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Holidays and events of April. Holidays and events of April International Internet Day


Thanks to your hard work and determination, you are able to move mountains and amaze others with your knowledge. You strive for reliability and build a strong foundation for your life. Your thirst for success can be realized through opportunities in your profession and through strong business sense. This means that you rarely encounter financial problems, and those that do arise are short-lived.

You were born on April 4th, your zodiac sign is Aries. Although you are charming, generous, kind and can easily become popular, remember that being too direct and bossy can turn people off.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

You know how to please yourself and entertain guests, but the uncertainty of life principles can lead to excesses, and you, apparently, need to moderate your tendency to live an overly luxurious life.

On the other hand, you can be a very stern, difficult person at times, unyielding and inattentive to the needs of others.

You are dynamic, ambitious and at the same time pragmatic. However, more often than not, the driving force behind your exciting and varied life is your insatiable curiosity.

You are determined and endowed with a powerful vitality. However, beware of being too stubborn or pushy: this can have devastating consequences.

Until the age of 15 you will... After 16 years, you will have a need for financial stability, material well-being and reliability.

This period will last until about 46 years of age, after which the search for new interests, knowledge and contacts with others will come to the fore. Around the age of 76, you will become more sensitive and receptive and will begin to pay more attention to family and home.

Personal qualities of those born on April 4

People born on April 4 believe that knowledge and professionalism are great strength. You respect people who have great intellectual potential and who, like you, are independent thinkers.

Success-oriented and ambitious, you recognize opportunities and have creative problem-solving skills.

With your desire to be honest and forthright with people, you are likely to be successful in using your strong-willed and analytical abilities constructively.

With an inquisitive mind, you will always strive for the new and unknown.

Your main character trait is your ability to inspire others with your irresistible enthusiasm. Just don’t let him take over you entirely, beware of excessive greed and enthusiasm.

Fortunately, thanks to your openness and spirituality, you are able to miraculously turn any situation in the direction you want.

Work and vocation of those born on April 4

By combining practical skills and strategic insight, you are able to excel in the implementation of large plans and projects. This is useful both for leadership work in an organization and for operating in your own business.

Many entrepreneurs and producers were born on this day.

Aries, born on April 4, is attracted to art, but you are unlikely to show much interest in it if it does not promise financial benefits. You are analytical, hardworking and have a sense of form.

You are pedantic and proud of the results of your work, but beware of demanding absolute perfection from others.

Love and partnership born on April 4

You are success-oriented, ambitious, dynamic and strive for prestige and respect. You enjoy collaborating with professionals or members of the wealthy.

Money is usually an important factor in personal relationships for you, and you do not like people without prospects and those who waste time.

Generous and proud, you often have good taste and appreciate quality and beauty. However, you need to overcome your materialistic tendencies and understand that emotional satisfaction is not always associated with wealth.

Ideal partner for those born on April 4th

Perhaps you will find your loved one among those born in the following days.

  • Love and friendship : 8, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24 January; February 6, 15, 18, 20, 22; March 4, 13, 16, 18, 20; April 2, 11, 14, 16, 18; May 9, 12, 14, 16; June 7, 10, 12, 14; July 5, 8, 10, 12, 30; August 3, 6, 8, 10, 28; September 1, 4, 6, 8, 26; October 2, 4, 6, 24; November 2, 4, 22; December 2, 20, 21.
  • Favorable contacts : January 6, 23; 4, 21, February; March 2, 19, 30; April 17, 28; May 15, 26, 30; June 13, 24, 28; July 11, 22, 26; August 9, 20, 24; September 7, 18, 22; October 5, 16, 20; November 3, 14, 18; December 1, 12, 16, 30.
  • Soulmate : January 30; February 8, 28; 26 March; April 24; 22nd of May; June 20; July 18; August 16; September 14; October 12, 31; November 10, 29; December 8, 27.
  • Fatal attraction : Jan. 7; February 5th; March, 3rd; April 1; October 7, 8.
  • Troubled relationships : January 5, 26, 29; February 3, 24, 27; March 1, 22, 25; April 20, 23; May 18, 21; June 16, 19, 30; July 14, 17, 28; August 12, 15, 26, 31; September 10, 13, 24, 29; October 8, 11, 22, 27; November 6, 9, 20, 25; December 4, 7, 18, 23.

International Internet Day

The event is timed to coincide with the Catholic holiday - St. Isidore's Day. He is considered the patron saint of the Internet. Saint Isidore of Seville was a bishop, a man of God, but this did not stop him from being a man of broad views, loving and developing science. According to legend, many of his works and studies related to science, for example, the books he wrote on etymology. Saint Isidore was a great philosopher and is considered the “father” of the Latin Church. Many historians declare him the most educated man of his time; they are confident that the saint had a great influence on the further development of science.

As noted above, the bishop wrote several books on etymology. In fact, these were the first encyclopedias of mankind. In them, the author concentrated a colossal amount of information that explains the essence of many things. In 2003, Saint Isidore was officially recognized as the patron saint of the Internet and computers. Why him? Yes, because the network contains a huge amount of information, just like his books. The analogy, of course, is exaggerated, but still. In the time of the holy bishop, his reference books were the only source of information, but now society uses the Internet.

International Internet Day is an unofficial holiday, but every year more and more people learn about it. And who knows, maybe in the near future it will take root in the international calendar!

Webmaster Day

Take a closer look at the date 4.04, does it remind you of anything? Right! It resembles the common Internet error 404 – Page not found. This problem is familiar to some, and the “holders” of sites, firsthand. In addition, in order to “not run too far,” Webmaster Day was timed to coincide with International Internet Day, which is also celebrated annually on April 4.

The profession of a webmaster has appeared quite recently, and it consists of developing and managing a website or corporate application on the Internet. The concept of “webmaster” was first coined by the progenitor of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, in 1992. The functionality of a modern webmaster is very diverse: it includes the responsibilities of a web designer, and the responsibilities of a moderator, a programmer, and a system administrator. Responsibility for high-quality and meaningful content posted on the site also lies on the shoulders of the webmaster. So this work is not at all easy, as many people believe, it requires enormous endurance so that the project can develop, advance and generate income.

April 4 in the folk calendar

Vasily Solnechnik

On April 4, Christians honor the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Basil of Ancyra. The monk lived in the fourth century.

In Rus', Vasily was given several nicknames: some called him Teply, others called him Kapelnik, Greenhouse or Solnechnik. All nicknames are associated with the onset of warmth and sunny days. “Vasily is tired of winter,” people joked about this. For Vasily, people paid attention to the sun: if the dawn is red that morning, then the harvest in the fall will be good. We also watched the sky. The blue clouds floating in it symbolized the rains. The snow melting on the anthills spoke of the same thing. Vasily's housewives were busy in the kitchen. The obligatory treat on this day was warm rolls, which personified the spring sun.

Historical events of April 4

Moscow is the largest metropolis in the Russian Federation and one of the largest cities in the world. The first mention of Moscow is attested in the Ipatiev Chronicles. The date April 4, 1147 is indicated in the chronicle as the day of the meeting in the city of two princes - Yuri Dolgorukov and Svyatoslav Olgovich. “Come to me, brother in Moscow,” it is said in the primary sources about the invitation of the Prince of Chernigov. Although, in fact, Moscow was founded much earlier than this date. After the meeting of the princes, a war for the Kiev throne broke out between them. Ten years later, the victory went to Yuri Dolgoruky, although it cost him his life. Yuri earned immortality not thanks to the seizure of the throne, but thanks to the feast he arranged on the edge of the principality. Dolgoruky entered Russian history as the founder of Moscow.

In those days, the city was not so large, but rather a small settlement located on the border of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Rus', the city was destroyed and completely plundered. However, this circumstance did not prevent Moscow from becoming the capital of Muscovite Rus'. Today, about 10 million people live in the capital.

The canal is a waterway laid along Lake Ladoga. It connects the Neva and Volkhov. In general, there are two canals: the Staraya Ladoga canal (18th century), which is currently not used due to drying out and overgrowing, and the Novoladozhsky canal, dating back to the 19th century and in use to this day. Construction of the Staraya Ladoga Canal began in 1719, during the reign of Peter the Great. Only eleven years later the construction was completed. Due to the fact that the canal did not meet certain standards (its depth was no more than one meter), locks were built in Novaya Ladoga and Shlisselburg to maintain normal “navigable” depth. The Staraya Ladoga Canal was the largest hydraulic structure of the Russian Empire and all of Europe.

The person who first isolated ascorbic acid from lemon was the American scientist Charles King. It is well known that vitamin C plays a significant role in maintaining human health. It activates the production of collagen, a building material for cells, and also participates in the process of iron absorption and maintaining immune balance in the body.

The existence of vitamins was first mentioned in 1880, after the experiments of the Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin. In his scientific works, he repeatedly pointed out the influence of some, as yet undiscovered, microsubstances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, Lunin’s conclusions were accepted with skepticism at that time. Everything changed thanks to the Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Gyori. It was he who proved the existence of vitamins in 1927.

Born on April 4

Andrei Tarkovsky(1932-1986) – famous film director and screenwriter. Son of the outstanding poet Arseny Tarkovsky. After graduating from the Moscow Institute, he got a job at Mosfilm. Soon he wrote his first famous works: “Beware, Snake”, “One Chance in a Thousand”, “Antarctica”. The film “Ivan’s Childhood” brought him worldwide fame, which received many awards. Later, Tarkovsky began making films based on famous works (“Stalker”, “Solaris”, etc.)

Yuri German(1910-1967) - Soviet playwright, screenwriter and novelist. Having become a professional writer, German devoted most of his time to his favorite craft. During the Second World War he was assigned to the Northern Fleet, where he served as a war correspondent. Throughout his creative life he created several dozen works.

Ilya Reznik(born in 1938) - songwriter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Reznik’s creativity is an entire era. Who is not familiar with such hits as “It’s not evening yet”, “Maestro”, “Starry Summer”, “Antique Watch”, “Crane”, “Vernissage”, “Charlie”, “I’m Praying for You”, as well as many other? Since childhood, Reznik dreamed of theater, and he managed to fulfill his dream. A song called “Cinderella” brought him fame. Since 1977, he begins to write songs for operas, and three years later his collaboration with A. Pugacheva begins.

Name day April 4

Appolinaria, Daria, Vasilisa, Vasily, Isaac, Taisiya.


Born on April 4: the meaning of the birthday

It may certainly seem that the one who appeared to the world during this period was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

These are people who have no worries or troubles, and everything in their life works out as if by itself.

I prepared a lot of interesting things zodiac sign of people born on April 4, he is very generous to his charges and takes care of them so much that they become too careless. Well-being and success become a natural state for them, so they never worry about anything and are not afraid of anything in this life.

Such persons need to be able to set priorities in time, devote themselves to some business in order to find harmony and live in abundance.

No wonder you are often accused of being unobligatory, but the fact is that you were born on April 4, your zodiac sign is Aries, which spoils you too much. You should be more serious, learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them, you should understand that not everything comes easy and sooner or later you will have to pay the bills.

Directing your irrepressible energy in the right direction and achieving your goals is a priority task for people born on April 4: the zodiac sign will accompany them in every possible way, but they cannot do without their participation. It is important to prove to everyone, and above all to themselves, that they are truly capable of more.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

April 4: influence of the sign Aries

Those born on April 4 are original in everything, they are distinguished by an unusual view of the world, they know how to think outside the box and therefore make the right decisions in the most confusing situations. Such abilities must certainly be put to use, as they will help to self-realize and overcome absolutely all obstacles in life.

Stubbornness is the main feature of such persons, and if you use this quality wisely, you can even move mountains, otherwise it can only become an obstacle to the goal.

You must always remember that Aries, who were born on April 4, always have ambitious and far-reaching plans; they want to be, if not the first, then the best in everything; it is important for them that their outstanding achievements be noted. If they are not understood, it is easier for them to do everything on their own, relying only on their own strength.

In achieving what they want, they will make extra efforts themselves, and will even be able to organize the work of a large team. These are excellent leaders and organizers who know how to motivate, set specific goals and do everything to achieve the highest possible results.

On April 4, 1967, the popular theater and film actor, successful TV presenter and extraordinary showman Dmitry Nagiyev was born. After graduating from LGITMIK, he went to work in one of the theaters in Germany, then he worked quite successfully at Radio-Modern and at the same time as a presenter of various entertainment programs. Then he went on TV, where he hosted various humorous programs, including original projects. Since 1990, he has been actively acting in various feature-length and serial films.

Do you want to know what holiday April 4th is in 2019? Internet users celebrate Webmaster Day and International Internet Day.

The program of events includes competitions, flashbombs and sending out congratulations. Educational institutions hold holidays, enterprises organize corporate evenings for IT employees.

What is celebrated on April 4, 2019?

Let us tell you in more detail what holiday is celebrated on April 4th. We owe the Internet to the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which began development in 1969 to create an experimental “packet-switched” network.

In 1975, responsibility for its operation was assigned to the US Defense Communications Agency (DCA).

In the early 1980s, the term “Internet” appeared. It is a communication system and at the same time an information system, as well as a communication environment.

These days, the World Wide Web reaches millions of users around the world. If in 1998 a million Russians had access to the Internet, now there are 90 million, and this number is constantly increasing.

What holiday will be on April 4th?

Internet Day is celebrated on the day of the death of Saint Isidore of Seville, the patron saint of pupils and students. He was the author of the Encyclopedia Etymologiae, which includes twenty volumes. He also pioneered the use of a cross-referencing system, reminiscent of the hyperlinks used on the Web.

It is noteworthy that the patron of the Internet was chosen not only by a decision of the Vatican, but also as a result of a vote among users held in 2002 with the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church on one of the sites. And four years earlier, the Catholic Church recognized the World Wide Web as a treasury of human knowledge.

What other holiday falls on April 4th?

Webmaster Day is also celebrated on this day, because the numbers 4.04 are written very much like the 404 error (“Page not found”), which is related to the work of webmasters.

The term “webmaster” first appeared in 1992. This word was used by one of the “forefathers” of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, in the document he created, “Online Hypertext Style Guide.”

Our story about the holidays celebrated on April 4 would be incomplete without mentioning similar dates.

  • Internet Day is also celebrated on May 17 (and in our country - September 30),
  • There is also Programmer Day,
  • Day of the system administrator (sysadmin),
  • Tester's day
  • World Communications Day,
  • and International Day Without the Internet.

Another professional holiday for programmers falls on April 22 (or 04/22). The choice of this date is associated with the coding of specialty 220400 - “Computer software and automated systems.”