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The mindset to attract money and financial well-being. Set up for money. I started work


Many people think that the world around us is built only by actions and actions. This is partly true, but the true nature of how reality is constructed is a little different. By understanding it, you can transform your life.

There is such an effective technique as affirmations. These are simple, positive words and sentences that create positive attitudes in a person’s mind. You simply repeat them day after day as often as possible so that the thoughts put into the formulation are fixed in your mind. This helps to increase your energy, attract good luck, and gradually the thought comes to life.

Energy and Affirmations

As modern science tells us, human energy is a very important element of happiness. The higher the energy, the greater the chances of success. The secret lies in man's connection with the Universe, which gives us everything we can ask for. It could be money, love, health or good mood. The stronger the faith, the brighter the result manifests itself.

By increasing your energy with affirmations for success, you are establishing a communication channel with the center of abundance. Success settles in your head, firmly settling on your consciousness, leaving its mark. Have you ever noticed that a negative attitude always leads to collapse? Even in the simplest work, negative emotions are often the enemy of productivity.

There is no magic in affirmations and positive attitudes - the power of repetition is real like nothing else. Reality begins with thoughts, so work on them must be constant. Human nature is such that it is usually impossible to completely remove negative emotions from consciousness, but everyone can reduce them to a minimum. A low level of negativity will no longer be able to influence your destiny. In this case, Fortune will be with you even in the most difficult situations.

Why is it important to repeat affirmations regularly?

The character and energy of temperament are different for all people, because we are very different from each other. Some may need help more than others; someone fulfills their plans, using the principle of affirmations, in a week, while others can spend a couple of months on this. It is important not to give up and not quit what you started.

Regular repetition reinforces the desired settings. Affirmations for success are help, effective and simple. They push people to believe in themselves. They will never be superfluous, because they can strengthen strong people, and support weak people and make them stronger, and then even from problems and defeats you can come to victories.

Affirmations for success

A positive mindset for success might look like this:

  • “I know that I will be lucky”;
  • “Luck is always with me”;
  • “I believe in myself, so I can handle any problems”;
  • “Life is not something that is prescribed, but something that I choose. I choose happiness";
  • “I am successful/successful because I always know what I want”;
  • “Losing is just an opportunity to evaluate your weaknesses and correct them”;
  • “I am ready/ready for victories because I sincerely believe in myself”;
  • “Luck is with me: in love, in business, in work”;
  • “I am always lucky because I believe in myself”;
  • “My life is full of positivity”;
  • “My wishes always come true because I want it so”;
  • “The Universe always supports me, giving me good luck”;
  • “Success is the norm for me”;
  • “Any of my endeavors will lead to success because I believe in myself.”

You don't need to use all the affirmations at once. Choose 2-3 phrases for yourself and repeat them at least 5-6 times a day. So few phrases are needed for you to remember them rather than read them. You can compose them yourself, guided by your interests.

Use affirmations as often as possible; remember them in the morning, starting the day, and before going to bed, falling asleep and programming yourself for tomorrow. Return to positive attitudes in any free time, say these words out loud or to yourself. Over time, you will see how your life has changed. You should not expect results quickly, since the formation of correct, powerful energy is a difficult and long process that needs constant feeding on your part.

We can all be good and evil, greedy and generous, indifferent and attentive, but only the true intention to become happy can move us forward. The first step is desire, so if you are reading this article, then you are on the right track. Also use affirmations for happiness, love and finances to succeed in all areas of life. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.10.2016 07:03

In order to find joy in life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you don’t need to put in...

TO What exercise will help you properly tune your subconscious so that it does not interfere with you and even helps you? You need to periodically increase your normal level. It's exciting and very interesting, although most people don't know what it's all about.

Normal level

It is important to know that every person has a certain level of standard of living. For some, the standard level is a two-room apartment in some small city or village, a refrigerator and a TV. Some people need to add a microwave to this, definitely a spouse, children, and also a dog.

Someone else needs a dacha, a good job, an apartment or a house in a big city, friends, and not just friends, but friends abroad.

“Every person has a certain level of standard of living to which he is accustomed and which he maintains.”

Take, for example, a rich person who is used to living at a fairly high standard. He cannot feel good, for example, if we are talking about a woman, without a daily manicure. Or, for example, a man who has a house, a Porsche, a dacha on the Mediterranean coast, a yacht, and so on.

Take away all these things from him, that is, artificially lower this level of standard of living for him. And you will see that after a while everything will return to normal. He will have everything again, because his neural connections are already arranged in a certain way, which will return him to his place again. This place is called “I just can’t live without it.” Not only does he already know how to achieve all this, he is also used to it. He strives for this and cannot do without it.

Conversely, take a poor person and give him at once all the wealth that can be given. Give him all the wealth of the person from the previous example. After some time, his neural connections, his brain will bring him back - he will lose everything and come back again.

“Raise your standard to change your life and take it to a new level of quality of life.”

Because in his head the neural connections corresponding to his new life are not formed. They need to be folded independently by performing certain exercises, and the more often we do this, the stronger these connections will become. This plays into our hands. This is exactly what I was talking about at the very beginning.

Exercises to tune the subconscious

What exercises should you do to train your brain to make the right neural connections in our head so that everything works out for you and everything is done? It is very important to adhere to the Yin-Yang concept here. It could be divided into men and women, but this is wrong, because each gender has two sides, Yin and Yang. What it is?

#1 Yang Touch Technique

Yang is a touch technique. You need to think about how your life will change when your wish comes true, what will be new in it? Where will you be traveling? Where will you go? Who will you communicate with? How will you dress? What shops, restaurants, cinemas, etc. should you go to? How could your life change?

Think about how you can touch this life now. Touch technique - how you can already touch the life that awaits you when all your desires are fulfilled.

Thus, you seem to be immersing yourself now in a different atmosphere. You are accustoming your brain to a different life. At first he will resist because you will feel awkward, somehow uneasy.

“To change your normal level, use physical touch and soul touch techniques.”

For example, you came to an expensive restaurant. Your brain is not very comfortable yet, because you have never gone to such restaurants. You physically train him - you make him feel comfortable in new conditions. At the same time, you increase the level of the norm and gradually you build new neural connections in your brain.

The more often you do this, the stronger these neural connections will become, and your brain will no longer sabotage, since this area will already become familiar to it. He'll get used to it.

All my rich friends, very rich, successful people, they always used the touch technique, including myself. Vladimir Dovgan, for example, rented a presidential hotel room to show his brain what a good, beautiful life is. This is the touch technique in action.

Vsevolod Tatarinov, also a dollar millionaire, he periodically visited the Marriott Hotel, he came when he had no money and read a book there. He could do this at home, but he would go to the hotel and watch the rich people, training his brain to be in that atmosphere.

Using the touch technique, you can, for example, take a test drive for those who want to buy a car. And not just once, but several times, in different salons, to accustom your brain to the fact that this is normal, this is a comfort zone, and you don’t need to be afraid of it.

“Find opportunities to tap into your desired life now to expand your reach. This way you will quickly realize everything you want.”

#2 “Love yourself” technique

The touch technique alone is not enough because it is only one side. It is also important for you to work on the Yin side. What's the best way to do this? This technique is called “love yourself.” This is a simple and effective technique. And this also applies to men. Here it is very important to approach yourself and your subconscious from the emotional side.

Stop the fuss, stop all the worry around you. In fact, stop time, stop yourself, stop your thoughts, stop all your worries. It is very important for you to set aside time for yourself, for your hobbies, to come up with some pleasures for yourself, for example, so that no one bothers you for 1 hour a day. This hour is only yours, for your pleasure.

Come up with something for yourself. Buy yourself some gifts, please yourself with some little things, come up with something nice for yourself. Perhaps a restaurant, a beauty salon, an appointment for a massage, a swimming pool, a fitness club, a fishing trip, shopping, self-education classes, yoga, meditation, and so on.

“So that you are no longer sabotaged by your subconscious, show yourself love, reward yourself. And then you will have more energy to achieve any goal."

If in the Yang touching technique we approach from the body, as if physically touching our dream, then in this technique we touch with the soul and emotions. This way you will increase your normal level not only at the physical level, but also at the emotional level. And it turns out to be a kind of double blocking of your brain so that it no longer sabotages, so that for it it will be a comfortable, familiar zone, and so that it will also like it.

#3 Balance Wheel

To understand which direction of life you should pay more attention to in terms of Yin touch, you can hit more precisely on the most lagging areas of your life so as not to waste energy in order to understand exactly in which direction you need to pull yourself up.

To do this, you need to perform a simple exercise called the Wheel of Balance. This is a simple exercise, do it and you will see what and where you are lacking, and where you need to add a little of your energy.

The Balance Wheel is an ordinary circle that you draw on your sheet of paper. Imagine a round cake that you cut into 8 parts - this is how you need to divide the circle into 8 sectors. They need to be signed like this:

1) everything related to family and family relationships;

2) your health, what is connected with it (sports, sauna, hardening, dietary supplements, fitness, yoga, etc.);

3) your career;

4) everything related to finances;

5) everything related to relationships with other people, with friends;

6) everything related to your recreation, entertainment, hobbies, travel, that is, for the soul;

7) personal growth and your self-education;

8) spirituality, charity, your mission, what benefit you give to the world, people, animals, and so on.

“This simple exercise will help you see where you need to add your energy.”

Take these 8 sectors. And go through them, rate them at the moment on a 10-point scale, how fulfilled you are in each of these areas. Take it and give it points from 0 to 10. And you will see which fairly important areas of your life are lame, and you can already direct your energy there, using the “love yourself” (Yin) technique.

Yang can also be used in these same areas.

Even more exercises to gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem in my Privilege club! Constant support and assistance from like-minded people in solving life and psychological problems. Come, we always have something to talk about!
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All reviews are provided by our students - real people. We do not guarantee that you will achieve the same result. Everyone has their own individual characteristics and their own path that they need to go through themselves. We will help you with this!

How to restructure your thinking? How to tune your brain to wealth? ? First of all, we need to understand that our world is abundant. Look at nature, she is very generous: try to count the stars in the sky, I don’t think you will succeed; look at the number of trees, flowers, wherever you cast your gaze you will always see abundance. Nature is truly generous! Therefore, the first thing you need to understand is that there is more than enough of everything in the world and there is enough for everyone.

The rich differ from the poor in that their brains are tuned to abundance and the opportunity to get everything they want. The poor, on the contrary, believe that everything in the world is limited.

Instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to get this.” Remember that the world is abundant and ask yourself, “How can I get it?” Understand that there are always opportunities to get what you want. Always look for these opportunities, and there are more than enough of them. The lack of opportunities exists only in our heads. Instead of thinking that you don't have enough money, look for opportunities to have as much money as you need. It is important to always remember that the world is abundant and there are more opportunities than you can even imagine. The main thing is to focus your brain on searching for these opportunities and they will come. You have probably noticed yourself that if you think that this is impossible for you, then your mind will immediately agree that it is indeed impossible and will give examples that will confirm this. And, if you are wondering, “How can I get this?” The brain immediately begins to look for possibilities and offer various options. Therefore, it is really important to understand that the world is abundant and a person has an unlimited number of opportunities.

The next thing I recommend doing is saving at least 10% of your income every month. When you have collected a sufficient amount, take this money to the bank and deposit it in an interest-bearing account, and then replenish this amount every month. Knowing that you have money in the bank, you will not consider yourself poor; this factor also has a beneficial effect.

Also, in order to learn to focus on wealth and abundance, I suggest starting a “Prosperity” diary.

To do this, take a regular notebook and write today’s date on the first page.Now imagine that you have a bank account, into which a certain amount of money arrives every day. On the first day, that is today, you receive $1000. Write down this amount in your Prosperity diary next to the recorded date. Now think about what you would like to buy with $1000 and write down all your purchases. You need to spend this amount of money within one day. Therefore, think carefully about what you want to buy for this money and write down all your purchases in a notebook. If you do not spend the money within a day, the amount will be lost. On the second day, you receive $2000 and write down in your notebook what you will buy with this amount of money. On the third day, $3000 comes into the account, etc. Under each amount, write down all your purchases. Do this exercise for a year, and you will develop the consciousness of a rich person, as you will constantly focus only on the availability of money. This game is a very powerful tool that tunes the brain to wealth and leads to financial well-being, and also helps you figure out why you really need money. To enhance the effect, look

How to use NLP to tune your brain and body for big money?

With the help of 4 simple techniques described in this article, I guarantee a powerful motivational and energetic charge that will allow you to make any dream come true. By running the proposed programs in your head, you can, as Richard Bandler used to say, earn four times more, twice as fast. And most importantly, you will not lose your taste for life in pursuit of money.

Why do you need money, Shura?

“Why do you need money, Shura?” - Ostap Bender once asked his companion in the wonderful film “The Golden Calf”.
So, first of all, I’ll ask you, why do you need money?
The most typical answer: “Money will give me freedom, great opportunities, fame, power, success with the opposite sex, adventure.”
It’s amazing, but some even try to “buy” health, love, friends, agreement with themselves and the world around them.
“What's wrong with that?” - you ask.
Let's think together.
From the point of view of NLP, those who think that happiness (success, freedom, etc.) is in money, create in their brain the condition “as long as there is no money, I am unhappy.” And this condition begins to work like a program.
As a result, a person remains unhappy until he earns money. And even if he earns the required amount to be happy, it turns out that he is already accustomed to being unhappy. His brain has already learned to make the “earning” person unhappy.
And this is just the beginning.
Can you imagine how many people walk around with the program “As long as there is no money, I cannot be successful, happy, famous. Without money I can’t experience the pleasure of life”?
Now think about how much a person who considers himself weak, unsuccessful, unhappy, unknown, and unable to enjoy life can earn?
I'm not discouraging you from making money. I'm just hinting that happiness is a separate job that does not always accompany money. I'm also implying that there is a "richer" and "happier" way to think about money.

What is the strength in, brother?

I had an illustrative case. One of my colleagues believed that freedom is in money.
I would like to use his example to demonstrate how “self-fooling” occurs through money.
I ask him a classic “NLPer” question:
-What do you want most in life?
“I want to be free, I’m tired of this damn job, I want to do my own business, open a company, be my own boss.”
- So what's stopping you?
“But this requires money, start-up capital, otherwise you won’t be able to open your own business.”
- And right now you can’t feel free and start building a business with this feeling?
- I can, of course, but this is self-deception. Once I earn enough money, then I will truly be free.
It would seem that my colleague lays out everything logically. But, if you look closely, what is fixed in his head?
“Until I earn money, I will not get freedom.” This is the program of poverty and unhappiness.
How much do you think a person who cannot feel free can earn? Who will deal with a person who has a ban on freedom until he receives money?
Sometimes in such cases a tricky question from the NLP arsenal helps:
— How many rubles and dollars exactly do you need to feel free?
- Well, probably a million dollars.
- And if you have 900,000 dollars, will you be able to feel free? Or do you need exactly a million and not a penny (cent) less?
There may be enlightenment on this issue.
In the above example, I wanted to show that a person’s freedom is “hung on money” and removed from the arsenal of available tools. The most interesting thing is that by “hanging” freedom on money, a person excludes freedom itself from his opportunities.
And in the end, as luck would have it, it is precisely the freedom of thinking, the freedom to make decisions that such a person will lack to achieve his goal. This was the case with my colleague.
That is, if the program of “suspending” on money has worked, then the person has neither the money nor the strength to earn it, since he thinks about wealth incorrectly.
If you made success dependent on money, you lost access to success.

Money needs to be nurtured.

First you need to understand one simple thing: success, wealth, happiness - all this is inside us, but money is outside. And there is no need to confuse personality with cash.
“We are not for money, but they are for us” is a very “money” thought.
Your inner strengths should obey only you. I mean freedom, happiness, harmony, self-confidence, love, health and so on. And don't depend on money.
I am for happiness, success, wealth, pleasure in life to never go out of your control.
But you can use all your inner strengths not only with money.
Some people rely on money, others on a car, a cozy apartment, or clothes. This does not change the essence: having “hung” internal strength on external things, we lose this strength.
Let's get back to money.
Well, what is money? These are just painted pieces of paper or simple iron circles.
These are the tools with which we can either get or not get what we dream of. Tools, and NOTHING more.
Therefore, start treating money as ordinary things - the same way you treat a table, sofa, telephone. Just please, without fetishism and other fanaticism.
Clear money of “emotions” and you will be able to manage money more wisely and like an adult. And your own emotions and inner strengths will be completely under your control. Try it and they will thank you.

Your honestly “earned” happiness - right now!

Now it wouldn’t hurt to put our happiness into real use. Not some semblance of happiness, but the most natural, “real” one. And you need to get this happiness not someday, but RIGHT NOW. And along with happiness, everything that accompanies it: success, self-esteem, freedom, confidence, inner strength...
What, right now?
Yes, yes, right now.
So that later, with the happiness you already have, you can achieve anything you want, more and faster, without losing your taste for life. Including money, if it is still important enough to strive for.
I hear your skepticism.
- How can I get happiness, success, fame, health right now? It doesn't happen that way. When I earn a million “green presidents”, then there will be success, happiness and all that.
- Noooo. Until I earn five thousand dollars, I cannot feel free, happy, rich. I need a car, an apartment. And so - IT WILL NOT WORK!
But I insist that everyone can, if they want, feel happy, even you RIGHT NOW.
Try it, it's easy! You ALREADY have what you dream of: success, power, happiness, fame, wealth, health. YOU HAVE ALL OF THIS RIGHT NOW. And not because you have a lot of money, but simply because you have it, that’s all.
Don't believe me? Want to check it out?

The “correct” line of success.

Well, let's take a control measurement of your happiness and success.
Let us take, for example, an elderly black man who has nothing, who has not eaten anything for several days, not even garbage, and who, in our understanding, is very far from the images of happiness, success, power, fame, and wealth.
Yes, our own homeless people are a good example. Imagine one like this for a second. Introduced? And this is not the most miserable and dirty option.
Do you now have an increase in the wealth you have already earned, the feeling of your existing happiness and your newfound power?
Perhaps it hasn't increased at all. But, you see, everything that you ALREADY have has become much more “convex” using the example of a homeless person, isn’t it? It seems like there is somewhere to live, you are not starving, there is work, relatives, education. Yes, you are still wow!
Let's turn to health. How are things going with him? Is something naughty?
Let's compare. Let's take a person who is dying, whose heart stops, his kidneys fail, he has no legs because he was in a terrible accident. How do you assess his health? Don't worry, this man survived.
Now evaluate the degree of your health. Well, are you still groaning that somewhere somewhere you are not completely healthy? What if we compare again? 🙂
What a healthy person you are! It's just envy.
It’s the same with happiness, love, success. Make a proper comparison to evaluate what you already have.
By the way, why is this necessary?
It's simple. To “get big money”, you need to use all your abilities and inner potential. How will we use them if we don’t even RECOGNIZE them?
Do you understand?
Then let's see what happens.
A healthy, happy, successful, free, loved, educated person. And all this is you. Yes, yes, exactly you. Impressive? With such happiness and success and in freedom - it’s amazing :)
But before you rush forward to money, with wealth and well-being in your head and body, you need to learn one more little trick.

The most powerful energizer for the brain.

A dream is very easy to distinguish from a simple goal. It should be incredible, unattainable, exciting, igniting. Everyone has a dream, it’s just that some are embarrassed to even think about it. Hesitation aside: there is no time for it. “The second series is waiting for us”!
So, we took the dream. If you don’t find it, take the usual goal, the desire to get something - let’s call it all a dream. What should we do with her now?
Everything is very simple: we will use the dream to powerfully charge the brain and body. A dream is a colossal source of energy, probably the most powerful of all that a person can come up with.
Want to try?
Well, let's experiment with the first and easiest way to recharge "as if". We take the most selective and unrealizable dream. And imagine right now that your dream has come true. Right now...
Look very clearly, listen, feel with your whole body, smell the dream come true. Yes, yes, it is precisely that unattainable dream, your dream has come true right now.
It takes some time to really feel this... And absorb the energy from achieving...
Well, how? Now imagine what kind of energy will be created if your dream actually comes true. For unknown reasons, she took it and, despite everything, it came true... Can you imagine the level of your emotions???
A dream come true is the best source of energy, self-confidence, joy, creativity, spiritual and physical health. If only every day were “filled” with a dream come true!
Still can't believe this is REAL?
Well, the last step remains - to make the dream a reality, the very real reality :)
After all, the head and imagination are not the best places to store dreams. A dream works much more powerfully when it is in reality, in our everyday life. When you can touch it, smell it, hear it.

Let's change the dream into reality right now.

Now we will try to use all the “atomic energy” of our dreams. Ready? Everything is as simple as that: to make your dream come true, you need to create a “VAC-model of your dreams”!
- Ha ha. Indeed, it couldn’t be simpler. Just create, as you said? VAK what? - I assume your “optimistic” reaction.
Of course, for those who are not familiar with NLP, the “VAK-dream layout” is complete nonsense. Perhaps even those who are familiar with NLP will not immediately understand what I meant by the VAK layout.
“VAK-dream layout” is a real symbol, pro;;;type, layout of your dreams, which you can see, touch, smell. It can be any object associated with a dream, any thing created by you, some space, image, sound. All this can be a real dream come true.
The more the layout looks like a dream, the more connected to the dream, the better. Try to hang on the layout EVERYTHING that you can extract from your dream - all the characteristics.
By the way, now, I hope, you understand what “the first earned ruble, dollar, cent, million” means for many famous millionaires? Yes, yes, you are absolutely right - these are “VAC models” of wealth.
So, don’t let this thought cool down. Grab at least a pen and paper and “sketch” your dream or mold it out of plasticine, make it out of bottle caps - make it come true in ANY way available to you. RIGHT NOW.
To make it clearer, I will share with you my dream layout in the field of business. My very first dream layout was a small pile of soda bottle caps, which symbolized my future business empire. These plugs stayed with me after lunch when I was still a hired management consultant. And every day at lunch I “built” my future empire.
Your dream design can be anything: a badge, a photograph, a drawing, a craft, a tattoo, a bracelet, etc. any item.
When creating a good layout, it is important to do two things:
1. Make at least part of the layout yourself.
2. Assign the layout as the initial symbol of a big dream, placing in it at least 30% of the dream, its meaning and content.
Start making your dreams come true right now and don’t stop until at least 10-20% are realized.
Well, how?
What does it feel like to make your dream come true? If you did everything correctly, you will have a special feeling of CREATION. Because when you make a dream come true, you put your soul, all the best that is inside, into the CREATION OF YOUR DREAM.
But a dream can be “placed” in any of your activities. Think about it.

All life is a dream.

The next steps are simple - make a small dream big. Add even more reality to your dream at any time, in any way you like. Bring your dream into any of your activities and achieve the maximum of your perfection and efficiency. Put your soul into your life and the lives of others...
Now you can achieve any goal, any dream.

Results of the first session.

1. We found out where happiness lives and whether it is worth burying it in money.
2. We have separated emotions from money, so now money will work for you, and not you for its sake. And emotions will now be completely yours, dear and responsive.
3. We gained access to happiness, success, power, fame, freedom, having learned to find all this in ourselves and appreciate what we have already achieved. To do this, you just need to compare correctly.
4. And finally, We have learned to make dreams come true. Make them reality. Put your soul into any business you do, turning it into a dream come true. This is called CREATION, CREATIVITY. What did you think? 🙂

This entry was posted on March 28, 2008 at 8:17 am and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the feed. You can, or from your own site.


To get the necessities of life

I am a wonderful person. I deserve all the best in life. I am worthy of well-being. I'm fine. My business is thriving. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic and positive now because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to thrive. I trust the world I live in. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world and allow it to take care of me. I accept care. I am now letting into my life the blessings I need in life. I welcome their arrival with joy and delight! The benefits I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I'm happy to open the doors for them! As soon as I have any material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves come into my hands. I constantly receive the benefits I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life is becoming abundant! For me this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life!

To attract significant financial income

Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, endless. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies flow to me in powerful currents and come into my life. I am open, I am ready to receive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can accept the strongest energies into my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I'm happy to open the doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant amounts of money. I am worthy of this. I'm ready for this. I calmly and easily open up to the cash flow. I am bathing in a powerful stream of abundance! He bursts into my life brightly, festively, joyfully and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best things come to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy my high level of income. My life is abundant and beautiful.

For wealth

I live in a world of abundance. There's plenty for everyone here! There's enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying simply the fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open up to the richness of the world. Everything that is best in the world is for me! I am grateful to the world for the many gifts it has in store for me. Now my time has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth comes into my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise naturally. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls from the sky on me! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this rightfully! This is how it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I'm just enjoying life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I'm rich and happy!

To find new money making opportunities

The energies around me are in full swing. The energy, the power of the world in which I live never runs out. I am part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new strength! Just as an underground river inevitably makes its way out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! Just as a spring comes out of the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if I were approaching a healing spring, I now fall into a gushing and sparkling flow of energy! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy and, like a thirsty person in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst and satisfy my financial needs to the fullest. The monetary energy of this source is abundant and inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and there will still be left! I enjoy how wisely the world works. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energy in my life never runs out!

Out of poverty

Now I am finally letting go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely freed from fears, worries, and insecurities. I boldly open up to a new life. I am confident in myself and know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was rightfully born and live in this world and have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuning into the wave of money energies. They are nearby, they are close, now I feel them very well. I attract them into my life - with my will, my increased strength, my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune in to their vibrations and happily accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself and, saying goodbye to the past, I create a rich, abundant present and future for myself! My life is improving day by day. The source of my well-being is strengthening every day. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I, of my own free will, create a prosperous, financially secure life for myself! Right now money comes into my life. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!

To ensure financial stability for many years to come

Powerful light energies touch me, saturate me with their strength, and enter my life. I let in a powerful, bright energy flow that brings with it happiness, well-being, a charge of strength, joy, optimism, and new opportunities. I am bathing in this powerful energy flow. He is like a wide, full-flowing river, the water of which never runs dry. A wide, full-flowing river powerfully, smoothly, calmly carries its waters. This is the river of my well-being, my financial stability. I can fall down to its deep, clean, transparent waters at any moment. Nothing will ever make this river dry up! My cash flow is so strong and stable that no force in the world can deplete it! The more energy I take from this flow, the more it arrives there. I boldly and confidently take as much as I need! I receive - and I spend, without fear and doubt, with full confidence that much more will come to me than I spent! It’s like I’m on the bank of a powerful, wide, deep river, which always, no matter what happens, splashes at my feet and generously shares its water. At any time I can take as much as I need. The deep river of monetary energies is always with me. Any amount of money is always available to me. The money keeps coming and coming! This is how it is now and how it will always be.

To receive financial support in a difficult situation

I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world I live in is kind and reasonable to me. Everything that is happening to me now is happening for my good. So it is necessary for me to gain new opportunities, new strength. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy I need is being born. Right now the world is sending me its help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already rushing to my aid! I open up to the cash flow and accept it. I know for sure that he comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure: help is coming! I will mobilize all my strength for success. I am worthy of help, support, success. I deserve to win!

I let go of all worries, worries, stress. The tension goes away. Peace and confidence come to me. I'm calm, I'm balanced. I know for sure that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the outside. I know for sure that there is not just one, but many ways out of this situation. Relaxed and calm, I find these outlets. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a decent way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself am turning into a money magnet! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them attract me. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down and allow the amount I need to come into my life. I extend my hand and get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely confident of success. The situation is already being resolved in my favor. I have all the strength necessary for this. Everything works out the way it should!

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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