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Regional press of the Pskov region. Class hour on the topic “You don’t need a treasure, if there is harmony in the family. What if there is a treasure in the family?”


(for children of middle preschool age)

Program content:

Training tasks:

Teach children to interact with each other and their families in the process of playful communication; express your thoughts and feelings using facial expressions, gestures, posture, posture.

Learn to convey your feelings through visual arts.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate in children love for their family and the desire to do good deeds.

Developmental tasks:

Develop motor activity, openness, the ability to express interest and love for each other, the ability to appreciate communication with family and surrounding adults.

Develop skills of voluntary control, the ability to obey rules; Creative skills.

Material: 2 hoops, nuts, chestnuts, cones, kinder surprises; candle in a transparent vessel, cubes according to the number of participants; markers, white paper; waste material for D\I “What is good for what.”

Progress of the lesson:

Presenter: What do we need to know to communicate with each other? Reveal a secret?

There are only five things we should know

And language is not our enemy: who should we tell? What can I say?

When? And where? And How?


Hello! The kind kindness of the word was erased into nothing in daily greetings. Hello! This is - be healthy, This is - live longer in the world. E. Sheveleva

Hello dear adults! Where are your treasures?

Now I’ll call: “Who is very good, obedient, handsome? Who is loved by mother and protected by God? ( Adults' response: child).

An adult and a child couples hug their relatives and to the song “It’s fun to walk together”: they walk, run, walk on their toes, side gallop and line up in a circle in pairs face to face.

Children: You and me, you and me, ( A child and an adult point at each other)

You and I are one family. ( Put their hands on each other's shoulders)

We read together, ( They make “glasses”)

We play together (They jump on one leg)

Together we help our friends in everything. (Clap their hands.)

Game-dramatization “Let's Help the Squirrel”:

Children: Where have you been, Squirrel?

What did the jumper get?

Squirrel: I ran into the grove with a cart,

I collected nuts there.

Children: Where is the cart, Squirrel?

Where are the nuts, frisky?

Squirrel: Oh, I broke the cart

And I lost the nuts.

Presenter: What shall we do? Shall we sympathize and move on? After all, if you stay and help, you will have to overcome difficulties. Nuts are not visible in the grass. You will need to look for them by touch and try not to confuse them with the fruits of other trees. What do you think? (We'll stay and help).

For this you have prepared: 2 hoops, blindfolds, nuts, chestnuts, cones, kinder surprises.

A blindfolded child and an adult choose only nuts from the objects scattered in the hoop.

Child reads a poem "Everything is very simple» R. Saf :

Who is always whining and bored,

He doesn't notice anything

Who doesn't notice anything

He doesn't study anything.

Who doesn't study anything

He's always whining and bored.

The teacher conducts the game “What is good for what.”

The game develops imagination, constructive thinking, observation, activates and refines knowledge about the world around us, expands horizons, and develops speech.

For example: Stone - for what? (Like a load; a percussion instrument; a way to make fire (strike a spark); building material, etc.).


You raise children in the hallway,

You will give free rein to the children,

But think parents

Are you raising a person?

We dote on children,

We forgive them all their misdeeds,

Maybe just because of myself,

Loving only your love?

But under our care

How long does it take for children to grow?

What did you give to the person

For the hard way?

In every cell, in every vein -

What was put into us from childhood,

From the first years GOOD and EVIL

It has entered into our blood and flesh.

Parents to their darlings

Will you give me the strength of spirit?!

David Kugultinov

Ethical conversation with experimental elements:

The trinity of man is expressed through the family. A person can only be whole in a family. That is: The father, the head of the family, is the most responsible hypostasis of a person (spirit); wife, mother (soul), a direct part of the male head of the family and the third hypostasis, uniting father and mother - the child.

Adults and children each take a cube and sit on the carpet in a circle. A transparent vessel with a burning candle is placed in the center.

Leading: God is love. And the Light of Love illuminates the life path of a person striving for God. Place your cubes where you yourself would like to be in relation to the Savior who brings the Light of Love to people. Please note that the closer we are to our neighbors, the closer we are to the Lord. If we sincerely strive for God, the closer, more significant, and dearer our neighbors are to us.

Children reading the poem by N. Grigoriev “Wall newspaper in our house » :

There is a wall newspaper in our house,

Like a home postman

We arrived, and dad is somewhere,

He left us a letter:

“I’m with my grandfather now,

I'll be home in an hour."

I write: “I went for a walk,

I’ll be home at five sharp.”

So that family and friends

Take care, don't worry,

Notes are better

Leave it in the wall newspaper.

Everyone in their pair draws a message in the family wall newspaper.

Children play the game “Continue the Chain”.

We accept family rules:

In our family everyone has the right : to make a mistake; give your attention; forgive; to be alone; don't be offended, etc.


"Take care of each other,

Warm with kindness.

Take care of each other,

Don't let us offend you.

Take care of each other,

Forget all the quarrels

And in a free moment

Stay close to each other" ( O. Vysotskaya).

Presenter: “So we completed the task!

How could it be otherwise?

If the team is friendly, a suitable motive is given,

Then with a cheerful ringing song

Good luck awaits those who are together"

They leave the hall to the song “It’s fun to walk together.”

Biryukova Zh.V., teacher

MBDOU kindergarten

general developmental type No. 23


Class hour “You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family”

Nikitina S.V., teacher classes

MKOU secondary school No. 3, Shumikha, Kurgan region.

Target: Foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family, cultivate respect for the older generation

Slide 1 (summer landscape)

    Creating psychological comfort Slide 2 (sun)

Warm-up “Good morning”.

Good morning!

Smile soon! Let's rub our palms together

And today all day Stronger, stronger!

It will be more fun. Now let's clap

We will stroke your forehead. Bolder, bolder!

Now we'll rub our nose and ears

And cheeks. And we will save your health.

We will be beautiful, Let's smile again,

Like flowers in the garden! Be healthy everyone!

    Discussion of the topic of the lesson

    The topic of our lesson is encrypted on the slide. Try to guess what word is encrypted here. Slide 3 (pe beads )

7 I (family)

    What do you think this word means - family? Slide4 (word -family)

    The word “Family” is very similar to the word “seed”. A small seed, which is planted in the ground with love, gives a strong sprout. Then, first, delicate and beautiful flowers appear on it, and then good fruits.

    When your parents started a family, it also resembled a small seed. He had to be raised with love: to live in harmony, to take care of each other. The family grows stronger and children appear. Like the first flowers - sons and daughters. Parents' main concern is that their children grow up to be good people. And for this, fathers and mothers spare no effort or time.

Slide 5 (drawing of a family)

    I suggest you think and say in one word “What is your family like?

    Large family: - small

    Friendly family; - hardworking

    caring family; - good

    good family; - strict

    kind family; - healthy

    funny family; - strong

    sports family... -happy

    Guys, what should you do to ensure that everyone in your family has a joyful mood? /don’t offend, don’t quarrel, help, give gifts, get good grades, work, love each other, relax together.../

A GAME IN We will collect the good deeds that you do at home in the chest.

Name the good deeds they do and put a heart in the chest: washing dishes, watering flowers, washing floors, sweeping, making their bed, folding their things, clearing the table, setting the table, bringing newspapers, washing shoes, etc.)

    Working on a proverb.

People have put together many proverbs and sayings about family. Here is one of them. Slide 6 (words)

There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family.

    What is fret? (agreement)

    How do you understand the meaning of the proverb?

CONCLUSION: If there is harmony and love in the family, then money is not the most important thing, in the end you can always earn it. But if there is no love, no agreement, then no treasure, no amount of money will help. When a house is filled with smiles and understanding, everyone feels comfortable and warm in it.

4 . Chamomile is a symbol of family. Slide 7 (photo of chamomile)

    The chamomile is considered a symbol of the family.

    What is a symbol?

    Why did you choose chamomile?

    Chamomile is the most famous and most widespread flower in Russia. The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated during the most blooming summer season - July 8th. In addition, in Russia, chamomile has been a symbol of love since ancient times.

    What is most important in a close-knit family, what can make them stronger and happier? Let's make a daisy of family happiness together

Children read poetry and make a daisy of happiness

    The main thing in the family is Love.

She forgives everything.

There will be no grief and worries for those

Who knows about this love? petal - love

    What's important in a family - care.

Taking care of everyone around you.

And we take care

From mother's kind hands, petal-care

    It's not easy sometimes in this life.

Problems bother everyone

But the most important thing in a family is patience.

Thanks to him, all troubles will go away petal - patience

    And that family will be stronger

Where there's a little respect

And grief will pass by

And together we will live without regret petal - respect

4 Cleanliness everywhere and in everything

Not only in the house, but also in feelings

And we will preserve this purity

So that happy moments do not end petal - purity

    In a family, like in a war,

Here duty is most important

Don't forget about those around you:

Responsibility is the most important petal - responsibility

5Reading and discussion Slide 8 (illustration for the story)

Cookies" by V. Oseeva

Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandma clinked her cups merrily.

Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate towards him.

    Share one by one - Misha said sternly.

The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and divided them into two piles.

    Smooth? - Vova asked.

Misha looked at the crowd with his eyes:

    Exactly... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandma served tea to both of them. It was quiet at the table. The piles of cookies were quickly shrinking.

    Crumbly! Sweet! - Misha spoke.

    Yes! - Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and crawled out from behind the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - She stirred the unstarted tea with a spoon. He looked at grandma - she was chewing a crust of black bread...

What was everyone's mood at the beginning? (Merry.)

Why did mom and grandma's mood change?

What were grandma and mom thinking? (About their children being selfish.)

And which of the guys finally realized a little that they had done wrong? (Misha)

What do you suggest Misha and Petya do? (Ask your mother and grandmother for forgiveness.)

Have there been situations in your life when you didn’t think about your parents?

Were you ashamed of your actions?

Do you know how to correct yourself in time? Or ask for forgiveness in a timely manner if you have offended someone?

b. Creative work Slide 9 (photo of crafts)

I suggest you make a chamomile like this.

Slide 10

Gluing strips onto a circle

WITH lead 11

Chamomile petals.

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your journey with kindness!

Slide 12

I propose to end our lesson with the song “Adults and Children”

Let us remember again that we all speak Russian poorly...

Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language

...The other day I was asked how to write the beginning of a Russian proverb correctly - together or separately - What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family? »: " for what" or " for what"?

In this case " for what " is a colloquial expression that is a pronominal adverb and means “why”, “for what” (for example, Why did he surrender to me?).

As a rule, such adverbs are written together (for example, about).

In modern dictionaries, both “fundamental” and “containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language,” the pronominal adverb for what for some reason it is missing.

IN Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary this word is given in continuous spelling:

START Ó adv. what? And at the beginning, east.; at the beginning, tmb. why ѣ m, why, for what, for what purpose, for what. Give me the pitchfork! "For what?" What was the point of touching if they didn’t tell me to? There's a lot to know: but we'll die fools! (Dahl. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes. M.: TERRA, 1995. T. 2. P. 497).

We managed to find this word in one of the modern explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, also in continuous spelling:

FOR WHAT", places adv. And consciousness sl.(simple). Why, for what purpose? N. did he surrender to me?(i.e. why do I need it) ( Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. M.: Azbukovnik, 2002. P. 400).

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what "What's the treasure for, if there's harmony in the family." in other dictionaries:

    See It’s a treasure that there is harmony in the family...

    What a treasure if everything is in disarray. It’s a treasure that there is harmony in the family. See LONELINESS... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    In his family, everyone (father, uncle) is big. Even the chicken beats on its ashes. And there is no owner in Poland anymore. Peace and quiet, and God's grace. Quiet and roof, peace and grace of God. Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace. What is the treasure for, if in... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    One bee will make a little honey. There is safety in numbers. You can't tie a knot with one hand. Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home. Two firebrands are smoking (smoking) in the field, and one is going out in the stove. A family is fighting, and one is grieving. Family and peas are being threshed... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Small genres of folklore are folklore works that are small in volume. In some works the definition of children's folklore is found, since such folk works enter a person’s life very early, long before mastering speech.... ... Wikipedia

    LAY, put something (to get along and German laden?), to suppose, to place a thing lying down; dump, dump; let go of hands without dropping; lay out, lay out. Ch. put is replenished, for a perfect look, ch. put. You will begin to put firewood in the woodpile,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    TO GET GOOD, to get along with what, to get along; adjust, adapt, fit, correct, manufacture, repair, put in order and easily do; adjust, build a musical instrument. Okay, let's plow soon. Get along lunch, tea. Getting along with the wedding... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Main article: Repertoire of the Moscow Maly Theater Here is a list of productions of the Moscow Academic Maly Theater of Russia for the 19th century... Wikipedia


1. TEACHER: Guys, we read poems and stories from different authors about children and parents, about friendship and mutual understanding in the family. Today we will talk about what we have read, you will hear a story about the traditions of Russian families, get acquainted with new books, and share your impressions of the books you have read yourself.

Explain the meaning of the proverbs:

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in no place.

Mother's affection knows no end.

Remember what proverbs the Russian people have made about family:

Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

The hut is fun for children.

The sweet child has many names.

Annushka is a good daughter if her mother and grandmother praise her.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.

2. LIBRARY: It has long been noted that houses and walls help. Parental shelter - the house where you were born and your family lives - is the most important place in your life, the place where you will always strive, no matter where you live, no matter how far you go.

There are many fairy tales and legends associated with the parental home. Do you remember what a house is called in fairy tales?

Hut, hut, hut. And later towers, chambers, mansions, and tents appeared. Next to them there is always a bathhouse, barn, barn, barn, barn, stable, poultry yard. The main thing in a hut is the stove, then the carved benches, and the flooring.

Father's house begins at the threshold. Many peoples have a special relationship with him. It was believed that the spirits of ancestors were at the threshold. That's why people were afraid to disturb their peace - to step foot or sit on the threshold.

Because of the low ceiling, one had to enter the Siberian huts with a bow. It was believed that this bow was given not only to the owners of the house, but also to the brownie, the keeper of the hearth. A long time ago, people lived for themselves, raised children, and sowed grain. kept cattle. And so they began to notice that in one farm the horses are good, and the cows give more milk, and the children do not get sick, etc. No matter what the owners undertake, everything works out, as if someone is helping. And the neighbor has trouble after trouble: either the horse goes lame, then the ferret gets into the habit of dragging chickens into the hen house, then the owner is going to the forest to buy firewood - there’s no way to find an ax. Oh, this is no accident! Apparently, someone lives in the house invisible, apparently, a brownie has taken up residence. Only no one calls him that: he will be offended, they call him respectfully: “grandfather”, “master”. After all, he lived in the house before, even under his grandfathers and great-grandfathers - he is the eldest. He's a smart little guy, but someone managed to spot him, he's small, oh stump, he looks like a man, only he's overgrown with fur. Long gray beard. And it’s like his ears are long and furry. He loves warmth and comfort, so he lives in the corner behind the stove, dozing there until the evening. And when everyone in the house falls asleep, the old owner will come out and go around the whole house, where he notices a mess, he will fix it. And he will count the chickens in the chicken coop and add grain to them. The grandfather has a cheerful disposition, he would play pranks and jokes all the time. Maybe he’ll stroke you with his furry paw at night, otherwise he’ll pinch you or push the sleepy one off the bench. Otherwise he will fall on the sleepy one with his whole body, not move, but if you don’t get scared and ask: “For good or for bad?” - here. they speak, and his voice can be heard, dull, quiet, as if leaves were rustling.

A new house without a brownie is empty, uninhabited. Moreover, suddenly a stranger, a brownie, will settle in, who does not feel sorry for the owners and their kindness. So he will start playing tricks, ruining everything, forcing the owners out of the house. A housewarming is a new life, and it needs to be good. So the owners first let a rooster and a cat into the new hut, so that they would take away all the evil spirits with them, and the owners would follow them in. And they invite their old brownie to the new house, saying: “You are welcome, grandfather, to come to our new home.” Because they believe that he will bring a piece of old comfort to the new home, the memory of their ancestors, as if transferring the entire household under their protection. After all, ancestors are family. When moving to a new house, it was necessary to transfer hot coals from the old hearth to the new hearth and make a fire there. Then the brownie will move to a new home, and the life of the family will be prosperous.

The father's house is not only the warmth of the native hearth, next to which both life and business are going on, but also the whole world of the family with its own special spiritual mood, peculiar traditions that have developed over many years, which are absorbed with mother's milk.

What is family? This word is clear to everyone, like bread and water. It is absorbed from the first conscious moments of life, it is next to each of us. A family is a home, it is a husband and wife, it is children, it is grandparents. These are love and worries, labors and joys, misfortunes and sorrows, habits and traditions.

I'll tell you one legend.

In ancient times, there lived an amazing family. The family is huge - one hundred people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Word of this reached the supreme ruler himself. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the Elder, the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other?” Then the elder took the paper, wrote a hundred words on it and gave it to the rulers. He quickly read it and was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet: “understanding.”

To this day, in village houses, photographs of all family members - close and distant relatives - hang on the walls. And in the center of this “iconostasis” in a prominent place are enlarged portraits of the heads of the family: father and mother.

“Parents” and “Motherland” are words of the same root. These holy words help you to love and understand your native language, native nature, and traditions of your people.

Since ancient times, people have been concerned about issues of family relationships. In the 16th century, a book appeared in Russia that gave teachings and instructions on how to behave to both the husband, the family, and the children. Book “Domostroy”.

This is what is written in the chapter, which was called “How children can love and cherish their father and mother, obey them and comfort them in everything.”

In the old days, the work of family members was distributed very carefully, depending on gender, age, and inclinations. The main thing is that everyone did what they could. The head of the family is the owner - the old man - the father of adult married sons. They obeyed him unquestioningly. No one argued with him, but the elder immediately tried to do what he said. Everyone listened to him attentively and did not interrupt. And if he entered, everyone fell silent respectfully. Having gotten up early, at three o’clock, we were afraid that we wouldn’t have time to do everything.

4. Students' reports about books they read independently.

5. LIBRARY: Let's take a look at the exhibition. There are books here, the best works of Russian literature, in which we will read how families formed and lived. You all know the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". It was written by Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. He also wrote the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” where he described his childhood and the history of his family. Sergei Timofeevich was a good family man, he loved children and grandchildren. In letters to his sons, he called them “my son and friend” and himself signed himself “your friend and father.”

And here are the books of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. He was the head of a large family - he had 15 children. His wife, Sofya Andreevna, was the mistress of a large house, a real keeper of the family hearth. The children knew what their mother did for them: she looked after their food, sewed shirts for them, darned their stockings, made dolls for them, and scolded them if their feet got wet. But the children did not know that she sat at night over her father’s manuscripts, that she rewrote the manuscripts of his novels many times. The children were sure that their mother could not be ill or out of sorts. After all, she lives for them: for Tanya and Seryozha, Ilyusha and Lesha, for all their brothers and sisters. Son Sergei recalled that Lev Nikolaevich never caressed children. didn’t kiss them, didn’t say kind words. but they always felt his love. They had a special relationship with him. The father did not order, but his advice was carried out unquestioningly. His eyes were piercing, it was difficult to hold their gaze and it was difficult to lie to them. He never punished them - he just stared, and that was stronger than the punishment. He could punish by not addressing the offender and not taking him on a walk. And the main joy of the children was in the walk - Lev Nikolaevich went with them around the house, hunting, into the forest to tell something, teach something, he loved to do gymnastics with the children.

And Tolstoy's stories for children are often devoted to family relationships. talk about the lives of different families. These are the “Stories from the ABC” you know.

STUDENTS use illustrations to recall the content of familiar stories. These are other stories about children, for example, “Kostochka” (reading and sharing impressions).



Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her boots

Mom goes into the house

Mom looks around.

Was the apartment raided?

Has a hippopotamus visited us?

Maybe the house is not ours?

Maybe this apartment is not ours?

Seryozhka just came,

We played a little.

- So this is not a collapse?

- So the elephant didn’t dance with us?

- I am very happy.

It turned out,

I had no reason to worry!

N. Sakonskaya. Talk about mom

If I were a girl -

I wouldn't waste time!

I wouldn't jump on the street.

I would wash the shirts.

I would wash the kitchen floor

I would sweep the room.

I would wash the cups, spoons,

I would peel the potatoes myself

All my toys myself

I would put it in its place.

Why am I not a girl?

I would help my mother so much

Mom would immediately say:

"You're doing well, Son!"

E. Uspensky. Everything is fine

I offended my mother

Now never - never

Let's leave the house together,

We won't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave at the window,

And I won't wave to her.

She won't tell anything

And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders

I'll find a piece of bread

I'll find a stronger stick

I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I'll follow the trail

I will look for ore

And across the stormy river

I'll go build bridges!

And I will be the main boss.

And I will have a beard

And I will always be sad

And so silent...

And then it will be a winter evening.

And many years will pass,

And then onto the jet plane

Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday

That plane will arrive

And mom will come out from there,

And my mother will forgive me.

Z. Moshkovskaya

Tossed carelessly

At the end of the bed

Old, shabby

Mom's robe.

I'm serving it

Take care mom,

And why -

You can guess for yourself:

If he puts it on

Colored robe,

So, all evening

Will stay with me.

G. Lemykina. Mother

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in all activities

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about it.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Oh, how many are these hands?

they do wonderful things:

They caress, knit, tag,

everyone is making something.

The night light will be lit for bed

And then they suddenly fall silent.

There is nothing more tender in the world

And there are no kinder hands.

L. Kvitko. Grandma's hands

I have a grandfather.

How gray is winter.

I have a grandfather

With a white beard.

Grandfather knows a lot


About the moon and the sun,

About animals and birds.

My grandfather gives me everything

May give an answer.

And my grandfather is not old,

At least he is a hundred years old.

R. Gamzatov. My grandfather

Loved you for no special reason

Because you are a grandson,

And because you are a son,

Because baby

For those who grow,

For posing like a pose to mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

V. Berestov

Mom's dresses in this one goes away

Well, you can’t really count them. She's at the factory.

There is blue in this theater

And there is green, and he goes to visit.

There's blue in this

with big flowers Busy with drawings...

Everyone serves Kaadoya serves

In my own way, mom. Pv-to your mom.