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How will a guy like you at first sight? How to interest a man? How a man will like you at first sight


“Love at first sight”, “I liked it at first sight” - there are many stories about how guys fell in love with girls at first sight. Can a girl fall in love with a guy at first sight? if everything is possible, then it is necessary to consider how to do it.

If you ask psychologists what “love at first sight” is, they will talk about passion. Of course, there is no love here. A person experiences sexual arousal towards someone he sees for the first time. Representatives of the stronger sex have a very well developed sexual desire, so it is very easy for them to fall in love at first sight. What about girls?

Despite the fact that the fairer sex is sexually very enslaved and limited, they can also experience sexual attraction to those they see for the first time. Here the sexual hunger and the type of guy who... Thus, the first rule of how to please a girl at first sight is...

Be her ideal

This rule is very effective and at the same time almost impossible to implement if you are not the type of girl. All representatives have different tastes, which is quite natural and normal. Being the ideal for all girls will not work. However, there will always be beauties who fall for you.

For a girl to fall in love with you at first sight, you must match her type. What type of guy is she attracted to? Sometimes all this information is stored in the subconscious and always covers a girl with feelings when she sees a guy who almost or completely corresponds to the ideal.

You either meet this rule or you don’t. Since not all girls find you ideal, you should consider other options for attracting attention.

Greeted by clothes...

Let's not forget the age-old rule that people judge each other by their clothes. Since we are talking about love at first sight, the girl should love you even before she starts communicating with you. What would motivate her to do this? Your appearance.

Your figure may not match her ideal image. However, girls still evaluate how well-groomed a guy is, dressed, shoes, etc. Since girls are forced to constantly monitor their appearance, they naturally begin to evaluate guys by their grooming and neatness. There are no requirements to have a model or athletic appearance, but the guy must be nicely dressed, clean, well-groomed, shaved, smelling good, etc.

Girls also want to see handsome guys next to them. The “a little better than a monkey” image is suitable for girls who don’t bother themselves with beauty. However, if someone is trying to make herself beautiful, then she will definitely evaluate guys by their external attractiveness.

Take a few minutes every day to get yourself in order. Shave, do your hair, put on clean clothes, shine your shoes. Just a few efforts and you will become attractive to girls. Even if you are not ideal for them, just because you are neat and clean, you can be loved.

Sense of humor

A man must have a sense of humor. Surely you have heard about this more than once. However, everyone understands this expression differently. Undoubtedly, jokes, anecdotes and funny stories will add advantages to you in the eyes of a girl. However, we are more likely talking about an optimistic approach to life, when in any situation it is possible.

The sense of humor must be adequate. A common mistake guys make is that they joke without even paying attention to how girls react to their jokes. The interlocutors can sit with a boring face, and the guys don’t even notice it.

Another erroneous behavior is not changing your jokes when the girl does not react to them. The guy jokes, but the girl is not funny. The guy continues to joke in the same direction, and the girl continues to sit with a puzzled look. What's the guy's mistake? The fact is that he does not stop joking in order to move on to another type of humor.

A man should be able to joke in different ways. All girls are different, so they understand jokes differently. There are serious girls who only understand life's jokes. There are girls who are “easy”; anything makes them laugh. If a guy notices his partner’s reaction and quickly changes the topic of his jokes in order to finally find one when the girl will find it funny (and not just the guy), then he will become attractive in the woman’s eyes.

Be promising

Literally the first seconds determine whether it will happen. In these seconds, the guy’s appearance, his figure and... his prospects are assessed. It can be seen by the appearance and impression that the guy creates.

How can you become promising? There are several ways:

  1. You can wear expensive accessories, such as a watch or a gold chain.
  2. You can get acquainted while in your car.
  3. You can dress in a formal suit.
  4. You can set your voice intonation so that you speak like a successful and rich person.

Girls love promising guys. You may not yet have a lot of money and a personal business, but it is already clear from your habits that you can easily achieve this. Behavior, gestures, voice, external attributes, etc. in general indicate how far a guy can go in achieving his goals. If the guy is a loser, then it will be as noticeable as success.

Be confident

This topic has been touched upon more than once on the pages of our website. It's worth mentioning this again. Self-confidence makes a man, even if he is far from ideal external parameters in his figure. Please note that often smug and selfish guys who have a thin body or are overweight are in demand among girls. What is the reason? That they are confident in themselves.

This quality manifests itself in different ways: in behavior, in lifestyle, in voice, in reactions, in habits in stressful situations, etc. The good news is that self-confidence develops; you are not born with it. If a guy wants to possess her, he will just need to make an effort and devote time to the process of her development.

There are many exercises to develop self-confidence. You can use them. The most effective exercise, in our opinion, is to pay attention to your own strengths. People are so aware of their shortcomings, they constantly talk about them and remember them. However, who is stopping them from thinking a little about their merits?

To gain self-confidence, you just need to think more often about your own merits. Stop paying attention to shortcomings - you have them, don't worry. Finally think about your strengths.

Be courageous

Being physically attractive and being courageous are not the same thing. Many guys who are gay are quite attractive people. Masculinity is manifested not only in external beauty, but also in character qualities.

What is considered masculinity, according to girls? Many criteria can be listed here. Let's list the most basic ones. Masculinity is:

  1. Man's body: broad shoulders, narrow hips, flat stomach, pumped up and strong muscles, etc.
  2. Responsibility. If a man does something, he does not run away from problems that arise, does not shift the blame to others, and does not cry for any reason.
  3. Force. Moreover, strength is not only physical, but also psychological. A man endures all troubles steadfastly, is not afraid, and boldly moves towards his goals.
  4. A combination of friendliness and aggressiveness. Depending on the situation, a man can be both kind and evil, both benevolent and aggressive. If physical force needs to be used, he does it. If people are good-natured, then he also shows a friendly streak.
  5. Activity. He doesn't sit idle. He's not lazy. He necessarily works because he takes upon himself the responsibility to provide for his relatives. He does not allow his family to suffer because of his inactivity.
  6. Determination. A real man has goals that should make him and the lives of his loved ones happier, more comfortable and brighter. He not only dreams, but also does everything to achieve it.

Be generous

If you manage to show your generosity literally in the first 5 minutes, then you will clearly interest the girl. This can be done in a specific situation, when you don’t just approach a girl to get acquainted, but help her, save her in a difficult situation. Generosity is manifested not only in spending money, but also in using one’s strengths, capabilities, connections, etc.

The generosity of a man lies in the fact that he does not spare anything of his own for the sake of a woman. He will give everything he has to the woman. And if she becomes “his lady,” then he will definitely not regret it for her.

Bottom line

Not only men, but also women fall in love at first sight. Only the criteria by which people fall in love differ. A girl can be conquered by certain qualities, appearance and actions. It’s good if everything is shown initially so that the girl is fascinated. As a result, she will not only fall in love, but she herself will follow the man whom she wants to see only next to her.

Conquering a woman's heart is a complex and interesting matter. If you study the criteria for girls choosing guys, you can always be in demand.

1. A 2006 study found that that hungry men are attracted to fatter women. Scientists believe this may be the result of an evolutionary reaction, as plumper women symbolize access to food supplies.

2. An Australian study found that women are more attracted to bearded men than clean-shaven ones. Again, it's all about evolution: women consider men with slight stubble to be sexier. Scientists have also found that men with full, thick beards take better care of their children and family in general. At the same time, a man’s beard grows faster when he expects an intimate relationship.

3. There's a reason why There are so many songs in the world about women in a red dress, and not in a blue one, for example. Women wearing red are considered sexier because the color symbolizes sexual arousal. But men in red are perceived as more powerful and successful. By the way, the “intoxicating” effects of red are also observed in the animal world.

4. Symmetrical faces are considered more attractive all over the world because it is a sign of good genes. Men with symmetrical faces start having sex 4 years earlier and have more sex in their lives than their peers. Women also tend to have more orgasms with partners whose faces are more symmetrical.

5. European men usually subconsciously look for women whose waist circumference is 70% of their hips. Such recognized beauty icons as Twiggy, Venus de Milo and even Audrey Hepburn had exactly this waist circumference (exactly 70%).

6. And here’s a strange fact “according to Freud”: Scientists have proven that people with older parents (over 30 and above) are more attracted to people with signs of aging on their faces than to younger people. Also, some psychologists say that we fall in love with a person similar to our parent with whom we have unresolved problems, thus we unknowingly try to solve this problem in our relationship.

7. Men are more attracted to you women who have a high, breathy voice because it is a sign of youth and slenderness. While women love men with a deep voice, because it, on the contrary, indicates a stronger and more powerful male body.

8. To smile or not- it depends on your gender. A study found that women who smile are considered more attractive. But if you are a man, it is better not to rush into giving away smiles left and right - scientists say that members of the stronger sex who smile are considered less attractive.

9. Strange but true: Women are attracted to men with scars. Scars symbolize strength and courage if they are received in a fight, and the spirit of adventure if they are the result of an accident. One way or another, this is a sign of masculinity.

10. Scientists suggest that looking deeply into another person's eyes is the most important precursor to love. In the experiment, people of the opposite sex were left alone for 90 minutes, they had to talk about intimate details of their lives, and then simply look into each other's eyes and remain silent. After this experiment, many noted that a very strong attraction arose between them, and several couples got married six months later.

To please a man at first sight, it is important to know where this very gaze is directed. Many will say: “Of course, for the bust!” Yes, representatives of the stronger sex also pay attention to this, but not only that. There are 9 things that attract guys in the first minutes of meeting you. Some items on this list surprised us.


When a man sees a girl smiling, it means several things to him:
- she feels good, she is cheerful and carefree (which means there will be no need to solve her countless problems);
- she is confident in herself (and it’s always more pleasant to spend time with such people);
- she is pleased to see me (and this cannot but please me).
Smile – a simple smile makes a person much more attractive.


Men themselves admit that they most often look into a girl’s eyes. They are attracted by an open, shining look. Therefore, do not be lazy to make eyeliner - perhaps today you will have to make eye contact with a handsome guy.


You don’t have to do fancy styling to please a man. For representatives of the stronger sex, grooming is more important. Long, voluminous hair signals that a girl is young and healthy, and guys read this subconsciously and are sure to pay attention to the owner of beautiful, well-groomed hair.


Curves are important for men. But which ones? Different! Some people like skinny women, others like women with a more prominent figure. Therefore, it is important to find a weight with which you are comfortable and feel irresistible. Self-confidence is “read” instantly!


Most men usually pay attention to breasts only after a woman's eyes and smile. Here, too, it is not so much size that is important, but grooming. Keep in shape, choose comfortable underwear – and please the stronger sex with a beautiful bust.


Men immediately notice artificiality in a woman. False eyelashes, huge acrylic nails, silicone lips are rather repulsive. Perhaps they are afraid to see next to them in the morning a completely different woman from whom they fell asleep in the evening. The solution is more naturalness and invisible makeup.


Women's legs are another element of attractiveness for men. Once they were tempted by a bare ankle, but now it's worth working a little more. Again, well-groomed and toned shape is important. Use the cream and don’t be lazy to do exercises regularly to keep your muscles toned.


It is desirable that the skin looks healthy. Rashes, redness, peeling are a signal to a man that the woman is not healthy. Therefore, try to take care of your skin; if there are problems, undergo a course of treatment. Such care will allow your face to look young for many years.

Fashion style

Yes, men care about this. They like to be around a well-dressed girl. They evaluate style, taste, quality of shoes, and manner of dressing. Therefore, avoid vulgarity, be seductive but elegant.

It's hard to say why you like someone. Maybe he has a nice smile, or a razor-sharp mind, or is easy to talk to - an interesting question. You just like him - that's all.

But scientists are not satisfied with such answers, and they spend years trying to pinpoint the factors that make one person attractive to another.

Listed below are some of the most intriguing findings in this area.
They will allow you to see your friends in a new light - and help you start new successful relationships much faster than before.

1. Copy your interlocutor

This strategy is called “mirroring” and involves covertly imitating the behavior of another person. When you talk to someone, try to copy their posture, gestures and facial expressions.

Researchers have described the so-called "chameleon effect," which occurs when people unconsciously imitate each other's behavior. Imitation enhances attractiveness.

During the experiment, 72 men and women worked on a task with a partner. The partners (who were instructed by the experimenters) either imitated the other participant's behavior or did not, and the researchers recorded their interaction on tape.

At the end of the task, participants were asked to rate how much they liked their partners. As a result, people were more likely to say that they liked their partner if they imitated their behavior while working on a task.

2. Spend more time with people you hope to become friends with.

According to the “attachment effect,” we tend to like people we already know more.

An experiment was conducted at the University of Pittsburgh to study this phenomenon.

Four women posed as psychology students. Each woman appeared at the lectures a different number of times.

When experimenters showed male students photographs of these women, the students noted that they liked the women they saw more often—even if they did not interact with them at all.

3. Give compliments

People will associate the adjectives you use to describe other people with your personality. This phenomenon is called “spontaneous transmission of a trait.”

This effect occurs even when people know that those around them do not have the traits that you attribute to them. So, everything you say about others affects how others see you.

If you describe someone as noble, sincere and kind, people will associate these qualities with you.

The opposite is also true: if you constantly badmouth people behind their back, your friends will also begin to associate negative qualities with you.

4. Express positive emotions

“Emotional contagion” describes the phenomenon that people are highly influenced by the moods of those around them.

A person can subconsciously read the emotions of people around him. We watch the facial expressions of those around us, which in turn makes us feel something similar to what they are experiencing.

If you want to make others feel joy and happiness when they are around you, show only positive emotions!

5. Show warmth and competence.

Psychologists at Princeton University coined the term "content model stereotype" to describe the way people judge others based on their warmth and competence.

According to this model, if you can present yourself as a warm person - friendly and non-competitive - people are more likely to think they can trust you.

If you appear competent—for example, you have high financial or educational status—they will be more likely to respect you.

It is important to demonstrate warmth first and then competence, especially in a business environment.

From an evolutionary point of view, it is more important for survival to know whether a new acquaintance is worthy of our trust.

6. Discover your shortcomings from time to time

According to the “gaffe effect,” people will like you more after you make a small mistake—but only if they are convinced of your competence.

Discovering the fact that you are not perfect makes you a more understandable person and easier to relate to.

In an experiment at the University of Minnesota, students listened to a recording of other people answering quiz questions.

When people answered questions well but spilled their cup of coffee at the end of the interview, students rated their attractiveness higher than when they also answered well but avoided the coffee incident or answered poorly and still spilled their cup.

7. Emphasize shared values

According to classic research, people are more attracted to those who are similar to them. This is known as the "similarity attraction effect."

One experiment tested first-year students' attitudes toward controversial topics such as sex and politics and then assigned them to campus in pairs. By the end of their stay, it turned out that students liked their neighbors better if they shared their views on given topics.

Another study found that Air Force recruits liked each other more when they shared similar negative personality traits than when they shared similar positive personality traits.

8. Touch them accidentally

The "subliminal touch" effect occurs when you touch a person in an almost subtle way - so that people hardly notice it. A light touch on the other person's back is enough to make him feel more warmth towards you.

In one study, young men stood on a street corner and started talking to women who walked by.

Men were twice as successful in conversation if they lightly touched a woman's arm while talking to her than if they didn't touch her at all.

An experiment was also conducted in a restaurant when some of the waitresses were asked to lightly touch the client’s arm or shoulder when they were paying the customers.

As it turned out, these waitresses earned significantly more tips than those who did not touch customers at all.

9. Smile

In a University of Wyoming study, about 100 young women rated photographs of another woman in one of four poses: smiling in an open pose; smiling in a closed position, not smiling in an open position and not smiling in a closed position. The results confirmed that people liked the woman in the photo most when she smiled, regardless of her pose.

Another study found that people who interacted with each other online using avatars experienced more positive feelings when interacting with someone whose avatar showed a wide smile.

10. Perceive the other person the way they want to be perceived.

People want to be perceived in a way that matches their own self-image. This phenomenon is described as “self-control theory.” We all seek confirmation of our views, positive or negative.

In a series of studies, participants with positive and negative self-perceptions were asked whether they were willing to interact with people who had positive or negative impressions of them.

Participants with a positive self-image preferred people who thought positively about them, while those with a negative self-image preferred people who were critical.

People like to interact with those who provide them with feedback that is consistent with their self-image.

Other research shows that when people's beliefs about ourselves are consistent with our own, relationships run more smoothly. Most likely this happens because we feel understood, which is an important part of intimacy.

11. Tell them a secret

The self-disclosure effect is one of the best relationship building techniques.

In a University of California study, college students were paired up and asked to spend 45 minutes talking to each other.

Some couples were asked a series of questions that were very deep and personal. For example, “What was your relationship like with your mother?” Other couples were given questions suitable for small talk, such as “What is your favorite season? Why?".

At the end of the experiment, the students who asked more personal questions said they felt more close to each other than those who limited themselves to small talk.

You can use this technique to get to know someone better. It is better to start with easy questions (for example, find out what the last movie the interlocutor watched), gradually moving on to more personal ones, in particular, to questions about significant people in his life.

12. Show them you can keep a secret.

People highly value reliability and trust in relationships.

These two traits were especially important when people were describing their ideal friend or colleague.

Trustworthiness is made up of several components, including honesty, trust, and commitment, and while each is important for a successful relationship, honesty and trustworthiness have been identified as most important in the realm of friendships and intimate relationships.

13. Show a sense of humor

Regardless of what people think of an ideal friend or romantic partner, a sense of humor is very important.

Using humor when you first meet someone can make them like you more.

Let's say that participating in a humorous task together (for example, being blindfolded while your partner teaches you to dance) can increase romantic attraction!

14. Let them talk about themselves

Recent research has found that when we talk about ourselves, it actually brings us the same satisfaction as food, money and sex.

Research shows that areas of the brain associated with motivation and reward are activated when people talk about themselves in public—and remain active even when they talk about themselves without anyone listening!

In other words, allowing someone to tell a story or two about their life instead of talking about themselves will leave them with more positive memories of your interaction.

15. Show your own vulnerability

Emotional openness—or lack thereof—may explain why some people connect and others don't.

Emotional openness carries with it risks that are associated with the fact that we make ourselves vulnerable and do not know how this will be perceived, whether our openness will be reciprocated or whether we will be rejected.

But it's worth the risk—recent research has proven that emotional expressiveness and openness are desirable and important traits in an ideal companion, whether it's a romantic partner or a friend.

16. Act like they like you

Psychologists have long been aware of the phenomenon of “mutual sympathy”: when we think we like someone, we also tend to like that person.

When we expect others to like us, we act more openly and warmly toward them—thereby increasing the chances that they will actually like us.

So even if you're not sure how the person you're talking to feels about you, act like they like you and it'll most likely turn out to be mutual!

- a natural desire of a woman at any age. It's nice when they see you off with an enthusiastic look and make a date. He appreciated your appearance, now you need to lure him with other advantages. It’s not so difficult to charm a man in one evening, you just need to understand what type of women he likes: modest women, funny girls or fatal beauties, and choose the appropriate style of behavior.

What kind of women do men like?

Despite existing standards of beauty, every man has his own preferences regarding the color of his chosen one’s hair and eyes, her figure, character, and skills. Not a single famous beauty will be sweet to absolutely all men. If your appearance does not match the taste of your chosen one, then it will be difficult to attract his attention. It is much easier to charm someone who finds your appearance attractive.

But, in addition to external data, all representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to the following qualities:

  • Grooming, which consists of neat hair, fresh manicure and pedicure, and hair removal. A lady should not have dirty hair or bitten nails. Clothes should be ironed and shoes clean. If a woman takes good care of herself, then her natural beauty will remain until old age.
  • Femininity. A woman’s gait should be graceful, her posture straight, her movements soft. A voice that is too loud, smoking, or sudden body movements can create the wrong impression of you as a rude or nervous lady. All men like feminine girls.
  • Good manners and ability to behave in society. It is important for a partner to have the opportunity to appear in your company among friends and colleagues. Ease of communication, ability to listen, friendliness, and openness will help you win those around you; your chosen one will certainly appreciate it.
  • The ability to flirt creates a light and playful mood, which is why it is always appreciated by men on a subconscious level. They are ready to conquer such a woman again and again.
  • Self-respect and a Lady who values ​​herself arouses interest among representatives of the stronger half. She accepts her shortcomings and actively uses her strengths. It is easy to communicate with such a woman, she knows what she wants, she will not stoop to humiliation and will not allow herself to be humiliated.
  • Open and cheerful ladies attract men. Being around them makes you feel calmer and happier, they radiate positive energy.

How to fall in love with a man

Mutual love does not always happen right away. Very often a woman chooses an object of passion and tries to draw his attention to herself. Don’t expect him to choose you from the crowd; start taking active steps. It is very important to realistically assess your chances of success: if a man is from your circle, lives or works nearby, then it is quite possible to attract his attention to yourself.

When you choose a singer or a movie star as your object of adoration, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much. Such a man is too difficult to get.

Try to collect as much information as possible about your chosen one. Where and who he works for, what his circle of hobbies and friends is, his marital status. You should not try to take a married man away from your family, even if his marriage is far from ideal. There are many available gentlemen around, but you can’t build your own happiness with someone else’s husband.

If your friend is also in his social circle, it will be easy to organize a “casual” meeting. You can ask for help and advice. Men love to demonstrate their intelligence and strength and help weak women, take advantage of this. Knowing what your chosen one is interested in, you can use his hobby. If he goes to the pool or fitness club, then buy a membership for yourself. Additionally, you can improve your figure.

Be sure to take care of your appearance, hair, and makeup. Wear only modern clothes that will highlight your figure. Do makeup and wear jewelry, watch your facial expressions and gait, men love feminine ladies. When you meet him, smile and show interest, but don't be intrusive. He must take the first step himself; for some, this takes a lot of time.

When you start communicating, be yourself, don’t play a role. Maximum naturalness and openness is the key to a good relationship. Be interested in his life, but do not try to impose your interests or encroach on his freedom. This will definitely turn a man off. Even when you get close enough, don't be clingy or overly sentimental. Leave room for a riddle that needs to be constantly guessed.

How to win a man in just one date

The chosen one appointed? Is it possible to conquer it in just one evening? The fact that he invited you already speaks of his interest. It just needs to be strengthened. To do this, carefully consider your outfit and makeup, give preference to feminine dresses, modest makeup and stylish small jewelry. Choose an unobtrusive perfume. When communicating with a man, you need to look him in the eyes and smile.

When you meet him, try to listen more and ask questions about him. . If he opens up and talks about plans and dreams, then you have his affection. Keep the conversation going, talk about your hobbies and travels.

On the first date, you shouldn’t burden a man with your problems, ask him to fix your car or put up wallpaper for your mother. Let the communication be non-binding, easy and he will definitely want to see you again.