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How to marry a guy in a month: effective tips. How to marry a man to yourself: five ways How to quickly marry a man to yourself


Getting married is a serious step, so many men subconsciously try to avoid such responsibility. However, there are several proven ways that will help ladies push their lovers to the idea of ​​marriage.

Hints that many representatives of the fair sex are accustomed to using may be perceived differently by men. To speed up the process, which should ultimately lead you to the altar, use the advice of psychologists. There are five ways that will help you achieve your cherished goal and show off in front of your loved ones in a wedding dress.

Many couples have been dating for a long time and even live together. But thoughts about marriage often worry women, while men may have no idea about the desires of their chosen one. In this case, ladies should be proactive and tactfully lead their partner to a marriage proposal.

1. Don't be afraid to talk

Talk to your lover, because a frank conversation will help you clear up all the unresolved issues and better understand each other’s needs. Your desires, not expressed in direct speech, may forever remain pipe dreams. Men are accustomed to facts, so a serious conversation is simply inevitable. Justify the reason why you want to be legally married to your partner, outline all the delights of family life. Don't forget about your behavior and don't make a scene for him. Show yourself as a wonderful housewife, prove to your loved one that next to you he will always be in care and comfort.

Contents of the article:

A situation often occurs when a man and a woman live together for a long time, but there is no progress towards entering into an official marriage. Usually, this situation suits men quite well, since they often experience some fear before entering into an official marriage. Women, on the contrary, want stability, home comfort and long-term relationships. I want a stamp in my passport, a wedding ring, a white dress and a beautiful wedding.

Here are some points that will be covered in this article:

  • Appearance,
  • Character,
  • Sex,
  • Men often tell their women that they love them not for their appearance, but for other, more significant virtues. You shouldn't trust them on this. No matter how long you live together, a man always pays attention to the appearance of his companion. Of course, beauty comes from nature, but a woman herself can do a lot for it.

    You need to constantly monitor your skin, hairstyle and figure. To do this, you need to periodically visit hairdressers, beauty salons and regularly engage in light sports to keep your figure in good shape.

    Makeup is needed not only for going to work or visiting, but also at home. It should not be “flashy”, but rather highlight your natural colors.

    If a woman walks around the house in an old, worn-out robe, masks and curlers, then this urgently needs to be changed. At home, you should dress in light and comfortable clothes. And constantly wonder if your man likes her. Keeping a man's love is no less difficult than making him fall in love with you.

    How to behave so that a man gets married?

    A woman’s behavior in everyday life plays a huge role. This is very difficult, but you need to become a true friend to your chosen one. If you succeed in this, then becoming an excellent housewife in the kitchen and a mistress in bed will definitely not be difficult. Without being caustic, you need to be aware of his affairs, workers and everyone else. We need to support him in everything, help and console him if something doesn’t work out. An ideal family is created when the husband wants to return home not only to eat and spend the night, but also to relax his soul with a loved one. Tenderness, softness, femininity, caring, unobtrusiveness, understanding and empathy - these are the traits of a woman’s character that will not leave more than one man indifferent. In addition, you need to figure out what qualities your chosen one likes. You need to identify the so-called “zest” and constantly cultivate this quality within yourself.

    Very often there are women who “pressure” men. This should not be done under any circumstances. The result will be the opposite of what you want. Also, don’t force him to spend all his free time on you. On the contrary, let him have his own hobbies outside of home and work, he, like you, has the right to this. The man will be grateful to you for your understanding. With the right relationship, after visiting relatives or gatherings with friends, he will be even more drawn to you. Interest in a man's affairs should not develop into curiosity. And God forbid you from checking his email and visited pages on the Internet. Enter a man's personal space only as far as he allows you to go. And if he is not yet ready to share something with you, then you need to give him time. A man should be comfortable with you.

    Every good wife should be an excellent housewife. There can be no excuses here and only her own laziness can prevent her from doing this. If, after sleeping well in a clean, soft bed, hearing a gentle greeting, eating a delicious home-cooked breakfast and putting on clean, well-ironed clothes, your man goes to work, then he will rush home and an unforgettable evening will be guaranteed for both of you.

    How to get a man to get married?

    A harmonious family cannot do without full-fledged sexual relationships. You need to let a man know that he completely satisfies you as a lover and completely satisfies you in bed. To do this, you need to forget about the “sick head” and similar excuses, and it is better to take the initiative yourself. You also need to find out what type of sexual behavior your man prefers. And you don’t have to be a prude in bed; many marriages haven’t worked out because of this. A man can forgive a lot if he receives complete satisfaction in bed. If you lack sexual literacy, there are now many sources on the Internet and in print. We must experiment and not be afraid.

    How to marry a married man?

    Love for a married man is not the best application for this bright feeling. But anything can happen in life.
    You need to find out what kind of relationship your lover has with his wife. And if everything is fine there and relationships on the side are just pleasant leisure, then it is better to immediately abandon your intentions. You will only make things worse for yourself.

    If there are really troubles in family life and the marriage is on the verge of collapse, then it is necessary, if possible, to find out exactly the reasons for this. It is necessary to study the shortcomings of his wife so as not to repeat them. Let him be interested, comfortable and mentally at ease with you.

    Don't even think about speaking ill of his wife. Whatever it is, it will not add points to you. Also, you should not demand a divorce, but give the man the opportunity to come to this decision himself.

    And one last thing. The main thing here is not to take a man away from the family, and then keep him next to you. And according to statistics, most families created in this way do not last long.

    How to marry a divorced man?

    It is difficult to marry a divorced man. He already has negative experiences in married life and does not want to lose his freedom again. Such a man should not be rushed. You need to be close to him and become a close person to him. He must want to take this step himself.

    At first he will have other women, and if you are jealous, then you shouldn’t take on this matter. Only patience and slowness can lead you to the registry office.

    Read also:

    Orthodox calendar

    Monday, February 3, 2020(January 21, old style)
    34th Week after Pentecost
    St. Maxima isp (662)
    Mch. Neophyte (303-305)
    Mchch. Eugenia, Candida, Valerian and Aquila (III-IV)
    St. Maximus the Greek (1556)
    Saints' Day:
    Mts. Agnes Virgin (c. 305). Mch. Anastasia (662).
    Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
    Sschmch. Elijah Berezovsky presbyter (1938).
    Day of Veneration of the Icons of the Mother of God:
    Icons of the Mother of God of Ktitorskaya (IV) and called “Consolation”, or “Consolation” (807), Vatopedi icons of the Mother of God.
    Readings of the day
    Gospel and Apostle:
    In lit.: -Ap.: 1 Pet.2:21-3:9 Ev.: Mark 12:13-17
    In the morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

    2018 is a special year for the site - our portal turns 20 years old. And we are happy to celebrate this event with you. Instead of a traditional cake with candles, we invite you to “feast on” interesting materials prepared for the holiday. This article will talk about how to encourage a man to propose marriage.

    website - 20 years old! We are proud of this figure and throughout 2018 we will repeatedly return to this joyful event for us (we hope for you too). In this article we will talk about how to force your loved one to marry. Psychologist and trainer at the Academy of Private Life Maria Permyakova answers this burning question.

    When we create something brilliant, we want to proudly declare to the whole world: “This is mine!” Patent, obtain copyright and all documents confirming the ownership of this creation. There are men who easily share this opinion, and there are also those who need more time and reasons to decide to start a family. If the relationship really satisfies you, and the man is in no hurry to make an official proposal, you can help him take this step.

    1. Stop considering a wedding the main event in your life. Women often have high expectations associated with marriage. It seems to them that something supernatural is needed for that very happy day to come. However, this is not true - every day hundreds of couples get married and do it easily and naturally. Reduce the importance of the issue. Try on a wedding dress, an engagement ring, go to the website of a wedding agency or look into the wedding palace. There is no mystery in the process of officially registering a marriage, and one day you will see this from personal experience.

    2. Don’t hide your intention to start a family. Many girls believe that it is better to hide their intention to get married so as not to “scare off” the groom, but often it is those women who openly tell men about their desire to start a family who receive a marriage proposal. Learn to easily talk about your desires and needs.

    3. Tell your man about your desire to start a family in your happiest moments. Talk about wanting to get married when you both feel very good and are both happy. The mistake many women make is that they start talking about marriage during quarrels. Obviously, at such moments the thought of marriage will cause a storm of unpleasant emotions in a man.

    4. Know your value and reveal it in your relationship with this man. Remember that you are a valuable prize, and not a pig in a poke that needs to be quickly “swapped” before the man comes to his senses. Show your talents, don't be a gray mouse.

    5. Do not engage in self-deception and do not lie to yourself that you have a family until it becomes true. The same applies to what you call your man. Calling him husband before marriage is unacceptable! Otherwise, you will remain stuck in a civil marriage, where the woman thinks that she is married, and the man is convinced that he is free.

    6. Create a mutual circle of friends consisting of interesting married couples. Looking at married couples whose life did not stop after the wedding, but, on the contrary, began to sparkle with bright colors, both of you will want to join this circle in the near future.

    7. Create common dreams for many years to come. A common vision of your future is the best answer to the question why you both are going on a journey called “Family”.

    8. Be friends with his parents and relatives. They, as representatives of the era of correct family values, will support a man in making the right decision.

    9. Create a good image for your man in front of his partners and colleagues, emphasize your strengths. You don’t want to officially make a woman you’re ashamed of yours, but a woman you’re proud of is quite the opposite.

    10. Maintain a circle of admirers as a “free woman”. Do not give up social life, do not stop considering other men as potential candidates for the role of a husband until you receive an official offer to become the only one.

    11. Set your priorities correctly: a man comes first, marriage comes second. When a man feels that he himself is not seen, that instead of him they see only the opportunity to get married, he immediately begins to resist this process. Ask yourself the question: “What if this man never marries me, would I still want to be with him now?” If the answer is no, it is clear that priorities have shifted.

    12. Stop getting emotionally involved in answering questions from your mother, friends and relatives: “Well, when?!” Well, what is he waiting for?..”

    Instead, start looking at your love story with curiosity: you met, fell in love, you feel good together, one day you will get married, have a family, have children. Due to fears and anxieties that he “will not marry,” a woman often forgets about the present and misses this moment, stops enjoying it. Ask yourself how the relationship will develop? Give room to your inner trust and curiosity. 13. Give yourself a deadline.

    How long are you willing to be in an open relationship? You set this deadline not for him, but for yourself, so as not to think about it constantly, but to enjoy love and your partner until the appointed time. It is quite possible that it will be so exciting that you will want to become an official couple much earlier than the intended date. Hiking, sports, and couples dancing are also suitable (the list can be as long as you like). Don’t just pursue your hobby, but take part in master classes and competitions. These things really make you a team, which later becomes a strong family.

    15. Quarrel beautifully and make peace beautifully. Many men say that they are afraid that after the wedding, quarrels and scandals will become more frequent, which were not uncommon before. Which, by the way, is often true. It is important to learn how to resolve conflicts in the family constructively - not to make each other’s lives unbearable, arranging scenes of jealousy and hysteria, and not to demand the impossible from each other. Discuss what you don’t like and would like to change right away, don’t hush up your grievances. Instead of complaints, clearly formulate your requests.

    18. Feed him your food. Don't forget about the good old way to a man's heart! This is not at all about cooking him breakfast, lunch and dinner. Present your food as a gift (birthday cake, borscht on the occasion of the third month of dating, a jar of jam in honor of the opening of the cherry season, manti on the occasion of meeting your parents) - this should not reflect “maternal” care, but your desire to please him delicious food.

    19. Be an adult! The fashion for infantile, helpless wives who are kept in the apartment like a dog for decoration and to relieve the atmosphere, fortunately, is becoming a thing of the past. A man, just like a woman, gets married when he understands that with his wife it will be easier, more fun and more pleasant for him to walk along the road of life. Be a self-sufficient mature person who can take care of yourself. You can ask a man for help, accept his care, but don’t feel like he owes you. Become his friend, not a burden.

    20. Don't hide your feelings! Any person wants to be where he is loved, accepted, where he feels welcome. When we give love from the bottom of our hearts in the form of actions, kind words, hugs, pleasant surprises and time, then a man wants to secure the official right to this union.

    Every couple who has been in a romantic relationship for a long time or lives in a civil marriage sooner or later faces the question of formalizing the relationship. This is a rather difficult step for many men, especially for those who have already been married or have gotten used to a bachelor lifestyle. If a young man does not propose marriage for a long time, then the girl can push him to do so.

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      How to marry a man?

      1. There are many methods that will help a woman marry her beloved man. Which one to choose is a personal matter for each girl.
      2. 1. Have a frank conversation. The most effective way to hint to a man that it is time to legitimize the existing relationship is an honest and calm conversation. A woman will secretly suffer every day and torment herself with the question of why her beloved has not yet asked her to marry. While a man may not even know about it. The male intellect is designed in such a way that they do not really understand hints. For a guy, a clear and accessible formulation of the problem that needs to be solved is important. A woman should justify the reason why it is time to legalize the relationship, saying that this formality will be beneficial for both.
      3. 2. Demonstrate positive qualities and play up shortcomings. You need to learn to turn minuses into pluses. For example, if a girl is too straightforward, is not an excellent housewife and is not good at cooking, and also stays at work for a long time, then this can be explained by the fact that the man’s beloved is simply a sincere person and a fairly promising employee of the company with excellent prospects for career advancement and promotion. salary level.
      4. 4. Arouse feelings of jealousy and admiration in a man. The main thing is not to overdo it. If a woman begins to spend more time in the company of other young people, demonstrating her thriftiness and deep knowledge in various areas of life, then her chosen one will understand that it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since his beloved may be taken away from under his nose.
      5. 5. Get closer to the guy’s family. You need to make friends with his mom, dad, sister, brother. If a girl manages to join their circle, then sooner or later they themselves will ask the question of why she is still not part of their family.

      What words will make a man seriously think about marriage?

      In order for a man to clearly understand the desire of his beloved, he needs to clearly articulate the advantages of family life. Only a logical explanation can force a loved one to change his ideas about his role as a future spouse.

      Expression of thought


      “I can feel more confident”

      This phrase will not have a very strong impact on a man, as it sounds rather vague. A man may wonder why his beloved does not feel support and protection now. To do this, the girl needs to compare marriage registration with work. After all, few people will agree to work without drawing up an employment contract. The girl will become more confident in the future if the relationship is officially legalized

      “Are you ready to go through the long and complex procedure of adopting your child? »

      Even with the most careful contraception, no one is immune from the fact that a woman becomes pregnant. If you do not formalize the relationship, then in order to be able to be called the father of the child in the future, you will have to undergo a mandatory paternity test, which costs a lot of money. In addition, there will be painful red tape with a bunch of documents. Even when he comes to his wife at the maternity hospital, the man will officially be just someone else’s uncle, and not the child’s natural father

      “You can get promoted up the career ladder! »

      There is a logical explanation for this, since most employers understand that married men are more responsible employees and are not subject to sudden changes. They need to try to work well in order to provide for their family

      “I don’t want a grand celebration”

      Quite often, men do not ask their beloved to marry because they are afraid of too much material costs. Thoughts about a large number of relatives, photographers, cameramen, makeup artists, hairdressers and other people completely discourage the desire to officially register a relationship

      If the man is married

      An affair with someone else's husband is a very risky undertaking, since initially the woman exposes herself to endless mental anguish, suffering, stress and agonizing expectations of her lover. The situation is aggravated if there are children in the loved one’s family. In this case, even the strongest feelings and passion do not justify the woman’s behavior. But if she nevertheless decides to follow the intended path, then she should adhere to the following recommendations:

      1. 1. Analyze the disadvantages of marriage. It is necessary to find out what exactly became the reason for a man to find a mistress and begin to cheat. You should avoid repeating the same mistakes in your own relationships.
      2. 2. Try to break your lover out of the vicious circle of reasons that continue to prevent him from leaving his family. You need to be sure that your lover needs a new relationship. It is possible that he will want to return to the family and honestly admit everything. But if you talk to him calmly and clearly justify your words, you can achieve understanding on his part.
      3. 3. You must be prepared for a long and tedious wait. Even if the chosen one gets divorced, this is absolutely no guarantee that he will quickly remarry. He just got married and is not happy about it. Therefore, the girl’s main task is to demonstrate that marriage with her will be completely different.
      4. 4. You should prepare for the fact that a man will spend a lot of time with children. A large amount from the family budget will go to his previous family.

      How to marry a divorced person?

      If the young man has already been married, and everything did not end entirely successfully, then getting him to propose marriage will not be at all easy. However, in order to become for him the only woman with whom he dreams of spending his whole life, you must adhere to the following rules.

      1. 1. We must come to terms with the fact that the man we love, like every person, has the right to his own personal space. There is no need to control him every step, be jealous and suspect him of betrayal or lack of attention to his person, since such behavior will only cause irritation and anger.
      2. 2. You cannot be jealous of your lover for his former family. Instead of being angry with a man for paying a lot of attention to children, it is better to offer to spend the next weekend together, going to a water park, amusement rides, or a pizzeria. Thus, the girl will become part of both the past and future life for the man, which cannot go unnoticed.
      3. 3. You should be interested in his hobbies, problems at work, and be there in difficult times. There is no need to create scandals, hysterics, or blackmail your loved one. It is necessary to show that in his new family everything will be different than in the previous one.

      Marriage and zodiac sign

      There are many extraordinary ways in which girls try to attract the man they like. Some of them are fond of magic, they can read a plot to attract a young man, and perform various rituals. However, in each of these cases, one should remember that it is impossible to force a person to fall in love. It is better to listen to what the stars and the zodiac sign under which the man was born say.

      Zodiac sign

      How to behave with a man in order to marry him

      In order to marry an Aries, you don’t need to quickly give in to his charms. The girl should be shown that she is a pretty tough nut to crack and will not give up so easily. This will push a man to the point that he will do everything for the sake of his beloved, even go to register a marriage

      Taurus approach everything thoroughly and slowly. In order to force Taurus to say the cherished words, you will have to try a lot. It is necessary to demonstrate to him that his beloved is a good housewife and wife, while remaining a bright personality. It would be nice to have the support of his family


      It is very important for a representative of this sign that his wife is a reliable friend and assistant. You should show a man that his beloved is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth and overcome all life’s obstacles

      To marry a Cancer man, you need to strengthen his confidence that a woman can understand his complex soul. He needs the support of a loved one and the ability to immerse himself in his inner world

      In order to win the heart of a Leo man, you need to become an unattainable trophy for him, for which you will have to fight and overcome obstacles on the path to happiness. Leo's lover must be charming, extraordinary and dazzling. This will make a man seriously think about formalizing the relationship.

      In order to formalize a legal relationship with Virgo, you should not rush things, throw tantrums, or throw scandals, as this will not be able to push him to make an important decision faster. Virgo will be captivated by the feeling of comfort and friendly attention

      The Libra man is a rather charming representative of the strong half of humanity, who always has many fans. In order to win his heart, you need to stand out from the crowd of girls who surround him. He should feel not only the love of his wife, but also the friendly support of a fighting friend, a woman whom he can always admire


      For a Scorpio man, it is important to achieve the heart of his beloved; she must be inaccessible and beautiful at the same time. He must feel that he cannot live without his other half

      Representatives of this zodiac sign have a keen sense of humor; they love noisy companies and fun. In order to win the heart of a Sagittarius, you need to be just as quick to rise and move through life easily. You shouldn’t reproach Sagittarius for something, as he will be very offended

      Most Capricorns are quite calculating people. In order to win the heart of Capricorn, it is necessary to show that the woman is quite an advantageous match

      To force Aquarius to go to the registry office, you need to become a reliable friend and partner for him, and then a wife. This will bind a man for life

      The Pisces man constantly requires attention and understanding of his subtle inner world. The beloved must accept him as he is. If a woman is ready for this, then she will become the one and only for him

      Prospects for civil marriage

      Couples in love who live in a civil marriage may have different attitudes towards formalizing their relationship. Men are generally satisfied with this arrangement, since they believe that they are responsible for the family in the same way as their married friends. The fair half of humanity has a negative attitude towards civil marriage, since in this case the woman’s marital status is actually not fixed.

      You can encourage your lover to register a marriage by following the recommendations:

      1. 1. Communicate more with married couples. If a man makes friends and spends time with family people, then he will see that there is nothing wrong with it.
      2. 2. All major decisions should be discussed and made together. The birth of a baby or the purchase of real estate are issues that need to be dealt with after marriage, as this will help to avoid lengthy legal red tape.
      3. 3. You should talk to the man about his fears before marriage. We must try to find out the reasons for his fear of formalizing the relationship. This will help you get rid of phobias faster.
      4. 4. The perspective of the relationship should be outlined. A man must clearly understand that his beloved will not wait another 10 years until he decides to take this important step. A woman will not waste her time. This should change his point of view.

      If a man does not want to compromise, a woman should think about how important this status is to her.

      Other obstacles to marriage

      Sometimes young people motivate their indecisiveness by the lack of the necessary financial resources for their family. They claim that before getting married, you need to find a good job with a high salary, earn a lot of money, buy an apartment, a car, a dacha.

      In this case, you should analyze together how necessary all this is. After all, if you don’t have your own property, you can live in a rented apartment for several years, but a car and a summer house are not essential items for a young family.

      Sometimes guys who are too shy are afraid to propose, fearing that the girl will laugh at them or refuse them. In this case, the woman needs to make it clear to the man that she will support him in any situation, and nothing can become an obstacle to their happiness together.

      And a little about secrets...

      I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

    ...I'm getting married, I'm getting married - what kind of toys can there be...

    Most women and girls dream of a wedding and family life. Marriage does not guarantee us eternal love, but it gives us confidence in the future. Many girls ask questions:

    - “Why, my friends get married, but my relationship with a man is limited only to meetings and sex”;

    - “Why doesn’t a man have the desire to propose to me?”

    - “How to marry a man?”

    So how can you marry a man or, more simply, how can you make a man want to marry you?

    The patterns that lead a man to desire to get married will be discussed in this article.

    When I was still an unmarried girl, I was surprised and upset by the fact that when I fell in love, relationships with the opposite sex always ended in separation. On the contrary, men for whom I did not have strong feelings sought to win my hand and heart. The thing is that when we fall in love, we begin to idealize the relationship. We open up too much to a man. I don’t mean declarations of love, it’s just that our feelings become visible to the naked eye. We explain the actions of men who speak of their disinterest in us as mysterious and come up with various worthy excuses for them. And let’s continue to non-verbally broadcast the question - How to marry a man???

    When a man is not very interested in us, we behave naturally and independently. This is what attracts men to us.

    I don't encourage girls to remain indifferent. Love is a wonderful feeling that inspires us and makes us happy. I encourage you to be reasonable and far-sighted, even in those moments when the fire is raging in your soul.

    What makes men propose?

    1. Attractiveness

    “It’s rags and love notes that make a woman attractive” - I read this saying in some book. The essence of this phrase is as follows: a woman should look good, dress with taste, take care of herself and arouse the interest of many men.

    Clothing should highlight your femininity. Femininity is not when all the charms are visible at first sight, but when, when looking at you, men have a desire to lift the veil of secrecy - what is hidden under clothes. Too revealing, sexy clothes may make you want to have sex, but it is unlikely to propose marriage.

    The most feminine outfit is a good dress. Whatever your figure, you can definitely highlight your strengths in it. If you want to get married, then of all the things in your wardrobe there should be dresses! Beautiful - hair and makeup in pastel colors will add soft confidence to your appearance. All men like well-groomed women. Love your appearance, devote time to it, and men will pay attention to you.

    Let's move on to the "love notes." Your chosen one must understand that you are interesting not only to him. Every man is a conqueror. If he sees that the girl he wants to conquer is no longer interesting to anyone, the man will have a question: is this girl worth his efforts?

    On the contrary, if several gentlemen are fighting for the heart of a lady, then the object is truly worthy. Such a girl should not think about how to marry a man. If a man emerges victorious in this battle, it emphasizes his “toughness.” You need to approach this game wisely. You should not demonstrate that you may be interested in several men at the same time. The task is to show that you are interesting to many, but at the same time you are a very constant and loyal girl. If you have chosen a man for yourself, then only he will be the subject of your attention. In this case, the man will take you seriously, and at the same time he will understand that if he loses you, you will not suffer alone.

    2. Self-esteem

    For some women, this quality is passed on through genes, or it is instilled in them by their parents from childhood. If you do not have self-esteem, you definitely need to develop it. Men, one way or another, subconsciously or consciously, will check whether you have it or not. Remember the wise phrase “We are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated.” Under no circumstances should you show a man that you are concerned about the question - how to marry a man)))

    One of my friends, a very pretty girl, is not having a serious relationship with the opposite sex. She falls in love, suffers, and then gets abandoned. Once at a New Year's party, my friend and I saw this picture. An acquaintance was waiting for a call from her boyfriend. They agreed that after the party, a friend would pick her up. Without waiting for the call, she called him herself and heard the following phrase: “Baby, I’m so tired, take a taxi and come to me.” And she went, despite our assurances that this should under no circumstances be done. Of course, not even a month had passed since she was abandoned.

    Never let men humiliate you, even if you don’t consider the relationship serious. If your behavior depends only on the desire or reluctance of the young man, then this relationship is doomed to failure. If a man doesn’t keep his promises, doesn’t listen to your opinion, endlessly emphasizes his freedom, and flirts with other girls in your presence, it means he doesn’t respect you.

    If you allow him to continue to behave this way, he will soon become bored with you, with all the ensuing consequences. Don't be afraid to set conditions and highlight your interests. In this case, the likelihood that the man will change his attitude towards you is significantly high. But if the situation does not change, feel free to leave this young man. Don't waste your precious time. Perhaps he is a pathological boor and an ill-mannered person. Nothing good will come of this in family relationships.

    One day, my boyfriend (who later became my husband) and I were invited to a wedding by friends. In the waiting room for the bride and groom, my friend approached a girl and they struck up a conversation. They talked for a long time and laughed. And I stood in the company of friends and was simply indignant! And it wasn't that I was jealous. I knew for sure that I was loved, and this girl was not the subject of my boyfriend’s interests.

    But I was outraged by the fact that I was being treated with extreme disrespect. In front of everyone, my friend left me aside and devoted a very long time to another girl. I wasn't against him interacting with the opposite sex, but this wasn't how it should have happened. He had to introduce us to each other, and give me the opportunity to leave their conversation if it seemed uninteresting to me.

    Of course, I didn’t make a scene of jealousy in front of everyone. But when their communication ended, and my friend decided to return to my company, I did not give him the opportunity to do this. I didn’t notice him all evening, I talked with his friends and my girlfriends. My friend couldn't wait until the party was over so he could be alone with me to talk. He guessed the reason for my coldness.

    Of course, a friend told me that this was his former classmate, etc. I explained to my chosen one how I felt in this situation. He asked for forgiveness, and such insinuations were not repeated among us. There were other moments when I felt uncomfortable because of some of his actions. The friend did not do them intentionally.

    Perhaps other girls had previously allowed him to do similar things, and for this reason he considered them the norm. Perhaps the fact that I constantly emphasized that I demanded respect, and not just love, made a man want to propose to me.

    Remember, a man can introduce you as his wife only if he respects you.

    3. Independence

    Under no circumstances show your chosen one that you depend on his decision to make you happy. One of my friends met the man of her dreams, and of course she really wanted to marry him. But until the last moment she kept her mark. Soon the young man invited her to move in with him. After his divorce from his first wife, he did not offer cohabitation to any girl.

    By this act, he wanted to emphasize that their relationship had entered a serious phase, but this was not yet a marriage proposal. Of course she wanted to live together. But my friend took time to think. She made it clear to the young man that she was used to living alone and this had its advantages, and that the question of how to marry a man definitely did not arise for her.

    The friend demonstrated to her man that it was not he who made her happy with his invitation, but she, by agreeing to live with him, compromised her habits and thereby demonstrated her trust in him. She constantly made it clear that if they separated, she would not disappear. She is a completely independent person. The man proposed to her, because otherwise he could lose her.

    Your independence should also manifest itself in the presence of personal interests and hobbies. A man must understand that your life is filled not only with him.

    I have a cousin, a very successful and quite wealthy man. After his first unsuccessful marriage, he just can’t meet the woman he would like to propose to. Moreover, he purposefully searches, meets girls, and does not find them. Once I asked him “Who are you looking for? There are so many free, beautiful, smart girls around, is there really no worthy one?”

    “I want her to be smart, beautiful, understanding, caring and definitely strive for something. I tried to realize myself. It doesn’t matter who she will be - a businesswoman or a teacher, the main thing is that she is captivated by something other than me. Only with such a person will I be interested.”

    4. Women's weakness

    It would seem, how can you be an independent and at the same time a weak wife? This is possible. You need to emphasize your weakness in the little things. Ask a man to help you sort out a difficult situation, fix a shelf for you in your apartment, or bring medicine when you are sick. Give a man the opportunity to take care of you, realize his masculine significance, and use his strength and intelligence. Just don't do it too often.

    5. Compliments

    Who among us doesn't like compliments? Praise your chosen one. Highlight his best qualities. Appreciate achievements. Do it sincerely. If a man next to you feels like the “king of the world,” he will want this feeling to last as long as possible.

    6. Optimism

    Which of us likes sad people? A woman who is always complaining about her fate cannot arouse the interest of a man for a long time. Be cheerful, exude optimism and then the man will be comfortable in your company. He will want the celebration of life to always be nearby. During my student years, when there was no Internet yet, young people very often met on the street. I remember when my friends and I were walking, cheerfully discussing something, crumpled, they were sure to try to get to know us.

    7. Attention to the hobbies of the chosen one

    People who have something to talk about are interested in being together. Find out as much as possible about how your man lives, what interests him, what he is interested in, what books he reads, what films he watches. It is not at all necessary to agree with his opinion on all points. You can argue or agree - the main thing is not to be indifferent. Be an interesting conversationalist, and then he will not want to look for communication on the side. Tell him about your hobbies, maybe they will interest him too. Look for as many points of contact between your interests as possible.

    8. Rules of conduct

    The man is a hunter. And no matter how much you want to force things, you cannot forget about the nature of male behavior. At the stage of the candy-bouquet period, the most active actions you can take is the process of getting to know each other. A girl can take the first step to attract a man's attention. This strategic moment must be used to the maximum.

    Once, even before marriage, I was in a club, and one man caught my attention. He was the center of attention as he was the organizer of the party. And I was sitting in a circle of friends and didn’t really stand out from the general background. I invited him to a slow dance myself. During the dance we met, I expressed my admiration for the organization of the event, and complimented him. He sensed my interest.

    After the dance, I no longer paid attention to his person. We were chatting happily with our friends, and I didn’t even look in his direction. Of course, the man was intrigued, and he himself began to take active steps.

    Do not impose yourself on a man under any circumstances. Especially at the first stage of your meetings. Let him plan the process of winning your attention. Let the man be the initiator of calls and dates. And if he is very interested, try to spend time with him as often as possible.

    Simply put, it’s not you who should think about how to marry a man, but the man who should think about how to make you want to marry him!

    Let him get used to your presence. But a break is still needed. The moment when it is needed must be felt. When you realize that a man is already very passionate, disappear from his sight for a while. Don't warn him about your absence. Let him be tormented by doubts and feel how much he misses you. And when you return, be sure to provide an important reason for your absence. A man should not think that you are frivolous.

    9. Attitude towards money and gifts

    Your behavior when a man pays and gives you gifts is also a very important and subtle nuance. If you emphasize that a man is obliged to give expensive gifts and take him to prestigious restaurants, you will become like a prostitute. But they don’t marry prostitutes, they are kept.

    I am always surprised by the behavior of some girls, for whom it is important that an acquaintance takes them to restaurants, treats them to expensive dishes and rare drinks. Telling their friends about the coolness of the restaurant, they will not be able to hide their attitude towards this fact and the man.

    It turns out that in a relationship with a man, what is important to them is not his attention, not his personality, but free food, even in an expensive restaurant. And this will be worse than prostitution. It turns out they sell themselves for food. A man will definitely feel it. His attitude will be appropriate. Of course, you don’t need to be like feminists and offer to pay yourself on every occasion. If you are invited to a restaurant, let the man know that the most important thing this evening is him. You enjoy being with him. Do not order the most expensive and rare dishes; in some cases it will be better to let the man choose.

    10. Housework

    "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Really, who doesn't like to eat delicious food? Your ability to cook, most likely, will not be the decisive factor, but if you are at your best in this matter, the young man simply will have no choice. What can bring you together the most is cooking dinner together. Firstly, there will be an opportunity to find out your boyfriend’s culinary preferences, and secondly, this ritual is very reminiscent of a family idyll.

    11. Gaining the authority of loved ones

    There will come a time when a man wants to introduce you to his friends, people close to him, and possibly his parents. This is your chance to strengthen your position. Your task is to charm them. Positive reviews about you will give an additional incentive to a man to decide to connect his life with you.

    Under no circumstances should you flirt with your chosen one's friends. You will be perceived as a girl of easy virtue. The best way to get them to praise you is to behave naturally, joke, tell interesting stories, listen carefully to other storytellers, ask relevant questions, etc. You need to behave with more restraint with your parents and demonstrate your respect for them as much as possible. When meeting with your parents, choose more modest clothing. Older people are critical of frivolity in clothing.

    12. Seriousness of intentions

    In many articles devoted to this topic, I read the following thought: “There is no need to put pressure on a man to decide to propose to you.” Some women are really not interested in the issue of legal marriage; it is quite enough for them to be together and love each other. But this article is not for them. This article is for those who really want to get married!

    I do not agree with the above statement that you need to pretend that the issue of wedding and marriage does not interest you. This is an outright lie, and by following these tips, you yourself will lead the relationship in a direction that is not in the direction you expect.

    I have one friend. She met her chosen one ten years ago. He fell in love with her and proposed to live together. They are still together and have two children. Quite a prosperous family. Recently, my friend and I had to fill out documents and at that moment it turned out that she had a maiden name. I asked her a question, why didn’t they legalize their relationship? And she heard the answer that her man never proposed, but her friend did not insist, because they were already happy together, and official marriage was only a formality. But why was she so uncomfortable saying her maiden name?

    This is not the saddest outcome of events. Most often, people meet, fall in love, live together for a while, and then separate. And for some reason, the man to whom he sang the possibility of sincerity in a relationship only without a stamp in his passport, leads another girl down the aisle.

    I believe that it is necessary to raise the question of the seriousness of intentions. You just need to do it in a timely manner.

    If your relationship has just begun, at the height of romance, the so-called candy-bouquet period, talking about a wedding can really scare a man away. But if you have been living together for more than a year, he says words of love to you and does not propose, you need to ask yourself the question of how serious he is about you. Of course, no stamp in a passport will guarantee eternal love.

    An official proposal only says that your chosen one plans to be with you all his life. And if there is no offer, it means the man doesn’t think so, and no longer believes in the sincerity and seriousness of his feelings. But how can you give birth to children, be confident in the future, if at any moment a man can say: “We are free people and I have decided to break up with you.”

    I believe that by living with a woman for a long time and not proposing to her, a man thereby humiliates her dignity. He demonstrates to her and everyone around him that his feelings and intentions are not serious.

    One of my friends found herself in this situation. They had been dating a young man for over a year. He confessed his love to her. But he was in no hurry to propose marriage. Then she decided to have a serious conversation. She said that she loved him too, that she wanted to marry him.

    But she also understands that his attitude towards her is not serious enough to propose. The friend wants to start a family and is already ready for this step, and considers it a humiliation for herself to continue this relationship that is unclear to her. Therefore, she decided to leave. What did her chosen one do? He ran for flowers, got down on his knee and proposed to her.

    So I forced you to take this step? my friend asked him.

    I would make it myself later. I just wanted to become more wealthy first, because today you earn more than me.

    They have been married for several years. And now his salary significantly exceeds that of my friend. But I am sure that if the friend had allowed the chosen one to wait for this bright moment, and it came two years later, after her ultimatum, these people would have fled like ships at sea.

    And I know many such cases. Men have different excuses to delay the moment when they sign up for their lack of freedom. But if a man values ​​a woman and really doesn’t want to lose her, he will take this step. He just needs help sometimes.

    The principled conversation I described can only happen once. And having decided on it, you must be sure that if such a conversation is not followed by a marriage proposal, you will really end this connection. The lack of a positive reaction from a man to your ultimatum will only confirm the fact that his intentions are not serious. And if there are no feelings, why waste time?

    Remember, the most important thing is that men are divided into two categories:

    Those who, in principle, are not going to get married (there are very few of them) and, of course, we are not interested in them. If you understand that a man is a pathological bachelor, do not waste your precious time on him.

    Most men want to get married. They are simply looking for exactly the woman with whom they want to live a family life. And how to show him that you are exactly that woman is described above.