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What to do unusual at a wedding. How to make a wedding fun and unusual. Inexpensive wedding dress – where and how to choose


A wedding is an amazing day in the life of a young family: the eyes of the newlyweds shine with happiness, and everything around seems unforgettable and fabulous. That is why, in order not to spoil the impressions of the celebration, the holiday of love and fidelity, you need to think through all the moments down to the smallest detail and make every effort to make this day extraordinary! Why not add something fun, bright, and original to the standard and rather boring scenarios, something that would distinguish the wedding from hundreds of others and be remembered by the newlyweds and their guests for many years!

We present to you a selection original ideas for a wedding.

Themed weddings

It is already difficult to surprise anyone with an ordinary magnificent celebration, but weddings in different colors and styles are still in fashion. Why not travel back to the distant Middle Ages on this day: the bride will easily get used to the image of a princess, and the groom will appear in the image of a brave knight, or give preference to a daring pirate party? Organize an oriental fairy tale or a gangster feast? A celebration in retro style or guided by the script of your favorite movie or book? More creative ideas include an ice wedding, where the bride will be transformed into the Snow Queen living in an ice palace, and the groom will be transformed into Kai, ready to melt her heart. Decorations and outfits, of course, should also be themed. Celebrations in a certain color - orange - look interesting; there are many options, it all depends on your preferences.

Hobby weddings

If the bride and groom have a hobby, it will be great if it is reflected in the wedding celebration. For example, at a biker wedding, a motorcade of motorcycles and a party in a stylized bar would be appropriate. Divers can be offered an exotic aqua photo session, during which the long-awaited exchange of rings will take place. A wedding in a hot air balloon will be no less beautiful and bewitching - on it the newlyweds can arrive for off-site registration or go on a fabulous walk. As they say, “marriages are made in heaven,” so such a celebration fits well with this statement.

photo: Original ideas for a wedding - “Hobby wedding”

Wedding - Venice Carnival

The wedding scenario is as close as possible to the traditional one with some minor clarifications: all guests are given masks, the ladies receive fans in their hands - a worthy replacement for air conditioning, and the gentlemen receive confetti and fireworks. At the end of the celebration, you can organize a ceremonial mask removal competition.

Dance of the young

A beautifully choreographed and rehearsed dance itself looks very elegant, and the couple looks harmonious and fabulously beautiful. Choose a meaningful and emotional melody that you both associate with something pleasant - and get ready to surprise. You can make a cut from several compositions of different styles: from a simple waltz to a fiery tango. Also, let the melody be accompanied not by traditional rose petals, but by giant soap bubbles or multi-colored confetti falling from the ceiling - such special effects simply cannot leave you indifferent.

Anthem for a new family

If the bride or groom has good vocal abilities, you can surprise those present by singing the real anthem of the new family. Turn to professionals who will come up with words and set them to music, and learn them well. Such a composition will be quite appropriate in the future; not a single family celebration of yours will be complete without it. Just think: your family, as a small country, will have its own anthem, this alone is a significant reason for pride.

Entrance to the banquet hall

You can hand out programs or pieces of paper from a tear-off calendar to the guests: when the presenter recruits people for the competition, it will be much easier for him. For example, let one team consist of people who have “January” written on their pieces of paper, and the other “July”. Programs can be divided into even and odd. Prizes can be distributed not only to competition participants, but an impromptu lottery can be held. Any items can serve as souvenirs - from matches to rompers, the main thing is that it is funny and fun.

Wish book and photo album

To keep guests who arrived early for the celebration busy, you can hang it at the entrance or place it on the table. You can also ask the videographer to conduct a short “interview” with those present, the funniest and most touching fragments of which will be included when editing the wedding film. On the “wall newspaper” guests will be able to write wishes, fun facts related to the newlyweds and even poems.


Show your imagination and make decorations and other wedding attributes with your own hands: it’s easy, interesting and original. Dress up champagne bottles as “bride and groom”, make themed invitations and cards for guests, decorate glasses with your own hands - such elements look very touching and unusual. Seasonal fruits and small candles can also be an interesting decoration, giving the atmosphere mystery and intimacy, an original form of sweetness.

Meeting and farewell to the newlyweds

In addition to being greeted with bread and salt, guests can stand on either side of the entrance, forming a corridor. In their hands there may be green branches, flowers, someone showers the newlyweds with rose petals. You can see off a young couple after a banquet with candles in your hands accompanied by romantic slow music - such a sight will be mesmerizing.

Ideas for a wedding walk

You can diversify your walk with interesting events: you can return to the roots and plant a “tree of love”, a symbol of your marriage. Later, when the tree grows and gets stronger, you will be able to come to it, bring your children, and maybe grandchildren. In addition to the standard lock with a key, which is usually hung on the bridge, you can also hang ribbons with the names of the newlyweds, write a letter that is sealed in a bottle and thrown into the river, and much more. You can end your walk by releasing heart-shaped balloons.

Children's Corner

Often the whole family is invited to the wedding, including children. To prevent the youngest guests from getting bored, it would be nice to make a separate corner for them with balls, toys, books, construction sets, and so on. So that kids can have a snack, place a table nearby with drinks, fruits and sweets. By the way, sometimes newlyweds who have children from previous marriages can exchange bracelets with their children, confirming that they are now one family and love each other.

Corner of exotic dishes and drinks

If you want to surprise your guests with exotic dishes, and a wedding menu that includes only dishes from one country is a risky task, then you can create an “exotic food corner.” Everyone will be able to treat themselves to interesting and unusual dishes; waiters in national costumes can be placed nearby. Non-standard drinks are also popular: in winter, hot cider, grog and mulled wine, which will be poured from a large cauldron, will be appropriate, and in summer, you can offer homemade lemonade with mint and ice and other soft drinks.

Guest Rewards

Think about what souvenirs you will give to your guests. Traditional cones can be replaced with bonbonnieres or embroidered bags with sweets or small souvenirs - custom-made badges or pins with the image of the newlyweds and the inscription “guest of honor.”

The bride's bouquet

Modern brides are sometimes afraid to throw a bouquet because of the heavy bouquet holder, and even if the size of the room does not allow it to swing, it is quite dangerous. You can come up with an original and elegant solution: buy several ribbons and distribute them to unmarried women: the ends of the ribbons should be hidden, only one of them should be tied to the bouquet. The participants' task is to pull their ribbon: the girl who pulls the bouquet will become the next candidate for marriageable age.

Highlight of the evening

Regular fireworks can be replaced by releasing live butterflies - this tradition comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. It is believed that seeing a butterfly on such a day is a lucky omen, so you can tell everyone present about it and make a wish. You can also divide the guests into pairs and launch Chinese lanterns into the sky: its weight is approximately 200 grams, it will float in the sky for about 15 minutes, believe me, this is a very beautiful sight that will delight everyone present. You can also arrange a soap bubble show - this will be a worthy end to the festive evening.

Original and non-standard ideas for a wedding will add a twist to your wedding scenario and make this day truly magical and unforgettable!

Choose classic wedding rings without stones, carvings or the name of a fashionable designer. Such rings look very noble and are easy to use - they do not cling to clothes and are easier to clean. Engraving with names and gemstone insertion can be ordered and. A pair of simple wedding rings will cost you 10,000 rubles.

It’s not difficult to find a suit, shirt and tie in a wide range of price categories. You shouldn't take a wedding suit - an ordinary one will be useful, at a minimum, for going to other people's weddings. Budget 5000 rubles.

3.The dress is white

You can borrow a wedding dress from friends, rent it, or buy it second-hand if you have such good friends and you do not suffer from prejudices and superstitions. This option didn’t suit me, but I didn’t want to shell out 100,000 rubles for a dress for one day. The most democratic options can be found via the Internet. Instead of going, say, to the center of Moscow, it is better to take a stroll through the wedding shops of the Moscow region. The prices there can pleasantly surprise you. I managed to buy a gorgeous dress for 10,000 rubles, and I’m still delighted with it. You can buy a beautiful Greek-style evening dress or an 80s-style “little white dress.” You can cut the veil yourself from a piece of tulle, which will cost no more than 500 rubles. You can easily find a diagram for cutting and assembling a veil in various options. I embroidered mine with beads. The work took a couple of evenings, but I liked the process and the result.

Shoes don't have to be white! You can match them to the color of the bouquet, ribbon on the dress, and so on. That is, you can use the shoes you have. If you are determined to buy new and white ones, don’t look for them in wedding salons. Buy at a regular shoe store. At the same time, grab some ballet shoes there. A wedding is a tough event, especially on your feet. Budget 1500 rubles.

5.Beauty salon

Every bride wants to look irresistible on her wedding day. This fact brings great profits to many, especially beauty salons. Are you sure you need everything they offer?

Don't get your nails done. A classic, neat manicure coated with white, gold or pale pink polish is quite enough. Surely, among your friends there will be someone who knows how to take care of their nails and will be happy to give you a manicure. If there are none, then a simple manicure will cost you about 500 rubles.

But it’s better to pay special attention to your hairstyle. First of all, decide what suits you. Which models will hide your flaws and highlight your strengths? If you can’t figure it out on your own, consult a specialist. Agree on an evening hairstyle, not a wedding hairstyle. Avoid tiaras and flowers in your hair - they will only increase the cost and complexity of the work, and your hairstyle can look impressive without them. Budget 2000 rubles.

Let's move on to the celebration itself. You won’t surprise anyone with restaurants anymore, but their prices continue to surprise you to this day, especially at the end of the banquet. Surely among your friends and relatives there are owners of a village house or dacha with a beautiful garden or just a good lawn that you don’t mind trampling on. You can also go for a picnic on the picturesque bank of a river or lake.

The main thing is to organize the event correctly and agree that several of your friends or relatives will be responsible for the festive table. Your friends probably have teenage children. During the holidays, they will gladly take on these responsibilities for a small fee.


If there is no space under a roof or canopy, you can set the table right in the open air. Place several tables in one row and cover them with beautiful tablecloths. It is better if they are white or golden. If yours has a special color scheme, you can use it when choosing a tablecloth.

A woman always knows what makeup suits her and how to highlight her facial features. That is why you can refuse the services of a makeup artist. There are cosmetics, there is time - there should be makeup! Practice ahead of time so there are no surprises on the morning of your wedding day. With hair, things are somewhat more complicated, because not every woman knows how to make formal versions of her hair. Call your friends to help, and do this in advance as well. A trial hairstyle will help save your nerves on your wedding day.

It’s hard to imagine how much money newlyweds in Russia spend on feeding their guests. But at this point you can really save money. Firstly, refuse to invite distant relatives and unfamiliar people. Those closest to you should be at an important event. Secondly, find a venue where you can hold a banquet. This could be the yard near the house of your parents or friends, or a picturesque clearing near the city. In both cases, make sure that the wedding day coincides with good weather. Purchase alcohol from a wholesale warehouse or from a similar enterprise. Invite friends and relatives to cook, between whom you need to carefully distribute responsibilities. Winter celebration options are a decent dining room or a modest cafe, with which you can agree that you will bring your own alcohol.

Video on the topic

The wedding is a logical continuation of the novel. If you and your partner like the way your relationship is going, you'll probably want to get married. This is an unforgettable day on which you both should be the most beautiful, cheerful and happy people.


Select the location for your wedding reception. Not only a restaurant is suitable for this purpose. In the summer, feasting and dancing can be organized on the boat. If you want to celebrate in a secluded place, you and your guests can sit. Choose options taking into account personal preferences, as well as the number and contingent of guests.

Take care of photographs and videography. You should be filmed by a professional, not a mutual friend who recently bought a camera. Discuss in advance with the photographer what photo sessions you want to do. If you don't want to spend a lot of time posing on the big day, you can take photos the day before.

Find a toastmaster and musicians to entertain you and your guests. Take their choice seriously, because it largely depends on them whether you will have fun or not. Choose a program that everyone will like. Consider both the age and occupation of the guests. If the guests are a mix of young people and older people, ask the presenters to include blocks for different generations in the program.

Have a theme night. For example, in the traditions of the last century. Be sure to notify all guests so they have time to prepare. Keep in mind that you need to start planning this kind of wedding a little earlier than a regular one.

Pay attention to each guest. The invitees will like it, even if for a minute, but they will become the center of everyone's attention. You can ask the toastmaster to compose at least a quatrain about everyone. Provide the necessary information about the person that makes him stand out from everyone else. Then he will understand that the poem is addressed specifically to him.

Organize competitions and dances. This is also an element of fun. Your task is to, together with the organizers, come up with new, unknown tasks for the participants. In addition, the selection of music is very important. She should be cheerful, not annoying, sincere.

The bride and groom prepare for their wedding with trepidation and a special desire to ensure that everything goes at the highest level. There are several scenarios for spending this day; you just need to choose the one that suits your couple and resolve organizational issues.

You will need

  • - wedding rings;
  • - passports;
  • - gifts for guests.


Decide on the setting in which the most solemn moment of your wedding day will take place. Previously, a mandatory condition for this was a visit to the registry office, but now it is possible to sign outside of it. This service is called “exit wedding”. It allows you to register at any location you choose. To do this, contact the holiday agency with a request to organize on-site registration for you. Of course, it costs some money, but if you can afford it, it is worth doing for a more touching and romantic moment of the wedding.

Choose a photographer to capture the most memorable moments of your day. Even if you are not going to organize a magnificent one, do not give up good photographs. Think about where in the city you would like to have your photo taken. These could be places that are memorable to you: cafes, alleys, an embankment, or even a bus stop where you said goodbye in the evenings.

Invite people close to you to a holiday dinner. It can be a lush banquet or a small buffet. Send an invitation to your guests in advance. You can make a list of desired gifts so that guests know what is best to give to the newly formed unit of society. This has already become a tradition not only abroad, but also in Russia, so do not hesitate to write about your desires.

Choose a host for the evening. Even if you decide to celebrate your wedding in a narrow circle of friends, the host will not be out of place. A professional can organize the fun during the gala dinner. Funny competitions and jokes will further lift the spirits of those present and make the evening unforgettable. When choosing a host, ask for recommendations so as not to make a mistake and invite a real professional to your main event.

Make memorable gifts for guests. The most popular at weddings are magnets or calendars with a photo of the newlyweds. You can also decorate chocolates, mugs and even scarves as gifts. Such original souvenirs will be kept by your loved ones as a memory of your wedding day. After the holiday, go on a honeymoon or simply devote a few days to each other to get used to the new status and give each other happy moments.

Tip 7: Who is invited to a wedding to make it memorable?

A wedding is a special day, a reverent celebration of love and tenderness. In order for the celebration to take place at the proper level and be remembered for a long time, you need a well-organized wedding show program.

Highlight of the evening

Professional artists will decorate the festive evening and amuse the guests. Book a dance ballet. When choosing a dance group, be clear about your wishes. If you want a fiery and exciting performance, you need a show ballet that performs exotic dances and unusual numbers. Colorful costumes, feathers and sparkles will create the illusion of a carnival and leave a vivid impression.

Ballroom dancing is also in demand at weddings. An incendiary foxtrot, passionate tango, rumba, salsa or classic waltz - choose to suit your taste. Young people will appreciate dance groups in the style of hip-hop, breakdance or R"n"B.

Take care of the musical accompaniment of the holiday. Live music is very much appreciated. If your budget allows, order a small orchestra to perform the formal part. And for fiery evening dances, invite a DJ.

The highlight of the evening may be the performance of a magician or jugglers with a show program.

Entertainment at themed weddings

Themed weddings are very popular these days. At a “medieval wedding,” a small knight’s tournament would be appropriate, and the main act would be a fire show or “antique” circus tricks. Consider the issue of musical accompaniment for the holiday. A good option is to call a harpist, lute or mandolin player. The flute, bagpipes, guitar, drums and horn can also be attributed to this period.

For a musical celebration in a Hollywood style, it is better to choose light and pleasant music or hits from famous American films.

For the long memory

Ordering a wedding video will allow you to plunge into the magical state of the holiday and relive the joyful and touching moments of the celebration. The cameraman will be the director and director of your film throughout the day, creating an exclusive wedding video.

Wedding photography is another way to preserve the magic of the holiday. A professional photographer will capture and effectively display the brightest moments of your celebration. The tender kiss of lovers, splashes of champagne, cheerful faces of guests and other episodes of the wedding evening will now remain with you forever.

Wedding books are very popular. These are the best wedding photographs, the size of a full spread and combined with an exclusive cover design. This book will be made in a single copy, especially for newlyweds.

Tip 8: How to choose a wedding cake on a budget

A beautiful cake is a very important accessory at a wedding. Don't be upset if you can't afford a luxurious multi-tiered creation from the best pastry chefs. A wedding cake can be not only delicious and beautiful, but also inexpensive.

Where to order a cake

You can order a wedding cake at a pastry shop, restaurant, or bakery. The price of the product depends on the prestige of the establishment, as well as the composition, decorations and other details. Consider also the cost of transportation. Sometimes it is more profitable to order a cake in a cafe where you will celebrate your wedding, rather than transporting a fragile confectionery product across the city.

Another option is to order a cake from a private pastry chef working at home. It is better to choose such a specialist based on a recommendation. When placing an order, keep in mind that the price depends on the weight of the product, and the master will be able to accurately name it only after production. So be prepared to pay a little more than the agreed price.

Biscuit, cream and decorations

The most profitable option is a sponge cake with butter or whipped cream. This product holds its shape well, and its shelf life in the cold is at least 72 hours. The biscuit can be chocolate, orange, vanilla. Cakes based on shortbread or meringue are not suitable for weddings, as they are difficult to cut into neat pieces.

Products covered with marzipan or glaze are now popular; they look very elegant. In addition, decorations look beautiful on a smooth surface - for example, flowers made from sugar mastic. If you want to save money, you can order an undecorated cake from a pastry shop and decorate it yourself. Beautiful flowers, figurines of newlyweds, rings, swans and other wedding paraphernalia are sold in stores for restaurateurs. You can choose decorations

  • What associations do you have when you hear the word “wedding”? A luxurious banquet with a huge number of guests, a magnificent (read: expensive) bride’s dress, an equally representative groom’s suit, a fabulous carriage and other pleasant, but expensive joys? Some newlyweds go into debt to organize everything “to the highest standard”; others ask parents to “sponsor” an event by forcing them to borrow money from someone. But the issue can be resolved easily and simply by making individual items of wedding costs cheaper.

How to have a wedding inexpensively but beautifully?

Has this situation ever happened to you: a gala event to which you are invited is organized in an expensive restaurant; the budget is clearly unlimited, and boredom never leaves the majority of guests, counting the minutes until the moment when it is proper to bow out and leave the holiday? A cheap wedding, in the understanding of many, means a canteen on the outskirts of the city, simple outfits “a la the local market,” a minimum number of guests, and not the best banquet menu. Let's try to dispel such misconceptions.

The soul invested in organizing the wedding, the imagination of the newlyweds-organizers, the desire of relatives and friends to provide all possible assistance in preparation are the main conditions for a memorable ceremony. Analyze your expected wedding expenses. Make a business plan for a cheap and a more expensive option. Organizing a celebration by contacting the specialists of an event agency will be much more expensive than planning a wedding yourself.

Another savings item will be the choice of a suitable wedding theme: the rustic rustic style is at the top of its popularity. Organizing a celebration on the cheap will require a lot of work, but the effort is worth it. A buffet in nature is an exciting event; Choose bridal outfits based on the wedding theme; make your own wedding bouquets and decorations; think over the holiday scenario.

For active newlyweds, going out into nature instead of a traditional banquet will help both “keep up appearances” at the registry office and give freedom, the opportunity to fool around and spend time as you want after that. The cost of renting a minibus for guests will be less than booking a restaurant or hiring a catering company. Offer to help your mothers, sisters, and friends with dishes for the wedding. Men can handle meat with dignity. Bring photos and video equipment to capture unforgettable moments of a romantic holiday.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

To have a cheap wedding, decide on the location of the ceremony:

  • Restaurant or cafe. Pay attention to the following points:
  1. Location. As a rule, popular establishments are located in the city center. Prices for banquets, weddings, and the cost of food are not small. The distance of the cafe from the central part of the city plays into the hands of newlyweds who prefer to have an inexpensive but high-quality banquet.?
  2. "Name" of the restaurant for the wedding. Promoted, well-known cafes are not averse to including part of the “popularity” in the cost of service. To save money, don’t be lazy to find a new, recently opened establishment. They can often offer discounts to attract customers.
  3. Pre order. Once you have decided on the location for your cheap wedding, book the banquet in advance. Draw up an agreement indicating prices for wedding menu dishes.
  4. Conditions for the wedding. Most modern cafes and restaurants offer live music and animators. If desired, discuss the cost of the musicians’ services with the administrator by including the clause in the contract. Such a service will cost less than hiring third-party artists for a wedding.
  5. Holiday period. The end of autumn, winter and beginning of spring are traditionally the “low season” for the restaurant business. If you are planning a wedding during this period, bonuses, promotions and discounts await you.

  • Country house, dacha. Ask your friends and acquaintances if they would agree to provide a country house at the disposal of the newlyweds to have a cheap wedding. If you have such an opportunity, feel free to grab the offer: fresh air, inexpensive food, alcohol, savings on decor, rent and other joys outweigh any concerns.

  • Banquet hall of the registry office. Have you decided to go on a honeymoon after the ceremony? Order a mini-buffet in the banquet hall of the registry office - please your family and friends by organizing an inexpensive wedding.

Invite a small number of guests

A large number of wedding guests entails additional costs. But often some people are invited “because it’s customary”: bosses, distant relatives, “necessary” acquaintances. If you want to make the wedding cheaper, discuss with your future spouse a narrow circle of guests, inviting your closest and dearest people whom you are always welcome to attend.

Reduce costs on newlyweds' outfits

Choose a bride's dress to rent - this will make this part of the wedding business plan cheaper. Another economical, but risky option would be to order the newlywed’s outfit through online stores: both foreign and domestic. In this case, opt for the model that you previously tried on in the wedding salon.

The savings will be so significant that some of the waiting time for your order will fly by. When choosing a suit for the groom, choose one in which your beloved spouse will later appear on holidays or go to work. The wealth of offers of high-quality, but cheaper shoes provides the opportunity to choose shoes that will be useful to you in the future.

Decorate the car and banquet hall yourself

When ordering a wedding car, be prepared to spend money on renting it: decorations, rental time and downtime are not cheap. Would you like to organize a cheaper version of the bridal procession? Contact your family, friends or acquaintances with a request to “provide” a car at your disposal for your wedding day. Think through the decor in advance, make or purchase decorations.

Invite your girlfriends and relatives to decorate the banquet hall. To ensure that the decor of the ceremony room matches the theme of the wedding, think in advance about the overall style, what accessories and materials you will need. Use inexpensive tinsel, balloons, and garlands of flowers to decorate the room. This will make an ordinary wedding venue look amazing.

How to cut costs on wedding services

What other wedding expenses can you cut? A cheaper option would be: a good camera in the hands of a relative, hair, makeup and manicure done with your own hands, a wedding bouquet of seasonal flowers; host of the holiday from among friends or relatives. If you'd rather go to the experts, let's find out how to save on these costs.

Saving on a wedding photographer

Famous and popular photographers are an expensive proposition. Try contacting a young, unpromoted photographer. The cost of his work will be significantly lower. Alternatively, consider paying an hourly rate for photo sessions during your wedding ceremony and wedding walk. Ask your family and friends to take interesting photos during the banquet.

Bride's hair and makeup

To look like a fairy-tale princess, the bride does not have to turn to a popular makeup artist. Talk to your friends, perhaps some of them use the services of masters at home, which will make them cheaper for you. Have you decided to try your hand at it yourself? Select the pre-wedding hairstyle you want to do on your big day.

Simple hairstyles for weddings are now at the peak of popularity. Additional information with step-by-step photos will help you do your holiday styling. A delicate French manicure will decorate the bride’s hands, emphasizing her elegant taste and style. Neat, sophisticated makeup using your own cosmetics will make this cost item cheaper.

Bridal bouquet and wedding floristry

Order an elegant, sophisticated bridal bouquet from seasonal flowers, which are cheaper in comparison to exotic plants that cost fabulous amounts of money. For a rustic wedding, making a tousled bouquet of wildflowers is easy. Perhaps there is a garden plot where your family grows flowers. They will become a magnificent decor for decorating a banquet or wedding venue.


The high cost of toastmaster services is often the reason newlyweds refuse the host. Don’t be upset, contact the administrator of the cafe where you are organizing the celebration: young, novice animators will be happy to fulfill this role. Children's performances and fun competitions organized independently will help make the wedding cheaper, but no less interesting.

Any savings has its limits. If there are not enough financial resources to organize a wedding, it is better to choose a non-celebratory registration at the registry office, inviting parents from both sides, and go on an inexpensive honeymoon. Are you firmly convinced of the need for a holiday? Please note what it is not recommended to save on:

  • Wedding menu. If you have invited guests, make sure they are not hungry. Monitor the quality of the products. Cheap alcoholic drinks and poor-quality food are the causes of poisoning and poor health.
  • Dresses of the bride and groom. Choose a dress, suit for a wedding, as well as shoes so that you feel comfortable and comfortable throughout the whole day. Very cheap fabrics and uncomfortable lasts will ruin your mood.
  • Have you volunteered to decorate the banquet hall yourself? Take care of the quality of decorative elements and their compatibility with the style of the ceremony. There is no way to decorate tables and rooms with fresh flowers? It is better to refuse this type of decoration than to give preference to cheap artificial flowers.
  • Wedding photographer. Check out the works of a young, unknown specialist. If you want to make a high-quality wedding photo shoot, invite a master for a couple of hours of wedding walk and ceremonial painting.

Down with wedding stereotypes! Birches, pigeons and splashes of water into the camera fade into oblivion. Any wedding, regardless of budget and other components, can be made original. To do this, you just need to change the scenario - break the traditional wedding plan, add a “zest” to the wedding. For example, sign to your favorite song, and not to the Mendelssohn march, meet the groom not at home, but in a specially designated romantic place, and so on, as far as your imagination allows.

Don't be afraid to break traditional ideas about a wedding. The time has come to realize your wildest dreams.

The Nevesta.info portal has compiled a list of original ideas that will help you make your wedding unforgettable. They are offered by specialized wedding agencies, but most of them can be implemented independently.

1. Thematic productions and weddings abroad

Carrying out any stylized wedding (Middle Ages, Ancient East, Ancient China, Japan, etc.). For example, in order to give a wedding a real spirit of the 19th century, the celebration must be held in a luxurious country residence, a gypsy ensemble must be invited, and a real escort of hussars must be entrusted to accompany the newlyweds' cortege. A celebration in the style of hard rock, accompanied by bikers and stars of the underground scene, or a celebration reminiscent of the plot of science fiction films like “The Fifth Element” or “Star Wars”. Perhaps the most exotic wedding today can be held in Thailand. In the morning, monks from the local temple read a long prayer and then sprinkle the newlyweds with holy water. The bride and groom are seated on a small platform, their hands are hung with a necklace of flowers and water is poured from a huge shell, which symbolizes happiness.

Another exotic offer for newlyweds is the Birds of Paradise wedding ceremony. You will join your destiny on board a plane that will fly over the most beautiful Maldives. The runway will be decorated with flowers, and guests of the celebration, admiring you against the backdrop of fabulous islands, will be treated to tropical cocktails.

What about a wedding ceremony on top of an extinct volcano in Santorini? This Greek giant will amaze you with its grandeur and unbridled power. Lovers of heights will also be enchanted by a wedding on the cliff of the Grand Canyon, which can only be reached by helicopter. This wedding ceremony also includes a flight over Las Vegas and surrounding attractions, which the pilot will describe in detail.

If young ardent fans of Bram Stoker's creations, then they will probably want to register their relationship at night. At the end of such an unusual ceremony, it would be logical to organize a vampire-style banquet. Guests and relatives should be warned in advance so that the restaurant, stylized as a crypt, and the strange outfits of the young people and their friends do not cause a state of shock. A logical trip after such a wedding would be a trip to Transylvania.

Careful stylization of a particular historical era, film, or book can make a wedding unusual. Horseback riding instead of cars, a wedding reception on the lawn rather than in a restaurant, and live music rather than using records immediately makes a wedding more interesting.

2. Butterfly salute

All over the world, weddings are decorated with fireworks made from live butterflies. “Fluttering flowers” ​​can decorate any wedding ceremony. But there is also an ancient Indian belief that a butterfly is the soul of a person flying to heaven and if you whisper your wish to it and release it, it will definitely reach God. For a full fireworks display, at least 15 butterflies are usually used.

3. Original wedding transport

The choice of vehicles that wedding agencies offer to young people is huge. The most original of them: retro cars; yacht and boat; balloons; horses; carriages; ATVs; motorcycles; bicycles; scooters. helicopter and much more.

4. Drink fountains

You can rent or purchase fountains for hot chocolate, champagne and other drinks. The effect of smoothly flowing chocolate, accompanied by unusual taste sensations, will add glamorous sophistication to your celebration. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the fountain also has practical applications. Chocolate melted in a chocolate fountain is suitable for dipping various products: fruits, cookies, baked goods, marshmallows. The magnificent effect of sparkling wine liquid created by the fountain will add zest to your event. Exquisite appearance, matte lighting allows you to use the fountain in the dark or in low light, which is important for creating a romantic, fairy-tale atmosphere. Your guests can fill their glasses by holding them up to the glowing streams cascading from the fountain's spouts.

5. Original engraving

Engraving on both the outer and inner surfaces of rings. On the outside, as a rule, the names of the other half or the newlyweds together are engraved. On the inside: any personal messages and vows, wedding dates, names or initials.

Also, some agencies offer engraving on any other surfaces: engraving on glass - glasses, wine glasses, vases; wood engraving - gift cases and boxes; engraving on leather - wallets, diaries, folders; engraving on metal - lighters, watches. The cost is determined based on the number of characters (letters, numbers) in the inscription, the font used, and how the order will be completed: on a machine or manually.

6. Young magicians

An illusion show is the best way to create a festive atmosphere and good mood. If they wish, young people can become magicians themselves for a while and entertain their guests with simple tricks on their own, but under the careful supervision of a professional illusionist. The magician's repertoire at a wedding includes: dollars made from ashes; mouth balls; swallowing blades; manipulation of cards, followed by their transformation into a pyramid; turning fire into a cane, and from the cane into handkerchiefs; magic pan of wishes; rope manipulation; matchbox hypnosis; magic net for exchanging money; piercing the neck with a sword; pigeon show, etc.

7. Lighting special effects

The use of special effects at your wedding will allow you to most vividly capture this special event. What will remain in your memory is not so much the light of strobe lights, sparkling confetti or volumetric flickering laser animation, but the moment of complete happiness itself. Pyrotechnicians will organize and carry out fireworks of any complexity, the launch of sky lanterns, daytime fireworks, smoke, flashes, fireworks, confetti, rose petals (live and artificial), serpentine, metafan and many other special effects (foam, soap bubbles, snow flakes).

8. Sand animation

Sand animation is a style of fine art and technology for creating animated films. A mandatory component of a sand show is a darkened room, frosted glass and a light source penetrating from within. A sand animation show is a performance by a sand animator who draws beautiful sand pictures, each of which complements and follows from the previous one.

With the help of sand animation, you can tell the guests the “Love story” of the newlyweds. The artist develops drawings specifically for the bride and groom. Animation can also be used during breaks, or as part of a show program. This is a unique synthesis of graphics, light painting, music and theatrical art. As a rule, the duration of one sand film is from 7 to 20 minutes, during which time the sand animator manages to create from 3 to 10 completed images. During the sand show, the artist works live, and it is this process that gives a certain fabulousness and mystery to what is happening. Usually all actions are performed by hand, but brushes can be used as devices.

9. Fire show

To see with your own eyes, right in front of you, how easily a person subjugates the element of fire is priceless. Specialized agencies assure that fire shows are not dangerous and cannot create a fire hazard. The fire show performed by the artists provides memorable special effects for the holiday, without risking your life.

10. Face Art

Face Art, or painting with special paints on the face, has become especially popular lately. A professional craftsman will be happy to decorate your guests, which will certainly (or not) delight them. Your children will definitely enjoy this type of entertainment!

11. Wedding lounge bar

Delivery to the celebration site of special frameless furniture, pillows and themed accessories, and of course, the hookah itself. Such a themed corner will not only become a comfortable place for your guests to relax, but can also take on the role of a party center. You will be able to relax and immerse yourself in a pleasant conversation with your guests!

12. Fan casino

Creates the atmosphere of a real casino and gives unforgettable impressions and emotions to all participants. The game is played with virtual money, specially made for the concept of the event, which is provided to all guests upon entry. Placing gaming tables does not require much space. Professional and sociable croupiers will make every effort to ensure that all guests feel as comfortable as possible.

13. Children-angels

It has long become a good tradition to invite angelic children to weddings. Touching children in snow-white costumes with wings and fluffy halos, symbolizing heavenly support for marriage, add romance and magic to the atmosphere of the celebration. Traditionally, angel children accompany the newlyweds during the most important part of the celebration - the official or on-site registration of the marriage, with the bride's partner being a boy angel, and the groom's partner being a girl angel. Symbols of purity and purity, touching angels carry a wedding veil, hold a pillow with rings, and after declaring the newlyweds husband and wife, they perform the most touching wedding ritual - they sprinkle the newlyweds with rose petals!

14. Portrait cartoonist

If you have a lot of guests invited to your wedding, it will be difficult for you to personally devote time to everyone. Therefore, many wedding agencies offer a caricature artist to entertain guests. A wedding cartoon is a gift that combines originality and a sense of humor. Your guests will not be bored and will be satisfied. While you are busy meeting guests, guests who have already arrived can have a pleasant time with the artist, who will create funny caricature portraits of the guests in 5-10 minutes. The main task of the artist is to entertain guests and create a pleasant, cheerful atmosphere. It is in such an atmosphere that guests who are not yet familiar with each other will be able to easily start a conversation, looking at the cartoons and commenting on them. Also, do not forget that a wedding caricature will be a cool addition to your wedding album and will undoubtedly be the best gift on the occasion of a wedding.

15. Pantomime

Pantomime translated from Greek means “reproducing everything by imitation.” The main means of creating an artistic image is the plasticity of the human body, without the use of words. You can entrust a mime clown with meeting guests coming to the holiday. A mime will brilliantly welcome and entertain your wedding guests. Pantomimes may also offer the following services: pantomime, animation; meeting guests (mimes-hostesses); playing plastic miniatures; exclusive costumes for weddings (mime angel, mime heart); a series of plastic miniatures (can be developed to order), etc. A meeting with a mime clown will be an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.

Every professional wedding agency is capable of real miracles. Our specialists will be able to make all your wildest dreams come true and give you a happy and unforgettable day. If agency services are not included in your wedding budget, do not despair! Make your wedding original with your own hands!

Budget wedding. This is the dream of many newlyweds, because a large number of guests and expenses for various necessary little things inflate the cost of this special event to obscene proportions. Therefore, some choose a wedding abroad in order to save on invited guests, others are wondering how to make this event cheaper at home or outside the city, that is, how to make a wedding inexpensively and original.

How to have a wedding inexpensively and beautifully?

It is believed that in order to organize a beautiful wedding you need to have an unlimited budget. But often when you get to an expensive and pompous wedding event, you notice that it is boring and not fun. In order to figure out how to hold a wedding inexpensively and unusually, you need to draw up an event plan, and then think about how to make its points cheaper:

  1. Replace the restaurant with a country house and catering.
  2. Come up with a style and choose the suits of the bride and groom according to it.
  3. Think about how to decorate the furniture and arch for the ceremony according to the chosen style.
  4. How to do it yourself.
  5. Develop a celebration scenario without a toastmaster.
  6. Reduce the number of invitees.

Wedding at the dacha

This is another option from the category - how to have an inexpensive wedding? Such an event opens up many opportunities for creativity. If you do not have a beautiful gazebo, but have a picturesque lawn, then the event can be held in a special tent. Such a wedding offers many advantages:

  • beautiful landscapes for photos;
  • there is no need to sit at the table all the time;
  • the ability to implement any scenario;
  • implementation of a thematic event;
  • no time limit;
  • absence of strangers;
  • possibility of launching fireworks, laser and fire shows.

  • tables;
  • beautifully decorated chairs;
  • festive tablecloths;
  • cutlery;
  • expensive and beautiful dishes;
  • luxurious tablecloths;
  • tents that will provide shelter from rain and sun;
  • brightly decorated arches for an outdoor ceremony.

Home wedding

Such an event is not only a way to hold a budget wedding, but also an opportunity to celebrate a special occasion in a cozy and family way. In order for everything to be at its best, you will have to work hard, spend time and effort on preparing dishes and preparing the space. But such an event will not be as expensive as in a restaurant. A wedding at home has many advantages:

  • no rental costs;
  • there is no limit on the amount of spending per person;
  • no time limit;
  • cozy family atmosphere;
  • amenities for elderly relatives.

Before agreeing to this format, it is worth thinking about the disadvantages:

  • little space for dancing;
  • independent cleaning, decoration, food preparation and service;
  • there is no possibility to order live music;
  • a boring event without a toastmaster;
  • limited number of guests.

Wedding for two

This holiday is:

  • absence of guests;
  • no expenses for invitations;
  • no expenses for renting a hall and car;
  • how to seat and entertain friends and relatives without the hassle;
  • no need to think about how to conduct it;
  • without wasting energy and nerves on fuss.

A wedding for two is a time spent with only your other half at home, in a hotel, at an exotic resort or an ancient castle, to enjoy your feelings. And this does not mean at all that such a budget wedding will force you to refuse a beautiful dress and the services of a photographer. It is customary for newlyweds to come to the registry office and then immediately leave for a trip. And you can invite guests and relatives after.


A budget wedding can also be celebrated abroad. Because feeding a large number of guests in a restaurant, organizing a hen and stag party, renting cars will become more expensive than paying for organizing an event with several close people in another country. Organizing an inexpensive wedding abroad involves some difficulties, so it is better to entrust it to a travel agency that will deal with:

  • visa processing;
  • hotel rental;
  • celebration decoration.

Such an event has many advantages:

  • a small number of invitees;
  • unforgettable and vivid impressions;
  • discounts from hotels in connection with the celebration;
  • no need to organize.

Before preparing for the celebration, many newlyweds ask themselves: How can they save money on their wedding? In order to have a budget-friendly, fun wedding, you should make a list of expenses by category and carefully think about how to get by with “little bloodshed.”

1. Number of guests. The costs of the event directly depend on the number of guests, so you can tell all your friends that:

  • you celebrate your wedding only with relatives, because it is physically impossible to gather everyone;
  • The parents are paying for the wedding, so they make up the guest list;
  • You and your friends will have fun at your bachelor and bachelorette parties.

2. Car rental. Now many friends and relatives, neighbors have expensive, beautiful cars, and even better if it’s a minibus. So if you ask them for such a favor, invite them to an event and pay a small amount, then no one will refuse.

3. Wedding rings. This expense item also involves large expenses. Often, the cost of wedding rings can range from several thousand to tens and can reach up to a quarter of all the large expenses for this festive event. But if you think carefully about how to have a wedding on a budget, you can save money here too:

  • buy silver instead of gold;
  • buy with promotional discounts;
  • order production from any gold that is kept in the family;
  • buy thin and smooth ones, they are cheaper;
  • at the exhibition, buy directly from the manufacturer.

How to dress inexpensively for a wedding?

Clothing for brides and grooms is also an expensive expense. But here you can save a lot. If you are thinking about how to organize a budget wedding, then we are sure that the best solution for the newlyweds is to rent a dress and suit. I think that spending one day in a crinoline dress, with the possibility of never wearing it again, is not worth several thousand, and maybe even tens.

The veil can be replaced:

  • a wreath of artificial or natural flowers;
  • beautiful decoration;
  • original hat;
  • lace cape.

Budget wedding decoration

Decorating a hall for a special event on a budget is not at all difficult. If you don’t know the art of a stylist, then on the Internet for the query “how to celebrate a wedding inexpensively” there are a lot of master classes and videos on how to do it yourself, especially since your friends or relatives will be happy to help you. Here are some tips:

buying individual flowers will be cheaper than buying compositions;

Chiffon scarves from second-hand stores are perfect for decoration;

Buffet for a wedding

If you dream of how to celebrate a wedding inexpensively and unusually, then this is a great option for you - organizing a buffet is the most economical option for a wedding feast and has the following advantages:

  • savings on staff, as guests serve themselves;
  • beautiful serving;
  • no waiting for service;
  • guests will eat less because it is difficult to put a lot of food on the plate when everyone is looking at you.

Do you need a photographer for a wedding?

If you are thinking about how to celebrate a wedding inexpensively, then you should invite a photographer only for painting and for a walk. There will be many of your friends at the banquet, who will film all the important moments with cameras on expensive phones. And if there are a lot of guests, they will not miss anything that you would like to capture.

How to manage a wedding without a toastmaster?

If you are planning a special event and are thinking about how to celebrate a wedding on a budget, it is better to refuse the services of a toastmaster. You can organize everything yourself - fun and free. In order for the event not to become a banal drunken party, it is necessary to prepare well for it - watch videos with games on the Internet, find books on this topic. Here are some great entertainment options for an event without a toastmaster:

  • karaoke;
  • interesting competitions;
  • Irish dancing lessons;
  • fireworks;
  • interview on the topic: “The most fun memory of the bride and groom” with presentation of gifts;
  • lottery for guests;
  • live music.

The main thing is that for an event without a toastmaster to be successful, it is necessary to appoint a host from among the guests. He will be responsible for the mood at the event, will be responsible for competitions and will highlight the main events of the wedding - the meeting of the newlyweds in the restaurant, the first dance, the presentation of gifts. If this is not done, then the newlyweds will have to become the hosts.

If you don't have enough money to have the wedding of your dreams, don't worry. In order to solve the problem of how to have an inexpensive but beautiful wedding, you don’t need a lot of money. You need to make a plan for the event and throw out from it what you can save on, add imagination, etc. Then your budget wedding will be fun and unforgettable.