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Crocheted souvenirs with patterns. Knitted souvenirs. Description of knitting men's slippers


Very often, crocheters ask the question:
“What to knit as a gift for your loved ones?”

In fact, it's not that complicated. There are a lot of ideas for crocheted gifts.
The hardest thing is to choose. :)

A universal gift - a knitted toy.

If you know that a person close to you is simply crazy about cats, bunnies or dogs, then choosing a gift is brilliantly simple! Tie him his favorite animal! In addition, toys using the amigurumi technique are especially popular now.

Just look at this cuteness, it’s simply impossible to contain your smile!

You will find skeins of all unimaginable colors for this beauty in the section yarn.

A gift for lovers of tea, cocoa, coffee and hot chocolate.

And if you are thinking about choosing a gift for a fan of cozy evening conversations over a cup of tea, cocoa or hot chocolate, then we suggest you knit him a “warmer” for a cup or teapot as a gift. Thanks to such cute accessories for tea ceremonies, your loved ones will never burn their palms, and your favorite drink will remain hot much longer.

The yarn for these ideas is waiting for you.

A gift for reading fans.

For loved ones who are passionate about reading, a knitted bookmark will be an excellent gift.
When choosing books as a gift, sometimes you can make a mistake, but they will definitely use your bookmark with pleasure, regardless of the genre of the book. :)

Typically, cotton yarn is used for such bookmarks.

Cotton yarn

A gift for fashionistas - knitted jewelry.

For the female half, knitted beads, earrings, a bracelet or a collar would be a good gift. Both adults and little fashionistas will be delighted with such a gift.

A gift for fans of comfort - openwork napkins.

A crocheted napkin is a great gift for fans of home-style interiors. If there are such people among your loved ones, then the choice of gift is obvious.
The most difficult thing will be to choose the most beautiful napkin from the thousands of existing designs.

A gift for those who need order - baskets for storing small items.

Everyone has a lot of necessary little things, which are usually stored somewhere in strange boxes that were clearly not created for storing them. Did you recognize your loved ones? :)

Give them the right little basket to store their treasures. And knit a couple for yourself, they are very convenient for storing skeins of yarn.

A gift for those who follow fashion - handbags, clutches and backpacks.

Believe me, such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Even if you are knitting a gift for a person who follows the latest fashion trends, you can’t go wrong! Handbags and clutches made of knitted yarn are now in trend!

Knitting yarn The most beautiful flowers are already waiting for you!

Knitting yarn

A gift for fans of snoods, scarves and hats.

Clothing as a gift is always relevant. And if you are knitting such a gift in the cool season, then a snood, hats or scarf are the best option!

New Year's gifts crocheted.

There are still a lot of ideas for crocheted gifts. But, since the most magical holiday awaits us all - the New Year, we offer you a small selection of gift ideas specifically for this holiday.

You've probably already chosen the idea, all that remains is to select the tools and materials for it.

Our website has a whole section dedicated to knitting. In it you will find everything you need to create the most extraordinary knitted gifts.

delicate and beautiful - orchid flower from Pusi - full master class, crochet

Necessary materials: white yarn (in my case, pilikan from Vita), pink yarn in three shades (mine are all different), a thinner hook, fishing line, button, beads or seed beads.

This information is for those who do not know how to knit such loops




Let's start knitting with this detail... the diagram is very clear, the main thing is to carefully count the loops and stitches

We cast on a chain of 20 chain stitches and then knit everything according to the pattern.... 1st row

When knitting the third row, I immediately grab the tail we don’t need and knit a sc, cut off the excess on top... very convenient, then you don’t have to mess around and tuck them in

total of three rows

fourth row.... everything according to the pattern, knit tighter so that the columns are even

the last row is the final one... we cut off the line... girls, I don’t know how to tell you what kind of line I have... but not thick... characteristics... soft, smooth line for spinning fishing, without a tendency to curl

cut by eye, but I take the excess with which to tie it later... so, about 40 cm, fold it in half and attach it to the very beginning of knitting

I start knitting the fifth row according to the pattern, grabbing the fishing line

here I took a larger one... I think it’s visible and understandable


we find the middle, pull out a small eyelet of the fishing line and use a white thread with a needle, fix this eyelet to the peak - this is so that our leaf is not round at the end, but sharp

Bottom line....I like it, and you.....?

For the flower we need two of these leaves... we knit the second one in the same way as the first...

Next detail

to the last third row we attach a pink thread and a fishing line with two folds

The result... stretch the leaf on the fishing line

For a flower we need three of these leaves.... I have it ready, what about you?

The third element of the flower... will seem the most difficult, but I'm sure we can do it. So - there is a ready-made diagram and I will duplicate it with pictures.

To make it more clear, and it turns out much more interesting, I took three shades of pink

We knit the first part - everything according to the pattern..... done, move on

here... take another color and knit again according to the pattern... finished...

take the third and, as it were, the main color of pink.......knit it again according to the pattern, carefully - do not skip air loops and stitches

the last row (I'm sorry... I forgot to take a photo where I attached the fishing line) ... but everything is similar to the previous options, the fishing line is in two folds, we attach and knit the last row... here is the result... it turned out to be a beautiful shell

Now the most tedious part (but this is for me personally) ... we collect our beauty into one whole .... we fold the core like this, in the lower pockets we will hide our tips of the leaves - everything will be clean and good

This is how we sew on the first two leaves... front view

rear view... corners of leaves in pockets

Now we sew on three more petals... front view

rear view... two petals are hidden in pockets, and the third lies on top - but we will cover it with a button later

Sew on the button

Well, well... we got to the beads... I have these... 5 sizes (but this is not so important... a matter of taste and the availability of this goodness)

In a chaotic order, sew on beads with a forest

But I took these beads for the lower ones..... mmm... I don’t know what to call them... pistils-stamens.... but in the back... I came up with it myself, call them yourself

Again, using a fishing line, on the back side, along the button, we collect these stamens, as many as your heart desires... for me it looks like this... from the front

What to give is a pressing question at all times. If you set out to count all the reasons to give a gift throughout the year, you probably won’t have enough fingers on both hands - after all, these are holidays, such as New Year, March 8th or St. Valentine’s Day. Valentines, and birthdays, and memorable dates that every couple has. Regardless of the occasion, you want the gift to combine practicality and originality and, of course, to please the person for whom it is intended, especially if it is a close friend or loved one.

With the onset of autumn cold weather, warm knitted items become very practical, but if you also knit yourself, you can make a truly original and stylish gift with your own hands.

In this article we will talk about gifts for beloved men , or rather about knitted gifts. We have prepared 5 DIY gift ideas for your boyfriend, husband, father or brother. Often the first idea that comes to mind is a knitted sweater. But we obviously did not include it in our list of ideas, since such a thing is within the power of experienced craftswomen and requires a considerable investment of time. Our ideas are simpler; they can be knitted quickly enough even for beginners in knitting.

What are the features of knitting for men? Firstly, (which will please beginners) these are, as a rule, simple patterns - satin stitch, elastic, wide braids, rice knitting with knitting needles or a simple double crochet. At the same time, as you will see in the photo below, on men's products a pattern with large, relief elements looks better. Secondly, this is the selection of colors. Classic colors are black, grey, brown, blue, red, white and beige and their combinations. Of course, when choosing colors, you first need to focus on the man’s preferences. If a guy prefers a youthful clothing style and boldly wears accessories in bright colors, you can experiment with colors too. Striped colors are always trendy; things made from melange yarn also look beautiful. When choosing yarn for clothing, make sure that it is not scratchy and will be comfortable to wear on the body.

So, let's see what we can knit as a gift for a guy?

1. Fingerless gloves and mittens

Fingerless gloves, or mitts, are a very practical gift for autumn. They are warm, but at the same time, the fingers remain free, which does not prevent a man from doing his favorite things, for example, playing the guitar:

...or work on a laptop...

...or drive a car

Well, warm mittens are more suitable for winter:

2. Hat

Depending on tastes, the hat can be knitted in either a classic style or in a casual or youth style.

In order not to make a mistake with the size, you can take a hat that fits well on your man as a sample, and taking into account the density of your knitting. If you knit, it is better to tie the edge of the hat with an elastic band.

A crocheted hat looks no less interesting.

3. Scarf

Knitted scarf - although it is a more time-consuming job, it is an indispensable item in every man’s winter wardrobe.

Scarf with braids:

Classic stripe:

Melange scarf:

Here’s an interesting variation – a tube scarf:

An imitation sweater collar with a zipper looks stylish:

My name is Maria Kozlova. I am 15 years old. I've been knitting since 2nd grade. I really like this activity; every time I learn a lot of new and interesting things.

You will need: 500 g. Wool blend yarn, hook No. 3.

Competition work No. 21 – Knitted boxes “Poppies” and “Sunflower”

Hello! My name is Lilya Tokmacheva, so I decided to continue the theme of knitted boxes, they are very easy to knit and will always come in handy around the house! I knitted these boxes as a gift for my little nieces for the holiday on March 8 (unfortunately, it is no longer possible to photograph them with a sign)!

Box “Poppies” and “Sunflower”, the base consists of a plastic salad jar, the lid is also plastic. The scope for imagination is unlimited, you can use any yarn, any colors you like!

I used leftover red and green yarn for "Poppy" and leftover yellow and beige yarn for "Sunflower".

Donyshko knitted with single crochet stitches of the required diameter in a circle, adding 6 stitches in each circular row. Then we knit a row behind the back wall of the loop without adding, continue the next rows in a circle to the desired height (if you need to make decreases somewhere, for a tight fit. We knit in the same way inner part(in a different color), then insert it inside and connect the 2 parts with single crochets, we get a jar inside. cover we knit in the same way, the jumper is 7-8 ch, we tie 2-3 rows in a circle, sew it to the lid and the jar itself.

Poppy consists of 5 petals knitted in a circle, the middle is the same, the border of the box is knitted from ch.

Sunflower- cast on 9-10 ch and knit in the round making 2 additions at the end of each row, knit 4-5 rows in total!

We invite you to take part in. Send your work to our email address [email protected].

Competition work No. 20 - Bouquet of daisies (competition conditions)

For chamomile we need: Iris yellow, white and green; Yellow acrylic threads - for the vase. In addition, you will need a thin needle, PVA glue, wire (for the stem and thinner for the leaf).

Competition entry No. 19 – Knitted box

I have been knitting and crocheting since early childhood. This was inherited from my grandmothers. At first, knitting was a hobby, but over time it became an addiction. I went further and further into this enchanting world of my magic threads and magic wands.
I knit every day for 13-15 hours a day. But it doesn’t tire me; from this activity I get strength, inspiration and reward – gratitude.
I put my soul and the warmth of my hands into each product, as into my brainchild. And the gratitude and joy in the eyes of the happy owners of my new works inspire me to create new creations.


Size 19*12*11
Acrylic thread of different colors.
Knitting needles No. 1.5 – 2.
Hook No. 1.6. sequins, beads.

Competition entry No. 18 – Crochet men's slippers

Hello, my name is Oksana. I am 28 years old. At the moment I am sitting at home, because... I have a little baby. My daughter Evochka is almost 2 years old. There is very little time for needlework, but, nevertheless, I try to find a minute and do my favorite thing - crocheting. I crochet primarily for my daughter, but I also don’t forget about my beloved husband. I knitted a gift for my beloved man on February 23rd – indoor moccasins.

Competition work No. 17 - Crocheted flowers in a pot. Celosia flower.

Flowers and leaves are knitted from “KARTOPU” acrylic yarn, and the pot is made from wool blend yarn.
Hook No. 1.75, product weight 230 g.
Used: yarn 200g, wire 90cm, padding polyester.
Flowers 7 pcs., leaves 11 pcs., bouquet height 28.5 cm.

Competition entry No. 16 – Painting “flowers” ​​using fillet knitting technique

Hello, my name is Tatyana. I am 28 years old. I work at a school as a technology teacher. I have been interested in crocheting since childhood. Lately I've been enjoying knitting using the fillet knitting technique. And I decided to give my mother a gift for March 8th by knitting the painting “Flowers” ​​using this technique.

Competition entry No. 15 – Crochet dandelion bouquet

Hello! My name is Svetlana, I am 34 years old. I live in Kyiv. I love knitting and get a lot of pleasure from it!

For the dandelion we need some leftover cotton yarn:

Summer from YarnArt yellow;

Orjinal by Merve in green.

Brown acrylic threads - for the pot.

Competition work No. 14 - Funny weirdo “Good morning”

Hello! My name is Liliya Tokmacheva, so I knitted a gift for February 23rd for my husband - a funny weirdo, whom I called GOOD MORNING!

-shaggy yarn (grass, mohair, etc.) less than 50g. Any colour
- smooth yarn is lighter than grass, if you knit white or any light yarn, then take darker yarn, as well as a little yarn of four different colors. Hook No. 1.5, filler.

An excellent functional knitted gift for every day that will keep your drink hot and prevent you from burning your fingers. It can be done very quickly in straight and reverse rows. Make a rectangular piece with the chosen pattern according to the diameter of the cup, choose the height arbitrarily (so that the “clothes” do not interfere with drinking). Wrap the knitted piece around the dish and try it on. Don't forget to make a couple of holes along one edge for beautiful buttons. To do this, cast off 4 loops in the designated places, and make 4 chain loops above them in the next row. Decorate the case with embroidered inscriptions, beads, and other decorative elements if desired.

2. Hot stand. To make this knitted gift, you need to knit a square. Choose the average diameter of the working tool (for example, No. 4) to get a stand of optimal thickness - functional and at the same time quite elegant. Cast on 30 stitches and knit the fabric in straight and reverse rows until the piece becomes square. Choose a tight knit such as garter stitch or a simple pattern of squares, purl and stockinette stripes. Having knitted the equilateral piece, close the last row and iron the stand. To decorate a knitted gift, crochet the edges with a contrasting thread.

3. Knitted bracelet. A decoration in a homemade knitted “clothes” can be an excellent stylish present. Pick up bright leftover yarn, think over a pattern, for example, multi-color stripes. A wide, smooth bracelet is good for tying. Calculate the length and height of the rectangular piece, tie it and carefully wrap the accessory. Sew a knit stitch along the inner center line of the bracelet.

4. Curtain tiebacks– excellent knitted gifts for the New Year for connoisseurs of handmade interior details. For the accessory, choose a suitable crochet or knitting pattern for two beautiful stripes. Decorate each one with a flower. To perform it, make an air chain of 75 links, with a pair of double crochets in each loop. Then do the following alternations:

Skip a pair of lower thread arches;

Make 7 double crochets in loop 3;

Skip a couple of lower stitches;

In 3 loops, single crochet. Work in this pattern until you get a spiral. Form a flower out of it and decorate with a bead.

You can also simplify the product - tie a strip of the required length and form it into a beautiful bow.

5. Case for phone– a gift for the owner of a smartphone. This gadget outfit will especially please a girl or young girl. The base of the product is a rectangle, which is folded in half and sewn from the inside out in the form of a bag. So, you can knit a case according to the size of the phone using crochet number 3. In the first row, make single crochets; in subsequent straight and reverse rows, make double crochets. Start each row with 3 air lifting loops. To complete the details - single crochets. Also connect the edges on the wrong side with simple stitches, then turn the product inside out. You can decorate the case with a flower, embroider a funny face and knit ears, sew on beads and seed beads.

By adopting 5 ideas for DIY knitted gifts, you will make pleasant and useful souvenirs and come up with your own. So, you can dress pencil holders made from cans and glasses in knitted “shirts”, knit keychains, trinkets, jewelry and many other cute little things. Even if your skill is still imperfect, your friends will definitely appreciate your efforts.