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Hairstyle for May 9th for children. How to make wartime hairstyles with your own hands. Hairstyles with flowing long hair


The braid was considered the best decoration for women at all times. Our great-grandmothers also wore it, and modern girls are increasingly resorting to this styling option. But if it’s not so difficult to make a beautiful braid on someone else’s head, then you often have problems with your own head. Learn how to braid your own hair and become a true hairdressing pro.

Preparing to braid your own hair

To make the process of weaving braids on your head successful and quick, stock up on the following set of tools and tools:

  • Large mirror;
  • Hair spray;
  • Several types of combs;
  • Invisibility pins, hairpins, elastic bands and barrettes;
  • Medium to strong hold hairspray.

How to braid a tourniquet for yourself?

A braid is one of the most basic braids you can come up with. You will braid it very quickly and easily.

  1. We comb our hair and collect it into a tight and high ponytail.
  2. Divide it into two equal strands. We twist each of them into a bundle clockwise or counterclockwise. The main thing is that the direction is the same.
  3. We intertwine both strands with each other - we get a spiral.
  4. We secure it with a thin elastic band.

More details are provided here:

Learning to weave a French braid

Braiding yourself cannot do without a French braid - very stylish and beautiful. Weaving a “spikelet” on your hair is quite difficult, but you will be able to learn this too with our master class.

  1. Comb the strands back.
  2. In the crown area, select one strand and divide it into three equal parts.
  3. We begin to weave a regular three-strand braid, gradually adding thin strands on both sides.
  4. We reach the base of the neck and braid the braid into three strands. If desired, you can immediately tie it with an elastic band, leaving the hair to develop.

Step 5. Spray the “spikelet” with varnish.

How to braid yourself a one-sided headband?

A one-sided French braid in the form of a headband looks very cute and romantic. With some skill, you will learn to weave it very quickly.

Step 1. Comb your hair and divide it into two parts with a horizontal parting. The working part should be thinner.

Step 2. Separate three thin strands near the ear and begin to form a three-strand braid from them.

Step 3. After just a few turns, add thin strands from the side of the forehead. You cannot take hair from the top of your head!

Step 4. We continue weaving, moving from one ear to the other.

Step 5. We braid the tip in the usual way.

Step 6. Connect the braid with the rest of the hair and tie the hair into a ponytail. If desired, you can twist it into a bun.

Mix of braids using your own strands

How to braid your own hair, and more than one? Everything is very simple!

2. On one side, we begin to weave a French braid, picking up additional strands on both sides. We reach a little below ear level and grab the braid with an elastic band.

3. Wrap the other side into a bundle, twisting the strands upward.

4. We connect both parts and braid them into a fishtail.

5. Gently stretch the weave with your hands and fix the installation with varnish.

Fishtail to yourself

Each of you can cope with this task. We will be happy to tell you how to braid a pigtail.

  1. Comb your hair with a comb and divide it into two equal parts.
  2. For convenience, we tie the hair at the base with a thin elastic band.
  3. Select a thin strand on the left side and move it to the right.
  4. Now select a strand of the same thickness, but on the right. We throw it to the left. Carefully monitor the thickness of the strands in the mirror; the beauty and neatness of the braid depends on this.
  5. Continue weaving to the desired length. We tie the braid with an elastic band.
  6. We remove the auxiliary rubber band, it has fulfilled its role.
  7. Fix the fishtail with varnish.

Double-sided headband for yourself

Another very convenient and romantic weaving option.

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two parts with a horizontal parting.
  2. We separate three strands near the ear and begin to form a three-strand braid with them.
  3. Gradually add thin strands on both sides.
  4. We reach the ear and continue the classic three-part weaving.
  5. We hide the tip of the braid under the hair and secure it with a bobby pin. Gently stretch the top strands, forming a wreath.

Video selection of 3 interesting options:

How to do a reverse French braid?

On the contrary, a French braid visually reduces the thickness of the strands, so it is better not to do it on sparse and thin hair.

  1. Comb your hair and separate a small section near your face. We divide it into three identical strands.
  2. We hide the right strand under the central one.
  3. Now we pass the left strand under the right. She becomes central.
  4. We place the left one under the central strand and add a small part of the hair to it on the left.
  5. We place the right part under the central part and add a small part of the hair to it on the right.
  6. We continue weaving to the base of the neck. Next step: we finish the process by weaving a regular braid. But the side strands should be passed not over, but under the central one.

7. Secure the tip with an elastic band and gently stretch the strands with your hands.

Combine a simple braid with a French braid

To braid yourself a beautiful braid, just combine two simple braids in one hairstyle.

1. Comb your hair into a side parting.

2. Separate the strand from the face itself. The bangs can be hidden or left on. We divide this strand into three equal parts and weave a one-sided French braid.

3. We bring it to ear level and finish the braiding with a regular three-strand braid.

The peak of fashion in the 30s of the 19th century was short hair styled in waves. In the 40s, they were abandoned because during the difficult war years many hairdressers closed, and it was difficult for women to do these waves on their own.

Therefore, fashionistas began to urgently grow their hair. Moreover, long ones are easier to install without outside help. This is how curls, rollers, rings above the forehead and a bun at the back appeared. Sometimes hidden under a mesh.

Surprisingly, the style formed in those years still remains fashionable and relevant, so it’s not a bad idea to learn how to do your own hairstyles during the war years. Moreover, men like it when a woman has long and

Vintage look

We will teach you how it conquered the whole country in the 40s. But to look harmonious, you need the same style in clothes and makeup. Therefore, find yourself a dress of a simple cut, buy bright red lipstick, line your eyes with black pencil, and you will be noticeable from afar. Retro today is incredibly fashionable and stylish.

And now attention is on the head. For wartime hairstyles (long hair) you need two rollers. One is larger in size than the other.

The procedure is as follows: twist your hair outward so that it looks up. Make a parting. Curl the ends of your hair with a curling iron.

Lightly comb one strand along its entire length. Then you need to carefully wrap it around your finger.

Next: attach the roller to the top of the head so that you get a ring. Hairpins on both sides hold it in place and are not visible.

Now we are making a similar roller on the other side. He is like the first. That is, you twisted the first strand to the left, then the second should be twisted to the right.

Finally, securing the wartime hairstyle. If the rollers are stable and sit firmly on your head, then spray your hair with hairspray.

That's it, you're ready to go out into the world.

Victorian curls

The iconic women's hairstyles of the war years are, after all, Victorian curls. They are elegant, light, beautiful. And they will make you stand out from the crowd at any evening, even in a large hall. These are the most war years. 40 years have also proven that this option is practical. The wind, in any case, is not scary for curls.

We offer instructions on how to create beautiful loose curls. But first, buy hot rollers (you can use a hairdryer), clothespins and bobby pins, and combs for backcombing. You also need high-quality varnish and a brush (made of pig bristles). She smoothes hair well and removes frizz. Also required are bobby pins.

Step by step

Use a hairdryer to give your hair the required volume. We fix the strands with clothespins, which we then remove.

We divide the hair into four parts. We secure each strand. At the bangs, select a piece in the center of the crown. We take one part of the hair to the left side. We do the same with the right side. The rest of the hair is on the back of the head.

Separate each strand in small vertical layers no thicker than two centimeters and comb it. We twist them loosely into a curl. Hold the curl tightly with your finger. If it turns out beautiful, we pin it and fix it with varnish.

Gently comb the bangs. Smooth out the curls at the base of the hair with a brush to avoid any unevenness. And we also wrap this strand into a curl.

Now you need to wrap the bangs around three fingers (without using the thumb and little finger). Please note: the size of this curl should be equal to the largest of the curls. Let's fix it. When the second one continues it, they will become one big roller.

We backcomb the back of the head. Use a brush to smooth out any unevenness.

Using bobby pins, we arrange the curls in a row along the nape line. Leave two centimeters between it and other hair. The hairpins should be positioned so that one is higher than the other.

The row is ready and fixed. We divide the loose hair into two side parts and one central part. Lightly comb each one. We wrap strand by strand around our hand. The result is a curl shape. We fix it in the right place.

These curls should be the same size. And then, connecting everything together, we will see a wide, large curl. It will follow the hairline on the back of the head.

Now we spray everything with varnish. Victorian curls are ready.

There is another type of them. You just need to curl your hair at the back with large curlers and let it loose.

Vintage mid length

Here are other hairstyles from the war years. Now we’ll tell you how to make them. They are more suitable for those who have neither long nor short hair.

First we make a parting. Straight (without bangs) or oblique (with bangs). Slightly curl the ends of the hair.

Separate the front strand. We comb it along its entire length. Wrap it around your finger. We lift the resulting tube up and secure it with hairpins.

We make a similar roller on the other side symmetrically. We fasten with hairpins. All that remains is to use the fixing varnish.

These wartime hairstyles not only look great all evening long, but can also last until the morning.

A dress of a simple cut (preferably with a round collar), bright eyes highlighted with a thick pencil - and you are simply charming!

New trend

Look at how girls and women style their hair today. Differently. But there are a lot of braids. Well, a new trend has established itself in world fashion - wartime hairstyles. Braids are the main decoration in them.

If you look at photos from previous years, you can see that Soviet women did not tire of conjuring their appearance even in the most difficult times. It turned out beautiful, feminine and cute. An example is two pigtails thrown over the chest. Or one thick, luxurious one, going down the back.

And how many types of “bagels” and “baskets” there were, when the tip of one braid is hooked onto the base of another!

The hairstyles of the war years are amazing. How to make such a miracle when there was a war? Men are at the front. The women themselves worked for days in the rear. But they did not lose heart. They were inventive and cheerful!

Return of an old trend

If earlier girls wore all these rings over their ears and chains around their heads in order to appear neatly at school, college, or in a factory workshop, now braids are worn on the fashion catwalk and even at the most elite evening parties.

Today, stylists combine different variations of braids in one hairstyle. It turns out to be a whole work.

Are you in a hurry? Very good

Having returned to fashion today, wartime hairstyles forced hairdressers, and fashionistas, to be as creative as possible. So, now the trend is deliberate carelessness of styling, asymmetry, protruding “roosters”, which were simply unacceptable before! And also the volume that comes straight from the roots of the hair, a combination of several different braids, each with complex weaves.

At the same time, the braid should look as if you braided it in a big hurry. Or they fell into bed at night and didn’t even go to the mirror in the morning.

There are many hairstyle options. This is a braid coming from the tail, and a tourniquet, and a “spikelet”, and a “fishtail”, and many, many more things that your imagination is capable of.

Good example

Years (1941-1945) today surprise with their chic, sophistication, and originality. Just look at styling with a light wave, which is popularly nicknamed “victorious curls”! Many people made it on the anniversary of the Victory.

Whatever the times - hard or calm, happy or not so happy, a woman should always remain beautiful and seductive. In this sense, the hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) are an excellent example for us.

Last call hairstyles for girls should be as emphasize the youth of its owners. The hairstyle should be discreet, cute, youthful and, of course, suit the face.

Below are several last call hairstyles that you can easily do yourself by following the photo and video instructions.


Cute bow from a spikelet

The spikelet bow hairstyle is great for the last call, especially if you decorate the creation with a bow. This hairstyle adds a little volume to the top of the head, suits any face type and can be done on both medium and long hair.

How to make a cute bow hairstyle?

  1. Comb your hair and collect a strand from the temporal and frontal parts of the hair on the top of your head.
  2. Divide the strand into three parts, grabbing strands at the temples and behind the ears.
  3. Weave a spikelet to the middle of the head and collect with an elastic band, like.
  4. Take a ribbon or bow and collect your hair, threading the ribbon around your neck under your hair.
  5. Tie a bow in the place where the malvina is attached.

In this video you can see how to braid a spikelet for a hairstyle into a bow with a spikelet:

Side fishtail braid for long hair

High bun with a spikelet for medium hair

A high bun with a spikelet is a variation of the popular bun bun. This hairstyle will add height to small girls and slightly elongate a round face.

How to make a high bun hairstyle with a spikelet?

  1. Bend down and flip your hair, as in photo 1.
  2. Comb your hair and select a strand of hair at the back of your head.
  3. Divide this strand into three parts and start a regular braid.
  4. Weave a spikelet, grabbing the side strands, as in photo 2.
  5. Finish the spikelet at the top of the head, gather the hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  6. Stand up straight and put a bun on your tail.
  7. Spread the hair evenly over the donut and tie with an elastic band, as in photo 5.
  8. Wrap the remaining strands around the base of the bun and secure with bobby pins.

You can decorate your hair with a bow, attaching it to the back, as in the photo, or to the front.

In this video you can see how to do a last call hairstyle with a spikelet and a high bun:

Malvina with a rose from her hair

How to make a Malvina hairstyle with a rose?

  1. Comb your hair and select two strands from the area behind the ears.
  2. Tuck the front strands and the middle between the selected hair, as in photo 1.
  3. Gather these two strands together and tie with an elastic band.
  4. From the collected ponytail, begin to weave a regular braid to the very ends of the hair.
  5. Secure the braid with an elastic band and twist it as in photo 4.
  6. You will get a cute rose, which needs to be carefully secured with bobby pins and fixed with varnish.

In this video you can see another last call hairstyle with a decoration in the form of a hair rose.

The desire to stand out among classmates at school graduation or in kindergarten is a normal desire of every little fashionista. To do this, many beauties resort to watching photos and videos on YouTube to try to repeat various creations on their heads with their own hands.

At home, you can always start with a step-by-step reproduction of simple braided hairstyles, beautiful styling with twisted curls, or ordinary loose hair, decorated with ribbons and flowers and other decorations.

The variety of women's hairstyles for medium, long and short hair has no boundaries, so it is worth understanding this great variety of beautiful creations. It doesn’t matter how old you are, the main thing is to look well-groomed and beautiful at any evening. Fashionable weaving, the style of Ancient Greece, retro hairpins with crystals, bouffant with flowers, glossy styling - these are just a few of the things you can create with your own hands at home.

How to make beautiful hairstyles 2017 for prom

You can create any hairstyle you see in a photo or video with your own hands. Taking into account the length of the hair, the structure of the curls and the color of the hair, you can gradually create an airy styling in a retro, romantic, harder rocker style, or a high updo with loose curls.

Before you make a choice and decide on something, be sure to refer to the photo tutorials, in which the wizard step by step reproduces all the steps with a description on the way to recreating your evening hairstyle. Or try downloading ready-made instructions in pictures that will clearly help you braid complex spikelets, make flowers from strands, and arrange knots and buns at the back of your head.

Today, choosing the right look for girls for a school party, young girls for prom, little girls for kindergarten is as easy as shelling pears. There are a lot of photo examples in the public domain with names and types of hairstyles for long, short and medium hair. Airy curls, vintage babette, high or low ponytail, spiked hairstyle, tiara, loose hair, retro and Greek style - you can repeat all this at home, carefully and step by step repeating everything, as in the photo.

DIY prom hairstyles for long hair

On this touching and solemn ball, any girl wants to look her best, so she painstakingly and carefully thinks through her image, on which her prom hairstyle, outfit, makeup and shoes will depend in the future.

Looking at the photos of hairstyles made by yourself, you understand that you can actually do them yourself, the main thing is to do everything step by step, as in the photo.

Ease, unpretentiousness and naturalness have been the motto of the fashion industry over the past few years, so the deliberate and special negligence that hairdressers create with the finest accuracy is always possible to create yourself.

A bouffant with a high bun and curled curls is an ideal combination with any evening dress and this option is suitable for girls at a garden ball and for a school prom. A child's face will be perfectly decorated with various braids braided on the top of the head, around the entire head, a fishtail decorated with multi-colored ribbons, crowns and tiaras on loose hair.

Photo examples for Inspiration:

Hairstyles for long hair at prom - lessons with step-by-step photos:

Simple and fast

Idea with rubber bands

Prom hairstyles for medium hair

For medium length, asymmetry, hairpins with stones or beads, flowers or ribbons can become a highlight and a unique detail. In this case, you should try creating twisted flagella around your head with oblique bangs. Laying your curls on their side, gradually twist them, securing them with hairpins. Curl the strands at the temples with a curling iron. Secure the strands to the right, tucking them from the face to the back of the head. Connect everything and secure well.

For a hairstyle with a tiara, you will need to make a ponytail, divide the curls into strands and comb it. Before doing this, twist them slightly and secure them around the elastic with bobby pins. You can put on a tiara and spray it with varnish.

An elementary high or low knot also starts with a high ponytail, the ends of which need to be twisted, then take a roller and secure everything with bobby pins. You can release large twisted strands on the sides. If you are not confident in your abilities, just in case, look at a photo with an exact description of how to perform a particular hairstyle in order to choose the appropriate method individually for you.

Prom hairstyles 2017 for medium hair:

DIY hairstyles - step by step photos:

Simple and quick idea

Two ideas for medium hair

Hairstyle in 2 minutes (can be decorated with flowers and hairpins)

Prom hairstyle with comb

Simple ideas for short hair at home

Looking at the latest photos of stars with short hair, you understand what a variety of ideas can be realized with short curls. With the help of hair wax you will emphasize the graceful contour of a short haircut, and mousse and foam will help you create curly curls. After all, the main thing is the competent decoration of unruly short curls.

A simple way out of the situation if you are short on time - a pixie haircut can be styled in a simple way. First, wash your hair and dry it so that the ends remain damp. Apply the gel or mousse and give it the direction you want.

Evening retro for short curls is done using ordinary varnish, mousse or foam. Divide the head into a parting on the side or in the middle, comb the hair on the top of the head and fix it with hairspray. Comb the side curls behind the ears or smooth them over the cheeks, securing with hairspray.

Simple hairstyles for short hair for prom at home:

Messy curls with an iron

Hairstyles for girls at graduation in kindergarten step by step

For a child in kindergarten, you can always braid long braids or small braids up to the shoulders on your own, which are already a full-fledged decoration for a small head. With the addition of a variety of decorations, your daughter will be a real princess. If you don’t know how to weave long curls, then the option with a low bun and backcombing, which is decorated with a hoop with flowers all over the head or an elegant bow, will suit you. To do this, start with a backcomb at the top, then gather your hair into a low ponytail and wrap it in a bun, while securing it with bobby pins. Carefully put on a beautiful headband and secure with varnish. Another way to form a high knot, for which you will need the ability to weave a reverse French braid. Braid from the base of the neck to the middle of the head, gather the remaining curls into a ponytail and twist around its axis. You can decorate the side with a bow or a beautiful elastic band around the knot, or a bright scarf.

Photos of hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten:

Step-by-step photo of prom ideas for girls:

15 step-by-step DIY hairstyles

When thinking about styling, don't limit yourself to a ponytail or braid! Learn how to create step-by-step DIY hairstyles and look your best.

Everyday styling

Simple styling for short lengths cannot do without French braids, slightly careless and very stylish.

Step 1. Comb your hair in the middle.

Step 2. Braid the front strand on the right side into a loose French braid, grabbing the strands from below. We reach the middle and tie the tip.

Step 3-4-5. We do the same on the reverse side.

Step 6-7. We gather both braids at the back of the head and tie them with an elastic band.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos from popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances that cause all the troubles are designated on labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain this chemical. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Semi French braid

With such an easy hairstyle, you can add some zest to your look and stand out from the crowd.

  1. We comb our hair thoroughly. At the back of the head we separate one strand and begin to weave a classic braid.
  2. On the fifth and sixth links we weave two side strands into it.
  3. We continue the three-row braid and weave in the side strands again.
  4. We braid the braid to the end and tie the end.

Flagella on the side

Quick styling from plaits is available to each of you. Look at the photo and do it yourself!

  1. We divide the hair into a straight parting.
  2. We tie one part into a ponytail.
  3. The second is divided into three sections.
  4. From the first we twist the tourniquet, throw it to the tail and wrap it around the elastic band.
  5. We form two more bundles.
  6. We connect them to the tail and secure with an elastic band.
  7. Decorate with a hairpin.

Custom fishtail

Step 1. Make a straight or side parting.

Step 2-3. Take a strand of hair from one side and braid it into a regular braid.

Step 4: Place the braid around your head, pointing toward the back of your head. Secure with a hairpin or bobby pin.

Step 5-6. Repeat weaving on the other side.

Step 7-8. Toss all your hair to the side and create a fishtail braid.

Step 9. Tie the end with a silicone rubber band.

Do you like ponytail hairstyles? Then you will definitely like this option:

Babette for every day

DIY 60s style hairstyles for medium hair look flawless and make a girl stand out from the crowd.

1. Put your hair in a ponytail. We tie another elastic band a little lower.

2. Raise the tail up. At the level of the second elastic band, we secure it with a hairpin.

3. Place the roller between two elastic bands and secure it with pins.

4. Lower the tail down.

5. We braid the hair below the elastic band.

6. We hide it under the babette or wrap it around the resulting bun.

Or you can do this:

Easy styling in boho chic style

1. Make a straight parting. Select one strand at the top of your head.

2. Divide it into three equal parts.

3. Braid a regular braid.

4. Tie the end with a silicone rubber band.

5. Braid another braid nearby.

6-7. On the other side, braid two more braids symmetrically to the first two.

8. Tie them together.

9-10. Take a section of hair from your forehead and tie it together with braids.

11. Cross both strands and secure with a hairpin.

For more details, watch the video:

Like Disney princesses

1. Curl your hair with a curling iron. Hold it vertically with the tip down. Curl the front strands towards your face.

2. While curling your hair at the back of your head, turn the curling iron parallel to the floor.

3. For very fine hair, use a volumizing powder.

4. Separate a couple of strands at the temples.

5. Cross them together and tie them into a knot.

6. Secure the knot itself with hairpins - try to stick them crosswise directly into the interweaving of the strands.

7. Bring the ends of the tied strands behind the remaining hair and cross them together.

8. Bring the strands forward again, tie them into a knot and secure with hairpins.

9. If there is not enough hair for the third knot, take two new strands.

10. Connect the ends of the last knot to the hair and tie with a clear elastic band.

11. Gently pull the strands, this will give your hair fullness.

Step 1: Tie your hair into a sleek ponytail at the back of your head.

Step 2. Wrap a separate strand around the base of the ponytail.

Step 3. Put another thin elastic band a little lower (10-15 cm).

Step 4. Make an inverted tail.

Step 5. Again we retreat 10-15 cm, tie an elastic band and turn the tail inside out.

Step 6. If the length allows, we make a few more of these loops.

Evening options

3 stylish buns

You can do this hairstyle at home – it looks very impressive. Watch the video:

Hairstyle step by step

In order to make a bun for yourself you will need: Gather your hair into the bun shape that you like and secure with bobby pins. A very beautiful hairstyle for long hair, which is easy to do for yourself at home: For a simple hairstyle for long hair at home, you need to take: Braid the back of the spikelet, stretch the strands of the braid and braid the ponytail inside the braid. Take the strands that you left on the side and randomly weave them into the main braid. Secure them with bobby pins inside the main braid.

cute and easy hairstyles with step-by-step instructions

A beautiful ponytail for long, not very thick hair, a quick hairstyle to do for yourself at home: In order to make a light, beautiful ponytail for every day, you must prepare: Tie another elastic band below and do the same until the very end of the hair. Hair bow for yourself in 10 minutes at home step by step: How to make a hair bow, what you need for this at home: Bun - step by step to make for yourself in 3 minutes for medium-long hair: What you need for a bun at home: Simple weaving for every day for long hair step-by-step instructions in the photo: To make your own chain braided hair you need: Take 2 strands on the sides and wrap them around the middle part of the ponytail, tie with an elastic band.

Repeat these steps until the end of your hair length and pull out all the strands at the end. The hairstyle looks great, you will spend 10 minutes on it, but those around you will be confused as to how you managed to create such a weave. Comb your hair, if necessary, curl it with curlers, sprinkling with tonic. From the parting, on the side of most of the hair, separate three small neat strands. Weave the braid to the line that conditionally divides the back of the head into two equal parts.

Separate three strands on the other side of the parting. Weave a braid from them to the line dividing the back of the head into two equal parts. Connect both braids using a thin elastic band. Cover the elastic band with a ribbon, flower or hairpin. Elegant knot Exquisite knots from long hair are a great way to emphasize the grace and sophistication of the image.

If you plan to leave a long strand falling out of the knot, then the hair should be wrapped in large curlers. Secure a loose tail at the base of the neck. Divide the ponytail into two unequal strands - a large one and a smaller one. Lay a smaller strand gracefully around the base of the ponytail, securing it securely with hairpins.

Hairstyles step by step

If desired, the hairstyle can be completed at this stage. If you intend to continue with the hairstyle, you should lay both strands around the base of the ponytail. At the same time, their centimeter tips should be left free.

The loose ends of the strands must be tied in a knot and secured beautifully with hairpins. Elegant backcomb Hairstyles with backcombing significantly increase the volume of your hair and look very elegant. They are especially suitable for blondes who want to create a light and romantic look.

This type of installation is extremely simple to perform. Comb your hair, lightly spraying it with a minimal hold spray. If desired, they can be pre-wound on curlers.

Quick and beautiful hairstyles step by step / hairstyles step by step photos

On the crown and back of the head, separate strands of medium volume and perform a neat backcombing at the very base of the strands. In the direction away from the face, collect the side strands and pin them with a thin elastic band or a small hair clip. Hairstyles for medium hair Natural waves The styling that currently looks ultra-modern suggests a very natural appearance. At the same time, a mandatory feature of a current hairstyle is its convenience and ease of execution. Gather the hair growing on the crown of the head along with the bangs into a ponytail, twisting it into a high knot. Divide the remaining mass of hair into equal strands. Carefully wind each strand onto a curling iron, alternating as follows: This will allow you to get a very natural result.

Fix curled hair with spray.

DIY hairstyles for medium hair: step-by-step tutorials

Categories: For women, Makeup Beauty Hair | Tags: hairstyles | 03.11.2017

The average hair length is considered the most “critical”. Every day you fight the temptation to cut your hair even shorter and the desire to be patient and still grow longer curls. The usual haircut gets boring, you want something new... And it turns out that you can be different every day! To do this, we have selected the simplest, but incredibly beautiful hairstyles for medium hair with our own hands - you can do them in a matter of minutes.

Braid with woven scarf

And not just a braid, but a beautiful braided crown around the head. And if you weave a scarf or scarf (or any piece of fabric) of bright colors into it, you will simply be the queen of the evening - and these are the most original DIY hairstyles for medium hair (photo below).


Step No. 1: divide your hair into 2 parts and secure the scarf at the back of your head (with a thin elastic band or invisible) - this is necessary so that it does not slip while you are braiding.

Step No. 2: braid two braids from the back of the head on both sides of the head, weaving a scarf or fabric into them instead of one of the three strands.

Step #3: Bring the braids up along your head and secure them at the top.

Step No. 4: To prevent the braids from slipping, use several bobby pins or bobby pins along their entire length, attaching them to the main body of hair.

Step No. 5: tie the free sections of the scarf into a beautiful knot (and to do this, initially choose a scarf or scarf longer than your hair).

Step No. 6-7-8: you can make not a bow, but a beautiful rose from the ends of the scarf - just tie many knots along the entire length of the remaining scarf and roll the resulting strand into a voluminous flower, securing it with a hairpin. Voila: a quick DIY hairstyle for medium hair is ready!

Hippie style headband braid

An excellent option for everyday styling, which easily transitions into a formal one. This step-by-step DIY hairstyle for medium hair involves frequent fishtail braiding. But if you don’t know thoroughly how to do it, you can also braid a completely ordinary classic braid of three strands.

Step No. 1: First, curl your hair into light waves - using a narrow iron or a voluminous curling iron.


Step #2: Part your hair in the middle and start braiding from your forehead. Create two loose braids on both sides of your head.

Step No. 3: tie the braids at the back of your head, lifting them up, secure with a hairpin or bobby pin, use an additional elastic band if necessary. Leave the loose, protruding ponytails of your braids - it adds mischief and originality!


Low bun

All kinds of buns are the easiest DIY hairstyles for medium hair, and they are ideal for long hair. They can be made for a walk, to the office, or even for a formal evening outing, in this case decorated with a ribbon, a bright hairpin or a fresh flower.


Step #1: Create a high bouffant on the top of your head by separating a few strands and combing them from the inside, and covering them with smooth curls on top.

Step No. 2-3-4: gather your hair into a low ponytail near your neck and secure it with an elastic band. Pull a couple of strands up so that they lie freely and create the volume created before this backcombing.

Step #5: Comb your ponytail as well.

Step #6: Create a bun using bobby pins and bobby pins.

Step No. 7: tie it nicely with the ends of the ponytail so that neither the elastic nor the hairpins are visible.

Step No. 8: use a curling iron to beautifully curl your bangs and the remaining strands near your face into curls. That's all, a beautiful DIY hairstyle for medium hair is ready!

French braid

Everyone loves the classic French braid! Don't have time for complex styling? This is an excellent option for medium length curls. Don’t know how to do this hairstyle for medium hair with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions will help you:


Step #1: Separate the top section of your hair (about 1/3) at the crown area.

Step #2: Divide this section into three even strands and start braiding it like a regular braid.

Step No. 3: after the first “link” of the braid, take some of the hair from the head with the main strands. Repeat this with each new “link” so that eventually all the hair is in the braid.

Step No. 4: Having reached the neck, secure the hair with an elastic band, leaving a free part in the ponytail.

Dutch braid

It turns out that there is not only a French braid, but also a Dutch braid - no less beautiful and original, which is also suitable for a variety of occasions. You can find such DIY hairstyles for medium hair on the Internet, and we offer a simple step-by-step guide with photos.

Step #1: Just like in a French braid, separate three strands at the top of your head and begin braiding.

Step No. 2: you just need to weave not a closed, but a so-called open, “inside out” braid. To do this, lay the two side strands not on top of the middle one, but UNDER it.

Step No. 3-4-5-6: you need to add strands from your head to the main strands, just like in a French braid. Don't forget that the side strands cross UNDER it!

Step #7: Braid the braid to the end, gathering all the hair into it.

Step No. 8: Also braid the loose ponytail to the very end.

Step No. 9: Now twist the loose braid into a low flower bun (you can place it in the center or on the side - whichever you prefer). It turns out very beautiful, doesn’t it?

How to make long hair short?

This is what we wrote about above - an almost daily temptation to get a haircut, since your medium-length hair is already fed up... But it turns out that you don’t have to get a haircut! You can easily turn long hair into short hair - and below we tell you how.

Step #1: Divide your hair into two parts - upper and lower, making a horizontal parting at approximately ear level.

Step #2: Secure the top so it's out of the way.

Step #3: Gather the lower part into a ponytail right at the horizontal parting.

Step #4: And wrap this ponytail into a small bun, trying to make it as invisible as possible and securing it with bobby pins.

Step #5: Undo the top section of hair that you secured before.

Step No. 6: unravel one strand at a time, folding it in half and securing it with a hairpin or bobby pin to the roots of the hair, adhering to the length that you want to achieve (for example, in the photo it is the length of a bob haircut).

Step #7: Use a curling iron to curl your strands for a more natural look.

Step No. 8: put on your favorite hairpin, a beautiful bow or flower - and your short “pseudo-haircut” is ready!

The best options for wearing a headband or headscarf

If in point No. 1 we already briefly talked about braiding with a ribbon, now we want to remember again about the scarf - it is incredibly refreshing and transforms any hairstyle! And here are the 5 best, in our opinion, options for medium length hair.

Separate the top part of the hair, you can lightly comb it on the top of the head and create a “half” ponytail. Now tie a scarf around your head so that the backcomb is clearly visible. You can fix it with several invisible ones. You are like Brigitte Bardot!

With loose hair, tie a scarf around your head, also securing it with bobby pins. Now collect your hair one strand at a time, starting from the face on both sides and moving back to the back of the head. Tuck the strands behind the scarf, twisting them completely inward. A couple more pins - and the Greek hairstyle is ready!

Divide your hair into two equal parts - left and right. Place the scarf over your shoulders and braid two braids, weaving one end of the scarf into the braids. Now just lift the braids up along the head and tie the ends of the scarf. Additionally, secure your hair with hairpins.

Create two high ponytails on either side of your head at the top of your head. Collect them into voluminous bunches - let you get Mickey Mouse “ears”. Now just tie a scarf around your head with a beautiful bow - and your mischievous hairstyle is ready!

A little more complex, but incredibly beautiful styling. Do as in option No. 2 - tie a scarf around your head over your loose hair, but from behind, lift it a little higher at the back of your head. Now tuck strands of hair into it, but not all of them, but only a part, so that the lower part of the curls remains hanging freely. You can alternate a simple strand with one braided into a thin braid - this will create a beautiful relief “pattern” on the scarf.

Well, now you have learned how to make great hairstyles for medium hair with your own hands step by step - with the help of our detailed instructions. Agree, you are the real lucky one, because dealing with such length of hair is not at all difficult. Such styling and weaving will be a real find both for every day and for a festive evening.

The desire to be beautiful is given to every woman from birth, so it is not surprising that even the smallest girls try to look attractive, dress up, do their hair, and even try to put on their mother’s makeup.

Hairstyle is one of the ways to become more beautiful, so mothers do hairstyles for their little princesses. Festive styling, which can be very different, deserves special attention.

The most important thing when creating a hairstyle for a girl is to take into account the child’s personal preferences and the girl’s age. So, for children of childhood, you can make easy children's hairstyles for girls, but for a teenager, a more adult style is suitable.

Elegant hairstyles for 2-5 year old girls

All children and girls are no exception; at the age of 2-5 years they move a lot, so their hair should not be tightly styled, and the hairstyle should not fall apart during active games.

Of course, various jewelry designed for children's hair can partly solve this problem.

The most popular children's hair decoration among mothers has become small elastic bands, with which you can create easy hairstyles for girls 3-5 years old.


For this hairstyle, it is best to use rubber bands of the same color.

  • In the area of ​​the bangs, you need to carefully separate the strand and collect it in a ponytail.
  • Next you need to make an even parting, while one side of the hair needs to be fixed for a while with a hair clip.

  • The remaining hair should be divided into three identical strands.
  • Then the ponytail located in the center must be divided into two identical strands, after which one strand must be braided together with the neighboring one into a ponytail.
  • Thus, you need to continue braiding until one side of the hair is braided.
  • You need to do the same with the next side.

This fairly simple technique will allow you to create beautiful hairstyles for girls.

Elegant hairstyles for 6-9 year old girls

Usually, girls between 6 and 9 years old already have long hair, so they can get long hairstyles for girls.

Most girls of this age have a desire to look like princesses, which means that by showing creativity and imagination, a mother can create a magical image for her daughter using her hairstyle.

Braids "Dragon"

This technique opens up space for creating a wide variety of hairstyles. Moreover, in order to create “Dragon” braids, you can use both straight braiding and oblique braiding, and even braiding in a circle.

Depending on the number of braids and their thickness, the final appearance of the hairstyle will change.


Curls are a winning option for women of any age, including young princesses. In addition, this hairstyle does not require much time or special skills.

In order to create luxurious curls for a girl, it is best to use curlers or make curls using braids. But you shouldn’t make curls with a curling iron, because such equipment has a bad effect on children’s hair.

Your daughter’s curly head will become even more charming if the hairstyle is complemented with beautiful hairpins, ribbons or, as in the photo of hairstyles for girls, or braiding elements.

Elegant hairstyles for 10 year old girls

At the age of ten, girls choose more mature hairstyles. If the girl has long hair, then you can try to make her hairstyle from braids.

Bun with braided braid

Many girls prefer strict and at the same time feminine hairstyles. This is exactly what the various variants of “bumps” or “bumps” include.

These hairstyles for girls are suitable both for daily trips to school and for festive events.

The main advantage of a braided bun is that you can easily make it yourself, and without spending a lot of time on it.

For this hairstyle you will need:

  • Large hair elastic – 1 pc.;
  • Tight hair elastic – 2 pcs.;
  • Invisibility - as needed;
  • Hairpins - as needed;
  • Hair decor - at your own request.


First, you need to comb your hair well and gather it on the top of your head to form a ponytail, securing it with a tight elastic band. You need to put a large elastic band on top.

Then you need to carefully distribute the hair on top of the large elastic band and secure it at the base with the remaining elastic band.

If the hairstyle is being done for a festive event, then the hairstyle can be decorated with beautiful hairpins, thus creating a very beautiful, festive look.

If a girl has medium-length hair, then this is not a reason to refuse this hairstyle. In this case, the bun will not be surrounded by a braid, but by a decorative elastic band or an artificial braid in the form of a chignon, the main thing is that it is the same color as the girl’s natural hair.

Photos of hairstyles for girls