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A fairy tale about politeness and polite words - teaching children to be polite and kind towards each other. Lesson summary “Journey to the land of kindness and politeness” A short story about polite words

Sufi parable

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  • KOU "Poltava boarding school" VIII kind"

    Extracurricular activity

    "Journey to the Land of Politeness"

    Polygalova Galina Valentinovna – music teacher

    Alena Anatolyevna Tarabunova – primary school teacher


    Target: Instilling in children the need for cultural behavior.


    1. To promote the development of cognitive activity and acting abilities;

    2.Promote the development of higher mental functions;

    3.Develop students’ artistic and musical speech, instill an interest in reading;

    4. Teach children to use polite words in their speech in various situations.

    Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, piano, laptop.

    Course of extracurricular activities:

    1. Presenter . Good afternoon, dear children and adults!(Slide 1)

    2. Presenter . Hello!

    1. Presenter . Guys, you have received invitation cards.

    These tickets are magical, each envelope contains a polite word.

    Look at the polite words you have in your envelopes?

    2. Presenter . — We invite you on a journey through the magical land of Politeness. We will travel in a basket with balloons.I think it will be interesting for us along the way.

    Guys, before our trip, watch the cartoon “Ignorants” and think about whether you can take the cartoon characters with you?(Slide 2)

    ( Watching the cartoon “Ignorants”).

    Guys, which cartoon characters were ignorant?

    Have they changed? Will we take them with us on our trip?

    So, today we will visit the city of Greetings, the Sea of ​​Politeness, the Castle of Knightly Manners, and also look into the country of Rudeness.(Slide 3)

    1. Presenter . Our journey begins. Attention! Waiting for usCity of Greetings . (Slide 4)

    1 student.

    - Good afternoon! - they told you.

    - Good afternoon! – you answered.

    How two strings are connected

    Warmth and kindness.

    2 student.

    - Hello! - you tell the person

    - Hello! – he will smile in response.

    And probably won’t go to the pharmacy

    And you will be healthy for many years.

    3 student.

    - They wish us"Bon Voyage!"

    - It will be easier to go and go.

    Will lead, of course, a good path

    Only for something good.

    - Thanks guys. What is today's date? Do you know what date November 21st is? No, it's a pity! November 21st is International Greetings Day!(Slide 5)

    Yes, yes, greetings.

    The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to two American young men, the McCormick brothers, who in 1973 proposed holding a day of friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world.

    And on this day, let every person wish goodness and happiness to loved ones and strangers, and, of course, give them his radiant smile. Hello children! Hello people, we love you!

    2. Presenter . The word "hello" is a very interesting word.(Slide 6) Think about its meaning: “hello” - we wish each other health (health). Therefore, people are pleased to hear this word. People of different nationalities greet each other in their own language. Let's listen to how Germans, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Ukrainians greet each other.

    (Children's answers are listened to). -Well done!

    1. Presenter . So, what are people around the world celebrating today?

    What does the word "Hello" mean?

    2. Presenter . And now there is a sea in front of us that we must swim across -"Sea of ​​Politeness" . (Slide 7)

    Guys, what kind of person can be called polite? (Children's answers).(Slide 8) Politeness - this is the ability to behave in such a way that others feel comfortable with you. Good manners are those who do not embarrass people. A polite person is always attentive to people. He tries not to cause them harm, trouble, and not to offend others by word or deed. In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness.

    1 student.

    Doesn't come cheap

    Happiness on difficult roads.

    What good have you done?

    How have you helped people?

    This measure will measure

    All earthly works.

    Maybe he grew a tree

    Or cleaned the ponds?

    Maybe you're building a rocket?

    Hydro station? House?

    Warming the planet

    By your peaceful labor?

    Or under the snow powder

    Will you save someone's life?

    Doing good things for people -

    Make yourself look better.

    1. Presenter . Many glorious deeds await us, but first of all we must grow up to be real people - kind, brave, sympathetic, polite. This needs to be learned from childhood. The song “If You Are Polite” will tell you about this.

    (Performance of the song “If you are polite”).

    1. If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience,

    Give up that place to the old woman without protest.

    And if you are polite, then sitting in class,

    You and your friend won’t chatter like two magpies.

    2. If you are polite in your heart and not just for show,

    You will help a disabled person get on the bus.

    And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,

    You won’t beat them with both your grandfather and grandmother.

    3.If you are polite, then in the library

    You won’t take Nekrasov and Gogol forever. And if you are polite to the weaker,

    You will be a defender, without timidity before the strong.

    1. Presenter . Let's playgame "Continue the phrase." (Slide 9)

    I start, you continue in unison. Shall we try?

    The boy is polite and developed

    He says when we meet... (hello)

    Even a block of ice will melt

    From a warm word... (thank you)

    The old stump will turn green,

    When he hears... (good afternoon)

    When our elders scold us for our pranks,

    We say...(excuse me please)

    Both in France and Denmark

    When saying goodbye to everyone, they say... (goodbye).

    - Okay, you completed this task.

    Guys, do you like the way the chefs cook at school? What's the magic word you tell them? (Children's answers).

    2. Presenter . From the history of the word “Thank you” (Slide 10)

    Do you know where this word came from? In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: “God save you!”

    The combination “God bless” turned into a short “thank you.” This is how a word familiar to all of us from childhood appeared. You should never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Don’t be sorry for your thanks!”

    1 student.

    If, in word or deed

    Did anyone help you?

    Don't be shy loudly, boldly

    Say: “Thank you!”

    1. Presenter . So , what magic words did we meet in the sea of ​​Politeness?

    2. Presenter. We continue our journey. We're going toCastle of knightly manners. (Slide 11)

    Knights are brave and courageous people who lived in the Middle Ages. To become a knight, it was necessary to undergo special training. From the age of 7, the parents assigned the boy to an experienced warrior. He was taught to ride a horse, shoot a bow, throw a spear, wield a sword, dance, and know the rules of etiquette. But the knight was not only obliged to master the military sciences, but also to act nobly, protect weak people and the humiliated, be polite, and treat women nobly.

    1 Presenter. Nowadays, a knight is a person who is ready for heroism and self-sacrifice in the name of another. This is a polite, benevolent person, rushing to the rescue of the weak. He will undoubtedly stand up for the offended, rush into a burning house, saving the baby. Another custom has survived to this day: taking off gloves when greeting people. By exposing his hands and removing his gloves, the knight thereby demonstrated that he was unarmed. By observing the rules of etiquette today, we show that we respect the interlocutor.

    2. Presenter . And now I suggest you check who can be our knight, who is the most polite.

    So, the problems are not about addition, but about the rules of respect.(Slide 12)

    Situation 1 . Situation on a birthday: they give a gift in a package. How to take it? (According to etiquette: you need to unwrap the packaging, thank you for the gift. SCH If these are sweets, treat all guests).SCH

    Situation 2. Two boys collided at the door and could not separate. Which of them should give way if one is 10 and the other is 9 years old? (who is more polite). SCH

    Situation 3 Petya and Yura hurried to the dining room and ran down two steps. The teacher stood up to meet her. The boys ran past, and somewhere from the bottom floor they heard: “Hello, Lydia Ivanovna!” The boys did not hear what the teacher answered and were the first to rush into the dining room. (The boys made three mistakes: they don’t run around the school, when they meet the teacher, the boys should have stopped, they should greet each other politely).

    Situation 4 . Teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Ivan saw his class teacher and, passing by, politely said: “Hello, Tamara Alekseevna!” What mistake did Ivan make? (He must say hello to everyone).

    Guys, you handled the situation well. Listen to poems about polite words.

    (Staging of the poem “A Polite Act”)

    It was summer, the birds were singing, Pavlik was riding on the train.

    Suddenly, at the Fili station, two girls walked through the door.

    They stood modestly in a corner and talked on the sidelines

    In English.

    Pavlik understood: “Foreign women”, this can be seen from the posture,

    Maybe they are tourists? For the first time in our country?

    And with difficulty he said in English: “Let me

    Invite you to the bench, but I’ll stand!”

    It was summer, the birds were singing, two girls were on the train

    We sat down near the window.

    “By the way, we are Muscovites,” one smiles.

    Pavlik shouted: “How can that be!” So, am I in trouble?

    And now he doesn’t drink or eat! Let's sympathize with him:

    I gave up my place to the girls for some unknown reason.

    (Yusupov’s poem “Sorry!”)

    Dad broke a precious vase

    Grandmother and mother immediately frowned.

    But dad was found: he looked them in the eyes

    And timidly and quietly “Sorry,” he said.

    And mom is silent, she even smiles.

    - We’ll buy another one, there’s a better one on sale...

    Sorry!" - it would seem, what’s wrong with it?

    But what a wonderful word!

    1. Presenter .- Guys, do you know why dad was forgiven so easily? How do you ask for forgiveness?

    So what kind of person do we call a knight these days?

    We think that brave noble people - real knights - will never disappear!

    2. Presenter.- Guys, now let's take a rest.

    (Physical minute.Game “Polite - Impolite” ).

    - If I read about a polite act, you clap your hands, when I read about an impolite act, you stomp your feet:

    - Say hello when meeting;

    - push and not apologize;

    - whistle, shout, make noise at school;

    - give way to elders;

    - do not stand up when asked by the teacher;

    - help climb the stairs;

    - say goodbye when leaving.

    1. Presenter. We continue our journey. We know what politeness is, and what is ignorance? How do you think? (Children's answers).

    Ignorance is rudeness, rudeness, bad manners. A person who does not observe the rules of decency is an impolite person.

    And now we will look next door to the country of Rudeness.(Slide 13)

    Premiere of the mini-musical “Rude Country”

    (music by V. Yudina, lyrics by I. Syrovatkina)


    (Room with a large window. For a hundred the girl Nastya is sitting crowbar. Grandmother set the table for breakfast, but Nastya doesn't eat anything. By gender once toys are thrown. Near the sofa there is a TV.)


    Today is a bad day

    Nastya stood up looking very gloomy.

    I don't feel like brushing my teeth!

    Mom's going to work soon

    Nastya sulks and grumbles

    and yells at grandma.


    I won't eat scrambled eggs!

    And I won't wash the dishes

    And I won't say thank you

    I'll lie on the sofa!

    LEADING(continues singing):

    Ate gummy candy

    Got the newspaper dirty

    I crushed the cat's paw,

    I didn’t turn off the water in the bathroom,

    Scattered all the toys

    And she sat down on the pillows.


    I won't eat scrambled eggs!

    And I won't wash the dishes

    ANDThank youI will not say,

    I'll lie on the sofa!

    (Sits on the sofa, putting it under herhit the pillow.)

    LEADING (sings):

    The TV lit up.

    appeared on the screen

    suddenly some old man

    Jumped to the floor, bowed,

    I took a hook from somewhere,

    And with this huge crochet

    He caught Nastya as if in a net,

    And he dragged me somewhere.

    Wow, breathtaking!

    And then to the ground - bang!

    (At this time, someone came out of the TV A gnome with a gray beard and a net whines covers Nastya and drags her away to the other half of the stage.)


    (Street. Fence and bench with broken with slats, on the wall of the house there are posters with torn edges. Tele background booth and telephone without receiver, lilac bush With broken winds kami. Inscription in large letters "THE COUNTRY OF RUDE".)

    NASTYA (looking around):

    Oh, howI immediately became scared

    And where did I end up?

    Everything around is completely alien,

    Such an unfamiliar

    A gnome with a gray beard.

    DWARF (sings):

    Girl,Hi Hi,

    I've been waiting for you for six years.

    You wouldn't have come before:

    She behaved well.

    It's time for me to leave.


    You live in the country now



    What kind of freak is this?

    there's another one coming.

    Sharp teeth stick out

    The arms are long to the toes.

    The eyes are small, evil,

    admit it, who are they?

    (The rude people come out one by one nomu, they surround Nastya, looking at they eat it and sing it.)


    They call me rude people

    We live here all the time.

    In our fairyland

    People are quite happy.

    There's no need to be kind here

    And say “thank you.”

    You can stomp and spit


    They call me rude people

    we live here all the time.

    And so are youtrifle! -

    we'll beat you upJustSo!


    Well, I do not! After all, I’m Nastya!

    I'll try not toabyssI,

    It's not ignorant to liveI can

    I want tooI'll run away!

    Whatfor being stupida country?

    She's very strange:

    The lanterns are broken


    Dirty puddles flow

    And the trees don't grow!

    There's some citizen over there

    slippeddirectlyinto the dirt.

    Hey, rude citizen,

    I will help you not to fall!

    Be careful, there's a puddle here!


    Leave!Co.Don't bother me!

    Hey nasty girl

    Step aside!


    Aren't you ashamed, aunty!

    It hurts me to hear this!


    Here the baby is standingroars

    Nastya to the boycoming.


    What happened dearmy?

    I'll take you home!


    And the child turned around.

    Trickysmiled very much

    With all my childish strength

    Hit Nastya with a stonelaunched.


    Ay! What a hooligan you are!



    Very gloomy boys

    Books thrown into a pile

    And they break the withered bush -

    Only audiblebranches crunch.


    Hey! After all, this is a lilac -

    will bloomon a spring day!


    Not lilac at all, butsticks,

    Will come in handy in a squabble,

    in a quarrel, quarrel,fight

    In vainAre we bullies?

    Yes andyou awaywait,

    Instantlywe'll deal with you!

    NASTYA (singing) :

    NowI understood:

    I behaved badly


    I'm very into themsimilar.

    I don't want to be rude anymore

    I don't want teeth like that

    I don't want to live with them

    To meanother on the shoulder.

    So that peoplesmiled

    Be goodtried

    I will be kind to them -

    Herewhat a secretFriends!

    (Dances, spins, gets to sofa and lies down on it, warehouses waving your palms as if you were sleeping).


    Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, everything got mixed up

    Spun, into the distancerushed off

    INeverything has moved around

    Nastya found herself home!

    NASTYA (waking up, et):

    What a miracle! What a dream!

    He is better than any fairy tale!

    Of course, I fell asleep.

    Any adventure!


    And behind the windows flashed

    Suddenly gray-hairedbeard…

    (Performance of the song “Polite Waltz”).

    1. Friends, a happy time will come, wonderful days will come.

    The guys will be friendly with everyone, they will stop being rude.

    There will be no bad children, golden years will come.

    And they will never enter the room wearing galoshes.

    2. Let rudeness disappear forever, even according to doctors’ prescriptions

    Medicines for rude children will appear in every pharmacy.

    The child was spinning around in his chair, making noise and pestering everyone.

    He was prescribed pills. He drank and became polite.

    Children will not be rude, they will not bite their nails,

    And everyone in the world will love such children.

    A fresh wind will blow, the violets will bloom.

    All the ignorant will disappear, they will be lost forever.

    (The artists bow).

    1. Presenter. Guys, which country would you like to live in – Rudeness or Politeness? Why?

    Then let's take an oath of politeness:(Slide 14)

    We swear to be polite.

    Always say thank you.

    We swear to be good

    And forget laziness and rudeness.

    We swear to be polite

    Do good things!

    Result of the event:

    - Guys, where have we been today?

    — What interesting things did you learn?

    -Why are there polite words in our speech?

    -What do you especially remember?

    2. Presenter.- “Becoming polite, tactful and delicate is not so difficult, you just have to want to.”(Slide 15)

    So let each of you have a desire to become the most polite kids in school.


    1. Presenter.- Clap for all those who were interested!

    Raise your hand if you learned something new!

    Cover your face with your hands, who was bored!

    2. Presenter .- Thank you for your attention and activity during our journey! See you again!

    Resources used:


    Magazine “Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka”, 2009. No. 7

    Handbook for the class teacher, grades 1-4

    Websites: Dreamland

    In one kingdom there lived a king with his queen, and they had two daughters, two little princesses, Nika and Lika. Outwardly, the princesses were very similar to each other: rosy cheeks, light curls, but in character they were completely different.

    Nika was very polite, always greeted everyone, said “thank you,” “please,” “sorry.” And everything is always with a smile.

    Lika, on the contrary, did not know polite words at all. Instead of saying “please,” she stomped her foot and demanded: “Bring it and serve it!” It seemed that she had never heard of “thank you” at all. And she was rude to everyone left and right.

    Queen Mom shook her head and said:

    - And what happened? Why are our daughters so different? It seems like we raise them the same way.

    But none of the court sages could give her an answer to this question.

    One day, princesses Nika and Lika went for a walk in the nearby forest. The weather was wonderful, the birds were chirping, butterflies were fluttering over the flowers! Lika went ahead, and Nika paused to look at the bees collecting honey. Lika came out into the clearing and saw that a huge Dragon was lying in the middle of it, resting.

    - Well, step away! I need to go through! – the princess said to the Dragon in a rude voice.

    - What, you don’t know the magic word? – the Dragon asked her.

    - What kind of magic word?! “Didn’t you hear that I told you to move away,” Lika answered.

    “What a rude person,” answered the Dragon, but moved to allow the princess to pass.

    Lika walked through the clearing, and then, turning to him, said:

    - He’s fallen apart here, and he’s asking for some more magic words! Nasty dragon!

    Here the Dragon could not stand it and rose to his paws. His head hung over the princess.

    - What kind of impolite girl is this?! Instead of saying thank you, she also calls me names! Now I'll eat you! I can't stand such ill-mannered people! – he roared and opened his mouth.

    Princess Lika was very afraid that the Dragon would really eat her. Then suddenly, behind the Dragon’s back, the pleasant thin voice of Princess Nika was heard:

    - Hello! Please don't eat my sister. Excuse her.

    - It's your sister? – the Dragon was surprised. - How did it happen that you are such a well-mannered girl, and she is a rude person?

    “I don’t know,” Nika shrugged, “no one in our kingdom can understand this.”

    Hmm...,” the Dragon scratched the back of his head with his hind paw. “I think I understand what’s going on.” This happened to one of my cousins. When he was learning to talk, he accidentally lost his polite words and was terribly rude until one Good Fairy helped him.

    - Maybe you know where this Fairy lives? – Nika asked.

    - Yes, very close! Behind the forest! – Dragon nodded. - Climb on my back. I will quickly get you to this Good Fairy.

    The princesses climbed onto the back of the Dragon, and he, flapping his wings, rose into the sky. Princess Lika tried not to even open her mouth. It was not only that the Dragon scared her, but also that she herself was tired of being so rude and ill-mannered. Even if she wanted to say something beautiful, when she started speaking, she came out completely rude. She really hoped that the Dragon was right and the Good Fairy could help her.

    The Good Fairy turned out to be very kind indeed. She listened to the Dragon and Nika and happily agreed to help poor Lika. The fairy brought her thick magic book, found the required spell in it and cast it, waving her magic wand.

    “Thank you,” Lika said immediately.

    - Happened! Happened! - everyone was happy.

    “No one can help you understand why polite words are sometimes lost,” explained the Good Fairy. “It’s good that there is a special spell that helps bring them back.”

    - I'm so glad, I'm so glad! Thank you all, friends! “I will never be rude again and will be a kind and well-mannered princess,” Lika promised.

    And so it happened. Lika became as well-mannered and polite as her sister Nika. And since then they have been great friends with the Dragon, and he often flies to the palace for tea and cakes with the princesses.

    A fairy tale about a magpie for children who do not say polite words.

    Once upon a time there lived a magpie. Fidgety. And very rude. He won't say a kind word to anyone. He doesn’t say hello to anyone or say goodbye. If he hits someone on the head with his wing, he won’t apologize. If they give her something, she will never say thank you. And since she didn’t say polite words, she eventually forgot them all. I didn’t know a single word. That's how I lived.

    Only then one day another magpie flew into the forest. Polite to the point of impossibility. And he greets everyone, and says goodbye, and even apologizes a hundred times a day. And this magpie had beads. Beautiful, beautiful. Bright red. Someone in town gave them to her.
    The rude magpie liked these beads so much! She wanted to steal them away on the sly. And the polite magpie pressed the beads with its paw and said:
    - Sorry! But it's mine!
    The rude one then wanted to take it away by force. But the polite one turned out to be stronger.
    “Sorry,” he says, “but I won’t give up the beads.”
    - What a greedy person! - said the rude magpie angrily.
    - I'm sorry, but I'm not greedy at all! Now, if you asked politely...
    - Give me the beads!
    - It is not polite! We must say polite words! Even just one word!
    - Which? - the rude magpie was surprised. - I don’t remember a single one!
    “We need to remember,” the polite magpie shook her head. - Remember - come.

    I spent the whole day remembering forty polite words. She really wanted to get the beads. But the words, as luck would have it, are not remembered. She began to ask the other birds what polite words they remembered.
    The crow said "thank you." Wagtail - “goodbye!” Sparrow - “be healthy.”
    I typed forty different words and flew to the owner of the beads.

    Hello! - shouts from the doorway. - Goodbye, give me the beads!
    - What? - the polite woman was surprised.
    - Not that word? OK! Be healthy, give me some beads! Wrong again? Well, okay... Thank you, give me the beads! Happy New Year, give me some beads! Good night, give me the beads!
    “Well, that’s what,” said the polite magpie, “indeed, good night!” And the beads, with your permission, will remain with me.
    - But why? - the rude magpie almost cried. - I’ve said so many polite words to you!
    - Yes, but they were all the wrong words! You only need one thing, but the right one!
    - I don’t remember him!
    - Remember!
    - I can't!
    - Try it!
    - Well, please help me remember this word!
    “So we remembered,” the polite magpie smiled.
    - A? What? - the rude one was surprised, who was now not rude at all, because she remembered so many polite words. - Is it true? Please?
    - Certainly.
    - Wow! Well, thank you.
    - You're welcome...
    - And... and... give me the beads. Please.
    “Please,” the polite magpie nodded and handed bright red beads to another polite magpie.

    From book "Tales about Harmful"

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    Kristina Shustova
    Lesson summary “Journey to the land of kindness and politeness”

    Target: promote the moral development of the child’s personality.



    Introduce children to the concept « kindness» . Form ideas about how it manifests itself.

    Develop the ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of peers.

    Form moral qualities personalities: attentiveness, goodwill, love for one's neighbor.

    Learn to create "picture" (on a tray with semolina) fingers on semolina.


    Develop aesthetic perception, enrich children with artistic impressions. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    To develop children’s desire to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this.

    Continue to activate the dictionary by use in speech « polite» words

    Develop a culture of communication.


    Bring up benevolent, polite attitude towards others.

    Create a desire to help each other.

    Create friendly atmosphere for developmental activities.

    Cultivate a desire to be friends with peers and adults around you.

    Develop a culture of communication.

    Preliminary work:

    A series of conversations "Who do we call kind, "What is good and what is bad?", « Good deeds and deeds» .

    Listening to songs by V. Shainsky "From a smile", "Friendship", "It's fun to walk together", V. Ivanova “You, me, and you and I”.

    Role-playing games on Topics: "family", "hospital".

    Didactic games: "Good or bad?", "Explain why not", "What I feel".

    Reading fairy tales, stories, poems that talk about good people: "Swan geese", "Morozko", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", A. Barto "Vovka - kind soul» , V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad".

    Materials and equipment: music center and projector, recording melodies, presentation: « Journey to the land of Politeness and Kindness» , cards with good and bad deeds, trays with semolina, sun templates with a plasticine base, eyes, noses, thin tinsel on gold wire, red beads.

    Progress of educational activities:

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

    Child: Invented by someone simply and wisely

    Say hello when meeting « Good morning.

    « Kind morning to the sun and birds!

    « Kind morning to smiling faces!”

    And everyone becomes kind, trusting,

    Kind morning lasts until evening.

    Educator: Guys, you need to start every morning in a good mood. Let's form a strong and kind"chain of friendship" and greet our guests and our friends affectionately.

    (Everyone joins hands and in unison They say: « Good morning)

    Educator: You feel how your warmth is transferred through your hands, from palm to palm and kindness. Let's say "magical" words:


    "I'm good and kind child,

    I wish health to all children, all people in the world.”

    Educator: Look at each other guys. Smile at each other. Let a smile and a good mood be our good helpers today.

    There's a song playing "Smile" (performed by L. Gurchenko) Children sit on chairs.

    Tell me, guys, when people meet, what words do they usually start their communication with?

    Children: From the word "Hello".


    That's right, people start getting acquainted with the word “hello”. This is the most common and at the same time the most important word with which communication between people begins, which characterizes a person as polite and friendly.

    – What does the simple, ordinary word “hello” mean?

    Each word has its own secret, the story of its origin. And now we will reveal this secret and find out when this word first appeared.

    (Slide 1 cavemen)

    In very distant times, when cavemen lived People: They didn’t have the words “hello” or “goodbye”. But one day they got sick and could not recover, and the one who was with them instead of a doctor (because there were no real doctors then) said them:

    – You are sick because you do not wish each other health. How can a person be healthy if no one wishes him health? The cavemen thought about it and decided to say “Hello” to each other when they met - this means be healthy.

    “Hello,” they said to each other and immediately felt better. Since then people have been saying hello to each other. That’s why they say that the word “hello” is a magic word that can help a person heal.

    Guys, today we are going to do something exciting. journey into one unusual magical country. What's the name of this one? a country, try to guess for yourself.

    - In this Country people congratulate each other on good luck, console and reassure each other in trouble, give way to elders, help each other, like to give each other gifts, they say kind and polite words.

    - Guys, you probably already guessed which one. the country is being talked about. What is it called?

    Children: Country of Politeness and Kindness.

    Educator: Well done boys! Do you want to visit the Magic country? I also really want.

    Close your eyes quickly, friends!

    I invite you to my fairy tale!

    Educator: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – you can open your eyes!

    Music sounds, the curtain opens, and the Fairy appears.

    Fairy: Hello guys. Hello guests. I am this fairy good country, all the inhabitants are in it kind, polite, good people. The evil ones get here kind, angry - affectionate, naughty - obedient. AND The main thing: everyone who falls into mine country, want to do good deeds. What do you want?

    The guys in our country a magic tree grew of good. Look. Only one upsets: The tree stands alone. In order to revive it and fruits appear on it, you and I need to fill the magical heart of our tree; yours will help us with this kind hearts. Guys then let's start filling our hearts good deeds.

    Guys, what is it? kindness?

    What colour kindness?

    Which one do you think goodness tastes?

    And if you touch it, what is it like? kindness to the touch?

    What weather can be associated with kindness?

    Fairy: Well done guys, what interesting and unusual statements about kindness. And for this you get your first heart. Here's a little more kindness in our magical country. Guys, look what happened to our tree. It began to bloom.

    Educator: Guys, you are a lot you know kind words? Let's check it now.

    The game is called "Replace the word kind words»

    Wicked - Kind

    Impolite - polite

    Rough - affectionate

    Take away - give, give

    Scold - praise

    Lazy - hardworking

    Greedy - generous

    To offend - to protect

    To upset - to please

    Sad - cheerful

    Indifferent - caring

    Sloppy - neat

    Break - fix

    Tear - seal

    Loud - silent

    Cowardly - brave

    Well done boys. Get a heart. Here's our heart again a good deed has been replenished. (A small heart is placed in the big heart.)

    A game "Choose good actions"

    Educator: Guys, in front of you are cards with good and bad deeds. Choose any card and explain what kind of action you think it is.

    Children's answers: ….

    Teacher, Fairy: Well done guys, you coped with this task too. Now I am absolutely sure that you know how to distinguish good deeds from bad. Here's another heart for you. Look, our tree is blooming more and more.

    Physical education minute

    Educator: And now guys there is a musical break

    Magic words.

    Words and music by V. V. Skurlatova.

    So that become polite,

    It is very important for us to know

    And always talk

    Magic words

    "Hello" at the meeting,

    « Good afternoon» And « Good evening»

    For your help "Thank you" And "Thank you"

    For prank, "Sorry"

    "Please forgive me"

    Well, on "parting"

    Let's say "Goodbye"!

    Let's be friends

    AND be polite,

    Don't offend others

    And don't forget:

    Chorus (repeated)

    Children leave in pairs and sit on chairs. Children walk in pairs in a circle, holding hands, the other hand on their belt.

    Children turn to each other

    Children bow to each other, spreading their arms to the sides

    Hands on the belt, turns to the right and left with squats

    Claps hands and spins in pairs "Boat"

    “They threaten with their finger, their hand is on the shelf”

    Children hug each other.

    We squat twice.

    Swing cross to cross with straight arms above your head.

    Children hold hands and walk in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.

    The children turn to each other.

    Educator: Guys, you and I continue to fill the magical heart kindness, warmth, tenderness….

    A game "Say a word"

    For us here is the task “Say a word.” I’ll start, and you continue, answer in unison. (Slides with correct answers)

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you)

    The old tree stump will turn green when it hears (Good afternoon)

    When you are scolded for pranks, you say (I'm sorry)

    If a friend is in trouble (help him)

    Resolve disputes with words (not with fists)

    Wherever we are, we say goodbye (Goodbye)

    Child polite and developed says, meeting (Hello)

    Fairy: Well done boys. Here's another heart for you. And our magic tree becomes more and more beautiful.

    Educator: Let's never forget kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often. Speak kindly, gently, quietly. Looking into a person's eyes and smiling, because a smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

    Music plays and children sing a song "From a smile".

    (Trays with semolina are brought out)

    Fairy: Guys, look what wonderful trays I have prepared for you. Let's try to draw something good here, Kind, joyful, bright. It will be "Painting kindness» .

    (Children draw with their fingers on a tray with semolina - the sun, grass, flowers, tree).

    Fairy: Well done boys. Your paintings turned out just wonderful, it's because you painted them from kind heart. And I want to thank you with one more heart good deeds.

    Educator: Now let's play. You have to be very careful. Listen, don't be distracted, if you agree, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, and if not, keep quiet.

    Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

    "WITH Good morning» will he say firmly?

    Tell me which one of you, brothers,

    Forgets to wash your face?

    Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

    Gives place to elders?

    Which one of you is silent like a fish?

    Instead of good"Thank you"

    Which one of you is okay?

    Bag, books and notebooks?

    Who to be wishes to be polite,

    Doesn't it offend kids?

    Fairy: Well done. Here's another heart for you.

    Fairy: Guys, today I want to tell you another little secret. You know that our Earth is illuminated by a big sun.

    It shines every day, warming us with its warmth. (The curtain opens and a big sun appears)

    But it turns out that there is also a little sun. Maybe you know where it might be?

    Children's answers:….

    Fairy: it shines correctly in each of us. This little sun with its warmth warms the people who are around us, making them kinder. This sun makes us want to help each other.

    Educator: Guys, I invite you to the tables where we will now make suns.

    (Children make a sun. At this time we put chocolate hearts in a large heart)

    Educator: Guys, what magical, warm, sunny suns you turned out to be. Let us now tell each other the most sincere, tender, kind, sweet words.

    (Children compliment each other)

    Educator: Guys, we have done so many good deeds today and did good deeds. Tell me what you liked and remember most.

    Fairy: Guys, how much you love each other, how affectionate and gentle you are, kind. And I give you another heart. Look, our magic tree has blossomed. Thanks to your warmth, kindness, responsiveness.

    Guys, miracles happened not only with our tree of good, but magical transformations also took place in our hearts; our hearts turned into sweet hearts. Thanks to you guys. And I would like to treat you to them.

    (The fairy treats the children and thanks the children.)

    Fairy. Thank you guys for being like this kind, sympathetic, sincere, gentle. For yours kind hearts. Stay like this for many years.

    Educator: Guys, you will soon go to school. Here's my wish for you.

    Let's kids be friends with each other

    Like birds with the sky,

    Like grass with a meadow

    Like the wind and the sea,

    Fields with rain

    How the sun is friendly

    With all of us.

    The children go to the music.