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How did Children's Day come about? Where did International Children's Day come from? Statistics of children's troubles


If today nature has given you a warm sunny day, then you become doubly happy - because on the first day of summer in many countries (International Children’s Day) is celebrated. This holiday is familiar to many Russians as International Children's Day.

International Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in 1925 at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in Geneva. History is silent about why it was decided to celebrate this children's holiday.

According to one version, in 1925, the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco gathered a group of Chinese orphans and arranged for them to celebrate the Duan-wu jie (Dragon Boat Festival), the date of which just fell on June 1st. By a lucky coincidence, the day coincided with the time of the “children’s” conference in Geneva.

After the Second World War, when the problems of preserving the health and well-being of children were more pressing than ever, a congress of women was held in Paris in 1949, at which an oath was made to tirelessly fight to ensure lasting peace as the only guarantee of the happiness of children. And in the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, today’s holiday was established. A year later, in 1950, the first International Children's Day was held on June 1, after which this holiday is held annually.

International Children's Day has a flag. On a green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness and fertility, stylized figures - red, yellow, blue, white and black - are placed around the Earth sign. These human figures symbolize diversity and tolerance. The Earth sign placed in the center is a symbol of our common home.

It is interesting that this holiday was actively supported in countries that have chosen the socialist path of development. During the era of the Soviet Union, summer holidays began in schools on June 1. International Children's Day was celebrated with speeches and discussions about the rights and well-being of children, screenings of new children's feature films and television programs, and sports competitions for children, often inviting parents to participate. And today in many countries on this day there are many mass, entertainment and cultural events for children.

But Children's Day is not only a fun holiday for the children themselves, it is also a reminder to society of the need to protect the rights of the child, so that all children grow up happy, study, do what they love and in the future become wonderful parents and citizens of their country. Let us remind you that it is noted.

Today is your holiday, guys!
All the children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!
And we, dear ones, wish you,
Grow and make us happy,
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!
We are adults, we promise you,
Help in everything, protect,
And in our hearts we hope and dream
Raise you happy!

There are a lot of holidays in our country, although not all of them are official days off. These are all kinds of religious, very extraordinary (like Handshake or Hug Day), professional holidays, everyone’s favorite New Year and many more interesting things.

Children have their own date when they are honored - this is Children's Day, held on June 1, but not everyone knows why it is celebrated on this date. Let's dive into to understand what gave the impetus to make the first day of summer a special event for children.

How did it all begin?

The history of the Children's Day holiday is unknown to most of us. And no wonder, because it originated in the distant twenties of the last century, when you and I were not even in sight. So, one day, on June 1, a consul from China, whose name is not mentioned, in San Francisco (USA) decided to bring joy to disadvantaged young children left without parental affection. He arranged for them a real Chinese “Dragon Boat” festival, which has long been held in the consul’s homeland, using oriental paraphernalia.

On the same day, but already thousands of kilometers from San Francisco, in Geneva, it was decided to hold a conference dedicated to the education and problems of the younger generation. Subsequently, these two events, which occurred on the same day and had a common focus, were the reason why Children's Day is now celebrated on June 1.

This holiday gradually began to be celebrated in many countries, but it reached the USSR after the war in 1949, when the relevance of caring for children was more pressing than ever. In the post-war years, women held conferences dedicated to the health, upbringing and education of children who had gone through a difficult time for everyone. It is noteworthy that after this, many countries with a socialist regime also decided to celebrate this day, and it began to be celebrated in almost 60 countries, becoming

How is Children's Day celebrated now?

Traditionally, on June 1, children finish the school year, and everyone’s favorite time begins - summer vacation. Local authorities of small and large cities and villages are making every effort to organize entertainment events for children - rides, concerts, fun competitions with prizes.

In parallel with the fun, conferences are held on the problems of the younger generation and ways to solve them. Adults are once again reminded that the rights and freedoms of children must be protected at the highest level.

When did Children's Day begin to be celebrated?

Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. This holiday was first discussed at the World Geneva Conference dedicated to the well-being of children. This happened in 1925. For unknown reasons, it was decided to celebrate Children's Day on June 1.

More precisely, there is still one version of why Children’s Day fell on this particular date - however, its consistency has not yet been proven. The fact is that in the same year when the Geneva Conference was held, the Duan-wu jie (Dragon Boat Festival) festival, established by the Chinese consul, was held in San Francisco. This holiday was organized specifically for Chinese orphans, and, by luck, fell on June 1.

But Children’s Day was finally established only after the Second World War, in 1949, when children’s problems became especially urgent. After the war, it was necessary to think about the generation that was to build the future of the world. In this regard, in 1949, at the Paris Women's Congress, an oath was taken, which stated intentions to fight for world peace and the happiness of children as the basis of this fight. And for the first time, International Children's Day was celebrated on June 1, 1950 and affected 51 countries of the world. Having secured the support of the UN, since then the holiday on June 1 began to be celebrated annually.

Along with this holiday, there are several more dates dedicated to children's themes. This is World Children's Day, which has been celebrated on November 20 since 1956, African Children's Day (June 16).

There is a symbol of International Children's Day - a flag depicting the symbol of the planet on a green background, and five multi-colored figures around its circumference. The green background symbolizes fertility, growth and harmony, the planet is the common home of all children, and the colorful figures symbolize tolerance and diversity.

It is one of the most important holidays in June. On the one hand, it is a fun holiday on which many different events take place. On the other hand, it is a reminder that every child needs protection. Adults should give children the opportunity to grow into healthy, honest, responsible people.

Where does safety begin?

June 1 is a holiday on which society should once again remember the need to create safe living conditions for children. One of the most important guarantees of culture is continuity. It concerns not only various traditions, but also the way of action. Every parent must understand his responsibility for the child, realize that it is his actions that can become the key to a happy life or a bitter tragedy. It all starts the moment the child is discharged from the hospital. Transportation must take place in a special car seat.

Over time, it should be replaced with a car seat. Even if the journey is very close, and the speed of movement cannot be called high. After all, an accident can happen on any part of the route. It is important that the little man is protected to the maximum. You should not risk your life in vain by crossing the road in the wrong place. Especially if there is a child nearby. That little one who rode in a car seat for years will not ride without a seat belt when he becomes an adult. If in childhood he crossed the road only when the light was green, then over time he will become a completely respectable pedestrian. Therefore, every adult must remember that it is within his power to raise a worthy person.


June 1 (Children's Day) is considered one of the oldest holidays. The tradition of celebrating it dates back to 1925. Then the World Conference on Childhood and Youth took place in Geneva. The Chinese Consul General is considered the founder of Children's Day, June 1st. He invited a group of orphans to San Francisco and held a dragon boat festival for them. The date of this event clearly coincides with the Conference.

After the end of World War II, the issues of preserving the life and health of children acquired particular relevance. In 1949, another event took place in Paris - the Women's Congress, at which for the first time an oath was taken to tirelessly fight for world peace as the main guarantor of the safety, health and life of every child. And a year later, on June 1, 1950, this wonderful holiday was celebrated for the first time.

The first document that officially spelled out children's rights at the level of international legislation was the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It was adopted on November 20, 1989. 61 states signed this document. And already on July 13, 1990, the Convention was signed by the USSR.

Childhood in a person's life

Childhood is a very special period in the life of every person. It is at this time that he learns to understand how the world around him works. The early years are an integral part of the lifestyle of any people or culture. The life of every person begins from this period, so there is not a single inhabitant of the planet who is not touched by the June 1 holiday. Protecting children is everyone's business. Anyone who was once a child is obliged to take care of the life and well-being of other children.

On this holiday, adults should remember that every child has the right to freedom, safety, health, protection from all kinds of violence, as well as freedom of religion. Every child should be happy, have the opportunity to have fun and learn. Only in this way in the future will he become a truly worthy citizen of his country. One of the most important tasks of every adult is to preserve the life of the child, as well as his health.

Special day

On June 1, various events are held in every city - these are special excursions, exhibitions, concerts, lectures. Various organizations open their doors - amusement parks, museums, fairs. Not a single first day of summer is complete without a themed celebration. To create a festive atmosphere for your child, you can attend one of these events.


June 1 events take place in many countries. The main guests of various entertainment and cultural events are, of course, children. Orphans and disabled people, as well as children from low-income and large families are invited. Various types of charity events are held all over the planet. Funds are being raised to help single mothers to help abandoned children. Such charitable events allow them, at least for a while, to find what they were deprived of from birth.

June 1 is Children's Day in many countries. It is usually celebrated in cultural and recreational parks. Various competitions and exciting concerts are often held there. And sometimes fun discos are even organized for teenagers. On June 1, Children's Day, adults delight children with various gifts, cotton candy, balloons, and toys. Just on this day the season of carousels and attractions opens. Despite the fact that this holiday is neither a birthday nor a New Year, every child looks forward to it. The best joy for every child is a gift on this special date. The joy given to a child will make an adult even happier. It’s so nice to see a child’s happiness.

Problems of children's populations in different countries

What is the percentage of the population who are children? It varies in different states, but on average it is about 20-25%. In different countries, children face different challenges and threats. For example, in Europe and America, one of the negative factors is the influence of television and the Internet.

June 1 is a time to remember the problems of children in different countries. As for the countries of Africa, as well as Asia, children here are threatened by malnutrition, infections, and military conflicts. Illiteracy is widespread. Children are dying because there are not enough medicines and doctors. Therefore, in such countries the mortality rate among children is much higher. In addition, most children in such countries cannot receive a good education. Sometimes they are used as free labor.

Things to remember

June 1 is the day when you should once again remember the safety of your child. In order for the baby to tell his parents everything, it is important to learn the rule: the adult must react correctly to the baby’s revelations. No matter what happens, in no case should you reproach a child with words like “they warned him” and “how could he.” After all, then the child will close himself off, and mom and dad risk not knowing about possible dangers. The child must understand that in any, even the most terrible situation, he can count on the help and support of his parents.

You need to teach your child never to start communicating with strangers - even those who seem kind. Explain that the child is not at all obliged to answer questions asked by unfamiliar adults. Children also need to be told about the dangers that can await them on the Internet. It is necessary to explain that a person online is not always who he claims to be. The “friend” may turn out to be an adult criminal. Therefore, you cannot tell anyone your address and telephone number, place of study and other similar information.

Every year on June 1, International Children's Day is celebrated around the world, which is designed to draw attention to the protection of children's rights. This important and wonderful holiday is traditionally celebrated with cheerful laughter and great mood.

Most likely, for many Russians it will not be difficult to name the date for celebrating Children’s Day, since this holiday is very popular in our country. Of course, it's June 1st. It just so happened that on this day the long-awaited summer holidays begin for schoolchildren. Therefore, the little heroes of the occasion have twice as many reasons to rejoice. But adults usually do not rest on June 1; for them it is a full-time working day. Meanwhile, the children's holiday was created primarily for them, because its main goal is to tell all people about the problems and difficulties faced by the small and defenseless inhabitants of our planet, and to remind them of how important it is to protect their rights.

A little history about the childhood holiday

Even though International Children's Day is not an official holiday, many cities and countries celebrate the holiday with discussions and lectures on children's rights and protection.

Also, the scenario for Children's Day includes a variety of mass entertainment and cultural events, sports competitions, concerts, competitions, performances, entertainment and other celebrations for children and parents.

Charity events and events are dedicated to this day in favor of problem children, the seriously ill and in need of treatment, children with disabilities, orphans and children from low-income families. Also on June 1, Children's Day, in many countries, opponents of abortion hold rallies in defense of the rights of unborn children to life. Thus, they attract public attention to the problem of abortion and try to get this procedure banned.

After all, Children's Day aims to attract public attention to the problems of the child, to the protection of his rights, to the opportunity to grow up in a protected world, to receive proper development, medical care and education, recreation and leisure, in order to ultimately get a happy childhood and grow up in full-fledged and prosperous citizens of their country.

Traditions of the Children's Day holiday

On this holiday, many cities around the world usually organize various events, the main characters of which are the little heroes of the occasion. These include exhibitions of children's drawings, performances by children's creative groups, sports competitions, and competitions with prizes. At such events, all children are usually given bright balloons and gifts. In other words, they do everything possible to please the little members of society.

TV channels on June 1 also try to please young viewers: according to tradition, they include programs and films for kids in their programs. But making kids happy is not the only goal of adults on this day. They also want to help children in trouble. To achieve this, it is customary to organize various charity events and concerts on Children’s Day. All money raised at such events goes to orphanages and hospitals (or other similar institutions). For example, in 2012, the White Flower campaign was launched in St. Petersburg, the goal of which is to help children suffering from cancer.

Also on this day, volunteers usually come to “visit” orphans who have lost their parents and are left without guardians, disabled children, children forced to be under constant medical supervision, and give them gifts. In addition, guests often conduct educational seminars for children, where they talk in an accessible way, for example, about legal literacy. In addition, on Children's Day, round tables are organized to which experts, high-ranking officials and journalists are invited. At these meetings, very important issues are usually resolved: how to help sick children, how to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children, and many others.

Meanwhile, educational events on this day are organized for everyone. At them, those present are reminded how important it is to take care of the younger generation, and they are told about the problems of minors. Moreover, on this holiday, adults try to help not only children with non-childhood problems, but also unborn children: on June 1, protests against abortion are traditionally held.