realize that it may well become visible to the naked eye. And the main thing we need to take care of is how to keep the phenomenon of intense vibrations visible only in our consciousness, without its implementation on the physical level.

5. Those of you who are at least a little familiar with the basics of electronics and the operation of a rheostat can imagine how, with just a simple turn on the scale of our consciousness, we can increase the vibrations of the cloud, making them more intense. We concentrate, collect more and more light around each of its main points, since our cloud consists of many such light points. Their aura dissipates, spreads ever wider, mixing with one another and creating the overall effect of a lace-like, but at the same time very thick white radiance - this is a vision of a pure cloud of cosmic energy rotating, as if in a whirlpool.

We begin to increase the intensity of the light through its own force field - stronger at this moment in this space than usual. Thus, to recreate this cloud, we draw divine energy from the source of the general universe. The cloud penetrates and then sanctifies our force field with its appearance so that we have that sacred altar on which we could draw sketches of future pictures of the reality that we would like to create.

6.This cloud can be used for healing all people on earth and the spiritual energy of the planet itself. You can also, like Christ standing on the mountain in his Transfiguration of the Lord, use the cloud as a platform to call from it for the appearance of the Ascended Masters to help you carry out your experiments in alchemy and in your service to the world, to human society.

If you are still in the dark about what exactly you should do for yourself and for others, with childlike sincerity, ask God to recreate a large supply of divine light energy. Let it enter as a miracle of the healing love of the Lord not only into your life or the life of people dear to you, but also enter into the lives of a great many people in this world.

You can ask for the coming of the Lord's rule and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You can ask him for the birth of the Golden Age, ask him to put an end to strife and confrontation on earth.

If you open your heart to all those suffering in the world and turn to the Holy Mother of God, then countless ideas on how the forces of the Universe can help you will stream into your consciousness: thus, through the spiritual uplift in your consciousness, the Holy Mother of God expresses her love for people.

7. Ask God to increase the power of your cloud by turning to him with the following prayer.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I command (now) the billions of points of light to increase, to absorb even more sacred fire, to increase the power of the potential of the burning cloud, to make it sparkle. Filled with vital energy, in constant motion, the inexpressibly beautiful light of the Almighty Lord - just like this light of the cloud of my mighty I AM Presence - where I AM!

By the highest permission of the Universal Law of the Universe, your law, Lord, I command this sacred action to take place. I accept this accomplishment in the name of my beloved Christ Self. I contemplate and see how it is fulfilled, and I see that it is fulfilled where I AM.

My Christ Self, follow the vision, constantly direct the eye of the Lord on it, and let me comprehend and feel, feel how the power of this cloud increases! For truly I AM that cloud. It's in me.

I AM this thick white radiance.

I AM the cause of the cloud.

I AM in my heart the power of the Main source of light, (GREAT Central Sun?) a magnet, attracting to itself a cloud of boundless energy to where I AM.

I AM a pure, ever-rotating cloud of cosmic energy!

8. Assign this shining cloud of pure energy to accomplish some particularly important purpose with the words of the following prayer.


Lord God Almighty, (O Brahman, O Word?) I send this cloud of limitless energy to shed its light on or over: (name, location or given situation).

From both land and sea, reaching high into the sky, I AM now a man invested with the power of God to manifest a vision of a cloud of white fire. I command him to pass through the triple flame of my heart from the creation of the spirit into the material essence.

Let this cloud of God's Spirit immediately absorb, absorb into itself: (the name of the person in need of healing, or those circumstances in the world that need correction or the right decision).

I ask for permission and release this cloud of radiant energy.

So be it. Completed. Finished. Closed.

Our Lord will accomplish this with his zeal. Amen.

9. If at least once you managed to mentally grasp the vision of a cloud and send it to Your Higher Self in order to keep it in your consciousness, then the gift of God hidden in it, revealing the very presence of God in your soul, will preserve this vision for as long as you will need.

After some time, you will find that the glow from the cloud gently and gradually fills your physical body. And if this happens, it means that your consciousness gains greater clarity, new sensations appear from a more complete awareness of what is happening around you, a deeper understanding of life.

The meditation session should initially not exceed fifteen minutes a day. During meditation, as soon as you begin to feel the influx of spiritual energy, you should imagine how this cloud of creative energy is spreading throughout the Universe in the form of a ball of translucent white fire. It will rotate in an ever-expanding orbit, coming into contact with the real world, with everything that is somehow connected with you.

Secrets of Prosperity

Brand L.Profeta

Nothing you can imagine

Is not beyond our capabilities

And just beyond the limits of our current self-knowledge

Theodor (Roszak?)

In the Bible, the Apostle John says: “My beloved children, most of all I would like you to be in complete health and prosperity, just as your soul would be in prosperity.”

Prosperity is material well-being. Our Lord, Christ, preaching his teaching in Judea, said: “I come so that they can live, and so that they can live in abundance.” Some people, unwittingly, have the habit of misinterpreting the intention of our Teacher, not accepting its true meaning and, thus, depriving themselves of the opportunity to correctly comprehend its divine essence.

Today, obviously, none of us would donate money to some “common pot” project in order to pool all the monetary resources of our planet into a common fund, and then liquidate the project with an amount equal to ninety-eight cents. Because, approximately, this would be the result. However, if we nevertheless collected money into a common fund and divided it among all people on earth, giving everyone their share, then, for example, after seven years approximately the same amount of money would be returned to its source.

And this is the truth, because the distribution of material wealth among people carried out by the Higher powers occurs in accordance with the laws of karma and the formulas of karma. In most cases, anyone with money was given it according to their karma. Even if a person does not earn all this wealth during his entire life, it comes to him either in the form of an inheritance, or he wins money at the races. Money comes to these people because there is something in their current mortal coil that attracts and attracts material values ​​to their human essence. If you live according to the laws of prosperity, you thereby create favorable karma and, as a result, begin to “attract” prosperity to yourself.

First secret

Never block the flow of your energy

The mere presence of money does not make a person better or worse. This is true. Money - like any talent or gift from God - means responsibility. And whether you have a lot of money or you own a very modest amount, money as one of the forms of well-being should be in motion, and this movement cannot be blocked, forming a kind of Dead Sea.

The Jordan River carries its waters and flows into the Dead Sea, but there is not a single exit from the Dead Sea. This example is often used in Sunday Schools to explain certain spiritual principles. Whatever you come across that is constantly taking and never giving, it will always carry the symbol of death and stagnation, because there is no movement in it.

Blood travels through the body and returns through the heart to the lungs for oxygen. We are all familiar with these basic physiology. And there's something scary about the idea that if you block an artery, you'll have serious health problems.

You may be wondering why I'm talking about this now. There are quite a lot of women, as well as men, in the world who suffer from varicose veins. Sometimes this problem is solved through surgery, tying off diseased vessels and stopping blood circulation in them. One of the books, in which a doctor exposed criminal negligence in treating patients in hospitals, told about a woman who underwent this operation. Two days after the doctor tied the vessels, she noticed that her toes were inflamed and very painful. Then she noticed that they were darkening and losing their natural color, then the color of the entire foot changed. By the second time she saw a doctor, it was too late and she had lost her entire foot due to tissue death due to lack of blood flow to the foot.

I think few people think about how wonderfully nature has worked to create the blood circulation system in the human body. And the material well-being of the Lord's children, which we all are, should be as natural a state as the functioning of their circulatory system. One of the secrets of prosperity that the Ascended Masters possessed was that they did not interfere with the flow of energy through their bodies. Businessmen do the same, repeatedly reinvesting their capital.

second secret

Dedicate a tenth of everything you have to God

Another secret of the law of prosperity is to give a tenth of what you have to God. There is no rule that says you cannot give more, but in my opinion, to give less is to deplete the source of your well-being.

The expression “to give a tenth” is understood as paying (church) tithes. I recently made a discovery about the origin of the word tithe. I didn’t hear “tithe” - tithe, but “to connect you” - tie thee. Ten percent, a tenth, is that portion of the holy gift that becomes a means of connecting you with God, who is present in your heart; with God himself, the Great Source of the Universe, in such a way that the next row of the decimal system increases by an order of magnitude.

Starting from zero, you come to two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and then ten - ten, tithe - tie thee - "connected you" - connected you to the Divine Presence.

“Tie thee” means connection, connection, union with your main Source, the source of all your resources. And by giving your tithe, you “sow seeds” - grow sprouts that can bring a harvest and make the flow of your material wealth an order of magnitude higher. If you deny God his tithe, you actually gain nothing. By refraining from paying, you will certainly suffer losses, losses, because you did not sow the seeds that will bring you a harvest in the future.

There is a successful construction equipment businessman who, while still a young man, made an agreement with God to make a donation of ten percent of everything he owned at that time. Now this man has a huge family and travels around the United States, working in the name of the Lord God and devoting much more time to charitable deeds than to his engineering business. His business grew so much that it turned into a gigantic industry. He always used this secret of prosperity: sowing seeds for future prosperity. And as a result, his material well-being has already multiplied many times over and continues to multiply, because the law of prosperity continues to work for him.

Third secret

Don't publicly announce your donations

Many years ago, Lloyd Douglas wrote a book, A Magnificent (Astonishing) Obsession, in which he revealed one of the greatest secrets of great mentors: to remain silent about their charitable activities. That's why some people come up to me and whisper their intention to donate a certain amount of money to our university: they don't want anyone to know about it, because they know that if they keep it secret, their donation will not only go back to him, but will also increase.

One of the problems in the affairs of the modern church has been the fact that in some church printed materials the names of people making donations have begun to be published. A huge number of similar facts exist in the city of New York: lists are published with the names of people who made a monetary donation, the so-called sponsors. And as Jesus said: “Surely they receive their reward.”

Here is the place in the Bible where this secret is revealed: “When you make a donation, do not blow trumpets about it, as the hypocrites do. But keep it a secret."

The fourth secret

Do your share, no matter how small

Another secret to prosperity: give a small share of what you have. There are people who have very little money, and they think: “Well, it would be awkward to offer Summit Lighthouse University ninety-eight cents; it would be too humiliating for me.” But let's remember: Mr. Rockefeller used to give everyone one dime, didn't he? Only ten cents was the usual amount of his donation.

Therefore, you should not consider it humiliating to donate a small amount of money. After all, the Lord knows what you have. And no one else needs to know this. Look at it this way: giving to people brings more joy than receiving. And when you give, you receive again, this is the secret of prosperity. By saying words like, “Oh, I'm afraid,” you are blocking the flow of energy, thereby creating a feeling of fear in your mind.

Fifth secret

Use the abilities God has given you

To explain what was said above about fear, I want to tell the following parable to a servant who received from his master one single unfortunate talent. Before leaving for distant lands, his master entrusted some of his property to his servants, distributing it according to their human abilities. He gave one servant five talents (it must be said that in those days a talent was a valuable silver coin), another two talents, and a third servant he gave one talent.

Returning home, the gentleman wanted to know how they managed their money. He asked the servant to whom he had given five talents what he did with his money. The servant replied that on the five talents given by his master he earned a profit of another five talents. “Wonderful,” said his master, “you are a good and conscientious servant: you honestly treated what was entrusted to you, and I will transfer to you part of my responsibilities, get the joy of feeling like a master.”

The second servant also reported that he had doubled his amount of talents. The last to come was the poor fellow who received only one talent: he replied that he wrapped his talent in a handkerchief and buried it in the ground. With these words, he dug his pathetic talent out of the ground, took it out of an old, tattered handkerchief, and said to his master the following: “Here is exactly as much as you gave me. I know that you are a calculating and demanding man, my lord, and I feared the terrible responsibility that you placed on me. So I took this talent and hid it in the ground."

The owner looked at him quite sternly, with mockery and bewilderment, and said: “You are a dishonest and lazy servant. Therefore, take this talent away from him and give it to the one who has ten talents. To him who has, more will be given, and he will have in abundance; but whoever does not have enough, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

There is a lot of misunderstanding and misconceptions surrounding this parable. It is cited to support the following conclusion: those who are poor are prone to greater poverty, and those who have wealth will achieve even greater prosperity. But this is not so, something else is meant here: this parable explains that if a person has even one single talent, but doesn't use it, he is deprived of this talent.

Never allow anyone to mislead you with such an interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, because the secret of prosperity is quite clear and simple: use what you have been given. Do you understand the true meaning of what was said? My explanation differs in many ways from what many other people say. More than half of those who use this parable in their sermons do not understand its true meaning and interpret it incorrectly.

Consequently, by wisely managing the gifts received from the Lord God, we thereby increase them. It's not necessarily about money. Money should be considered only as a means of exchange. This concept can also include the provision of all kinds of services, assistance, in a word, everything that we can do for others. These gifts from God can be considered both the people you meet on your life’s path and your own family.

The sixth secret

Think of all people as your family.

One of the reasons , What fetters our consciousness and thereby prevents material wealth from coming into life is our sense of ownership. So many people live with the idea that all their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children and even their spouses, in short, their family is the only thing that matters.

But you cannot be the owner of people, and you cannot be anyone's property, because all people are free. The feeling of some exceptional importance of your family circle, which leaves you out of the zone of interest of all other people, is one of the reasons why your consciousness becomes more inert and prosperity does not come.

Thinking of all people as your family does not mean that you have to give a dollar to every rogue you meet. But when you begin to treat other people with love in your thoughts and feelings, you begin to care about someone else who is not a member of your family, and this is not necessarily the person you love, and perhaps even a person who does not care for you. warm feelings towards you, you begin to think like God. For the Lord is obliged to give his strength and energy and help people who hate and despise him.

Do you know that there are people on earth who curse the name of the Lord? I heard people, fully aware of their sin, cursing God and shaking their fists before his face, challenging him and calling on him to strike them with lightning. Most often it happens that the Lord changes these people for the better and breathes God's spirit and vital energy into them. He continues to care for them because God belongs to everyone and to each individual. God loves us each and every one of us.

So, one of the greatest secrets of prosperity lies in the ability to detach from personal interests and remain impartial in assessing other people. This ability makes you like God.

The seventh secret

Remember that God's Presence is the source of your material well-being

“I AM coming that they may live and that they may live in greater prosperity” - this is the whole secret. The Bible doesn't say, "I have come." It says, “I AM come—in other words—“I AM, the Presence of the Lord in me, come that they may live and live in greater prosperity.” This indicates that God's Presence is the source of your material wealth, it does not come from any external sources.

I can tell you an interesting story about our “Top Lighthouse”. It may not seem all that entertaining to you, but it is remarkable that this is exactly what happens in reality. In the early days of our organization, when we were still located in Washington, D.C., our organization's budget was much smaller than it is now. I used to have to wait three or four days for donations to arrive in the mail. Then it would happen that a lot of donations would come in, and then it seemed like we were finally starting to get more money.

Everything I experienced in those days had a beneficial effect on strengthening my spirit. When I went to the post office and received only four or five envelopes, it made me sad, especially because we had bills that needed to be paid. So, I waited, and then it happened that I brought home again a large number of letters with donations.

I once analyzed the receipt of donations over a period of several months. It turned out that whether a large amount of correspondence arrived, or half that amount, or it was just four envelopes, the difference in the total amount of money received was always no more than ten dollars. Draw your own conclusions from this.

When I opened four envelopes, I found a check for a hundred dollars in one, about fifty dollars in another, and a check for seventy-five dollars in the third. These four envelopes contained the same amount of money as was contained in a large number of envelopes that arrived by mail on another occasion.

Sometimes, when I came home from the post office, announcing with a cheerful exclamation the large amount of correspondence received today, it turned out that there was only a dollar in one envelope, fifty cents in another, one dollar in a third and a check for a dollar and seventy-five cents in the fourth. One woman sent a check for seventy-five cents! And this always happened when we received a large flow of correspondence.

So I made the discovery that the Lord cares for us, attracting various sources to help us. When we went through all this, we realized that the flow of material resources is continuous.

Eighth secret

Summon Luck

Luck, goddess of Wealth and Abundance,

All the good things of the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.

With streams of sunlight, pour out your treasures

And give them now to everyone whose heart

Beats in unison with the movement of divine light.

By the power given to you to draw from the heavenly treasury,

Shower us Divine grace to fulfill your plans,

Which we are called to fulfill by the Lords of Heaven.

Set our consciousness in harmony with your consciousness.

Expand the boundaries of our vision,

Let us see what you give from your abundance to everyone,

Who turns to God with prayer in his heart.

And now we call, we command

To bestow earthly blessings in abundance from the hands of the Lord,

So that on earth, just as in heaven, everywhere

The light of the all-conquering love of the Lord shone in people.

Sometimes we repeat this command for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes or half an hour. And invariably, every time, within a few days, the required amount of money arrives by mail.

Ninth secret

Rely on God

This means that we should not consider people as the source of the solution to your material resource problem. When I first began my work preaching the mission of the Ascended Masters, there was one woman in our organization with a capital of over sixteen million. We believed, since it is human nature to think in this way, that she would be able to provide us with significant assistance. Never in our lives have we been so disappointed, and probably quite rightly so, as in her case.

Then we were visited by another "savior angel" who used to give us donations of several hundred dollars every month. But this woman also had a habit of losing her temper over trifles and soon lost the habit of sending large sums of money. The lady turned out to be very impulsive and hot-tempered: from time to time she appears, but this does not happen very often.

We stopped relying on people to provide us with material assistance. We rely entirely on God alone. This is another secret of the influx of material resources: you should not rely on anyone other than God.

My wife Elizabeth has a greater understanding of what prosperity is than I do. I was a farmer's son and had nothing to my name. My father came from a family of ranchers in Canada, and he himself had his own, in fact, quite a large ranch, which he sold to his father for the symbolic price of one dollar.

When he left for the United States, he believed that after his father's death he would get his ranch back. But his younger brother, who stayed home and worked on the ranch, managed to find his way to his father's heart, softening him in such a way that my father left the ranch to his younger brother, unfairly depriving my father of ownership of his farm.

My father did not master any particular crafts. He was poorly educated and had to work hard to support his livelihood. He could have perhaps prospered on his large ranch in Canada, but living in the States he experienced some pretty hard times. He died when I was nine years old. My mother, who had neither good health nor strength of character, was constantly upset and nervous about having to support a nine-year-old child on her own. How many times has it happened that there was nothing to eat in the house except two or three pieces of bread.

So, when I joined the US Air Force during World War II, my mother was a widow living alone in a small house on meager money. I sent her the sum of twenty-five dollars from my military certificate payout by check, and she herself managed to earn something like twenty-five dollars a month. Thus, she had about fifty dollars to live on, which was not too much money to buy food, pay travel expenses, pay taxes, maintain a house and pay other small expenses. It was pretty hard. And when I returned from the army, I had nothing.

With Elizabeth things were a little different. She, like me, had nothing, but from the age of nine she began to study the basics of Christianity, became acquainted with its concept and ideas of prosperity. My training took place closer to the canons of the Methodist Church. And I myself was a member of the same church that former Senator Alexander Wiley attended.

Senator Wiley was one of the wealthy citizens in my home town. Among the Methodist Church parishioners there were many rich people and only a few of us poor people. In church we all sat next to each other, but there were some certain boundaries in our communication with wealthy parishioners.

Therefore, there was a significant difference between my understanding of prosperity and Elizabeth's understanding of it. When I started this work, I was a little afraid. I know this feeling when you don’t know how you will have money to live on. Elizabeth had no such problems. From childhood, she was taught to live with the idea that God would provide for her needs.

I owe much of my enlightenment about prosperity to Elizabeth. She used to say to me, “Well, God wants us to have this now, so we will save money for these payments.” In such cases I said: “Okay. But we don't have the money to pay for it. What happened to you? We can't afford this. She usually answered: “God can meet all our needs. At the moment, we are just going to save money, but if we can’t handle the payment, let’s just forget about it.”

This woman, since I got to know her, has completely changed my way of thinking. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she went to London and saw London Bridge and decided to buy it, and she brought the money with her. She would have paid the amount in installments and probably would have settled the issue of ownership. I'm sure she would have convinced the British Crown to give in to her purchase of London Bridge!

Together with her, we were able to understand a lot about the secrets of prosperity, because our prosperity is in the existence of the “Summit Lighthouse”, and this is wonderful.

Tenth secret

Constantly support the existence of the germ of your well-being and maintain spiritual upliftment in your consciousness

I know some people may have a hard time imagining that when we started our organization, I was wearing suits from the Heck Campaign in Washington, DC. These suits, together with two pairs of trousers, cost nineteen dollars. I remember standing on the stage of a magnificent house in this nineteen-dollar baggy suit of mine, and sitting in front of me was a woman whose net worth was estimated at sixteen million. She sat right in front of me, dressed in royal luxury, and still did not want to do anything, did not fork over a cent to help me cope with the financial problem that was so obvious. I spent almost a whole year wearing this nineteen-dollar outfit.

But later, when my mentors explained to me the laws of prosperity, I began to use them in my life. And the first thing I did, as you might guess, was start showing off in tailored suits.

So, we have diligently studied the laws of prosperity for ourselves, and now we know that these laws work for everyone. There is no person in the world who does not receive from life what he really needs, just as there is no reason to have more than what is really necessary. Sometimes you hear: “Well, I'm thinking of putting money aside for a rainy day.” In my opinion, being prudent in this case is very far-sighted.

Several years ago, when I found myself in rather cramped circumstances, my mentor (Morya?) taught me a lesson on this subject. One day, after I paid the bill, I was left with only six dollars in my pocket and a lot of debt. I drove around in a new brand Lincoln, but I didn’t even have the money to send a telegram to my millionaire friend asking him to lend me money.

And then my mentor suddenly came to me and announced that it was time for me to put an end to my recklessness. When asked what he meant, he said the following: “You should remember this: no matter how poor you are, always keep a hundred dollars in reserve somewhere where you can get it in case of need. You don’t need to have a lot, but always keep at least one hundred dollars in cash.”

I know that among you there are not many people who can be called poor. But it doesn't matter. It is always a good idea to always have at least one hundred dollars in cash, stashed somewhere away, or in traveler's checks in your name.

This is good advice for anyone. Now I will explain why. My mentor proved to me that this is the germ of future prosperity.

When you've lived to the last penny - and it's a terrible feeling when you've lived to the last penny - you have nowhere to turn for help and no one to turn to, perhaps with the exception of your friends. So you go to your friends, and you can be sure that they will tell you that they are unlikely to be able to help you, either due to various circumstances, or because all their money is now in securities.

Therefore, take care of the sprout of your well-being and make every effort to maintain a high spiritual and emotional mood of your consciousness. This is difficult to achieve in a state where a mistake has been made and you have lost everything. If it weren't so difficult to do, many would follow this advice.

If you learn to hold money tightly in your hand, not allowing a single cent to slip through your fingers, so that you can overcome any financial difficulties when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you will gain faith in the capabilities of your source of well-being. Then you can turn to God for help, and he will give you an understanding of how to wisely use what you have to get even more. But if you waste everything you have, reaching the point of complete ruin, when you are broken and squeezed to the end, your faith may be shaken.

I think that the Lord led me through all this one day so that I could comprehend this law. I had to experience all this myself so that I could give advice to others, because in our work we meet all kinds of people - from beggars to millionaires, from farmers to industrialists.

There are wonderful people among the members of our organization. It happens that both a person who has a million dollars and a person who has nothing may ask for your advice. We would like to be able to give people the right advice.

Eleventh secret

Fill the pump with water

Our thoughts have a connection with the state of our well-being, and sometimes the best way to destroy the existing negative structure is to spend money. There was a time when everything was going very badly for me, and then, right during one of the worst financial failures I experienced, I left the house and bought myself an expensive suit. I felt such a joy from wearing this suit that my mental activity increased. And you know, the first thing that happened after that was that the flow of money resumed.

This situation has a lot in common with the well-known rule when in order for the pump to work, you need to pour a little water into it: so you have to let something get away from you, get rid of something, because it makes you suffer from some kind of internal, mental stagnation. This is the whole secret of prosperity.

As I said before, the reason why the flow of prosperity stops flowing into a person's life is because the person has stopped giving. And, figuratively speaking, it doesn’t matter how much water is in the pipe. It may come to you in a thin trickle, but if nothing prevents it, it will continue to flow to you. This is why the example of pumping water into a pump is so valuable. This is why a woman can go out to the store and buy herself a new dress, why sometimes you can afford to buy expensive jewelry: the elation that you can feel from this, and the very fact of getting rid of a certain amount of money can resume the flow of material wealth.

You need to understand how to work with the laws of material well-being. You must interact with them not only through prayer and proper focus of thoughts, but also ensure that the laws of stagnation do not affect your life, blocking the flow of material resources to you.

That's why sometimes some of the biggest multimillionaires take huge risks and often end up winning. And it's not all about luck. The point is that they apply this law to their lives.

Twelfth Secret

Understand that Prosperity is a Job for Your Soul

It is my constant concern that people understand that their prosperity depends more on the state of their souls than on their physical body. Many of us prefer to think that well-being is something as material as our body, that by simply putting certain laws into action we attract quite a lot of money into our lives.

Money seems to be what people always want. In fact, this answer is not correct. Happiness, a sense of satisfaction, peace and inner harmony, understanding, sympathy and tolerance for people, every manifestation of the best side of life means much more than anything else. All this cannot be bought with money.

However, it is impossible to live without money in the modern world unless you are something of a peaceful wanderer. In this case, you need to get a begging bowl, as the poor people in India do, wandering around all day with their bowl and begging until someone takes pity and throws a coin into their bowl. Then they go buy their own food.

I don't think most of us could live like that, especially those who have families. I understand that this is unacceptable for Vershinny Mayak. Our organization could not exist on such conditions, because we have our own printed organ, which we must support at our own expense in order to constantly publish books containing the teachings of great mentors.

thirteenth secret

If you find yourself succumbing to worry and worry, turn your thoughts to God.

It's amazing how God cares, providing us with everything we need. I think that everyone should strengthen their faith that God will make sure that you have everything you need, that he will pay attention to all your needs, no matter what they may be.

By your display of anxiety you are definitely turning away this grace of God from yourself. Once you start worrying, you are aligned with millions of other people who are worried. And before you know it, their thoughts and their worries will be drawn to your subconscious like a magnet, and they will enter your own life. The first thing you will feel will be the feeling that everything is slowly and steadily getting worse for you, and all this will cause other people's worries.

One of the most important secrets to prosperity is the ability to be in harmony with a healthy way of thinking through the right attitude of your own thoughts. Turn your thoughts to God, holy mentors and tune in to the thought of the infinity of supplies of material abundance. Consciously develop a sense of confidence in yourself that “whatever I need, God will provide everything for me.”

Many people laughed at what I said to the man we bought our last home from. Below the hill was a concrete landing pad for a helicopter. And I said, “This is the site for our helicopter.”

Yes, a helicopter costs many hundreds of dollars. I had a dream in my soul that the Lord would give me the opportunity to have my own helicopter, I would learn to fly it and I would be able to fly throughout the United States to give lectures.

We still don't have a helicopter, but the house we bought cost a lot more than a helicopter, yet God made it possible for us to buy it. We continue to hope that when we buy the ranch, open our university, we will have a helicopter to fly around in, maybe we can travel all over the country in it.

Elizabeth says she won't fly with me. She has a deep understanding of the nature of prosperity, but I don't think she has faith in my ability to fly my own helicopter!

I hope that I have helped you at least a little with everything that I have told you. I could go on, but I think that the opinions I have expressed can already be of some value. You can always overfill your cup. I hope that with my story I have filled this cup for you, at least half with good thoughts, advice and wishes.

Keys to Creating Well-Being

1. Be grateful for everything that happens to you.

2. Forgive yourself.

3. Get rid of your fears.

4. Ignite faith in your soul.

5. Mentally imagine how your wishes come true.

6. Guide your life by impeccable concepts.

7. Clear your subconscious

8. Create your own “value map.”

9. Stick to nine in your quest for speed.

consistent actions.

10. When meditating, work on creating

clouds of boundless energy.

Secrets of Prosperity

1. Never put barriers to the flow of energy within yourself.

2. Donate a tenth of everything you have to God.

3. Don't publicly announce your donations.

4. Do your part, no matter how small.

5. Find a use for your abilities

which the Lord has given you.

6. Treat all people as your family.

7. Remember that God's Presence in your soul is the source of well-being.

8. Call on Luck.

9. Rely on God.

10. Constantly support the existence of the sprout

your well-being and keep your mind uplifted.

11. Fill the pump with water.

12. Realize that material well-being is the work of your soul.

13. If you feel that you are giving in to worries and worries,

Turn your thoughts to God.


Get rid of anxiety.

1. For more information on the violet flame, see Elizabeth Claire Prophet's book, Violet Flame Healing Body, Mind, and Soul (Corwin Springs, Mont.; Summit University Press, 1997).

The art of creating a “value map”

1. Summit Beacon was founded in 1958 by Mark L. Prophet for the purpose of publishing books containing the teachings of the Ascended Masters, the teachings of the great thinkers of the West and East who have achieved spiritual reunification with God.

2. Example quotations in this book from Saint Germain's treatises include his "Nine Steps to Quickening" and "Meditation for the Making of a Cloud" and are taken from Saint Germain's work on alchemy, Formulas for Self-Transformation (Livingston, Mont.; Summit University Press, 1993).

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Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Claire Prophet are innovators in the development of modern spiritualism and world-renowned authors. Among their bestsellers, it is worth mentioning such books as “The Unknown Years of the Life of Jesus”, “The Forgotten Teachings of Jesus”, “The Human Aura”, “Saint Germain in Alchemy”, “Fallen Angels”, “The Origins of Evil” and pocket guides to the series of books on practical spiritualism, including “Your Seven Energy Centers,” “Soul Mates and Paired Fires,” and “Alchemy of the Heart.” To date, these books have been translated into 20 languages.

In 1973, Mark passed away and Elizabeth continued their work. She has hosted NBC and F&E's Ancient Prophecies and The Unexplained, and has spoken about her work on Donahue, Larry King Live, Sonya Live, Nightline, and on the CNN campaign channel.

A Pocket Guide to Practical Spiritualism

Material well-being is more than money

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From the point of view of idealistic spiritual realism, but with wise simplicity, the book “Material Well-Being as a Creation of the Human Spirit” examines the parameters of the phenomenon of well-being in their practical implementation. The book opens up to the reader ways to overcome hidden barriers to well-being, the opportunity to awaken the creative power of imagination, a new approach to the ability to mentally see your dream and bring it into reality.

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They say that only a person can create a feeling of complete peace and immense happiness in his soul. Since the time of their appearance on Earth, people have been looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life? How to become happy? And this is natural. The concept of happiness is closely related to satisfaction with one’s destiny, the necessary conditions of which are factors of well-being. This applies to various areas of human life and involves a harmonious combination of its individual elements: emotional, social, intellectual, physical, spiritual and career.

Family is a reliable support

No one will argue with this. Happiness necessarily includes social well-being. Close people play a big role here, giving us psychological support. These are marital and intrafamily relationships, friendships.

The family serves as support and support. Here a person is charged with strength and positive energy. Friends help him achieve his goals and enjoy pleasant moments amid the daily routine. The one who does not have quarrels and discord in the house, who is surrounded by loving people who encourage his growth and development, is the true master of his destiny. His life is filled with communication, love, success and mutual support. Social well-being is the strong foundation of relationships and love that everyone wants to build.

The sun colors the earth, and man's labor

One of the main factors of moral satisfaction is the availability of work. This concept often becomes a dilemma: what should come first - professional activity or family? Not only the fact of paid and decent work is important, but also its psychological side in terms of diversity, meaningfulness and independence of work, its social value and emotional climate. Professional activity in conditions of unhealthy relationships with colleagues or management has never brought pleasure to anyone.

He who does not work does not rest

Speaking about work, we should not forget about leisure. Handicrafts, active recreation, visiting cafes, restaurants, clubs, museums, concerts, theaters, exhibitions, cinema... This list can be continued indefinitely. Hobbies are opportunities for self-expression, space for activity, communication with like-minded people and a kind of outlet. Sometimes it is more important than work. In theory, wealthy people have more opportunities to do what they love, but in reality this is not always the case. Some people don’t have enough free time, others simply don’t need it. The ability to choose, as well as the state of well-being, is the determining factor.

Money - freedom or fetters?

In the modern world, a full life is unthinkable without a good income. Comfortable housing, necessary household items, household appliances, varied and healthy food, quality education and even medical care, not to mention recreation - all this, whatever one may say, comes down to money! Financial condition determines most of the opportunities to realize your desires. Material well-being cannot be called successful if there are not enough funds to satisfy basic basic needs.

It would seem that what else is needed for happiness when there is financial security? How many people work all day long with one goal - to increase deposits in bank accounts and improve their material well-being! Sometimes there is no time left for family and communication with friends. However, no matter how money is related to the satisfaction of needs and social status, it influences a person’s well-being up to certain limits. With a busy schedule and stress, nervous breakdowns and depression are inevitable. And what then is happiness?

How to attract prosperity?

It so happens that money plays an important role in life. It's not easy to be poor and happy. In order to receive all benefits, including material ones, people from time immemorial have honored and passed on to new generations various traditions and rituals to attract positive energies into the family and home. They believed in certain signs and chose their symbol of well-being.

To a new family

The home represents the harmony and well-being of the family. In this regard, a very beautiful and touching ceremony is held at weddings. Mothers of newlyweds pass a piece of fire to the newly-made keeper of the hearth, lighting her candle, symbolizing family warmth. At this moment, sincere words and good wishes are heard, wishing the young husband and wife a long and happy life. Music plays, the lights are dimmed, and small round candles are distributed to all guests in advance. Standing with lit lights around the young woman, everyone says kind words. The presenter ends her speech with a wish for the newlyweds to carry warmth, love, unity and warmth through all the years of their happy marriage. According to custom, the bride takes the candles as a keepsake, as a sign of a warm home and saving the family from adversity.

By the way, an orange promises a successful marriage and abundance. According to Feng Shui, four fresh fruits or dummies should be placed in the family area. This will help attract a future husband, and a rich one at that. Eating oranges helps attract love.

To a new home

When moving into a new house, superstitious people first let a cat into the apartment. This is done to ensure that none of the residents become victims of the new building. It is common for a cat to take on negative energy. In the old days, in castles, noble people walled up one of the commoners in the walls to save their loved ones from misfortune. So, intuitively, some older people are reluctant to change their home to a new home.

Any housewife knows that the smell of pies in a new home guarantees well-being, homeliness, comfort, peace and quiet.

It is believed that a stray dog ​​that strays brings wealth and well-being to the homeowners, and if you drive it away, you cannot avoid trouble. Figurines and figurines of a person's faithful friend attract good luck. Some install them in apartments and even offices to protect against unkind people.

To protect the house from material problems, a money tree is grown in it. Figurines of goldfish and a three-legged toad also activate the energy of wealth. Another popular attribute of happiness, wealth, fun and prosperity is the laughing Buddha or Hottei. There is a belief that if you rub his belly 300 times, your deepest wish will certainly come true. Other prosperity and good luck in the home include a horseshoe, an elephant, a butterfly, a deer, a horse, a ficus, a pair of doves, and a pair of mandarin ducks.

How to activate the symbol of well-being?

In order for attributes to “work”, they must be used correctly. For example, you can’t place it in the kitchen (it’s hot there) and in the bedroom (it’s a sleepy atmosphere). The elephant is placed so that with its trunk it draws positive energy and all good things into the house from the street. When a horseshoe is hung on a door, its “horns” are directed upward so that it resembles a bowl, which in turn also symbolizes well-being. In Russia, for some reason, this is done the other way around and leads to the opposite - losses and ruin. Moreover, true happiness comes from accidentally finding a horseshoe on the road.

If you believe the legend, then the Devil in the form of a horse took out one blacksmith and imposed dark thoughts and deeds on him. But he ran into the wrong thing... The peasant did not fall for the tricks, managed to “shoe” the demon, and then nailed a horseshoe to his door so that the “horned” one would remember the lesson he had learned. It was customary to hang horseshoes at the entrance to scare away evil spirits.

Chinese lanterns

The spectacle invented by the Chinese - the launching of multi-colored lanterns into the sky - fascinates and puts you in a good mood. People make wishes. It seems to them that even the world is becoming cleaner and kinder. Watching the flickering lights floating into the abyss of the starry sky or towards the sun and carrying away negativity brings prosperity and success.

Children - the meaning or flowers of life?

Adults are in a hurry somewhere, striving for something and constantly achieving something. With all this, for many of them the main reason for existence is children. That's a moot point. Someone constantly talks about the desire to give the child the best, everything that the parent himself did not have in childhood. And there are those who take the position of “giving the best to children as much as possible,” or even not spoiling them at all, so as not to raise an egoist.

To ensure the well-being of children, parents should first of all create a happy family life as an example for their children. When they grow up, they will repeat the family model in their personal lives. There is no need to exist as a sacrifice to yourself. Do not forget that a parent must have personal space, interests and the opportunity for self-improvement. It is necessary to create conditions for choice and development for children. It is best to find some balance in order to remain an authority and role model for your descendants in the future.

Wise parable

One cheerful sage met on his way a man who could hardly drag his feet, carrying a huge, unbearable burden. When asked by a passerby what he was doing, the poor man replied that he was dooming himself to torment for the sake of the happiness of his children and grandchildren, following the example of his ancestors. Then the sage asked if at least one of them had ever been happy in the family. The exhausted father replied that it was not, but his grandchildren and children will definitely live a decent life! From the elder he received the following answer: “A person who does not know how to read will never teach him to read, and no mole can raise an eagle. First you need to learn to accept the gift of well-being yourself, and when you know the happiness of life, then you will understand how to give it to your future descendants!” Agree, many of us have never thought about this. People do not live, but exist, driving themselves crazy

Physical well-being

A successful and intellectually developed person knows how to maintain his health. Useful habits, healthy lifestyle, work, rest and nutrition. Such people are happy with their lives and are full of plans; they always have enough energy to realize their plans.


At first glance, it seems impossible to have all the factors and conditions for achieving well-being. This is quite realistic, because all components can complement or compensate for each other. Owning a favorite profession, a person earns money, finds his calling, sets specific goals in life, and some even inspire friends to achieve life’s exploits.

Moreover, sometimes two lonely hearts find each other in the same organization or collide while performing official duties. Some people in happy marriages don't need companions.

Religious beliefs can help cope with a serious illness, giving a positive attitude and acceptance of the situation. This only proves that you need to believe and hope for prosperity, without postponing happiness for later. It has been noticed that a person receives real satisfaction from material things when he can be happy without them.